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10081390 No.10081390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>in London with nothing to do
>hot and sunny day
>just walking around feeling ugly

Guys, what the fuck do? Is IT (movie) good? I went to the British museum just because it's cosy but I now find it boring. I can't bear to stay indoors because it's like throwing away my youth. But I'm too ugly and friendless to do anything

I go to Camden town, Notting hill gate, and university of London areas to get the cathartic feeling of seeing happy young people living the youth I never had.

>aged 26
>no friends or social life since 18
>no female attention ever
>went through university with zero social experiences
>became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job
>never been to pub, club, or party
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresher's week, any sort of relationships at all)
>know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly; seeing attractive women everywhere is demoralising
>feel completely bitter and detached from others due to being an ugly subhuman; lifting weights did nothing

>> No.10081414

Jesus fucking christ this isn't fucking r9k. At first I was sympathetic but every post you make makes me hate you more. At this point I wouldn't mind if you got hit by a car and stopped fouling this board with your toxic presence.

>> No.10081440

you dont need to post a pic but just how ugly are we talking anon

and you forgot "books for this feel"

>> No.10081448

go away retard

>> No.10081453

>>in London with nothing to do
"when a man is tired of london, he is tired of life"
there's a clue in that quote, anon.

>> No.10081456

What the fuck it's Thursday, what happened to your job?

>> No.10081463

>Elgin marbles

kys. don't even bother restarting with the greeks.

>> No.10081499

>tfw live in London, with good job and qt go
>secretly look forward to this sad sacks posts as they give me someone to look down on
You see anon, you do have a purpose, providing people better than you with an object of derision. Go, be the best shower of shit you can be

>> No.10081507

That's not nice. I live in London too and I'm much like OP, although not obsessive and furious enough to post about it here. This can be a very lonely city if you're a sensitive person from a non-upper class background..

>> No.10081510

One day I will fulfill my dream of tar-and-feathering every filthy goddamn frogposter in the world

>> No.10081527

>people better than you

Define "better".

>> No.10081535

not frogposters

>> No.10081575

Victoria & Albert museum

>> No.10081582

Heroin, video games, anime waifu VR porn, start posting threads every day on lookism about whatever you consider you worst feature, make a shrine to ER

>> No.10081587


Go to the Tate Modern. Start from the bottom.

>> No.10081611

This guy just wants love

>> No.10081633

If he wanted positive attention then he'd take the advice of all the people who've offered him with sincere words in the past, instead of continuing to post this shit on here like the narcissistic torn scrotum that he is.

>> No.10081638

pics or GTFO and take OP with you

>> No.10081647

he wouldn't know what to do with it if he got any

>> No.10081649

This poster should be banned and his posts immediately deleted until he gets the message and stops. I'm sick of these threads.

>> No.10081652

I'm actually starting to enjoy his posts, largely because it triggers the normies here so effectively.

>> No.10081663

what is love?

>> No.10081802

Then moooove holy shit. You are not a fucking tree.

>> No.10081813

He might be. There are trees in London. Don't be such an arbourist.

>> No.10081852

you're like a UK underground man

>> No.10081857

You aren't sensitive anon. You're just an asshole.

>> No.10081910

Sit outside, drink coffee, listen to some music. Maybe pop a book if you want. Bitches and friend only distray you from the absolute aesthetism of life

>> No.10081917

Seek Christ and read Interior Castle

>> No.10081936

Assholes can be very sensitive, silly.

>> No.10081950

maximum acid post bro but you're missing the point. our sadposter in london is not a real person, he's probably just a faggot doing an art project and counting the number of mean responses. or something like that.

>> No.10081959

You are literally me except I'm 25 and I just quit my job.

I'm selling my house and running away.

>> No.10082019

This sad cunt posts on /fit/ too, haha!

I can't see why he can't just brush his teeth, wash his hair, put some deodorant on, and get on it with it.

He should write a new "Diary of a Nobody," in a style which crosses the misanthropic satire of Jonathan Swift with the existential comedy of Samuel Beckett.

>> No.10082022

OP here. I walked north from aldgate east and everything was a dump. I even saw a large mosque.

A wave of huge dissatisfaction has gone over me. I just feel stuck with the feeling that I have to do ten trillion things at once in ten trillion different ways. I made a separate topic about it. Even though I read and liked the fountainhead recently I don't have the balls to live life according to my own preferences.

I want to dive in to practical programming to make stuff but I feel like I need to go through SICP or else I'm a dumb code monkey.

Seeing Chad and Stacey couples everywhere right now is so demoralising.

I think a burger king meal will cure my existential dread for the rest of today but I will regret it tomorrow

>> No.10082034

seek professional help you dumb idiot

/lit/ is fucking useless, you know this

>> No.10082046

>even saw a large mosque.
Fuck off UKIP islamaphobe. UK is multicultural

>> No.10082050

Seeing your situation, you're either going to man up and pull yourself out of the shit from your bootstraps or sink deeper into that psychic hole.
The choice is entirely yours. Seek help. These threads won't help you and you know it.

>> No.10082052

>I walked north from aldgate east and everything was a dump. I even saw a large mosque.
I find it strange how people who think of themselves as world-weary can be so fucking ignorant of the world around them. Aldgate East has about 8 mosques, it's possibly the most Muslim area in London. The East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre which I presume is the one you're talking about is extremely well known. How are you so fucking thick?

>> No.10082067

Where are you headed
t. 22yo you

>> No.10082072
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>> No.10082073
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2/10 bait, ahmed

>> No.10082076

Oooh no, a mosque. How can you bear to exist any more?

>> No.10082085

Wow, a bigger faggot than OP

>> No.10082098

Literal kek. That's good.

Also: love you, OP.

>> No.10082102


What, because this geezer don't know where all the best Mosques are, it's a refutation of his worldlessness? Isn't the incongruity of the existence of so many Mosques in London a further incitement to his sense of marginality? Shit, I hate his self-pitying attitude as much as anybody, but I think the foaming-at-the-mouth vehemence of your liberal multiculturalism has lead you to mistake your judgement.

>> No.10082116

What the fuck are you talking about? Living in London and not knowing that Aldgate East is a very Muslim area is like someone living in New York being surprised when they bump into black people in the Bronx. He's ignorant of the world around him yet claims to be tired of it. He doesn't know enough about it to be tired or not. As though this wasn't obvious from his ridiculous understanding of "Chads" and "Stacys"

>> No.10082144

Stop taking this shit so seriously, guv.

>> No.10082200

>owning your house at 25
You're a lucky bastard, don't count your blessings before they hatch

>> No.10082258

It's a one (1) bedroom home from the 30s and it cost 80 grand because lolontario.

It's worth about 40 grand more though now because this country somehow managed to get even shittier.

I don't know. Any ideas?

>> No.10082410

>/pol/ cocks
You're going to lose my skinhead friend. The modern world is multipolar and diverse, and straight white men will not always be top of the pile. Condolences. My advice is to embrace inevitable change rather than fight it. You don't want to be the last loser left complaining about the social changes everyone else enjoys

>> No.10082420

looks like this based double 9 poster triggered the betas

>> No.10082527
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OP here. Went to burger king and went home and bought this on the way. Seeing Staceys who see me as subhuman takes its mental toll. I need more willpower to walk down the street than normies need to get PhDs

>> No.10082533
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>I need more willpower to walk down the street than normies need to get PhDs

>> No.10082556

OP don't allow fast food and sweeties to ruin your body. I did this without even realizing what I was doing and it has taken me about two months of eating one cucumber a day and barely anything else to become somewhat thin again. Beware the sugary Jew my friend.

>> No.10082573
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>> No.10082583

OP, get into a narrative workshop, take some language classes, or something like that. You need this human interaction. These things force you to interact. DO IT.

>> No.10082595


>> No.10082598

Yeah, sure. But it's not easy to get out once you're there. Even if you acknowledge the problems.

>> No.10082599
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>> No.10082615

Stop eating shit and run every morning you absolute cretin. Also only jerk off once a week and don't use the internet for more than 5 hours a day unless it's for work/school

>> No.10082621

Stop posting this everywhere.

>> No.10082624

stop posting

>> No.10082726
