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/lit/ - Literature

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10085651 No.10085651 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw /lit/ has grown out of its atheist-materialist-liberal-postmodern phase

Feels good lads. But what caused this enlightenment? Just a matter of time or was it specific literary works?

Either way turns out grandma and granpa we're right, and the TV and pop culture and our ("professors") were wrong.

>> No.10085656 [DELETED] 

>reddit spacing
you have to go back

>> No.10085659

>frog posting
you have to go back

>> No.10085662

>Feels good lads. But what caused this enlightenment?

anti-intelligentsia /pol/ tourists and the general degradation of chan culture

>> No.10085675

i pray the next phase will be paganism and aesthetic mysticism

>> No.10085677

Dumb frog poster. Have your (You) for effort.

>> No.10085680

4chan is contrarian by nature. People rarely respond to posts they agree with. The primary way to get attention is to post something contentious. As atheism has become more prevalent in the younger generations, so has 4chan's contrarianism to it.

>> No.10085682

i disagree

>> No.10085697

enlighten us how chan culture has been degraded by shifting away from your politics, mr. intellectual

>> No.10085705

Part contrarianism, part changing userbase. I know I only started posting recently. Extreme religiousness isn't any better than yoophoric atheism. People should just be humble and kind human beings.

>> No.10085715
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S-so we're not a christian anarchist board anymore?

>> No.10085717

>But what caused this enlightenment?
jordan peterson

>> No.10085721

A culture of complex people who were able to believe one thing while performing as another for fun, often simultaneously conversing from both points of view in different threads, became overrun by people who sincerely believe the roles. A degeneration from a population of complex, multi-dimensional people to a population of the one-dimensional.

>> No.10085728

basically just the influx of right-wing newfigs following mainstream media exposure of 4chan in the political context

>> No.10085731

say it don't spray it, 4chan was never what you thought it was and the fact is you're probably just too old to browse it anymore

>> No.10085739

>I'm newer than you so I know more about it

>> No.10085757

been browsing since 2011 and i can honestly say you're a retard for overanalyzing internet trolling
a solution would be to stop reading "theory" and start having an actual opinion instead of twenty different layers of irony, george bush isn't president anymore, it's time to grow up my man

>> No.10085762

You got here after it started happening then.
Fucking summerfags why do they never learn?

>> No.10085772

reading encyclopedia dramatica doesn't make you an oldfag, sorry

>> No.10085776

>Either way turns out grandma and granpa we're right, and the TV and pop culture and our ("professors") were wrong.
I guess I'm not welcome here anymore.

>> No.10085779

That's true, reading ED does not make someone an oldfag.

>> No.10085783

reddit is calling, friend, maybe there you can deeply analyze trolling as part of the 4chan intelligentsia

>> No.10085791

Weren't you just telling me I was wrong about it? Meaning you think you've analysed it even more deeply. And that it's a reddit thing to do. That makes sense.

>> No.10085796

wrong about what

>> No.10085800
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what books stop you being a vulgar athiest?

>> No.10085803

Does your minder often leave you unattended this long?

>> No.10085808

does your autism interfere with you trying to interact with others

>> No.10085810

The same thing happened to this site that happened to Jimmy Carr and all the other "edgy" personalities who make it big - they mellow out. The edge of ten years ago is the straightedge of today, and oldfags are actually mild and more in line with mainstream mentality than the newfags. They bitch about newfags ruining things, but the truth is the n00bs are just doing the same thing that the first posters were.
>4chan wasn't always edgy/contrarian!
It was. It was just more optimistic.
This is the paradox of 4chan. A site that thrives on contrarianism will eventually have to cannibalize its own.

>> No.10085818

Are all your insults just the most obvious, recycled memes? That's a rhetorical question, you needn't answer it.

>> No.10085820

>A culture of complex people who were able to believe one thing while performing as another for fun, often simultaneously conversing from both points of view in different threads, became overrun by people who sincerely believe the role
How can you tell which is which over the medium of anonymous internet posts? Surely it's more likely that the thing which has changed is you.

>> No.10085823

are you far too old to be browsing this website? rhetorical question, no need to answer it

>> No.10085824
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I'm not political.

/pol/tards despise experts, academics, formal or informal education,rational discussion, the western literary canon, artistic expression......christ they get uppity if you use words with more than three syllables....and they keep posting stupid frog pictures

>> No.10085826

Hume lets you BTFO pretty much all the modern atheistic horseman, Dawkins, Hitchens etc

>> No.10085832

Interesting claim, do you have evidence?

>> No.10085834
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>formal education
>implying any of these things are important

>> No.10085838

Not particularly, no.

>> No.10085843

Yes, see >>10085651

>> No.10085844

i see, so you're the type of intellectual who answers rhetorical questions. will you next release a research paper on habbo hotel raids? on the edge of my seat here

>> No.10085850
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>> No.10085853

Why, do you particularly want to learn about something from before you were around? Maybe you could brush up on history on ED, you seem to be quite intimately acquainted with it already.

>> No.10085857

you seem to have trouble understanding sarcasm. that's alright, people with your condition have trouble with a lot of things most of us find easy.

>> No.10085858

Re-misinterpret the friend bit, subconsciously affectionate, deprogrammed to substantiate it, the articulated misfit, cardboard army buried in their version of likes, differentiating by lengthily illusions that are the only lengths believable in regards to them - no sage, thyme and grilled lemon to caramelise the sugars and remove some of the sourness. Paired with anything old thing, never mind the menu.

>> No.10085860

It's not my fault you couldn't pass high school Steve.

>> No.10085863

No, I understood.

>> No.10085865

On a serious note, every holocaust denial thread on /his/

>> No.10085867

good, good, now tell me how many genders there are

>> No.10085871

Nah, I'm done.

>> No.10085877

thanks for the lecture. it was truly an honor to meet a member of the 4chan intelligentsia.

>> No.10085887

I realise that people of average intelligence might seem intimidatingly smart to you but don't worry about it too much.

>> No.10085894

the triumphant return. any new wisdom/discoveries related to the deeper implications of trolling, poindexter?

>> No.10085915

Yes, nobody says "poindexter" except high school footballers in 80s movies

>> No.10085918

i'm taking notes, your rapier sharp wit is unmatched, professor

>> No.10085919

chan culture is toxic and should be ignored entirely when posting, discussing.

>> No.10085927


/pol/ leaked in and then the most easily triggered fled back from whence they came (leddit) leaving only a few dead-enders who didn't get the memo.

>> No.10085930

The fact that you're using triggered the way that you are is proof that /pol/ won

>> No.10085932

>Shitposting is complex and multifaceted, only serene intellectual gentlemen like myself can comprehend this


>> No.10085939

It's a rule of this website:
Reddit is atheist 4chan has to always to the opposite so we're a theistic website, there was never another reason for it - if you lurked for yours you would've noticed it.

>> No.10085940
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>> No.10085942

4chan theism is a fucking joke though, but it's a start I guess.

>> No.10085943

>degradation of chan culture
Chan culture is juvenile shitposting and anime garbage. You probably think /b/ had a prime.

>> No.10085945


I meant the most easily triggered /lit/ natives self-purged, and this board now supports a thriving /pol/ colony. The dead-enders are people like the radfem black tranny in /sffg/ who autistically screeches whenever anyone says anything "offensive" about women, Muslims, people of color, or feminine penises. Xe is too autistic to leave and instead convinces xirself that xe holds the majority opinion

>> No.10085946

How? I skimmed Hume and had the impression he was a hardcore empiricist

>> No.10085948

Oh, in that case, you're correct. My point still stands, though.

>> No.10085981

I agree.
They are young, ignorant and delluded by their abuse of expression freedom.

>> No.10085985

stop replying to yourself

>> No.10085995

Εισαι μαλαkας τελιkα, δεν παιζεσαι...

>> No.10086000

No it doesn't. It's part of the site and web wide lexicon now.

>> No.10086009

>It's part of the site and web wide lexicon now.

>> No.10086017

>But what caused this enlightenment?

Depression and spite for me personally

>> No.10086030

>/pol/tards despise experts, academics, formal or informal education,rational discussion

Wtf I love /pol/ now!

>> No.10086035

Has anyone who uses these unfunny nu4chan stock phrases such as "really makes you think" and "what did he mean be this" ever written a decent post?

>> No.10086041

Sneed... easy on the reddit

>> No.10086044

A lot of people here have been following the trail leading to answers about the jewish question and this has caused a big change on the board, though there are many jewish posters who will deny this transformation to fake a consensus that this isn't happening. Sorry, just the truth. As men mature they take a more critical look at their society and have a stronger desire to understand it and figure out what's wrong with it, and this inspection leads white men to the jewish question and what they're doing to make society worse.

>> No.10086059
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>/pol/tards despise experts, academics, formal or informal education,rational discussion, the western literary canon, artistic expression

Except we hate """experts""", (((academics))), and formal education because those things all despise, deride, and erode rational discussion, the western literary canon, and artistic expression.

>> No.10086065
File: 80 KB, 1619x912, 22096232_729527617257554_3057176805853795408_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why you'd think that kind of phrasing is exclusive to recent 4chan, funny phrases have been a thing since the dawn of internet communities you fucking mong

>> No.10086077

Exactly. White nationalists are the only cultural preservationists. No canon will be protected by jews and their attendant mob of useful idiots.

>> No.10086081

>/pol/ going into overdrive when nobody pays attention

>> No.10086083

I'm tired of /pol/ posts, and /r9k/, but I have no sympathy for the side that meme word is mocking. None of this would have happened if /r/ShitRedditSays and others like them didn't make themselves known. I sincerely believe it's all because they couldn't let go of their resentment and set off a defensive and equally resentful response in otherwise innocuous people from those demographics. They might have even been on the same side before, but self respect came first. Which is why gen z is the most conservative generation in a long time. They created their own spiteful monsters.

>> No.10086099

>Which is why gen z is the most conservative generation in a long time.
this is just a meme based in 2 minuscule polls

>> No.10086108

you've finally reached peak damage control, congratulations

>> No.10086115

>this is just a meme based in 2 minuscule polls

It really isn't, I teach young teenagers and they're way more critically minded (anti-Liberal) than boomers.
You used to be able to scare people away from wrong think by calling them racist or scaring them with big authorative voices but it doesn't work anymore. Internet natives see behind the Great Wizard's curtain and found a little Jew turning the knobs

>> No.10086130
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Those phrases have a tone specific to the very recent, homogeneous internet culture and aren't funny. You can stop pretending to be from 4chan.

>> No.10086137

Better find a new website then, this place isn't for fat liberal weebs anymore

>> No.10086146

when in doubt, imply the other person hasn't used the website as much as you. if you actually had any kind of seniority you'd know you were wrong and the racism was never ironic.

might want to head back to neogaf, i think you'll find more camaraderie there

>> No.10086149
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>containment thread

>> No.10086157

its always been for fat, reactionary, self-pitying weebs


>> No.10086163
File: 70 KB, 936x770, 1433367572087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the racism was never ironic
I never mentioned racism. Easy on the boogeymen, Mr. internet social activist.

>> No.10086174

did you not recognize the image that accompanied that post? How else could you miss the point this badly?

>> No.10086199

But I'm still a nihilist/atheist/materialist.

And crippled by depression. Please help.

>> No.10086207

>Please help

Take the redpill

>> No.10086227

He's empiricist in the old sense. His ideas about epistemology completely destroy the, shall we call it Reddit Positivism, that most atheists cling too, reason and evidence as a basis for understanding the world and deriving ethics etc

>> No.10086231

Oh, and don't skim Hume. He's very readable, much more so than most of the big beasts

>> No.10086245

That made it worse.

>> No.10086249

that's a lot of buzzwords

>> No.10086251

i prefer kant because im not a fucking brainlet

>> No.10086253

Did you become a Christian?
Because if you didn't you didn't take the real redpill

>> No.10086259

Kant's entire project was a response to Hume

>> No.10086269

Well how do I do that? I can't make myself believe in unsupported nonsense.

>> No.10086270

Sort yourself out

Do meaningful work
Build a relationship

>> No.10086280

We're talking baby steps away from babbys first positivist phase here. They can move on to Kant later

>> No.10086296

Acknowledge your lack of belief first, follow it to the end. Then think what if.
What if God died on a cross and rose again. What if it was true. What if it was where love was made truly possible, love between man and God, the absolute unfathomable mass and power of all possible being. Love between men. Of all tribes.
Then just think of God as that, as that Thing that demands itself to be, for which all else is in total lack.
To even ask if such a thing of sublime greatness exists is an insult, God is more important than that which is. Because nothing truly is without Him

>> No.10086306

>circular, emotional gobbledigook.

This is your brain on the ontological argument

>> No.10086314

I guarantee you believe all kinds of unsubstantiated and illogical things.
Ask yourself why you believe them

>> No.10086315

>/lit/ has embarked upon the journey down the path, and now what waits at the end is nigh visible - Hegel stands solemnly, hands outstretched towards the prodigal son, a warm smile gracing his lips, eyes half-lidded and serene, "You recognize me at last", he says, "just as I recognize you. Welcome within the manifold of self-consciousness".

>> No.10086322

>implying you are a creature of pure reason and logic
>implying you believe what you believe for any reason apart from habit and sentiment

>> No.10086328

/lit/ has grown out of anything. It's always been dumb meme posters and will always be dumb meme posters

>> No.10086330

>>circular, emotional gobbledigook.

Opposed to what? Things exist because they exist for no reason?

>> No.10086340


>> No.10087597

This is what actually happened.

>> No.10087642

tl;dr fucking newfags and frogposters ruined everthing

>> No.10087825

>kant because im not a fucking brainlet

>> No.10087836

no aesthetic paganism and psychonauts. i have an outfit already pls

>> No.10087848
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>A culture of complex people who were able to believe one thing while performing as another for fun
This is (and has always been) the retard's way to 4chan. Radical sincerity is (and has always been) the only way to go.

This myth must be at least a decade old.

>> No.10088049

Yep all our gay, marxist professors and suicidal celebrities were wrong.

>> No.10088063


Your worldview is wrong and shitty so naturally you will live an inauthentic and spiritually meaningless existence