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10087454 No.10087454 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book really as bad as /lit/ tells me it is? It seems to be a fairly articulate critique of transgressive & internet-based politics

>> No.10087479

Nobody gives a fuck about rotting basement dwellers

>> No.10087483

Normies are the real winners here

>> No.10087524

Yea, read the review on Thermidor imo

>> No.10087628

It's just kind of unremarkable, non-fiction. The writing doesn't need to be good for this kind of thing and, unsurprisingly, it isn't. Read it if you're interested, that's what it it is there for.

>> No.10087703
File: 78 KB, 699x624, logicsofmysogyny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets a little closer than past attempts to dissect four-chins. Still misses the mark, although I think /lit/ would probably buy into it the easiest of any board here. Nagle's perspective is that of the nu-newfag, the post-2014 gamergate bandwagoner. She makes little attempt to reach further back into the past than that.
There are more entertaining papers written on similar subjects. More informative ones, too.

>> No.10087709
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ecks dee

>> No.10087717
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and one more. Google should give you the source if you're interested - it's not a long paper and shows a deeper understanding of 4chan than Nagle.

>> No.10087739

its boils down to
>everyone is an idiot, everyone but me.

>> No.10087751

this is good and true

>> No.10087754

no idea, I don't read books by women

>> No.10087948


>> No.10087976

They're not ironic. Most are on welfare, addicted to drugs, a long list of mental illnesses and gender identity crises, and fucked up lives.

They try so hard to be edgy and make their tranny porn fap club inaccessible to others, but the truth still stands. Nobody wants to associate with them in real life. This is the truth.

"haha i'm too cool for normies" gets tiring. You have to see what they're like behind the screen. Even the lowest of normies wouldn't go near them.

>> No.10088021

Writing about 4chan like you are Steve Irwin observing an ecosystem from the outside as if you are not part of and participant in the development of said ecosystem is always going to result in shoddy work full of glaring peripheral gaps

>> No.10088032

Richard Spencer called it "some of the best writing on the alt-right he's read". I've got it shipping to my house.

>> No.10088055

why put effort into a place where transvestites come to hook up? oh wait you live here.

>> No.10088066

This so much.

>> No.10088120

Very interesting. Thanks for the read, anon.

>> No.10088139

4chan is containment for autistic spergs

>> No.10088152

richard spencer is a fucking tool

the book has some minor factual errors and stuff but it's okay, it wont be of interest to you unless you're on the outside looking in

>> No.10088168

I'm pretty sure that anybody on this site would tell you that this book is trash.

>> No.10088561

Can't you search the archives?

> not being able to list her false base assumptions on your own
Lurk for 10 more years, backwards.

>> No.10088568 [DELETED] 

I'm still mad I didn't go through with my 4chan thesis back in 2007. That would have given me a tenure fast track.

>> No.10088594

RAMPANT projection here

>> No.10088743

Haven't yet read the book, but wasn't her aim to analyze the current form of 4chan, precisely the post-2014 variation and how it relates to tumblr?

>> No.10088857
File: 85 KB, 800x537, IMG_9454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most are on welfare, addicted to drugs, a long list of mental illnesses and gender identity crises, and fucked up lives.

Talk about yourself loser

>> No.10088916

Just so you know, I'm currently researching/writing the definitive sociohistorical account of 4chan. I've been here on a semi-daily basis since 2008, I'm sure I can do a better job than newfag Nagle

>> No.10089057

cool, write about me in your blog once its done

>> No.10091056

She didn't develop anything from her new man of 4chan article, she tapped into a nerve but ultimately it's a shallow analysis of the culture for tut tutting outsiders

>> No.10091118

write about me too pls
>special mentions anon 1 & 2