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10085805 No.10085805 [Reply] [Original]

Should I join the military, /lit/?

Many of the authors I respect were involved in the military at one point or another (albeit in far more interesting times) and it seems a good source of adventure.

For context I'm a wayward, impoverished, and ambitionless NEET riddled with neurosis and debt after drifting my way through a useless English degree.

>> No.10085902


>> No.10087345

Military service is abuse that no one deserves whether they volunteer or not. Nothing you do will satisfy your superiors or inferiors or other branches. Everyone will think you are gullible and foolish, but few will admit it because they don't want to sound negative.

They give you enough shots to kill a calf and have the right to experiment on you.

The masters you serve like the Whitehouse will call you disposable sheep and use you as such.

Adventures are mostly wading through boredom and suffering in places you would never wish to live. With society in slow mo collapse you are going to get more adventure than you'll care for.

Also 80 percent don't qualify to join so you are most likely just kidding yourself. Drop this foolish notion.

>> No.10087353


>> No.10087903

Be very selective of what job field and branch you choose.Avoid the combat arms jobs. Grunts are disposable. You must plan on how to use and abuse the system before it abuses you. You want some rear echelon, tech job that keeps you out of a combat theater and in some cushy garrison post. Be selective in your choices. Be thorough in your research. Never let the recruiter try and place you just to fulfill his quota. Tell him what you want to do and what training you want. Don't take no for an answer and always be prepared to walk away. On the other hand, whether you got what it takes or not is a different question altogether.

tl. 8 year Army vet

>> No.10087916

yes, you will learn a lot about the worst and best aspects of man, no regrets

6 years of service

>> No.10088022

Yes, that would be a great career move. Go help knock over yet another Arab government in the Middle East, leading to anarchy and depopulation there, paving the way for Greater Israel and fuelling the globalist scorched earth policy against Europe via immivasion. Once you return, your novel is guaranteed to get optioned by some New York publishing house editor, despite your WASPy name, in gratitude for your service as a golem, and you'll become a famous author and media darling, just like all your hero shabbos goyim from 50 years ago. I mean, the tribe still tosses white boys that bone every once in a while, don't they? There are still books published besides those written by Jews, women, non-whites, freaks, and perverts, right? I mean the cultural elite came through so generously on your reward for paying tens of thousands in tuition with that lovely degree, didn't they? You could trust them with all that money and four years well spent, listening to how evil you are, couldn't you? So why not trust them with your life, too? This is America, land of opportunity. You too can join that sparkling world of celebrity novelists, regardless of your race and sex, if you just put on a uniform go kill a few Arabs, right? Right? They haven't totally shut you out, have they? HAVE THEY?

>> No.10088058


LISTEN to this guy.

>> No.10088091

if you have ever been on antidepressants or diagnosed with depression or anxiety you cannot join the military

>> No.10088107

You are poor, have no job, education and you are not in training?

Explain to me how you live in these conditions? Do you have a fucking house? And why do you think the fucking military will be a (and I quote) "good source of adventure?"

>> No.10088112

i sincerely wish i believed in america enough to join the military.

i wanted to become a an airforce linguist so that i could get paid to learn languages and jump out of planes.

too bad i learned about imperialism.

>> No.10088126

you will most likely be eaten alive. do it faggot

>> No.10088134
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such intelligence

>> No.10088190

When you join you swear to protect and uphold the Constitution. I and every other living vet has failed at this. Don't join this sad, mentally, ill gaggle of failed men and women. Unless you are some sort of sadist who likes being abused by people with less integrity. The recruiters lie, there is no smart way to go about it. It's for brainlets.

>> No.10088193

When a vet says he has no regrets, he merely protects his ego. Live long enough and you'll think yourself a fool.

>> No.10088200

>thinking about joining
>half the time its people talking about what to do when they'll get out

I'm sure some thrive in that environment though.

>> No.10088211

You're seeing the military through the lens of talented writers. They make everything seem like a profound experience.

>> No.10088227
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>I'm a wayward, impoverished, and ambitionless NEET riddled with neurosis and debt

You'll still be all this, but you'll also be a failed soldier. Nothing to gain here.

>> No.10088275
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I feel like I have not wasted the years I in the army, like some feel they have not wasted the years spent studying ancient plays or myths. I have less tolerance for weakness in myself and others and feel like I've lost a lot of the wimpness I had before. You will grow as a person in the army, especially if you assume the more responsible roles.

>> No.10088299

maybe, maybe not.
structure and discipline might be just what the boy needs.

>> No.10088307

Suffering is a great teacher, but you would have grown anyway. I'm glad you came out with a positive self concept.

Mostly I'm honked off that my elders resented military service but never told me. I had to find out post-enlistment. So I do not wish to emulate their failure by remaining silent.

Break the chain.

>> No.10088324

If by structure you mean being threatened with jail for being late to work- level offenses, I'm sure this NEET will thrive.

Service doesn't give you anything you didn't already have. Kind of like the Tinman, Oz.

Doesn't make you man, you already were one.

He has debt, he will stay broke, only if he bounces any payments he'll be in jail. Anon, pls.

Done white knighting. Go get brainwashed and crippled you dumbass NEET.

>> No.10088348

Try not to get shot in the neck like Orwell/Blair.

>> No.10088352

If you want to. It isn't as bad as some people are saying. I have friends in the Army and Navy who are well off and don't complain.

Note that you probably won't get the adventure and insight that you're hoping for.

>> No.10088419
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>these are the people I share a board with
Weaklings in every sense of the word. Weak-willed, weak-minded and physically weak. Fearing ever having to struggle for anything. Soft half-men who will show their underbelly at the first sign of hardship. Join the military, OP. It’s the most luxurious being a soldier has ever been in the history of mankind and you’re still cowering before the thought of it. Build some character.

>> No.10088517

There are people with infinitely more creativity and willpower than you who have become self-made without being carried by Uncle Sam. I recommend you ease up on gas, sergeant.

>> No.10088565 [DELETED] 
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>fighting and dying for a Jewish banking system that doesn't care about you nor your country just so you can think yourself as being le manly

looks like someone got meme'd on hard.

>> No.10088575

>acting like the best country performing well is a bad thing

>> No.10088608

>"""people""" who Post on 4chan are self-made and have willpower
I’ll give you one thing, Anon, you certainly are creative.

>> No.10088680

No. War is ridiculously romanticised and you have to be a deluded LARPer to be unable to see it.
If you want something to write about get a job, save some money and go travel somewhere. It'll be better than violent torment or death, killing people, watching your comrades blow up and loose your sanity, all for the interests of sociopathic politicians and businessmen.

>> No.10088689

>teenage years become really insecure about being a dandy literal faggot with no hands on skills with only aspiration being writing
>force myself to consider being a tradie or cop or sign up for navy or some dull suitjob other shit and shun everything idealistic
>some point just stop being so spooked and become comfortable with myself and what i wanna do again
coulda been good jobs even but reason to do it came from the wrong place, too emotionally charged to think clearly.

>> No.10088700

>/pol/ phoneposter whose knowledge of history, masculinity and character comes from greentext screencaps lectures others including previous servicemen

>> No.10088722

>you're weak-willed if you don't want to fight wars for Israel and leech off taxpayers

>> No.10088734
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>> No.10088823

>should I go to war

Yes, the world doesn't need anymore shut in dickheads trying to become published authors at 21.

Or /lit/ shit in general, you need life experience to matter.
If not, getting a medical degree and doing doctors without borders is another option.

>> No.10088829
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>> No.10089477
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>t. american drone

>> No.10089563

>good source of adventure

Thanks to our garbage political elites that "adventure" is coming to your doorstep in the next 20 plus years. So you don't even need to join.

>> No.10089643


You know who wants to die for his country? A putz. The best you're going to get is a window into military lingo and culture, becoming another Tom Clancy clone. You're also going to get much less insight into strategy or tactics than you would think, unless you go to OCS.

I have great respect for our military, but if you're thinking of sacrificing potential decades of life simply to become an author, you are doing it for the wrong reasons. You should never perform an action but for its own sake. Why do YOU want to join the military? You have to actually want this. You have to actually be committed. You can't be composing poetry while your buddies are taking fire. The professional military of today doesn't have time for slackjaws.