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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 511x755, natural_born_killers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1009138 No.1009138 [Reply] [Original]

Hear me out.

I know you dudes like to question the government and the consciousness and stuff like that but.

How are you supposed to convict the two people from natural born killers? After all the shit they have done i say they should get the death penalty. In a way this is related to literature because literature talks about philosophy and it questions the very fabric of morality.

>> No.1009139

The state should never have the power to execute its own citizens. Period.

>> No.1009141


Now why should you say that. Why should the government not have the right to kill it's most violent citizens? I mean really, think about it. I believe death is better than maximum super solitary confinement.

>> No.1009143

Killing is bad. Therefore, we will kill you.

>> No.1009146

>In a way this is related to literature because literature talks about philosophy and it questions the very fabric of morality.

Plenty of pieces of art do that, and they've all got their own sections.

/tv/ is that way -->

>> No.1009148
File: 24 KB, 400x365, Troll face..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1009149

meant to sage

>> No.1009150


Movies are not TV.

>> No.1009152

Death penality has absolutely no effects on crime rates.

What do we do if the wrong person is executed?

Giving a state the right to kill people is just
fucking stupid

Read Camus' thoughts about death penality.

>> No.1009154

Is it too tough to check the tooltip or do you need a link to the front page? Or maybe just a link straight to /tv/?

>> No.1009160


Well i am sorry if you do no appreciate art i mean this is the literature board. And literature is art.

>> No.1009161

Pretty pointless movie to pick over regarding the death penalty. It's exclusively about media violence and exploitation.

>I believe death is better than maximum super solitary confinement.

Says you. I'm not sure you speak for the inmate.

>> No.1009164


/tv/ - Television & Film
& Film
& Film
& Film

>> No.1009167


"being in solitary, it is like dying in slow motion man. I was thinking about dying a lot in that shit hole. But i couldn't. I was broken."

-Micheal smith former prisoner

Fucking owned.

>> No.1009175


Really? I'm pretty sure you'll find a lot of people on death row who'd rather not be. A lot of people executed in fact turn out to be innocent.

>> No.1009177


>Really? I'm pretty sure you'll find a lot of people on death row who'd rather not be. A lot of people executed in fact turn out to be innocent.


>i am a huge faggot


>> No.1009178


On a more serious note the reason why you would kill someone you raped and murdered several people and feels no remorse is for justice.

>> No.1009180


Who raped and murdered not "you" by the way.

>> No.1009183



Fuck you conservative dog. You have bad grammer and you post on lit.

>> No.1009184

I honestly don't care about 'punishing' criminals. I don't care if they're happy with their consequences or not. If they can be rehabilitated, they should be, if they can't, they should be exiled from society. I'm not comfortable with the government killing in my name(and with my money).

>> No.1009182

This thread stinks of Stagolee, but as far as I know he trolls with his trip on for maximum rage. I fear that OP may not be trolling, and is actually an idiot.

>> No.1009185

Our greatest fears have been realized.

>> No.1009189
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>Fuck you conservative dog. You have bad grammer and you post on lit.
>You have bad grammer and you post on lit.

>> No.1009190


One death can destroy many lives and you say someone who does not give a fuck about what they did and does not care should be "rehabilitated"?

number one you are a faggot.

Number two how about extremely dangerous unpredictable sociopaths huh? you cannot rehabilitate a sociopath, Their brains are fucked up i say you should either give them the death penalty or put them in like fucking ultimate solitary confinement.

>> No.1009196


I bet you want some "Utopian" society like from the giver or some shit.

Fuck you cunt.

>> No.1009197

>says some people can't be rehabilitated
>don't know shit about criminology, psychology, psychiatry, incarceration system, or sociology.
>credibility: none

>> No.1009198


Did you even read my whole post?

>put them in like fucking ultimate solitary confinement.
>if they can't [be rehabilitated], they should be exiled from society

We agree, guy(besides killing them). "exiled from society" was my way of saying "lock them the fuck up and never let them out".

>> No.1009199


also since you are an idiot "The Giver" is a famous book. Just in case you don't know.

>> No.1009202


>i am a super huge faggot.

Fixed yet again


You do not know what halve of those words mean.

>> No.1009204
File: 91 KB, 323x323, 1280723816346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.1009203



>> No.1009207
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>> No.1009209


>On a more serious note, the reason why you would [execute] someone is that [he] raped and murdered several people and feels no remorse. That's justice.

I assume that's what you're saying. And it's not justice, actually. Putting someone to death doesn't prove anything or repair his crime. You're also an idiot.

>> No.1009211


Hi stag

>> No.1009212


"straw man" who the fuck is that?

Also you are not denying the whole Giver Dystopian philosophy you mega faggot.

>> No.1009214


Ad hominem.

>> No.1009216


Troll spotted

Credibility: none

>> No.1009215

Fucking this.
How could you people be so stupid? Killing is wrong, but if a state kills people, that's okay. Fuck that shit.

>> No.1009218


Calm down bro. He is a troll. Jesus you are on 4chan you have to learn to see these things

>> No.1009219

This thread is disgraceful or a reasonably well executed troll. Either way you shouldn't be posting in it unless sage is in your e-mail field.

>> No.1009221

This is some terrible trolling. I guess Stag has to cover up his name and badge some days.

>> No.1009222
File: 101 KB, 1024x768, 1273588096718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"straw man" who the fuck is that?

Okay not you're just taking it over the top.

>> No.1009223


Learn to sage bro.

>> No.1009224



>> No.1009227

Yes we're on 4chan, but I think you spend too much time on here. In real life, a lot of people have this opinion and they're not trolls.

>> No.1009229


Pretentious grammer faggot.

>> No.1009234



He post on 4chan and believes he has a life.

This is what pretentious intellectuals actually believe.

>> No.1009235


I was correcting my own typo.

>> No.1009238

so few of the cases given the death penalty are anything like a serial or mass killer. using the exception to prove the rule is idiotic. if we are going to have the death penalty it should be public to subvert the aesthetics of justice and provide a spectacle that would generate the revenue to pay for it,

>> No.1009239
File: 23 KB, 250x332, idk lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well i guess i got trolled

>> No.1009241


>> No.1009242


Do you understand half of the words you just typed in?

>> No.1009245



>> No.1009244

Uh, do you?

>> No.1009243

Do you understand how to sage?

>> No.1009246



Come on man.

>> No.1009247


>> No.1009249

i'm sorry you don't, but i do. questions, anon?

>> No.1009254


what do you guys think about that law that those liberals are passing? the one that makes it unlawful for a cop to use deadly force on a suspect who, prelaw, would have the right to get fucking smoked.

>> No.1009258

do you have a pickup truck with a gun rack

>> No.1009265


You did not answer his question. Typical liberal Always side steeping questions.

>> No.1009270
File: 63 KB, 412x600, 1278518812642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when you expect me to answer a poorly thought out question

>> No.1009276


What is your opinion on the law?

>> No.1009279


the law with the cops that he was talking about.

>> No.1009280

which law are you talking about

>> No.1009283


The fucking law that he was talking about retard.

Proof that liberals are dumb.

>> No.1009285

i'm sorry, but that description of the law is too vague for me to say anything about it.

>> No.1009289


Typical liberal.

>> No.1009293

Let this thread die.


>> No.1009297
