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10104996 No.10104996 [Reply] [Original]

If you keep one, why? I'm thinking of starting one, and I wanted to know if it helped anyone else sort out their thoughts or anything else.

>> No.10105024

Diaries are fucking gay, OP

>> No.10105034

Yes it will help you organize your thought. You cannot fully develop an idea entirely in your head. To write is to map out the structures of thought in a tangible, workable form. My journal (the word diary is faggolla) is entirely abstracts. To write down everything you did each day is mundane, Its much more constructive to write a schedule before the act, rather than a diary to document the act.

>> No.10105043

I'm thinking of using it to put down thoughts, and ideas mostly.

>> No.10105135


I use it to remember stuff and work out ideas in an organized way. It is also somewhat therapeutic for me.

>> No.10105374

To psychoanalise myself.

>> No.10105985

do it anon
having a journal is one of the best things you can do for yourself
it helps you organize your thoughts, remember the past and if you are a writer it keeps you writing something hopefully every day which is essential practice

>> No.10105997

my thoughts, exactly

>> No.10106204

I wrote 30 pages in the last 7 days. Keeping a diary is an amazing pastime

>> No.10106214

I do. Because I have no friends and I need someone to talk to. It did help to to sort my thoughts.
There is nothing worth reading there, but the idea of losing my notes scares me to death

>> No.10106594

so what's /lit/'s opinion on using a digital medium? I've been told it's less fun and harder to stick to but are they right?

>> No.10106618

I've always liked the idea of keeping some sort of journal, but my handwriting is shit and I get self conscious while writing in public. I like the idea of a physical object having all of this shit in it, it's like an accomplishment, something I can flip through and feel the tactile nature of it.

But I'm also lazy. I only really track my thoughts in .txt documents. I don't even use a mobile to track it either, it only really ever happens when I'm at home and I get an idea, I'll just shove it in a notepad file. I have quite a few random ones on my desktop at any given time that if read by anyone else would just seem like gibberish.

>> No.10106623


I have one, but nothing to write about. I used to have a very elaborate and beautiful one but I threw it away because reasons.

>> No.10107989

just write whatever you're thinking man
something must be going on in your life

>> No.10108086

i started to write in one ever since I got decent with italian. It always felt silly writing a jornal in my native tongue or in english, but in italian it is more than anything a way to practice.

>did it help me?
well, it helps with italian, obviously, but it also helps recording interesting thoughts that used to be forgotten and since I've started to write down specific things I wanted to do I succesfully did those things more often, whereas before having a journal I would just forget to do it or I would think it was not worth doing it simply because I was lazy at that specific time.

>> No.10108100

I don't like the idea of a hard copy containing my intimate thoughts.

I remember looking for a book on my roommate's bookshelf and seeing her old journal. The voyeuristic part of me took over and I read a bit of it... parts about her talking about a guy having a big dick, some guy going straight-to-ass without asking (and her saying it was horrible), etc. I looked at her differently for a bit after that, because she was never really overtly sexual despite being pretty hot and was sort of a "one of the guys" chick.

>> No.10108163

you're not a woman or a fucking slut though

>> No.10109032

Yeah maybe stick to regular thoughts

>> No.10109085

Maybe don’t write about your sexual escapades

>> No.10109922 [SPOILER] 
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s-sure I'll try to refrain from those stories

>> No.10110159


Naw just homelessness. Here, let me share the most recent entry.

My more or less total inability to read or write as of late has been very disconcerting. Notwithstanding the most available excuse, of the lack of private space and constant encroachment of others, I feel that my mind is currently going through a sort of settling or digestion. And, having eaten far too much, this process is not without its discomfort, and is very slow, Yet I can't really say that I've thought much, or indeed even been able to think much. Depression is also a companion, misery and physical resignation both in relation to my current homeless status and my inability to make my games. There are few outlets. 4chan /lit/ has become garbage. Time seems to have moved on and left me behind. I have thought perhaps that I know what hell is for Lucifer, so far as he is normally conceived; that at last he becomes God, but on God's terms and not his. But God's terms have already been played out, and so Lucifer is eternally stuck in the after-image of creation, living out a powerless exercise of power, unable to change anything, completely irrelevant to all other beings, utterly superfluous and alone, but at last God; God in the only terms that were ever possible. He may delude himself sometimes into thinking he has changed something, but he has not, never can, and never will again. And perhaps for his sake was the old testament enacted. This is what I imagine hell to be for Lucifer, in this modality. Anyway, much is settling, and I can't think. I still want a Christianity for dragons, but this is likely incoherent. Still, it is the project that interests me. Whether to add virtue to Christianity, or perhaps more easily, meekness to Gnosticism. I will keep trying.