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/lit/ - Literature

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10089115 No.10089115 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't strictly meta but, I want to ask you anons, on which other boards do you actively converse? I lurk several ones but it's usually just obnoxious meme'ing where nobody even bothers to read your posts. The reason I post on /lit/ is that it's a bit different that way, not strictly out of enthusiasm for literature.

So the topic doesn't even matter so much. But I'd like another one where people read, think, and reply.

>> No.10089118


I only come here when I'm banned from the others because sometimes I can get a good wank thread going here.

this board is mostly pretentious underage garbage and /pol/ roleplaying though. nowhere near as good as /tv/

>> No.10089120
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/tv/ for the shitposting even though i haven't watched anything in a year or so

>> No.10089124

/mu/ is pretty chill. everyone shits around but nobody takes themselves seriously. the mega threads are always helpful. usually thats when they do act serious and become pretty friendly.

i lurk /tv/ for the terrible threads. there really isnt much tv going on there though and it is retarded. but you get some funny threads every now and then.

/lit/ seems pretty full of themselves. you pose a question and it becomes a debate rather than a discussion. can get pretty annoying to talk about things here. still, ive gotten some good recommendations from here.

i used to go on /a/ for one page threads but everybody there is like a tween working at walmart, unhelpful and smug.

>> No.10089125

I lurk/post on /v/, /lit/, /mu/, /tv/, /g/ and a guilty pleasure: /r9k/.
You can get a decent discussion going on /lit/, /mu/ and /v/ if you tried hard enough. Sadly, this is no longer possible on /tv/, the memes have won there.

>> No.10089127

/q/ /vb/ /lm/ /nty/

>> No.10089129

nice literature faggot

sage and reported

>> No.10089131

>educated /lit/ users on /tv/
Why? I abandoned that place years ago.

>> No.10089134


Thanks. Last time I checked every /tv/ thread immediately descends into insults if you don't join the circle jerk considering blacks and females. /sp/ is good on football match days but I'm tired of £200m dabbers running about

don't watch anime or play any games so those are a bit moot

>> No.10089135

/his/, even though it's overrun with /pol/tards

>> No.10089137

it can be pretty funny although some of the board memes get pretty overused

>> No.10089142

/tv/ is the Dionysian id of internet boards. it is on levels of irony that haven't been discovered anywhere else yet.

it is the platonic ideal the rest of the boards are slowly moving towards.

>> No.10089144

/x/ can be quite good.
/fa/ has some good threads sometimes, mostly milspo, but is terrible most of the time.
[s4s] is pretty good these days, much nicer than a year ago.
/his/ is also pretty good.
/mu/ and /tv/ are abominations to be avoided at all cost.
/an/ is simply too slow.

>> No.10089150

The most intelligent board is probably /pol/. /His/ is ok. If you can find a good general on /vg/ it can be nice.

>> No.10089160
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>the most intelligent board is probably /pol/

>> No.10089165

why do newfags feel it's acceptable to make posts like this?

Do they find themselves so bewildered by the lack of a downvote button that they must nationalistically announce their dissatisfaction to the world as a last ditch effort to assert the identity? if this is true what does it say about them?

>> No.10089202
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/fit/ is too much humor and sometimes dabbles into /r9k/ territory, but below the surface it's one of the best natured boards with a good heart

>> No.10089203

It has to be by default, and I say that as someone who's been there just a few times. White men who dedicate their time to diagnosing and trying to fix the political, social, and economic problems of their age are going to be the most intelligent cohort in a compartmentalized community like 4chan.

>> No.10089210

fosters too many people who think they're medical experts because they've read summaries online

>> No.10089227


>> No.10089232

Not really, there are some smart people there but the amount of idiocy is much worse than on most boards. White men who dedicate their time to diagnosing and trying to fix the political, social, and economic problems of their age have a tendency to devolve into stagnant groupthink and regorgitate whatever clever thing one of the smarter Anons says until it devolves into idiotic platitude.

>> No.10089236


I only browse the high brow boards. Everything else is too... juvenile for me.

>> No.10089237

shit tier

>> No.10089245

True, but I only come to /lit/ when I'm feeling the need to be a pretentious cunt

>> No.10089249

/g/ /pol/ /lit/ /gif/
not in that order.

>> No.10089254
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>unironically believe anthropogenic climate change is a hoax
>unironically believe a cabal of jews are trying to undermine the west
>unironically have a whole general to praising trump
>unironically have people who believe the earth is flat
>unironically have threads about a secret nazi base in the antarctic that leads to the centre of the hollow earth
>unironically have threads debating whether or not specific european countries are white
>unironically watch infowars, varg, thegoldenone and other retarded e-celebs
>unironically worship hitler
>average poster probably believes half of the things on pic related
truly an enlightened community
truly enlightened

>> No.10089263

I agree with you anon. I think we also need to recognise the sheer number of posters in /pol/ + quick cooldowns mean that quality discourse is going to be outweighed by shitposting. That being said, places like /SIG/ & /SG/ are genuinely valuable, and /qanda/ is hilarious

Half of those are either ironic or bait

>> No.10089267

Well, like I said, I don't go there and hear it's a cesspool of shills now anyway. But generally white men who have the discipline to learn about the nuances of the JQ and its effect on society are going to be more intelligent than people who care about cartoons, post about TV, or even have their heads buried in fiction books.

>> No.10089274
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>> No.10089275

/co/ and /a/ because there are no alternatives. Both boards are shit if you seek intelligent discussion and /co/ has descended too much into /tv/ and /v/ territory.

>> No.10089280
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i remember when i thought it was 'ironic'. but yeah /sg/ was good and i used to enjoy monday night QandA threads

>> No.10089323

This. /his/ was pretty cool up until /pol/ started seeping in. You could actually learn cool shit and discuss history without it immediately devolving into why blacks and women are inferior. Now basically every thread there just starts out that way. It's pretty sad desu.

>> No.10089340
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Nice meme, friend!

>> No.10089438

/tv/ for fun and dubs
/pol/ just to check out what's been happening lately
/fit/ for info and motivation
/mu/ to shill music and /prod/, crappy board otherwise

>> No.10089556

But you know well enough that your thread contributes literally nothing. You're just thirsty for attention and casual chit-chat. There are other boards specifically for that purpose.

>> No.10090049

>/his/ was cool for a week
sounds ebin

>> No.10090230

/diy/, /mu/, and /fit/
sometimes /co/ and /tv/ but I don't usually converse and it's mainly browsing for storytimes and shitposts

>> No.10090399
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/fit/ for fitness and laughs
/lit/ for literature and laughs (and philosophy despite its awkward standing with the board)
/his/ for history and laughs
/pol/ for laughs
/ck/ for alcoholics thread and laughs

>> No.10090616

/ck/ is really the only good one for conversations and you'll actually improve a lifeskill.

>> No.10090763

underrated boards imho :

i also lurk/shitpost on

and then, there are the pink boards, of course