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10087002 No.10087002 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this?

>> No.10087006

reactionary white woman scribbles

>> No.10087010


Can't Rag the Pags. We used to enjoy her radicalism and goofball ideas before /pol/ invaded

>> No.10087017

pagli is great. inb4 faggots

>> No.10087031


>> No.10087109

>Gender dysphoria is a fad

“I think it’s become a fashion,” Camille Paglia said during a recent public interview. “The transgender definition has become a convenient label for young people who may simply feel alienated culturally for other reasons.”

Paglia, a professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and one of the world’s foremost intellectuals, went on to suggest that gender fluidity is simply the new face of the counter-culture.

“In the 1950s they might have become a beatnik,” she said. “In the 1960s they might have become a hippie and taken mind-expanding drugs.”

>> No.10087121
File: 832 KB, 3152x1332, basedpaglia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true though. Transgenderism is Christianity materialized and repackaged as revolutionary contrarianism.

>> No.10087123

Paglia is god-tier and even post-/pol/onizing she can be adored.

>> No.10087129

I like Paglia but I always laugh with alt-righters read her stuff then get triggered by her feminism

Even though she opposes the idea of rape culture and all that, they seem to forget that she's still fucking famous for being a feminist, a real aggressive Amazonian type feminist too

that said, I like her, haven't read Sexual Personae, read another one of hers can't remember what its called now and it was interesting but I didn't find it overly intellectually rigorous

>> No.10087132


That's actually brilliant. There are few people who can say the shit she says and get away with it.

>> No.10087145

I have a hard time believing that many people take this tranny stuff seriously, even dumb kids who don't know any better. This jewish permanent cultural revolution shit needs to be stopped though.

>> No.10087158

I've been considered alt-right and I love Paglia. She criticizes second and third-wave feminism, most alt-righters also criticize this. She espouses sex-realism, a major point for the alt-right. She espouses a feminism I can get behind.

I think she is best considered as a sort of modern bard. Her approach is very unique.

>> No.10087174

She's never be wrong about anything ever

>> No.10087285

>Transgenderism is Christianity materialized
Care to elaborate?

>> No.10087294

She's fun, still over the top, with an oddly comfy prose style.

>> No.10087349


I like this quote from her book (about Shakespeare):

>Shakespearean language is a bizarre super-tongue, alien and plastic, twisting, turning, and forever escaping. It is untranslatable, since it knocks Anglo-Saxon root words against Norman and Greco-Roman importations sweetly or harshly, kicking us up and down rhetorical levels with witty abruptness. No one in real life ever spoke like Shakespeare's characters. His language does not "make sense," especially in the greatest plays. Anywhere from a third to a half of every Shakespearean play, I conservatively estimate, will always remain under an interpretive cloud. Unfortunately, this fact is obscured by the encrustations of footnotes in modern texts, which imply to the poor cowed student that if only he knew what the savants do, all would be as clear as day. Every time I open Hamlet, I am stunned by its hostile virtuosity, its elusiveness and impenetrability. Shakespeare uses language to darken. He suspends the traditional compass points of rhetoric, still quite firm in Marlowe, normally regarded as Shakespeare's main influence. Shakespeare's words have "aura." This he got from Spenser, not Marlowe.

>> No.10087360
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So, Christianity was the first philosophy to isolate positive self-denial in its abstract form: ascetic spirituality (if you are contemplating, you are not living). The practical outcome of this is recognizing the "vulgarity" or "vanity" of the material world when compared to the "spiritual world." The Christian says, "through your spirit [your real essence], you can access heaven [achieve what you want]." But for a traditional Christian (the pre-capitalist vein of Christianity that still survives in a modified form today), body modification is sinful because, among other reasons, it bespeaks an overt concern with the material. Capitalism, in its relentless drive to materialize all ideology and idealize all material, was faced with the task of reconciling Christian disdain for the material with a body-mod obsession (prior to HRT this domain of potential commodification was untapped). This is what transgenderism allows. It says that the spirit is the essence of the body ("what really determines your gender is what you believe," incidentally this is also why gender and sex had to become separate categories), while at the same time asserting that there can be such a thing as "gender dysphoria," or, a need to change one's material sex for the sake of one's spiritual gender. Thus the self denial of Christianity is perfected in the material world in the form of unsexing: men castrate themselves, women make themselves barren in the name of their God, their True Gender Identity.

>> No.10089145

That's gnosticism, which is a heresy

>> No.10089163

Give me more sexkino /lit/.

>> No.10089219

Buddhistsdid it at least 500y earlier, hindus even earlier than that. Self denial is a standard mechanism to cope with a shit life and even worse death.

>> No.10089768
File: 236 KB, 558x475, Skoptsy_man_and_woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been legitimate Christian "castrationists", but directly linking Christianity to the modern transgender fad in the way you do ignores the secular degeneration of values in western society in general that's trickled down from the intellectual world. The extreme individualism with no regard for honor ("only god can judge me") is what I would put as the actual progenitor of this filth.

To be clear, the Skoptsy are in line with your view, but the modern trannies are mentally deranged hedonists.

>> No.10089918


But all Christian vantage points are hypersexual. God as Creator and Lord is the ultimate justification for all Master-Slave Sociocultural perpetuation and its ubiquitous essentialism all the way down to individual persons - "men" and "women".

>> No.10090101

I honestly never heard of "ecole normale" but her wanting students to die is really fucked up

>> No.10090179

It's only a secular degeneration because advanced capitalism enforces secularism.

I should say, "first to take hold in the West," thanks for pointing that out.

But that's why "gender" as an ideological complex is so tricky. All contemplative vantage points are necessarily "hypersexual," since the mind (the theater of thought) is (though subject to modifications by sex-specific hormonal impulses) genderless and sexless. But when you infuse this contemplative structure with a particular hierarchical dimension (i.e. you name a God), that being spiritual gender essentialism in the place of general spiritual essentialism, you take a concept that is explicitly material and throw it into the world of absolute abstraction. Since gives God (which is you in your ideally gendered and sexed form) certain sexually representative characteristics, one is obliged to emulate them.

>> No.10090192

It's a made-up quote you dope

>> No.10090196

I like it a lot though its often preposterous. I think about it in light of that Pareto quote "give me the fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself."
That being said, Camille Paglia is absurd, and its silly how she reads her frustration with the Anglo-american reception of French thought into the works themselves.

>> No.10091219

Are you talking specifically about her issues with Foucalt?

>> No.10091224

It's good. Paglia is entertaining. I don't entirely agree with her Spengler-like pseudobabble about Dionysian/Apollonian zeitgeist swings.