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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 87 KB, 1024x1200, 02-Rupi-Kaur.w512.h600.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10108250 No.10108250[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

An absolutely hilarious profile of Rupi Kaur:


>“This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer.

>> No.10108318

ugly oscar wilde looking cunt

>> No.10108331

very kafkaesque

>> No.10108337

most posted about poet in /lit/'s history.

thanks for another wonderful thread.

>> No.10108340
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>> No.10108358

Damn that was pointless kys my man.

>> No.10108365

>oscar wilde

are you blind?

>> No.10108367


>> No.10108370

>On a cart at the Strand, Milk and Honey sits alongside Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay, Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit, and Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehesi Coates. Kaur read half of Between the World and Me. “I had to take notes,” she says — it was “more academic” than her typical reading.

My sides.

>> No.10108422

i get that. nice meme

>> No.10108470

I find it quite discomforting that one of the leading "poets" of out generation is more concerned about the aesthetics of the physical book than the quality of the words inside of it.

I blame consumerism for the rise of anti-intellectualism masquaraded by "open-minded" pseudointellectuals.

>> No.10108535

this isn't that hilarious
it just cements what her audience is
obviously not us
she would probably question whether it's important to be "good" or whether it's just better to reach people and make a fuckload of money
she does what she does very well
it's not literature, but neither are a lot of other things
she shouldn't be posted here
it's like posting marvel comics

>> No.10108596
File: 17 KB, 512x512, rupisbestwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rupi has some good stuff

>> No.10108599

Have you guys not read minimalist poetry before? Ezra Pound writes like her.

>> No.10108611

You know what the modern world of the arts is missing? Shame. Shame needs to be deployed more frequently against people like this. They'll either use it as motivation to actually git gud, or they'll be driven away and never bother us again. We don't shame these people enough any more.

>> No.10108618

hes also a nazi faggot, what's your point

>> No.10108626


>> No.10108628
File: 823 KB, 975x778, Screenshot-2017-10-5 Instagram post by rupi kaur • Mar 25, 2015 at 4 02am UTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10108629

>Kaur does not like to read when she is writing, and says that she hasn’t finished a book all year.

>> No.10108631

>“I will always go into a used bookstore,” she says, even when she’s working. “I’ll collect a lot of covers that inspire me

>> No.10108633

>“And I have still yet to read Steve Jobs, so I’m going to do that, because why not? I watched the movie; it was pretty cool.”

>> No.10108635

is that you jeff

>> No.10108638

>Still, she’s familiar with the collaborative dynamic of a workshop from her college classes, and taught her own creative-writing classes for high school and college students while she was in school.

“For me it was like less about teaching writing and more about providing an environment where people were comfortable enough to express themselves

>> No.10108639

>I ask her if there were particular poems she remembers teaching in class.

>“There were no particular works,” she says

The vapid, pseud shit is literally unending

>> No.10108643

Fuckin gross, I bet she posts on /cgl/

>> No.10108644

I did not know that pic was of Rupi Kaur

>> No.10108645

She's a woman, man. She's just having fun LARPing as something in her youth. She'll have kids and stop talking to people outside her household in a few years.

Give them a break. They don't know they're doing it. This is just how women are.

>> No.10108650

This post is inane

>> No.10108668

I thought she shit herself at first.

>> No.10108676


>> No.10108692

i'd like to fuck her

>> No.10108718

I liked between the world and me
I did not, however, take notes

>> No.10108736

I want to post pictures of my jizz stained yoga pants, I will not apologize for not feeding the ego and pride of misandrist society that will have my body in an underwear but no be okay with a small leak

>> No.10108757


>> No.10108778

You can still be minimalist and have talent.

>> No.10108817

I'm not really defending her talent but people here don't seem to understand what she is trying to do

>> No.10108821

Anon, in this world of ours, there have always been a certain number of dipshits and phonies wandering around. Poetry has only become such a ghetto because people have stopped writing good poetry.

>> No.10108825

reminds me of that bit in KSTV where Sam expresses gratitude that he doesn't have to define himself by his disgusting bodily functions

>> No.10108835

Alright, for once, I'll listen.

>> No.10108842

she is trying to bring to light the horrors of white privilege and western rape culture

>> No.10108845


>> No.10108922

for the last two years ive been judging the aesthetic worth of a person simply by their nose. it tells you everything there is to know about a face.

>> No.10108938


>for the last two years i've been really mad at jews


>> No.10108951

Take that back. Arbu-esque?

>> No.10108965

Is this supposed to be ironic

>> No.10109000
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>> No.10109007
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>> No.10109011

For the past year I've become fixated on foreheads, those guys in the 1800s were on to something.

>> No.10109013

Shouldn't a poet be concerned with aesthetics?

>> No.10109017

would still go down on bloody sunday

>> No.10109027


Of book covers? No, not really.

>> No.10109037
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>> No.10109074

She has a very mannish bone structure.

>> No.10109080

my nigga

>> No.10109084

stop posting this fake shit you faggot kill yourself

>> No.10109088


>> No.10109119

>Ezra Pound writes like her.
This made me very angry anon was that your intention?

>> No.10109122

Fucking teribble writing to. Almost intentionally bad

>> No.10109125
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Its true though

>> No.10109126

Me to, but in a really disrespectful and violent way

>> No.10109129
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>> No.10109133
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>> No.10109136

Godamn poetry man. If you would have told me that was Tao Lin or whoever I would not have second guessed it. Sounds like pseud garbage. I've read some really good work of his though

>> No.10109139
File: 54 KB, 1012x911, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who this is

>> No.10109142


>> No.10109144

Oh shit it's Ulysses the

>> No.10109145

His senpei

>> No.10109147

you are so smart ;) upvote

>> No.10109150


>> No.10109175

i hate articles that start like that if anyone was wondering, but mad props to her for having a period, that must be really hard, I respect her bravery and honesty.

>> No.10109181

omfg put me in the screenie plz 0w0

>> No.10109201

And true

>> No.10109225

>Milk and Honey, the 25-year-old Punjabi-Canadian’s first collection of poetry, is the best-selling adult book in the U.S. so far this year.

Why do we export so much trash literature? Between Rupi and Atwood we've pretty much flooded the market.

>> No.10109261
File: 26 KB, 788x555, rupi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Times New Roman and pencil tool
Create some best-selling poetry, /lit/

>> No.10109274

>the text /an sich/
Pure decadence.

The fact that this question is even raised proves that the vast majority of so-called civilized individuals are nothing of the kind. I mean, you are seriously telling me that a culture that's about to figure out how to print human organs is anti-intellectual? What the fuck do all the minor symptoms of decline you rabidly point out to us mean compared to such utterly astonishing and previously even unimaginable accomplishments?

In summa, the only one who is declining here are those who are saying that we are declining, which is a classic case of psychological projection. Civilization as a whole is obviously progressing, and its highest manifestation and greatest triumph so far is blatantly obviously myself (and imagine how much more glorious and fearsome I would become with genetically enhanced printed organs... or cybernetically enhanced and cloned to infinity to spread out and take over the entire universe...)

>> No.10109280

to be honest, i would fuck her, and from reading some of her """""poems"""" she's a fucking slut and probably has some weird indian techniques

>> No.10109294


>Civilization as a whole is obviously progressing, and its highest manifestation and greatest triumph so far is blatantly obviously myself

Damn I went from riled and mentally preparing a heated retort to stunned admiration. Your shitpost game is peerless.

>> No.10109470
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This has to be bait right

>> No.10109508

why do indian women have sideburns?

>> No.10109516

Inbred rat genetics

>> No.10109672
File: 3.56 MB, 636x357, smplm3aj0vzxpum5i4iq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The backlash is on:



>> No.10109706
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She looks like Evola.>>10109516

>> No.10109716
File: 88 KB, 563x542, contemplating pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are finally getting redpilled on Tumblr """art"""

>> No.10109755

bitches and
hoes are
like new clothes once
you bought
'em you wish you
never got

>> No.10109813
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The original article is fucking gold. I am hoping for Rupi herself to react.

>> No.10109818

The comments section of the piece in "The Guardian" are gold:

"I am a young woman of colour too) but I also ready widely, and I recognise a shit sandwich when I see it. Kaur's twee tidbits are pure crapola."

Another demolition job:


>> No.10109858
File: 69 KB, 1854x947, my sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people think she's plagiarising because every instagram poet is exactly the same

>> No.10109868
File: 292 KB, 383x441, smallguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I posted in those mock Rupi Kaur threads back at the start of the year

did we start the fire /lit/?

>> No.10109877


Literally rule number 1 as a writer is to read other peoples' writing. This article was fantastic and did everything to confirm Rupi Kaur is an image-obsessed talentless hack, as we all knew she was.

>> No.10109888

Rupi has an up and coming AMA on reddit. Get your questions ready guys

What are you going to ask?

>> No.10109899

>What's your favorite chapter of Ulysses?

>> No.10109912

Rupi is a proud non reader of books

>> No.10109916

The street shitters swear they'll be a superpower in a few years but thing a dumb mememonkeyman is academic.

>> No.10109918
File: 14 KB, 425x302, darkplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes has written more books than shes read

>> No.10109923

Are there any contemporary female poets of color who are actually good? I like Tracy K Smith (Life on Mars was brilliant) but want to branch out more in that direction.

>> No.10109961

i almost spat my cereal all over my monitor when i read this

woman "writers," not even once

>> No.10109972

fuck off with this of colour shit, does this look like fucking tumblr to you? how the fuck did this shit even catch on

>> No.10109990

I just want to read from a different perspective. Is it really that offensive to you?

>> No.10109997

You're an idiot.

>> No.10110003


>> No.10110009
File: 195 KB, 864x653, Peter Mendelsund - Kafka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10110013


Imagine getting this mad over someone else acknowledging that different skin colors exist.

>> No.10110015

Think of the quality of most leafposters on /int/: consistently shit, but never shit in a way that is considered good bantz

>> No.10110024

I was hoping she wasn't talking about these covers

>> No.10110049
File: 644 KB, 1997x3000, Rupi Kaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated them before it was cool to hate them.

>> No.10110055

Different skin colors than what? Black, brown, pink, yellow?
We're all people of colour dipshit

>> No.10110067

>“This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer.
More depressing than a death in the fsmiky

>> No.10110110

My Cunt
Is Mine
Not yours
You Cunt

>> No.10110119


>> No.10110146
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He doesn't, actually.

If you take his poems from Cathay, you can break down them into syllabic structures and point out how all the phrases are working musically. They're also semantically dense.

A Kauer poem is only explicable at length because it's vague. It's the kind of poetry that is formed in the culture of Theory and the vacuum left behind it.


It's funny she rejects the capitalistic reduction of women into sex objects, "pornification," but then turns around and embraces capitalistic reduction of women into objet d'art in stuff like >>10108628

Rupi is basically just one of the women playing harps in the symposium, that the men break off to fuck when they get bored talking about things.

>> No.10110199

>contemporary female poets of color
Lmao how did you get here?
The answer is a resounding no

>> No.10110215
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>> No.10110218
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>> No.10110233
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>> No.10110239
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>"She is, deeply and truly, a poet of Instagram: Her work is human experience, tidily aestheticized and monetized, rendered inspirational and relatable in perfect balance."

She basically copied the style of contemporary country music, then reduced its formulaic choral appeal to a vaguely poetic, though equally formulaic, form of aphoristic confessional. The difference between a dog and a man is that a dog thinks the trash he consumes is a delicacy

>> No.10110272
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>> No.10110289

This is the best trolling, just serious Lit questions. Nothing too silly. A question about Pride and Prejudice would be good, I'm sure she hasnt read it but thinks Jane Austen is fabulous fantastic and incredible

>> No.10110292

She has more of a work ethic than anyone here. If you claim to be able to write better than her than why don't you?

>> No.10110302
File: 126 KB, 704x1024, Sunita-Mani-Arthie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she the best writer to come out of India?

>> No.10110326

Im not content with
>a platitude
>on a page

>> No.10110335


>> No.10110363


>> No.10110449

She doesn't read books man. That's obvious enough.

>> No.10110481

Rupi more like rupee

>> No.10110483

I bet she is a Shudra or a Vaishya.

>> No.10110534

>race and gender are the only worthwhile determinants of perspective
>caring about perspective in the first place and not evaluating works based solely upon their literary merit and ability to touch upon the wider themes of humanity
I don't know how people like this are even drawn to 4chan. Newfags have always been cancer but this is a cancer growing upon the cancer.

>> No.10110645

Spent a full hour in a poetry class close reading this puppy. Prof was an 80 y/o formalist, and also did a class where he'd just close read passages of James. He's so obsessed with #aesthetics that I assumed he was right about Pound.

>> No.10110695

kek. B8 is a little too obvious
inb4, it's not b8

>> No.10110700

What was he right about in regards to Pound?

>> No.10110715
File: 191 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a smattering of comments on one of her Instapoems

>> No.10110732

this has GOT TO BE fake?? right??

>> No.10110798

> The Instagram Poet Outselling Homer Ten to One

Meet Rupi Kaur, author of the ubiquitous Milk and Honey.

I wanna fucking kill myself right fucking now

Jesus fucking Christ. No sane woman supports this

>> No.10110809

Agree. Someone should ask what is her favourite book by Kafka.

>> No.10110884

comedic genius

>> No.10110898

>Kaur provides Sikh women with a status equal to all men. This was also intended to reduce the prejudice created by caste-typing based on the family name.

>> No.10110903
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>oscar wilde

>> No.10110975

That's funny but just post it here you sperg

>> No.10111028

>You could put fifty Rupis together and they still wouldn't make a Pound.

>> No.10111140

Honestly Coates would probably laugh the hardest out of anyone at this

>> No.10111154

coates would do anything to get some fan pussy

>> No.10111161

Pound was erudite af thus his poetry is full of complex and learned meaning. Part of the reason pound can do things like the black bough poem is because he knows poetry well enough to know it's good and innovative and meaningful

>> No.10111255

Dogs don't even know what a delicacy is

>> No.10111299

Imagine hate-fucking her while she formulates shitty poetry on the go.
>You choking me
>not because you want to
>but because I want
>spit in my face

>> No.10111374

She needs to stop waxing her forearms (and then everything else), why does she even remove her body hair if she's a feminist? Indian chicks are naturally so hairy, and she deliberately ruins it.

>> No.10111386


>> No.10111437

Yes, there are. There are actually a fair amount of African American poets, both male and female, who are actually good - some are really good.

I dug up some works and names for another poetry thread a few weeks back. You might find it in the archive.

Tracy K. Smith isn't even the best of them.

Don't pretend you read.

>> No.10111443

>Jesus fucking Christ. No sane woman supports this

I showed my wife, and she was like "we've all been there, but no-one wants to be"

>> No.10111445
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>muh sci ants

>> No.10111452

that smell tho

>> No.10111474
File: 29 KB, 350x485, f_ALeqM5h0LSEm_416b93a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


India is truly the the Earths anus

>> No.10111481


If you think Pound, or E.E. Cummings for that matter, can be compared to Rupi Kaur you don't understand their poetry. You also don't understand grammar, syntax, symbolism, theme, meter, or many other aspects of an excellent poem.

Please refrain from posting until you do.

>> No.10111489

Pound is pseudcore, I have more respect for a Kaur fan than someone who believes in that meme

>> No.10111555

more breeding than you're ever gonna do my son

>> No.10111565

So all it takes to become famous in the internet age is a little bit of ass blood?

Sign me up.

>> No.10111566


>> No.10111587

Know your place you smelly little heathen fuck

>> No.10111699

t. brainlet

>> No.10112066


Somewhere on 4chan a containment board is missing its idiot

>> No.10112093


>caring about perspective in the first place and not evaluating works based solely upon their literary merit and ability to touch upon the wider themes of humanity

Bitch read literally anything James Baldwin ever wrote.

>> No.10112099

Holy... I want more...

>> No.10112134

Underrated post

>> No.10112141

She writes like a teenager. What is this world?

>> No.10112230

I doubt Rupi can even use the word "bough" in a sentence

>> No.10112284

Bough is not that obscure of a word, anybody could use it in a sentence

>> No.10112679
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>Kaur’s ascent to social-media celebrity took place in early 2015. Milk and Honey was just beginning to gain traction with audiences through her Instagram when Kaur (still an undergraduate at the University of Waterloo) posted a photograph she’d taken for a class project. It showed her from behind, lying on her side, with blood leaking through the crotch of her sweatpants. Instagram took down the photo. Kaur responded to their censorship with righteous fury in posts on Facebook and Tumblr. “Their patriarchy is leaking. Their misogyny is leaking,” she wrote.
>“[M]y womb is home to the divine. a source of life for our species.”

>> No.10112723

>Don't pretend you read
Name me a author who is
-"Of colour"
I'm not being an edgy polster, let's be real

>> No.10112738


>Tracy K. Smith
