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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 1200x409, 1200px-Harry_Potter_wordmark.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10091183 No.10091183 [Reply] [Original]

Is this, quite literally, the worst series to ever be written?

>> No.10091187

Dont know, I have not rwad all series ever written

>> No.10091189
File: 69 KB, 318x461, piers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you fucking /lit/ meme spouting ignoramus.

>> No.10091293
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You're just mad that you can't tap into the contemporary cultural zeitgeist as well as the collective mythos of humanity and produce a fun, relateable, marketable series that rakes in billions of dollars, an enormous fan base, and countless derivative works.

It's okay, I am too.

>> No.10091390


If you want to say that Harry Potter is garbage, I might disagree with you, but I'm fine with you thinking that because there are valid reasons to think that.

But if we're talking about the absolute WORST series, Harry Potter doesn't even come close. Even 50 Shades of Grey is only scratching the surface of the shittiest shit that gets published.

>> No.10091399

its not that bad.

get over it.

we have more threads about rowling and rupi kaur than any other writer on /lit/.

you're a bunch of fucktards ruining the board.
start a thread about a writer you love and post about why you love them.

anyone would think you brats don't read

>> No.10091414

I would have to second this. There is some seriously terrible writing that has been published by genuine publishing houses.

Harry Potter isn't the best series in the world, but it is a long, long way from the worst. And 50 Shades, despite being Twilight fanfiction with another name, is also not the worst series ever published.

You just have to dig a little deeper. The really terrible shit doesn't sell as well and is miles from being mainstream, but it's there if you look. Sometimes you can find them in the library, if you're lucky. They probably won't be in the book store.

I've picked up a couple of shockers in my time. Never finished a series, but there was some genuinely terrible writing.

>> No.10091433
File: 76 KB, 665x250, thisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10091481


>> No.10091600

You can't argue it's the worst since it's readable and many series can't boast that quality
For its success though I would argue it's mediocre

t. contrarian pleb or ironic shitposter

>> No.10091609

Someone post the funny charts.

>> No.10091637

Harry Potter was at least readable (though I struggled through the intro about the Durnsleys)

Divergent, no.

City of Bones, etc is worse as well.

Man, I've read too many shitty books trying to figure out why they're popular.

>> No.10091691
File: 91 KB, 333x517, 1386682675_spasti-buduschee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they don't know about Russian Accidental Travel Sci-Fi

Whoa, someone even wrote a couple lines in English Wikipedia about it.

>> No.10091776
File: 272 KB, 1293x1944, 1506811082841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be the Amara's Rose trilogy

>> No.10091809


>> No.10091835
File: 463 KB, 590x586, savage dprk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, I've read too many shitty books trying to figure out why they're popular.
Marketing, Consistent with target demographic, School-friendly, frequency of search engine keywords.

>> No.10091839

It's not the worst, but it's still shit tier even for a children's book.

>> No.10091851

Are these the ones where a self-insert protagonist travels back in time to help Stalin completely win WW2 and develop modern computers by 1965 and stuff like that?
Ebin, I always wanted to read some of that trash but I can't into Russian.

>> No.10091855

Is this a new /lit/ meme?

>> No.10091874
File: 475 KB, 653x1024, 18729826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a cover.

If you can't tell precisely what happens in that shitty five volume fanfic right now, you probably have too little brain capacity to support your life functions.

>> No.10091905

Jesus fucking Christ, this looks worse than the worst LN tier.
Is this just some online crap or did some madman actually publish this in print?

>> No.10091925

Is it a carbon copy of NGE?

>> No.10091961
File: 413 KB, 1140x1819, heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Online crap that was published in 2011 with character names changed for legal reasons.

The covers of “New Heroes” series are notable by themselves. https://fantlab.ru/series858

>> No.10092026
File: 85 KB, 531x837, 21689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Red Overlord
> Stalin resurrects in Might and Magic world. Is he going to win another war?

>> No.10092065

She got the archetypes exactly right.

>> No.10092154
File: 272 KB, 750x190, Tesch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think again

>> No.10092164
File: 67 KB, 348x499, Mission Earf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10092201

the books themselves are just regular ol' mediocre genre fiction
however, if you look at their impact on literature as a whole, then yes, they have been an absolute disaster, wrecking the minds of potential future writers with unbearable autistic cliches

>> No.10092390

I still wonder why some books get picked for a big marketing push. Or massive advances like that Tearling series (which I haven't read yet, but have heard it's shite).

>> No.10092399

By tweaking the ones in the Worst Witch


>> No.10092400

Not really, it's well written for what it tries to be, it's just way way way overrated.

>> No.10092430

But Rowling contributed to literacy...
...the way Dan Brown contributed to history

>> No.10092575

...the way Dawkins contributed to science

>> No.10092696

...the way Donald Trump contributed to politics

>> No.10092707

... the way Ben Stiller contributed to philosophy

>> No.10092794

One brain dead bread.

>> No.10092805

...the way Lil Peep contributed to the revival of emo

>> No.10092854
File: 58 KB, 185x248, 20170930_234549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks senpai you made my day

>> No.10093520

Let me just stand up and stretch my legs real quick.

>> No.10093542

Emo is a big umbrella term, even Pet Sounds could be considered emo due to its confessional lyrics

>> No.10093562

>anyone would think you brats don't read

>> No.10093588

Kill yourself, contrarian.

Even Harold Bloom doesn't hate LotR. (He does prefer the Hobbit over the trilogy, however, even calls them "archaic" in the way of prose.)

>> No.10093624

Bloom has terrible taste and so do you

>> No.10093764


oi, last book was really good, 1-6 [but finale of 5 and 6 is good too] were bad [oh, ok, 5th was probably the best one, there happened a lot, I wish voldemort didn't tried to hide, their sneaking in the overworld would be more intense]

>> No.10093775


but imo she fucked up last one, there was not enough amount of shown life during voldemort terror, she should show us deatheaters in action [missions and such] it felt like they were there just to be called on word 'voldemort'

she wasted ton of potential for good horror showing real terrorism of the hitler-voldemort

>> No.10093780

There are worse but Harry Potter was okay when it came out. Its author is a piece of shit that will ruin her own works just for the sake of being progressive. Just like King.

>> No.10093795


? elaborate, I feel higher desire to learn

>> No.10093811

On which part, there being worse books or Rowling and King ruining their own works?

For the former all you have to do is go to your local bookstore or look for threads online talking about terrible books. Those are for the genuinely god awful books that didn't deserve to be published. For books just worse than Harry Potter all you have to do is look within the fantasy genre and see if the main character is a magic or sword wielding man. The two novels that come to mind are Name of the Wind and I think Free the Darkness Book 1. Genuinely terrible books.

For the latter Rowling tries to say that she always envisioned Hermione to be colored and when called out said her skin color was never mentioned but it was described as being pale at least once. With the rise of her political retardation expect it to ooze into more of her works.

With King just look into what he allowed to happen, with his blessings, to the movie adaptation of the dark tower. Absolute fucking disgrace. I have no fucking respect for any author who changes their work just to appease people.

>> No.10093822

>Rowling and King ruining their own works?

this, I already learned she's political ignorant but still keep making comments

>> No.10093830

She's been relatively silent recently but I'm sure that's because she's making a new movie based on the one recently released. Doubt she'll ever make another book because she's just in it for the money.

>> No.10093841


I lost all respect to her once I learned what person she really is, I think that dumbledore being gay was asspull just like hermione [this bitch literally hurt actor playing her for years, the best- she once said they are just how they imagined them]

>> No.10093844


how she* uh... I have no head for english

>> No.10093857

it’s supposed to be read when you’re a teenager. Quite decent.

>> No.10093984

> In front of me stood THE THING.
> Evangelion-01.
> Or, rather, only Eva's head and shoulders stuck out of the artificial lake filled with cooling liquid, but those were enough. It seems that just its broad face is at least five meters wide...
> After coping with my shock a bit — you do not get being stared by a bio-mechanical armor the size of a blue whale into your daily routine — I realized that that Eva was quite different from anime design.
> No more horns and other silly protrusions for you, everything is utilitarian and functional. Sleek contours of armor plates, head looks like it is in knight's round helmet with a heavy visor, thin eye slit, and a massive bevor. The neck is long and stretched, partially covered by wings lowering from the helmet. Even a cursory look at body armor suggests that it is quite trustworthy, in addition to it, the chest is protected by the whole cuirass, which is extra reinforced. Also present were original shoulder pylons — two long and thin rectangles attached to the shoulders — if memory serves me, that's where knives for Evangelions were usually kept... But the main deal was that biomechanoid did not have that awful purple-blue color it had in the series. Eva-01, or at least its visible part, was painted grey-black, a la city camo. Well, not that. Rather, its camouflage resembled the so called "ocean gray" of World War Two military ships. Spot on for operations in Tokyo-3, in other case I'm afraid that I would insist on emergent repaint. The design was still a bit strange, but that was fine.
> "What a heck of a toy!" I murmured, still gazing in awe at Zero-One.

>> No.10094019

It is now.

>> No.10094103

...the way Bill Nye contributed to science

>> No.10094851
File: 67 KB, 506x1179, dullest franchise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10094867
