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File: 91 KB, 862x960, FOUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10103743 No.10103743 [Reply] [Original]

Foucpost away friends.

>> No.10104392
File: 627 KB, 494x631, B-peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not on my watch bucko.

>> No.10104401

who's this guy?

>> No.10104408
File: 145 KB, 1079x396, Screenshot_2017-06-22-21-46-05-2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10104409

that's the guy who programmed minecraft you n00b

>> No.10104424

what is even the point of this picture

>> No.10104428

good post

>> No.10104442

To highlight the link between Marxism and postmodernism through Foucault's own words and how his thinking was influenced by jews. Excerpt is from the Culture of Critique -- don't tell me you still haven't read it...

>> No.10104451
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>> No.10104457

what is the difference between this guy and Adler

>> No.10104497

i'll have to get on that...

>> No.10104761

>Excerpt is from the Culture of Critique

Oh good. I was worried for a moment. Now I know it's all bullshit.

>> No.10104767

It's literally a quote from Foucault lol.

>> No.10104789

and I can't trust that garbage book to give the right context.

Like that quote from Darwin where he says it's absurd to think the human eye could be developed from evolution which gets thrown around so much.

>> No.10104800

Why are you so automatically hostile to something you haven't even read?

>> No.10104821

>Hasn't read the book.
>Still posts about it.
I thought lit wasn't anti intellectual

>> No.10104824

Tell me about me the world-wide Jewish conspiracy and it's Marxist subversion.

I don't think I've heard that one enough.

>> No.10104846

Perhaps you're hearing about such a thing from people who are more informed than you since they're more likely to read taboo material and come to their own conclusions instead of automatically dismissing it as you are now.

>> No.10104874

And what conclusions did these very smart people reach about the Jewish conspiracy ;)

>> No.10104905
File: 34 KB, 560x407, 1506020833082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'm racist and anti-semitic, I have no problem admitting that.

But frankly, shit like "The Culture of Critique" and other anglo-american "far right" literature is just really unpalateable to me, mostly because their opinions really are just milquetoast white liberalism except with more racism and no minorities, they all seem to have very small souls and desire security and a new "capitalist golden age" moreso than anything else.

>> No.10104919

It seems to me like you've been misreading CoC while saying people are less informed. If you read it properly, it makes no link between postmodern relativism (the thing that people complain about in regards to postmodernism including, most likely, yourself) and the Frankfurt school i.e. the jewish element. The other point to note is that Foucault came to similar conclusions of the Frankfurt school (i.e. not complete relativism) without actually being influenced by them, therefor also providing no link to the jewish element. Maybe you're less informed than you think. Any reason that I should think otherwise based on the excerpt we have both read?

>> No.10104921

>You know, I'm racist and anti-semitic, I have no problem admitting that.

Now see this is someone I, as a Jew can respect. He at least has the courage to say what he means.

I spit on your face.

>> No.10104950

That the sheep who actually use the term "jewish conspiracy" are morons who don't understand the definition of the word "conspiracy."

>> No.10104961

You shouldn't intentionally misinterpret what others say. What I said was straightforward and simple: there's a link between Marxism and postmodernism and that Foucault was influenced by jews like those in the Frankfurt School. Be more honest with you engage with others online in the future please.

>> No.10104964

That guy's an idiot at best, and probably a false flagger. He should realize what an idiot he looks like using the enemy's language and receiving praise for it by kikes like yourself.

>> No.10104971


>Frankfurts, comprised of dellusioned Marxists said some stuff
>Focault never reads them
>Years later Foucault finds out they exist
>Said they had some ideas in common with him, ideas which are not exactly 'Marxist'

How is a link established?

If anything Marxism fits more into the modernism family.

>> No.10104977

Are you assuming that Foucault invented postmodernism or something?

>> No.10104980

Rude Tbh

But I guess you will call me a kike for correctly identifying the english race and the American experiment as my enemy

>> No.10104981

No one 'invented' postmodernism it's a category of thought that was created afterwords to describe an emerging group of thinkers disillusioned with historical narratives and the systematic thinking.

Marxism doesn't exactly fit into that category. It's one big historical narrative and 'objective' system.

>> No.10104993

Hey, I was just following your logic on that one. Postmodernism is an extension of Marxism that was very much influenced by people (such as Marxists, and primarily jews) who were intentionally trying to use our thought systems, or the inversion of them, to attack the west. I have no doubt you feel comfortable with the notion that these were avant-garde idealists extending a tradition and working in the interests of their own society, but that's simply not true.

>> No.10105007

> Foucault was influenced by jews like those in the Frankfurt School.

He wasn't though. The quote literally says he wasn't aware of them. What quote are you reading? How about you be more honest?

>> No.10105012

What do you mean 'primarily' jews? Do you have facts and figures?

>> No.10105025
File: 163 KB, 324x436, Feelscault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Une Classic

>> No.10105040

Because the line between Marxism and postmodernism is unclear. It doesn't matter what he thought he was doing, he was advancing a jewish system.

>> No.10105044

>Because the line between Marxism and postmodernism is unclear.

Yes exactly. Just because both of them are mentioned in the same paragraph doesn't mean they are connected.

>> No.10105049

Those are the same fucking thing fouctwo.

>> No.10105050

I've seen plenty of facts and figures because I've been studying this for years. Start looking into the jewish question and you will see that jews are the primary drivers of Marxism and postmodernism. They've been planting the seeds of what we now in our culture for a century at least. Just look at the top universities and who within them has standardized many of the postmodern concepts from the top down for decades. Plenty of good goyim like Foucault helping though.

>> No.10105054

They are connected though. Perhaps I was unclear, I was saying they blend into each other. Academic and philosophical postmodernism are rooted in jewish Marxism.

>> No.10105059

Study in the same sense you misread a simple paragraph from Culture of Critique?

>> No.10105068
File: 43 KB, 600x399, 7adea9b7d6e516497b03f516c4dcc986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the squad is on point

>> No.10105070

Except I didn't at all.

>> No.10105072

Well no there doesn't need to be any legitimate continuity between Marxism and postmodernism if it's just jewish inversions of whatever Western society they happen to be in. You need to edit your story.

>> No.10105078

Is this you?

>To highlight the link between Marxism and postmodernism through Foucault's own words and how his thinking was influenced by jews.

What link? There's no link made if he wasn't influenced by the Frankfurt school. The paragraph doesn't indicate in any other way how he could possibly have been influenced by jewish systems if not the Frankfurt school. Maybe you should give Culture of Critique a closer read?

>> No.10105084

maybe all the jews in academia has something to do with jewish culture caring about education because they can't rely on "ethnic pride" to give them an automatic space in a society. can't blame them for literally being better at society than you...

>> No.10105085

The story checks out. I have trouble understanding how anyone cannot see how postmodernism is an extension of Marxism but I know this is mostly coming from people who think jews are just like them and don't understand how they think.

>> No.10105098

Foucault is acknowledging the link between Marxism and postmodernism, their similarities. What he thought he was influenced by doesn't matter, his thought was influenced by Marxism because it was already baked in the cake, he just didn't know the origins of it. Stop being pedantic.

>> No.10105099

No, why would postmodernism need to be an extension of Marxism? Save the personal attacks unless you want to make yourself look like you're losing control of the conversation.

>> No.10105102

The result comes about through nepotism. You've seen this pic floating around, right? You think that comes from smarts? These are tribal people.

>> No.10105104

I didn't make any personal attacks in that post, and I didn't say it would have to be an extension, I said it is because it is.

>> No.10105109

Foucault was a bloody postmodernist fraud who didn't know anything about history before the enlightenment. He's never read any book written before the 1800s (probably just read summaries or heard about them from friends while they watched him shit and eat at the same time) and has really shallow ideas about the topics he discusses. Anyone who reads him, Lacan, or Derrida has no brain and has no idea of overarching narratives of thought.

>> No.10105110

>i've seen plenty of facts and figures
infographs don't count

>> No.10105111

>Foucault is acknowledging the link between Marxism and postmodernism, their similarities.

Except that the Frankfurt school, in the quote, deconstructs universalist thinking which is presumably what Foucault is referring to. So Foucault is aligned to the deconstruction of universalism, rather than the 'postmodernism' which is complete relativism. Therefor we cannot sufficiently conclude, given the evidence in the quote, that Culture of Critique thinks of Foucault as a cultural relativist. So where's the link between jewish deconstruction of unversalism and (non-jewish, per the excerpt) cultural relativism?

>> No.10105115

It seems like it is because it's a handy narrative shortcut but there's no reason why there would need to be a legitimate connection between them if jews were simply just inverting white culture. Unless you mean to admit that they had created something which is a continuous jewish system of thought.

>> No.10105130

I wasn't even talking about that part and neither were you until your first narrative fell apart. I do not agree with MacDonald about that aspect anyway -- but please, I don't have time for games. It was clear from the start that you weren't interested in actual discourse but in trying to pin me down. You blew your load reading too much into the initial statement, sorry.

>> No.10105133

I wish I could kill Foucault
This. 100% of the way.

>> No.10105137

>There is no overarching narrative
>Says while he joins a 2300 year old discussion.


>> No.10105138

>doesn't agree with it
>posts it anyway to show how his thinking was influenced by jews

>> No.10105142

Yeah, I mean, ideas and events evolve and postmodernism mostly seems to have become an academic offshoot of Marxism that is a little more difficult to classify since it has spinoffs in literature and other fields that blur the lines. What I'm looking at though is the overall goal, which is to breakdown and attack western culture and society. Postmodern critiques of post-colonial map making or whatever are really not very different at all from Marxist ideas, they work toward the same end. The Culture of "Critique" got its name because jews do this: they turn subjects into internal critiques of themselves instead of trying to advance them forward using ideas.

>> No.10105143

ok sure lets go with that, how do you account for the jews impact on the proliferation of capitalism as well? The further you go down the well of jewish contributions that 'must be driven out' you inevitably end up advocating for the literal dark ages.

>> No.10105144

You hadn't brought up the second part until the first point you were trying to make fell apart. Behave like a man, accept the loss and try to better next time.

>> No.10105151

Suppose I forgot to attach the picture, but I'm not sure what you're getting at. Jewish impact on capitalism is definitely not through production but parasitism and using an endless debt scheme to advance their interests, i.e., it's been almost entirely negative and they're the ones bringing on the dark ages when it collapses because none of this money can be paid back.

>> No.10105152

Yes I was talking about that part and I have been since my first comment in the thread:
>If you read it properly, it makes no link between postmodern relativism (the thing that people complain about in regards to postmodernism including, most likely, yourself) and the Frankfurt school i.e. the jewish element.

>You blew your load reading too much into the initial statement, sorry.

Speaking of blowing loads, is this you?
>To highlight the link between Marxism and postmodernism through Foucault's own words and how his thinking was influenced by jews. Excerpt is from the Culture of Critique -- don't tell me you still haven't read it...

You blew your load all over the quote (that you disagree with) inseminating it with your own interpretation! What next?

>> No.10105156

He means to say it is not a linear progression, but an unclear, jerky path back and forth that also buries potentially important facets of the previous lines of thought as other facets become the new focus.

>> No.10105157

So really you are saying jews have created a rather robust system of thought that has continued legitimately since at least Marx in the mid 19th-century. Very impressive.

>> No.10105163

No, it's been very negative unless you're jewish. Jews use these things to attack whites and no white should support such an attack, they should be upset that these people are trying deceive them.

>> No.10105167

You sperged out in your initial post, missed the plot, then your argument imploded. Move on, dude.

>> No.10105169

So you're saying that jews have created a rather robust system of thought that has continued legitimately since at least Marx in the mid-19th century, but that it is very negative (for whites) instead of being very impressive.

>> No.10105172

Nice try but you can see from the first post what I was getting at. You were too busy trying to defend your poor interpretation to admit that your interpretation was poor, and once you finally got what I was referring to you backed out as fast as you could, claimed you disagreed with the quote anyway, then claimed victory. If you don't want to continue the conversation along the parameters that were clear to me from the beginning then I understand.

>> No.10105176

It's not robust, it's petty and destructive and has only really been influential since the 1960s.

>> No.10105185

I think Marxism has been influential since well before the 1960s (red scare and all that) but it at least has been continuous for longer. Also a system of thought can be robust even if it is petty and destructive since it has been petty and destructive for such a long time, even outlasting white nationalist attempts to eradicate the jews themselves. Now you're the one being pedantic?

>> No.10105202

It really only got going in the west in the 60s, is at its peak now, and is largely collapsing in on itself. Jews got let out of their inbreeding pen in the 1800s and didn't get going until the beginning of last century. Whites have had difficulty understanding this force and adapting to it because we don't think like jews. But we are adapting and will continue to adapt. This is the struggle, it's nature. I accept that and understand it quite well, enough to say that jewish power is entering its decline now and white awareness its ascent. Jews were only ever desert charlatans with a bag of tricks. Whites are innovative pioneers and we've caught on.

>> No.10105592

jesus christ stop drinking the /pol/ koolaid

>> No.10105892

>Postmodernism is an extension of Marxism

Postmodernism: against systemetic thought and historical narrative

Marxism: historical narrative. Highly systematized thought that claims to be 'scientific'

These are mutually exclusive.

> the inversion of them, to attack the west
Postmodernism IS Western thought you dumb fuck. All of it's thinkers are Westerners and it draws all it's influence from Western thought. God you dumb shit. It's like 99% French. It's as Western as democracy and crescent rolls

>> No.10105905

well said my white brother

>> No.10105910

>99% French

>> No.10105924

having raw, gay sex in 2017 is THE principle act of violence against power structures that seek to oppress autonomy within constructed spaces of colonial hegemony. t. fuckault

>> No.10105925

So are we in agreement that pretty much everyone who shits on Foucault on this board is a dumb /pol/ack who has never actually read him and has got all his info from dunces like Paglia or Peterson? Either that or they read the first paragraph of his wikipedia, saw "Post Modernist" and had a Pavlovian reaction of ass pain.

>> No.10105930

>So are we in agreement that my post is a false dichotomy

>> No.10105935

Or they're people who read him a decade ago and have gotten over their adolescent fandom for faux avant-garde bullshit and are able to put his work in a larger and more pertinent context.

>> No.10105936
File: 35 KB, 600x392, 1502891189589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny because he basically said this, in a softer way.

"The problem is not to discover in oneself the truth of one's sex, but, rather, to use one's sexuality henceforth to arrive at a multiplicity of relationships. And, no doubt, homosexuality is not a form of desire but something desirable. Therefore, we have to work at becoming homosexuals. " - Michel "My Philosophy gave me GRIDS" Foucault.

>> No.10105940

marxism is not about historical narratives. if anything it is a historical analysis of where those narratives come from and why they arise. several postmodernist thinkers come from the marxist tradition, like althusser, ranciere, deleuze, badiou, and baudrillard.

>> No.10105951

Unless they explicitly articulate their reasons this is my go to.

>> No.10105971

the theory of evolution is not true though

>> No.10105980

this is true, Barthes wrote about the ultimate goal of ending authorship as killing God, God being something marxists absolutely hate

>> No.10106006

Well there we go the same people that don't like evolution think Postmodernism and Foucault are part of the "Jewish Problem"™

>> No.10106099

>believes in evolution, survival of the fittest
>idolizes a guy who had no kids, died of GRIDS, and said we should all be homos like him

>> No.10106115

He reproduces through memes. That's the highest level of reproduction.

>> No.10106225

He got pozzed in his neghole.

>> No.10106235

> irony
Not really. Their atheism is just thinly-veiled slow-mo suicide due to how spiritually and morally bankrupt their lives are.

They idolize degenerates like Foucault because they admire his courage in committing flamboyant fag suicide instead of dying old and being eaten by cats.

>> No.10106245

Could you tell talk more about this. It's amusing. Or tell me about the other post-modernists and their readers.

>> No.10106325
File: 62 KB, 732x960, IdentityEuropa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's "The Father" figure of 4chan.

>> No.10106351


>> No.10106542

this just makes the frankfurt school sound based and foucault/pomo sound retarded.

has /pol/ mislead me?

>> No.10106559

as a jew i agree. idk why wypipo have to go through all these contortions just to say they want to live in overwhelmingly/predominantly white countries. it's like, ok that's fine, now do you have anything interesting to say?

>> No.10106566

hi camille!

>> No.10106569

you got BTFO m8

>> No.10106572

Is it fine? Last I checked it's jews who start screaming when white people bring anything like that up.

>> No.10106575

>ressentiment: the post

>> No.10106591

>"Jews are a nation of ressentiment Par excellence"
When will jews stop misappropriating this word?

>> No.10106601

>who's this guy?
that's Opie.


>> No.10106622
File: 27 KB, 500x660, f1010272132c285d146435580d1d196f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you dislike mass media? African-American music? Revolutionaries? Pessimists? The bourgeois? Do you think art should strive for Leonardo levels of greatness?

Then Adorno is /yourguy/.

>> No.10106638

so? in the diaspora, you get the jews you deserve.

and last time i checked the number of whites who start screaming when other white people bring anything like that up far outnumber such jews. of course now you will say that they only do so because the jews brainwashed them. well the jews were first brainwashed by the enlightenment and white secularism first and in both cases you have to be a willing subject in order to be hypnotized.

>misquotation and out of context to boot
the jews were a nation of ressentiment *in relation to Rome*. today, here an now, you are the poor, oppressed victim being held in bondage by your Jewish master. you're the jew lmao.

here's the real quote
>The Jews, on the contrary [to Rome], were the priestly nation of ressentiment par excellence, in whom there dwelt an unequaled popular-moral genius: one only has to compare similarly gifted nations - the Chinese or the Germans, for instance - with the Jews, to sense which is of the first and which of the fifth rank.

>> No.10106645

pic sounds exactly like Peterson. what's /pol/'s problem with him again

>> No.10106663

I don't know if it's the same guy posting in every thread, but I'm getting quite bored of this stuff. You say the same things every times.

You start by making a strawman out of judeism and postmodernism. Then if the philosopher discussed at hand is not himself a jew, you start to draw dubious realations between him and jews. You then proceed to say that jews/postmodernists are inverting western or white traditional values. You olnly substantiate your claim by saying that jews have done that since the begining of their history, as if this was evidence in itself. You never explain what western/white values are, although a belief in truth,morality, and masculinity is often mentionned. You also never explain precisly how the jews/postmodernists are inverting western/white values, merely pointing that the strawmans you have constructed and your blurry image of withness share different values. At this point you sometimes appeal to Nietszche, without realising that what he was critizing had been the de facto western values for at least 1500 years. You then arbitrarily declare white/western values to be good, merely by virtue of them being whites, although you have previously failled to show how they were tied to witheness. You then conclude that whites should not engage witht any political movments that you deem to be related with the jews, and urge them to take pomitical action against said movments.

You might be right or might be wrong, but none of the steps of your reasoning are correct. You could not make a valid argument in favor of western tradition even if the Vatican was going to be burned to the ground by the SJWs. You should post less and learn more. (re)Start with the greeks,, maybe then you will learn that true belief and knowledge are different.

>> No.10106669
File: 41 KB, 1000x512, quote-Theodor-Adorno-horror-is-beyond-the-reach-of-psychology-110590_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's Jewish, Marxist, and takes effort to read. And he denounces the holocaust and explotation whenever he can.

>> No.10106679

what the hell kind of jew name is adorno. sounds eye-talian or something.

>> No.10106683

You guys need to decide between there being no jewish conspiracy vs openly referring to others as your slaves if you ever desire to cease being expelled.

>> No.10106702

>Theodor W. Adorno (alias: Theodor Adorno-Wiesengrund) was born as Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund in Frankfurt am Main on September 11, 1903, the only child of Oscar Alexander Wiesengrund (1870–1946) and Maria Calvelli-Adorno della Piana (1865–1952). His mother, a devout Catholic from Corsica, was once a professional singer, while his father, an assimilated Jew who had converted to Protestantism, ran a successful wine-export business. Proud of her origins, Maria wanted her son's paternal surname to be supplemented by the addition of her own name: Adorno. Thus his earliest publications carried the name Theodor Wiesengrund-Adorno; upon his application for US citizenship, his name was modified to Theodor W. Adorno.

>> No.10106717

idiot, i'm referring to HIS worldview. that's how he thinks things are; he's a member of the slave race being oppressed, making him the vessel of ressentiment. try to keep up you fucking brainlet.

>> No.10106719

corsica is basically italy so i'm gonna say i called it

>> No.10106733
File: 43 KB, 627x458, JewishExpulsions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will these jews ever stop distorting the messages of our philosophers and trying to use them against us? And they wonder why everyone hates them, no self-awareness.

>> No.10106742

What a pathetic thread

>> No.10106750

i want you to take note of how you can't mount even the feeblest intellectual defense and have resorted to wondering aloud like a passive-aggressive wimp.

>> No.10106756
File: 409 KB, 4744x3163, 4-14-classic-hummus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading be all gay and shit you know and most of the time if you any good at it you end up balding or looking like some amphibian so why even do it its not a good look

>> No.10106796

>it's an inversion episode where the shitposters who say peterson doesn't understand postmodernism are replaced by /pol/lacks

Horseshoes everywhere

>> No.10106810 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 356x480, 1507143368799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just shitposting. Decent post desu, except from the time shifted "read nietzsche and then you'll find out what truth is"

>> No.10106816
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>> No.10106858

Adorno believed the purpose of art should be to keep us in a perpetual state of pain and consequently thinks that catharsis is just a way to allow people to stop thinking about how terrible they are.

Basically, he's just another faggot who misunderstood Hegel and went off the deep end.

>> No.10106897

that sounds about right though

t. never read hegel

>> No.10106898

Honestly man, just stop with the whole we gotta protect the white race thing, da joos are getting us.

Firstly, they're not trying destroying white people in particular but about destroying Christianity and replacing it with this horrifying nihilistic Scientism. Secondly, if you keep throwing the race card around all the time you're not going to convince others of the problem but just put them off even more. Yes race is important but it really isn't the only factor in all of this, we're all in this Orwellian horror show together.

>> No.10106917

Go Back to the Greeks, Do Not Pass Go. Don't collect 200$.
Seriously, the Greek dramas are pretty good. Go read them and think about what their structure does, and whether catharsis is really just an escape mechanism.

>> No.10106942

Protecting the white race is the most important thing though. Christianity has already been destroyed and it was a jewish ideology anyway. Stop being a cuck, if America were to become Christian again but with whites blended into part mud, that would not be a victory. Nothing is more essential than race, hence why jews are targeting specifically the white race.

>> No.10106977

why do you come to this board
can you please stop posting

>> No.10107042

Why do you fear that post? What else could be more important than protecting white heritage and guaranteeing a future for white children?

>> No.10107105

foucault est tres fou!!!

>> No.10107159

i do not fear any posts
but it's clearly made by somebody who is ideological and doesn't read much literature with an open mind, and who obviously won't contribute to meaningful discussion on this board

keep politics and the future of white children on a different fucking board thanks

>> No.10107212

Christianity a Jewish Ideology?! Are you kidding me? Christianity is a religion of love and that is the last thing they want to you to do. In fact one of the things they want to you to do is make a fucking fool out of yourselves by harping on about muh white race all the time. It makes you look ridiculous.

>> No.10107229

Also actually,

>Christianity has already been destroyed

Who do you think destroyed it?

>> No.10107291
File: 161 KB, 1024x690, foucault-and-stoneman-death-valley-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liberate urself with this ONE WEIRD TRICK. marxists HATE him

>> No.10107336

I think those shorts gave me HIV.

>> No.10107410

>he was to dumb for derrida
so sorry for you