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File: 178 KB, 598x797, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10086958 No.10086958 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like this book is turning into a cult classic. But are there any other good books on critical thinking that aren't just mass produced trash? How many IQ points will I gain by fully digesting this?

>> No.10086973
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1473974794707s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gain IQ points

>> No.10086977

But if I'm a creative and critical thinker, I will score higher on IQ tests.

>> No.10087001

Foucault, obviously.

>> No.10087005

If you were a critical thinker, you wouldn't care about getting high scores on IQ tests.

>> No.10087007
File: 18 KB, 627x576, 1369600612450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the sticky note, but I think you need to timestamp it. It's very important that I get some proof that you own this book, and aren't just trying to FOOL me into thinking you own it. I mean, how could we have an intelligent discussion about its ideas unless I knew for a fact you were there with a hard copy literally in front of you? We couldn't. It would be a complete waste of time.

So yes, remember to date the timestamp as dd/mm/yy because I'm not an American fuckwit.

>> No.10087012

No I want to become a better thinker, not perform an intellectual lobotomy on myself. Okay, maybe reading a book by Foucault and a book by Merleau-Ponty is a good idea, but getting immersed and transformed by French continental philosophy is a great way to ensure that your thinking never produces any coherent or communicable idea.

>> No.10087020

Seems you're already lobotomized. Who do you think you're responding to?

>> No.10087027

That's why I want to read this book.

I meant to respond to >>10087001 but I clicked the wrong button.

>> No.10087040
File: 133 KB, 1115x1115, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually isn't my book. But this is my book. I own a copy. I also have this cool lanyard. I bet you don't have a lanyard like this.

P.S. fuck your dating system and the serfdom mentality that produced it.

>> No.10087058

our handwriting is identical.

>> No.10087061

psst brainlet

>> No.10087082
File: 3.18 MB, 3264x2448, 1499255926413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087086

That's nice. Want to compare penises too?

I know. But will reading this book change that? I heard great things, like that this book can work miracles.

>> No.10087096

>tfw I get doxxed one day because somebody recognizes my keychain.

>> No.10087108

anyway let's talk about patrician liberal arts core books:

How to Read a Book - Mortimer J. Adler
Creative & Critical Thinking - W. Edgar Moore
Atlas of World History - Patrick O'Brien
The Art of Fiction - David Lodge
The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing - Thomas S. Kane
The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric - Sister Miriam Joseph

I'm down for replacing the last book with something along the lines of a serious grammar/linguistics book and an intro to logic book. SMJ has a great book but I think it's dated and too compressed.

>> No.10087498

looks like the "smart but lazy" handwriting style to me desu senpai

>> No.10087504

>tfw harvard niggas have such high iq and are so in line with the order of creation that their impromptu pics of their keychains involve perfect 45 degree alignment of the tasteful underlying carpet pattern

fuck you

>> No.10087541

>implying he didn't arrange the fuck out of that

>> No.10087591

guys sometime a picture is just a picture. I dropped my keys on the floor and took a picture with my iphone. stop reading into this shit

>> No.10087650

And sometimes a picture is a symbol for a BBC. This is probably one of those times.

Explain to me please how logical order (dd/mm/yy) reflects serfdom? Is this like rejecting YouTube videos because they're not traditional even though they are better equipped to communicate information faster and more comprehensively?

>> No.10087753

Sorry pal, all of the adventurous and clever European stock left Europe for the Americas a century ago to give birth to the most influential cultures and sciences that have ever graced the planet. The rest have been left to rot in nanny states lorded over by bitter bureaucrats and multinational corporations, where you have no potential for self-actualization or even self-defense. Here, even a tweet could land you in prison.

"This date system is logical because that's what my schools funded by a 50% tax rate told me. Ascending order, that's the most important. Why? Because it is. Like... ascending! There's no other way!" Haha, you better damn hope it's logical because otherwise you have nothing to show for your financial emasculation. This is the type of cattle bred in Europe nowadays. And soon it'll be halal, too.

>> No.10087799

So you would literally reject a more logical system purely because of a historical culture it was associated with? Sounds brainlet tier to me.

>> No.10087959

The true logical system is yyyy/mm/dd. That way documents can be organized in chronological order. You would know this if you weren't a brainlet Europoor obsessed with pleasing his bureaucratic superiors. Get the fuck out of here with your "logic".

>> No.10088003
File: 21 KB, 465x316, images (71).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking it's acceptable to use your own administrative format in the middle of an established system.
By the way, Americans are by far the most pathetic western nation in terms of education. But let me guess, you're some kind of "autodidact".

>> No.10088047

What are you even talking about? One moment you're crying about logic. Now efficiently organizing dates is too logical for you. One moment you're sucking my dick because of the school on my lanyard. Now you're accusing me of being an autodidact.

I think I've generated enough cognitive dissonance in this poor fellow to justify ignoring you until the end of this thread. I'd rather talk about Creative & Critical Thinking. Is it a good book? Should I read it? Should this moron from Europe read it?

>> No.10088067

I'm not from Europe, I was never looking up to you, and you have not won whatever this is. But by all means continue to enjoy your theatre of projections.

>> No.10088085

if you need it it doesn't matter friend

>> No.10088129

Stop crying in my thread. Nobody wins from you posting because you've posted nothing but garbage.

But will it increase my IQ?

>> No.10088135

Does someone have a pdf

>> No.10088143

Jesus christ you're a sensitive "fella".

Why do you want to do well in IQ tests? Do you have one coming up or something? Why don't you just get a fucking WAIS kit and practice if it's that important to you.

>> No.10088803

pssst ses

>> No.10089387

Why does this book get posted often? Will it increase the size of my penis score?

>> No.10089449 [DELETED] 

I would give a large list based on the latest research from philosophy and psychology, but then I remembered that /lit/ sucks and I don't want people here to get any better. Knowledge is for hoarding and should be kept secret.

>> No.10089455

You reap the board that you sow. I bet you have the pdf to this book too.

>> No.10089487 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 280x307, logic ebooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10089857

Brett Steven's Nihilism does a good job of breaking down how you should view reality for what it is.

>> No.10090702

No unfortunately. But you can probably find it cheap. Also, what some ways of getting a good pdf scan of a book? I would pay somebody to do it if it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

>> No.10090734

>learning critical thinking