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10085953 No.10085953 [Reply] [Original]

We all know how popular Nietzsche is with teenagers. Often, he's the first philosopher they read, and sometimes the last. I think a big part of this has to do with his writing style. A lot of philosophy works are really dry and technical, while Nietzsche is entertaining and is good at prose. So my question is this: if the playing fields were leveled and EVERY work of philosophy was somehow made to be as accessible and inviting as old Neetch, would he still be the favorite philosopher of teenagers? Or do you think a different philosopher would arise?

>> No.10086087

Teenagers don't read. Only 1% of the population reads while the other 99% please themselves dancing and listening to ooga booga music.

>> No.10086093

Nietzsche has witnessed a sudden rise in popularity because his words can be used as quotes, without proper context, to allow modern degeneracy; however, even a quick reading of his most salient works is enough to understand that he never meant to say half of the things he represents today.

>> No.10086098

The reason he's popular is because will to power and superman sound powerful.
If Hegel would of wrote a book called "How to be a bitch ass nigga that scores all the women and kills all his enemies" he'd be the most popular

This isn't a critic of Nietzsche.

>> No.10086104

If I'm familiar enough with kang-speak, a "bitch ass nigga" is, in fact, a weakling.

>> No.10086126

It has nothing to do with reading, he's part of pop culture. Most people who like Nietzsche have never read him or at best read him very poorly.

>> No.10086140

My bad

>> No.10086168

Für Alle und Keinen

>> No.10086267

This. Most people miss the fact that he is clearly an anti-semite (and those who don't try to cover it up for the sake of political correctness)

>> No.10086276

tfw this actually happened

keep it up lit

t. kang

>> No.10087159

>as accessible and inviting as old Neetch
So in other words, if everyone's work of philosophy was nearly impenetrable?

Don't bullshit me, faggot. Most people who have read Nietzsche are terrible readers of him, and that's nothing to say of the clueless people who read Wikipedia summaries or just read a quote or two.

>> No.10087204
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>he's too pretentious to dance
It is fun as fuck dude

>> No.10087211

yeah really.
>does everything he can to fight nihilism
>considered a nihilist by millions of plebs

>> No.10087228
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"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once."

t. Freddy Neatsheet

>> No.10087232

nietzche really isn't that accessible, especially for teenagers. he's popular because he has several maxims that are appealing to the layman
you're applying your own preconceived notions to his work or falling for the sister meme. nietzche was anti-anti-semite

>> No.10087257

how is he an anti semite? He rails on anti semites multiple times.

>> No.10087277

He doesn't "fight nihilism", he says the ubermesch ultimately exercise their will to power in spite of nihilism, without restrictive ideologies and moralities that sought to mask nihilism like Pauline Christianity.

>> No.10087291

His philosophy is completely antithetical to the concept of nihilism.

>> No.10087295

Not to ooga booga music.

>> No.10087311

No. Although he predicts it being a destructive force, he says there is "no-true world" and no true meaning besides what we give meaning. Nowhere does he say we should put ourselves back under the yoke of false ideologies to wish away nihilism.

>> No.10087322

>he says there is "no-true world" and no true meaning besides what we give meaning
And herein lies the antithetical nature of his philosophy which I am talking about. If you take that to its fullest conclusion, fully to heart, then you overcome nihilism just as he did.

>> No.10087330
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if people like pic related would pick up genealogy of morals they would def think differently of nietzsche but saying he was anti semitic shows his philosophy went over your head, he mentions that the jews are to blame for the umwertung of the once noble values but he never blames the jews per se for the occurrence of slave morality. if you look at actual anti semites you can see slave morality in its finest form

>> No.10087332

>if you look at actual anti semites you can see slave morality in its finest form
This is the red pill.

>> No.10087339

That is paradoxical, as he understands there is no objective meaning. There is no intrinsic value, rather personal value that we ourselves assign. What I mean to say is, we are saying the same thing. Nietzsche accepts nihilism, but ultimately lives in spite of its hypothesized destructive impulse. To be nihilistic doesn't mean to be a suicidal.

>> No.10087367

It seems paradoxical, but it really isn't. Nietzsche's life affirmation means moral justification of all things and all perspectives simultaneously.

>> No.10087389

That's not easy to predict, but I think sometimes people are maybe overly dismissive of that teenage-phase, there can be great potential there, but it just withers and then they conform to society, and turn numb, usually.
There are those who are superficially drawn to certain authors and only use them as a signaling accessory of how alienated or uncertain they feel of themselves. But I think there are also people with that genuine spark, it's such an important time, but it usually just isn't nurtured.
And then they look back and scoff at themselves for ever having been into those authors, as if it were immature, I'm not so sure that is always true, but that is more easier to tell oneself.

>> No.10087392

I didn't mean that they fully comprehend his philosophy. I meant that his style pleases them and encourages them to keep reading. It IS accessible and inviting, even if most people come away from it with a misinterpretation.

>> No.10087400

>slave morality in its finest form
>ideology in its purest form
are these two connected?

>> No.10087426

I disagree, considering he rails heavily against morals in general, and perspectives that hinder one's tendencies to exercise their will, which he prefers as the natural tendency of organisms over the prevailing self-preservation principle of his time. That was his whole slave morality argument, and his statements "God is a sacred lie" and "God is dead". These perspectives, especially the moral teleology of Kant, Nietzsche hated and disregarded as both negative to human life and no longer operable in his era. His individualistic philosophy is centered on acceptance of nihilism, of the lack of intrinsic value, in order to most effectively pursue one's own meaning free of moral constrictions.

>> No.10087436

even shitty music is fun to dance to

>> No.10087528

Often enough people who claim to love Nietzsche will have read only his wikipedia article or, even worse, a few out of context quotes on how "God is dead" and "there are no facts, only interpretations"
Hell, I've seen so many people claim nietzsche was a nihilist it's not even funny

>> No.10087533

I'm a guy but I can only dance like a slutty woman, so I avoid it

>> No.10087553

"moral" justification may not have been the best word choice on my part, as it leads to your response, which is basically correct in Nietzsche's terms but unrelated to what I meant.

There is a reason why people blame Nietzsche for "opening the floodgates" and causing much of the havoc in the 20th century, particularly with the Nazis, reactionary movements and art movements. The attribution is partly correct. His philosophy does justify everyone, it is the byproduct of life affirmation to do so, and when people full of ressentiment catch wind of that sentiment, they use it in order to justify their ressentiment.

Nietzsche gets to the root of it all and says, all ideology falls apart in the face of what is necessary; and this too is ideology. Truth serves power, life is will to power; truth serves life. Truth is elusive, and appearances are truth; we have no organ for it. You have your way, I have my way, and the center of everything is in everything; yet God is dead and we have killed him. Ultimately, one must go beyond good and evil to get past these paradoxes, and see again as a child, and no longer attribute value OR valuelessness to stone tablets, but to live through it instead and become what one is, which is a force called will to power. The battle between value-emptying philosophies and value-creating philosophies almost disappears then, and the "problem" of nihilism evaporates, because it is held up as a concept only by the good vs. evil structure, the morality of the slaves. It can exist only within that structure, so you have to go past it.

>> No.10087604

Then we have the same understanding. I am still hesitant to say Nietzsche fought against nihilism in the sense that he sought to reject it. I think it is better to say he was not a passive nihilist who sought to abandon the ego in the face of meaninglessness. To overcome nihilism in his philosophy one must first accept the lack of intrinsic value. I think those who say Nietzsche rejected nihilism, or did not have a connection to or influence on the philosophy of nihilism.

>> No.10087654

Didn't end my last sentence there
*are misguided

>> No.10088356

This is just incorrect. Nietzsche admired the Jews for their self-determination. He believed Germans could only compete with the Jew by embracing individualism over nationalism.

>> No.10088370

Lol no. And European individualism is a death wish against jewish tribalism, something Europeans must overcome so we can rid ourselves of these jews.

>> No.10088371

You are writing as though what teenagers read mattered at all to success of philosophy. Which is astonishingly stupid. You're basically postulating that Stephen Molyneux might be treated like Plato if only he wrote in a more poetic way and children in highschool bought his books.

Nietzsche is a big philosopher because he was a big thinker.

>> No.10088386

If you're in the mindset where Jews or 'something to be rid of' you've already lost. You've sunk full into slave morality and have started piling on the virtues onto the Jews; they are now the 'evil masters' aka the good guys.

>> No.10088403

As Nietzsche said, and you clearly don't understand, jews are the source of slave morality, so opposing them is the first step toward freedom from it. Teenagers' botched interpretations of Nietzsche -- a description that seems to fit you perfectly, friend.

>> No.10088408

Dance when no one is watching. That's how we straight people have to do it.

>> No.10088426

Jews created slave morality and than the gentiles all eventually picked up the thinking and created their own variation. The process of value inversion can be done by literally any group of people who are clever enough and in a losing position.

Likewise master morality is attractive to winners. So as a group of people, say the Jews, more and more becomes the winners of society the less useful championing ideas such as pity or non-violence become and the more useful idelogies like Zionism become (Zionism is basically master-morality but only for the Jews). The anti-Semites are basically the Slaves to the Zionist Masters.

Fun fact. Theodor Herzl who is credited as the founder of Zionism was deeply influenced by Nietzsche. Israel is probably the country right now that most embodies Nietzche's idea of how a state should run.

>> No.10088440

Aren't you supposed to not be using electricity today, shlomo? You are clearly the type who mutilates concepts in the attempt to make them mean what you want them to mean. Jews spread slave morality to weaken society so those who oppose them and their slave ideologies are obviously not the slaves, you lying fool.

>> No.10088466

For you.

>> No.10088471

>listen to this ressentful goy!

Do you want a medal for the being the biggest victim?

Gosh I'm so sorry that my ancestors enslaved your ancestors for their own personal benefit =-( They are big meanies just like the slave-owning Greeks & Romans, or the slave owning Babylonians and Egyptians. If only everyone would learn to get along the world would be better place!

>> No.10088474
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Almost. The key similarity is that they're both moral systems handed down from the proprietary class to the non-proprietary class, which by virtue of its defining poverty cannot have such authority; but, where there's no change in ideology and it only helps to further the bourgeoisie, slave morality reverts the values of master morality.

>> No.10088476

Wtf is this. I want to send every last jew to Israel then quarantine them there. Whites don't play the victim card, jews do; it's been their MO since 1945 -- hell, since Moses.

>> No.10088481

Most people don't dance.

>> No.10088490
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>> No.10088494

>Whites don't play the victim card,
I laughed so hard at this I pissed my points a little

Please tell me more about how the Rabbis have enslaved you and your children and ruined your culture! the anti-semetic whites are the biggest victim-card users ever!

Post that graph again showing how whites are underrepresented in key positions of the media!

> I want to send every last jew to Israel then quarantine them there
Do you also roleplay being a crusader or just a Nazi? The only one's being genocided here are you goys...by your own admission =p

>> No.10088496


>> No.10088508
File: 43 KB, 627x458, JewishExpulsions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're delusional, jew. Not that that is any surprise. All of jewish power derives from the fabrication of a victim narrative, whereas whites have 'privilege' and aren't even allowed to pursue their own interests publicly. But your scam is already collapsing in on itself and open displays of chutzpah will soon come back on you tenfold. It always does.

>> No.10088510

Hitler did nothing wrong!!!

>> No.10088511

Whites don't have any establishments promoting their cause, unlike others who actually use their victim cards. How many programs do you know of that are aimed at
>helping Jews
>helping blacks
>helping Mexicans/Arabs/immigrants
>helping LGBBQ
I won't accept a spiritual patriarchy as an establishment. I'm talking government or private institutions where humans work towards a cause and have political power.

Mind you, pro-dumb people laws and legislations are not strictly anti-white, they are anti-intelligent people (disregarding Jews), as Asians also lose places in society due to it; having harder time getting higher education, as they require more points to pass the exams. This is the case in USA. In Finland, the Fennoswedes have a similar system, where they need to score less in order to access universities.

I don't really mind USA dying, as it has ruined the world for us humans. However, wherever I can push for coherence I do so. As such, I see myself as promoting Logos, making me the antithesis of Jews and Judaism.

>> No.10088618

Wtf is this. I want to send every last white to europe then quarantine then there. Jews don't play the victim card, whites do; it's been their MO since 2017 -- hell, since Hitler.

>> No.10088691

What the hell does this have to do with anything? Your entire arguement is that 1,000 years ago some Jews harassed the Goys? Whites being the victim again!

I think most Jews were expelled for religious reasons. Something to do with the Goys wanting to practice their silly victim worship of Christ and being angry the Jews laughed at their religion. I bet those mean kikes even made fun of the sacred crackers!!

>> No.10088717

how does every thread on this board devolve into talking about jews? you guys need help desu

>> No.10088731

Hello spergkike, jews have been kicked out of everywhere they've ever gone because they're sociopaths and liars who destroy other people's nations. This is your own people's fault and it's going to happen again soon because you guys are incapable of learning from your mistakes.

Jews are a big problem, don't you know?

>> No.10088741
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>> No.10088767

Not interested in that bullshit, shekelberg. If you have something to say, say it.

>> No.10088794

you mean to tell me nazi's are influenced by hitler? i think i need to lay down for a moment
schizophrenia a big problem, you should get yourself evaluated, better safe than sorry

>> No.10088799

>schizophrenia is a big problem
For your people, yeah.

>Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia


>> No.10088804

The point is that Jews were exiled really only because they were unchristian. Which is highly ironic if you are trying to make the case the Jews are the eternal source of all slave morality.

>> No.10088811

I have no idea, for some reason the US is generally obsessed with black people, afraid of being emasculated (hence the cuck meme) and filled with jewish hate. All of this takes form into a imaginary enemy who takes the form of a nigger-loving jew who enjoys being cucked, a.k.a. liberals.

>> No.10088815

Sounds like a plus. All of the really fucking smart people are on the boarder of insanity.

Nietzsche wrote his best stuff on the brink of maddness.

The Greek playwrights got all their best ideas from the Muses in their head.

Jung basically said his life's work was just interpreted what the voices and visions in his head told him.

Tons of great fiction writers are neurotic, PKD was a full blown schizoid.

>> No.10088822

The relationship between mental illness and genius is purely anecdotical and stems from a confirmation bias.

>> No.10088847
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ah yes, the old 'everyone who thinks im crazy for unironically believing jews are the most evil thing since sliced bread must be a jew' argument; truly the mark of a mentally stable individual
mostly true but i recall a time in england where all the jews were imprisoned and eventually expelled for shaving the gold off the edges of coins

>> No.10088871

>i recall a time in england where all the jews were imprisoned and eventually expelled for shaving the gold off the edges of coins

Man they really were ahead of their time.

Didn't you just say the smartest race in the world, Ashkanazi Jews are more prone to insanity? I think that's pretty good evidense!

>> No.10088880

Israeli jews have an average IQ of around 92 or so, and jews do very poorly on spatial IQ tests which is why they are generally uncreative. Their high intelligence scoring is mostly limited to verbal IQ.

>> No.10088897

ashkenazi jews only represent half of the jews in israel

>> No.10088934

Don't Ashkanzi Jews have a full deviation advantage over the next highest ethnic group?

>> No.10088982

I think it's closer to a half. I generally don't have a problem with IQ scores as a proxy for intelligence but it's not always good for quantifying how things turn out in the real world. The kind of intelligence jews and Asians exhibit is a very rote kind, which is why they don't do well on spatial tests that can be used to determine creativity, which is tied to the ability to innovate, and ultimately tied to individualism as a cultural trait. Whites are the only people who innovate because whites are more creative, and this creativity stems from whites coming from very individualistic societies. Jews and Asians (as well as blacks, etc.) quite literally can't think outside of the box, or abstractly. So while jews are obviously very intelligent, this intelligence derives from them essentially memorizing religious texts and is therefore limited to memorization-like tasks. They lived in very insulated communities and created literally nothing new within them until they broke out of the stetl in the 1800s and mixed with Germans and became perhaps a little more creative but not significantly so. You can see this reflected in the institutions jews have taken over from Europeans since WWII. It's why Hollywood pumps out base garbage and news stations repeat ad nauseum these retarded lies: these are reflections of how jews think and operate, and European people's turn away from these institutions I think subconsciously indicates that many perceive something isn't jiving with their own nature, which has led more to use their creative European abilities to explore what that is and then oftentimes, hopefully, conclude that it's the result of this alien race propagandizing them with ridiculous messages to keep them under control. That is creative intelligence at work: being able to recognize that there is a problem and then trying to come up with creative solutions to fix that problem. This is the stage higher IQ though mostly younger white men have reached by use of the internet: the realization that these jews are a major problem and that we must develop a way to fix it.

>> No.10089019

>whites are the only people who innovate

I stopped reading here. This is absurd. I guess the Asian countries were living in caves until the 1800s when they started doing trading with white civilization.

>> No.10089029

Can't wait till /pol/ shitters get off /lit/. They don't read and have no interesting or original thought.

>> No.10089036
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It's true. Whites are responsible for nearly all innovation and have many ancient links to the Orient as well, so it's very likely that Aryans had a hand in the innovations often attributed to the ancient Chinese. In fact, I believe a prominent Chinese archeologist even came out recently and said as much.

>> No.10089062

So did the the Aryans invent Super Mario brothers, gun powder, and Taoism?

>> No.10089083
File: 232 KB, 900x605, Qianling_208385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know about the origins of the Ainu and Indo-European eastward expansions? Nothing is stopping you from obtaining the knowledge I have, neet-san.

>> No.10089103

If you can admit that the Jews spread slave morality, then you must admit they are arbiters of the master morality.

The problem with anti-Semites is that their accusation against the Jews amounts to 'You don't play fairly. Why not give us a chance too?' This is a moral assertion, and as goes withiut saying, something Nietzsche would have scoffed at. Jews are pretty smart people, and they have completely embraced the do or die mindset. Many, but not all, are powerthirsty and know how to get what they want. Europeans have not learnt to do this en masse. Instead of lookig at what Jews do right, they bemoan their own weaknesses and demand change from the top-down.

>> No.10089106

yeah ainu that already

>> No.10089110

yeah of course

>> No.10089117

White countries are not open zones of winner-take-all tribal competition.

>> No.10089139

>White countries are not open zones of winner-take-all tribal competition.
Might be the case, but Nietzsche did not think that touching sentiment applied to the natural order of life. You can argue otherwise, but don't try to claim Nietzsche as your own.

>> No.10089167

I've Nietzsched deeper than you, friend, and want what he wanted: a return to great man aristocratic values that will give Europeans the strength to stop letting our nations to be free democratic zones of inter-tribal competition and allow us to forcefully expel the jews who've made them such.

>> No.10089181

Have you not read Martin Luther?

>> No.10089197
File: 106 KB, 465x310, Das Judean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jews are the aristocratic ones =^)

The tables have turned!!

>> No.10089218

Is that why they got shoahd after their brief stint of bolshevik rule in Russia and why their house of cards in the post-WWII west is already starting to collapse in on itself? Jews have never run shit, and can't run shit anywhere except into the ground. They are no aristocratic class, they are slave trading swindlers from the desert.

>> No.10089226

>Jews have never run shit

According to the obese virgins on /pol/ the Jews run pretty much everything

>> No.10089235

I really liked Karl Popper as a teenager. His writing is very accessible and it's not hard for teenagers to grasp the basics of his philosophy of science.

>> No.10089244

nietzsche is hard tho
i started reading him when i was 14
but i didn't understand him until i was 25

>> No.10089251

Maybe you might be able to learn something from them. Jewish power is a very recent phenomenon and, like I said, is already cracking up. No one trusts the jewish media, they've turned western nations into debt sinkholes, are sanctioning their invasion, and are resorting to overt authoritarian measures to silence those who speak openly about them.

>> No.10089801

No, it only produce despair.

>> No.10089947

It has its purpose then.

>> No.10089962
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I know you aren't serious. But I just wanted to let you know that you're an idiot regardless.

Nietzsche did identify the source of slave morality with the Jews, and as a "priestly people of ressentiment par excellence." He identified their work as being a two thousand year long path of the deepest revenge and hatred ever seen in human history. He also identified the event of Jesus of Nazareth, a spirit of one of the deepest loves ever seen in human history, as growing DIRECTLY FROM Jewish hatred; said that no other people have ever had a world-historic mission like the Jews have; said that the Jewish talent for popular morality is first rate compared to the Chinese or Germans; and then he writes in BGE:

>With today's Germans, for instance, there is the anti-French stupidity one moment and the anti-Jewish stupidity the next, now the anti-Polish stupidity, now the Christian-Romantic, the Wagnerian, the Teutonic, the Prussian (just look at these poor historians, these Sybels and Treitschkes with their thickly bandaged heads —), or whatever else they might be called, these little stupors of the German spirit and conscience. [...] About the Jews, for instance: just listen. — I have yet to meet a German who was well disposed towards Jews. And however unconditional the rejection of genuine anti-Semitism might be on the part of every prudent or political person, such prudence and politics are not really aimed at anti-Semitic sentiment in general, but instead at its dangerous excess, and especially at the outrageous and disgraceful expression of this excessive sentiment — this cannot be denied. That Germany has ample quantities of Jews, that the German stomach and the German blood have difficulty coping with even this number of "Jews" — as the Italians, the French, the British have coped, due to a stronger digestion —: this is the clear statement and language of a universal instinct that needs to be listened to and acted on. "Don't let in any more Jews! And lock the doors to the east in particular (even to Austria)!" — so commands the instinct of a people whose type is still weak and indeterminate enough to blur easily and be easily obliterated by a stronger race. But the Jews are without a doubt the strongest, purest, most tenacious race living in Europe today. They know how to thrive in event the worst conditions (and actually do better than in favorable ones) due to some virtues that people today would like to see labeled as vices, — above all, thanks to a resolute faith that does not need to feel ashamed in the face of "modern ideas."

He then goes on to say the Jews want to be assimilated in Europe, that the "anti-Semitic hooligans" should appropriately be thrown out of the country, and that a new caste to rule Europe could be bred with the Jews.

>> No.10090008

I also want to point out that this part is particularly important, for those lazy ass tl;dr faggots:

>so commands the instinct of a people whose type is still weak and indeterminate enough to blur easily and be easily obliterated by a stronger race.

Basically, he's saying if you go on about any "problematic people" like the Jews, you are a whiny little bitch (or group) who / that is insecure about his / its position in life, and that you should more or less fuck off.

>> No.10090038

Which basically means anti-semites are subhumans that need to be thrown in the gas chamber.

>> No.10090042

You misunderstand me. I'm not saying that Nietzsche's reputation comes from his style. I'm saying his reputation with teenagers might have a lot to do with his style.

>> No.10090045
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He's Kelly Clarkson tier

>> No.10090057
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>oy gevalt! look at this uppity gentile thinking he's as good as God's Chosen People

>> No.10090066

I don't practice nor do any of my relatives but I have Ashkenazi Jewish in my blood from a few generations back. Does that count?

>> No.10090099
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I'm a dumb edgy teen (twenty technically) and most of my peers who claim to know Nietzsche just take the idea that life has no intrinstic meaning and use it to justify their debauchery and profligacy.

Me? I prefer Camus.

>> No.10090183

Nietzsche calls out some of the qualities of Jews like strong self-preservation and cunning but he doesn't claim these are inherently bad traits and spends a lot of time destroying anti-semites.

>> No.10090190

This is only partially correct, and only partially correct because the poster is jewish and thus prone to distort the truth. No one's saying Nietzsche was right about everything though. Jews had been memorizing twisted genocidal talmud passages and fucking their first cousins in their ghetto haunts until just before Nietzsche's time so he wasn't around to see them murder tens of millions of Russians, try to take over Germany, and create sick conditions in Berlin. Had he been around to see that, the true nature of this psychopathic cult squatting in his nation, there's no question he would have retracted every negative sentence about so-called "antisemites" and become an oven-maker overnight.

That's the jewish/postmodern interpretation of Nietzsche advanced jews seize upon and promote to weaken our society. Unfortunately, to the kids they promote it to, it is often the most alluring.

>> No.10090209

>it's another /pol/ colonization event

while youre here can i ask how the jews managed to go from controlling nothing and being thrown out of various countries to somehow controlling the world

better yet rationalise that with them not being superior

>> No.10090274

I'm not pol but am aware of the jewish problem. You hear of a thing called World War II though, ace? Jews are mythmakers who create ideologies, religions, and social systems that will benefit them. The post WWII and post-Christian myth, similar to Christianity, revolves around the jew as the helpless victim and "racism" as the new secular original sin of whites. Whites are moral people, naive people, too naive around the cunning of the jew, so whites fell right into this trap and allowed the jew to turn our institutions into nepotistically run dysfunctional propaganda machines that nobody trusts anymore (universities, media, etc.). Whites, and boomer whites especially, are to blame for allowing this to happen. But it's not something we can't overcome and use to spur the next round of jewish expulsions.

>> No.10090285

>This is only partially correct
What is, the post or Nietzsche? Because everything in that post is straight from Nietzsche. There is nothing up for debate on what he said.

>he wasn't around to see them murder tens of millions of Russians, try to take over Germany, and create sick conditions in Berlin.
Does this make the recent resurgence of anti-American anti-Semitism justified?

>> No.10092215

You're basically telling us the Jews are practicing master morality. Destroying their enemies without mercy, conquering stuff, and being 'evil'.

You're pretty much a charecture of why Nietzsche thinks anti-semites are whiny losers.

>> No.10092238

Nietzsche loved dancing and would probably love ooga booga music too

>> No.10092239

>i'm not /pol/ but fuck the jews am i right?? also white's are moral people, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

>> No.10092249


>> No.10093331

Which of Freddie's works do I begin from?

>> No.10093353

Geneology of Morality
Twilight of the Idols

Take your pick.

>> No.10093364


>> No.10093368

Wow. Nietzsche just somersaulted in his grave.

>> No.10093375

Will you shut the fuck up about the Jews? Idiot.

>> No.10093379

Teenagers who are into neechaee don't actually read nootchu. He's supposed to be a jumping off point, not a finish line.

>> No.10093382
File: 347 KB, 1041x1600, RCO009_1469075356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah nooboo is only popular because of nihilism, which is arguably the second edgiest philosophy behind egoism

>> No.10093393

but what would we even discuss in a nietzche thread if not the jews??? next you'll be saying we shouldn't talk about jews in threads about plato

>> No.10093402

I think Plato's idea of the Forms is interesting. I believe the Jews represent the form of evil.

I have an infograph which proves my point!

>> No.10093407

There needs to be a separate board for jews like you who constantly barge in and try to disrupt conversations about jews.

>> No.10093417

BGE is better as a start

>> No.10093423

i for one am interested to see his infograph

>> No.10093436

This is a thread about Nietzsche, judenstein. Infographs are for showing quantifiable data like your ethnic group's many expulsions.

>> No.10093445
File: 29 KB, 1860x468, DA TRUTH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to spread the Red Pill brother!

>> No.10093452

So jews create fake counter-propaganda to combat what people say about them? Maybe /pol/ has a point.

>> No.10093461

Nietzche didn't really truly hate Jews, though. In BGE he even renounces nationalism.

>> No.10093856

Funny, because Nietzsche did not think that at all, and Camus did.

But Albert was somewhat less of a nihilist than his contemporaries by saying that one should accept the lack of meaning (the "absurd") and continue to live on in spite of it.