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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 250x250, 4chanbdong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10095425 No.10095425 [Reply] [Original]

Inevitably consumers will become disillusioned with """property""" and being made to desire. Whole industries are dedicated to propaganda, and the myths they produce create illness in the public. When we finally reject these organs, what books and authors will the new generations of liberated men and women read to guide them in escaping an augmented reality?

Land? Zizek? Emerson?

>> No.10095430

Not literature, and NSFW image.

Fuck off

>> No.10095436

I'm asking for book recommandations on how to survive late capitalism. If your ignorance prevents you from meaningful participation just turn off your iPhone, cumrag.

>> No.10095462


>> No.10095470

This is why nobody respects /leftypol/

>> No.10095484
File: 44 KB, 475x285, 2015efschmacher[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what books and authors will the new generations of liberated men and women read to guide them in escaping an augmented reality?

they'll rediscover counter-culture classics

>> No.10095498

fuck off, commie. This is a white board

>> No.10095518

Because of false-flagging mongrels like OP and >>10095498 ? Neck yourself

>> No.10095542

You guys are legitimate examples of the decay I'm talking about. Media and controlling reaction to it is so pervasive you are absolutely schizophrenic.

Thanks my man. This is the sort of stuff I'm looking for. Back-to-the-land, simple living, humane capitalism, solar panels on your earthship house in Taos type stuff.

>> No.10095544


there is already a thread on this. stop invading, lit is a christian board

>> No.10095552

>every /pol/ poster is 100% real and sincere
>obvious leftypol retard must be a false flagger

Uh huh

>> No.10095557

Schizophrenia is a higher evolution of the mind

>> No.10095559

That thread is inhuman Communist trash. People are not property, and the state is not an end to itself. Contribute some titles/authors or fuck off.

>> No.10095615

Hang yourself

>> No.10095630
File: 33 KB, 500x252, lic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first

>> No.10095649

>Inevitably consumers will become disillusioned with property
>Implying "property" is just some arbitrary Capitalist social construct

This is a retarded claim because the existence of "property" within the context of modern civilization is not just some wholly contingent byproduct of Capitalism.

That's not to say, however, that 'property' as we have it today is some universal feature of human social organization. A more realistic and plausible understanding of the situation is more nuanced than either of these views (both of which are quite frankly, rather superficial).

Intellectual honesty demands that we admit that the human desire or drive for something like 'Property' is innate and universal, even if it must be admitted that the particular manner in which something like "property" is recognized or acknowledged by society, and the particular social and normative mechanisms that function to institutionalize the concept.

Briefly put, humans - much like other highly intelligent social animals - rely on the accumulation of surplus production for both practical and ostensive purposes. That is to say, we like to accumulate wealth both for our own comfort and survival, and because of the fact that it reflects positively on one's social status and identity (identity, in this case, is being used in something like it's more colloquial and psychological manner, rather than it's much weightier and heavy philosophical usage). Furthermore, it just so happens that the particular sociological mechanism by which modern man accumulates wealth is by means of "property".

Of course, you can eliminate the social institution of "Property", but you can't eradicate the innate human desire to accumulate wealth and make their own lives more materialistically comfortable and secure. Furthermore, the human desire to 'accumulate wealth' (as I have put it) seems to stem from 2 different sorts of evolutionary process - first, evolutionary biological processes pertaining to human psychology (i.e. evolutionary psychology), and secondly behavioral and institutional patterns that emerge and develop (or "evolve", although not in a biological sense) from the interaction of 'rational' agents in a game-theoretic or social-choice-theoretic context.

>> No.10095702

>even if it must be admitted that the particular manner in which something like "property" is recognized or acknowledged by society, and the particular social and normative mechanisms that function to institutionalize the concept.

Should read something like
>. . . even if ultimately, we must acknowledge at least the arbitrariness of the particular manner in which something like "property" is recognized or acknowledged by society, and the particular social and normative mechanisms that function to institutionalize the concept.

>> No.10095711

Yeah what's up with the NSFW image? What's up with the suspicious book request where people are magically liberated when they stop owning property?

>> No.10095732

It's all written out.
>Ernst Jünger
>Arne Naess
>Oswald Spengler
>Otto Strasser
>Pierre Proudhon
>Michel Foucault
>Jaan Valsiner

The paradigm shift you envision is only logical. Society is made and broken via social constructs. People are waking up to this. The next step is for them to realise that deconstruction does not mean destruction, not totalitarian relativism and not nihilism, but in the key to stripping away all window dressing and all that is timely, so that only that which is eternal may survive. There is obviously nothing inherently communist about the OP's wish, on the contrary, and the only reason I can see you people get as buttblasted as you do, is that you are ancaps, liberals or something equally undignified and timely.

Eternal is true is beautiful.

>> No.10095738

*is the key

>> No.10096332 [DELETED] 

>t.enlightened one
I'm sorry to tell you this, but the future is bleak. Do not ignore nor underestimate black budget projects. Weaponized nanotech is a real threat, that is being researched now in frantic pace. There will be an ultimate power to those proliferate it first. At least I can hunt game and play my acoustic near a campfire, stoned and drunk as hell with my arm on me. Listening to the creatures at night, seeing my breath become frost for a moment before vanishing.. Like most, in the "Great Cull".

>> No.10096350

>t.enlightened one
I'm sorry to tell you this, but the future is bleak. Do not ignore nor underestimate black budget projects. Weaponized nanotech is a real threat, that is being researched now in frantic pace. There will be an ultimate power to those who proliferate it first. At least I can hunt game and play my acoustic near a campfire for now, stoned and drunk as hell with my sidearm on me. Listening to the creatures at night, seeing my breath become frost for a moment before vanishing.. Like most, in the "Great Cull".

>> No.10096354

I don't disagree. What's your weapon of choice, /k/omrade? Stockpiling 7.62x51 for PTR91 here, with 22lr and 12ga for game. Got a well yet?

>> No.10096374

Ah, my favorite subject.

RD Laing's "The Politics of Experience"

His other book "The Divided Self" on the topic of schizoid and schizophrenia is also good.

>> No.10096479

>t. reactionary Nazi faggot

Get off this board with your empirically justified arguments and appeals to "human nature", "rights", and "liberty".

Liberalism is a fascist cancer that is eating the left alive from inside-out. Thankfully the post-modernists, anarchists, and communists are here to come to the rescue.

>> No.10096508
File: 100 KB, 639x489, pepque.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what you're trying to do here friend. If you're going for comedy I can only recommend that you neck yourself. If you are sincere, I suggest you neck yourself. If you honestly have no opinion on the subject and are just ironically shitposting for your own personal shits and giggles well you better neck yourself.

>> No.10096534 [DELETED] 

I'm out, drinking in a bar in Santa Monica right now (I'm in Los Angeles right now [my home is in Idaho]), so I'm having a hard time picking.... But... Probably my average AR15 with no mods. I'm all about maintenance and care, I care not for being enhanced. Tannerite and a homemade 20pack-M80s targets are fun to shoot.
I'm a tad Anarcho-Primitivist.. We are all basically survivalist, hunters and subsistence small farmers in my town. I'm in Los Angeles visiting muh mommy and daddy. I deleted my post because of a typo... But whatever now. Learn to pickle, make jerky, kombucha, wine, etc.
Unironically, I don't even /k/ at all. Yes, I have a well and various large drums for water collection. Shhhhhhh... I also grow *\/\/££∆* to make... $$$. Nothing more than 20 plants a year though (I rank in $33k a year on *that*). If I make little sense, I apologize. 1 beer and 2 mojitos are in my belly right now.
Hey man, like we all are trying to be unshackled from prisons of finance, bankers, rigged economy and a better life. Some of us are reactionary, anti-globalist nationalist and some us are anti-bourgeois, united proletariat, worker revolutionaries. Corruption of power and nepotism is a danger on both sides.

>> No.10096547

None of the three, although I guess the first is the closest. I mean, it wasn't a genuine attempt at humor and I didn't expect any IRL-LOLs, but it wasn't serious either.

I just like liberalism/classical liberalism (a la Rawls, Dworkin, Nozick, etc.), and have something of a distaste for what the Alt-Right and Trump supporters and similar cucktards call "cultural Marxists" (I also harbor similar feelings toward the Trump crowd).

Perhaps my motives are beginning to become clear to you? It wasn't anything to serious, and I don't really care that much. I guess it was something of an expression of disdain for the radical left and a half-assed attempt to point out the hypocrisy, irony, and lack of self-awareness exhibited by proponents of their position.

The real question here, however, is why do you care so much, and why were you so autistically triggered by such an innocuous and inconsequential post?

>> No.10096554

good post

>> No.10096566

>The real question here, however, is why do you care so much, and why were you so autistically triggered by such an innocuous and inconsequential post?
I don't like people throwing the word Nazi around so lightly. Especially with regard to American politics. We've all got enough Two Minutes Hate already thank you very much. I'm glad you're not the type to neck yourself, but disappointed you are so cavalier with political discourse. This is your one lifetime to steer human politics. Don't waste it.

I completely understand your capitalist motivations here my man and god bless you for doing business for yourself but for goodness sake you had better delete this one as well. There are some real boneheads reading these threads.

>> No.10096577 [DELETED] 

What do you mean? Boneheads?

>> No.10096584
File: 376 KB, 609x1024, 2378048765_f203c78d88_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an abbreviated Cliff-Notes-type version

>> No.10096591
File: 123 KB, 500x421, not-atf-how-do-you-do-fellow-firearmenthusiasts-25710836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10096612
File: 28 KB, 439x313, 66e04455a31ffa20d8a0257cd3c1fd864db6aaed4e9558a94aad8b8c8218bf01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using the original
It works for /k/ too because Kikes don't want you to have guns

>> No.10096619

Beyond Laing, the best I can come up with to recommend is McLuhan (Gutenberg Galaxy) and Wilhelm Reich (Listen, Little Man, Mass Psych. of Fascism, pretty much anything by him or his students Al Lowen and Ellsworth Baker). Sensory Awareness by Charles VW Brooks is along the lines of Reich/Lowen, ditto Feldenkrais.

Any effort at self-liberation must begin with the body (the most immediate "prison") and it's muscular, emotional, egotistical, and linguistic restraints. See Lowen for this. Perhaps Korzybski's Science and Sanity w/r/t language as the limiting factor of thought/perception

>> No.10096642

literally just bought this a few days ago, weird.

Shall note this down anon, ty

>> No.10096653

Oh, and not to mention JT Gatto and the like w/r/t the purpose of "education" as social/consumerist conditioning.

Read a little Ray Peat and you'll start to think there's a conspiracy to promote foods that suppress metabolism and suppress those that promote it. A lively, energetic population is tougher to coerce.

>> No.10096667
File: 29 KB, 334x500, Deleuze-and-Guattari-Anti-Oedipus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I should mention the go-to work on this subject, Deleuze/Guattari's Anti-Oedipus

>> No.10096771
File: 27 KB, 312x475, 2858180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one:

This is a great starting point before the other stuff, as it's tough to justify opinions on abstract subjects when you have no grounding in reality (all of which is experienced via the body). All of our culture seems to be a denial of the plain fact that the body really does exist, and the mind merely subservient to it.

Very much in line with "Feldenkrais Method", which you should check out in folow-along video format.

>> No.10096804

this already exists. join an amish or mennonite community.

>> No.10096991
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>> No.10096996

>fixating on consumption instead of production
you're already trapped

>> No.10097060

>Fixating period
Is fixation not self-confinement
The object is to discover and get out from under the forces that suppress natural impulse, then learn to use them as a guide to full, healthy living.