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10077040 No.10077040 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10077059
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>> No.10077066

I'm pretty sure Freud actively encourage Homos to repress their homo urges, or at least try to redirect them

>> No.10077084


>> No.10077118

Me? Homosexual? I've been straight since the gay I was born. Never have I had the desire to sex up another man; the very thought makes me dick with disgust! Freud is obviously a massive throbbing hack. I resent the very implication that I might want to fuck a man's tight, warm asshole. If he is calling me a homo, I say faggot about it! Thinking he can get agay with this slander, well; not on my crotch!

>> No.10077167


>> No.10077175
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>mfw I realised anti-Freudians are raging at their own urges not Freud exposing them

>> No.10077178

You can't make me.
*shamefully gags on cock*

>> No.10077180

>tfw everyone memes about repressed homos when the truth is deep down everyone is actually straight

>> No.10077184


>> No.10077185


>> No.10077187

>straight doest exist retard

>> No.10077191


>> No.10077206


statistically this is true, you wouldn't know it from the media though

>> No.10077211

he was writing at a time when it was prosecuted ( he fled hitler's regime at the end of his life). learn how 2 context.

his thesis is already revolutionary for the queer community in that he says all humans are born bisexual/polymorphously perverse

>> No.10077215

Oh fuck off, he didn't like homos. Stop revising history to pretend everyone was a secret SJW

>> No.10077217


>> No.10077221


>the relentless reading and re-reading of texts in each of new iteration of dogma by the priestly-writer class has led to esoteric interpretations and furtive fallacies

>> No.10077229

i study freud. i've been reading his works for 4 years. cite something or get out. i've already explained that he was writing in a context wherein he felt compelled to conform to certain demands made on the desire of his clients by the existing state of affairs (and in order to preserve his school -- he was very much afraid, too, of the Catholic church rejecting his practice at the time).

his early contributions (turn of the century) are different altogether, and that was what i was alluding to in my second paragraph earlier.

>> No.10077235

I laughed

>> No.10077238

>i've already explained that he was writing in a context wherein he felt compelled to conform to certain demands made on the desire of his clients by the existing state of affairs

Unfounded speculation, I could just as easily claim he was even more red pilled than he seemed but had to pretend to be tolerant for his Liberal Jewish clients

>> No.10077257

Yes he did you idiot. Da Vinci, Plato, Michelangelo, etc were men he greatly admired, and acknowledged as homosexual. God the people on here are so stupid. Read a book you dumb fuck Republican!

>> No.10077267

Admiring a person and acknowledging they were homosexuals doesn't mean admiring homosexuality brainlet liberal

>> No.10077268

read the 2 prefaces he wrote while in london to "moses and monotheism". better yet, stop talking about things you know nothing about as if from position of authority.

>> No.10077271

I have read them, I have no idea how you believe they support your point, he was hinting pretty strongly that we was sympathetic to whites on the Jewish Question

>> No.10077290

You are such moron. I was responding to someone saying he didn't like "homos." To like someone is generally to admire them. He admired (and therefore like) a few homosexuals. Ergo the idea that he didn't like "homos" is wrong. It's called logic. Like I said low IQ Republicans need to learn how to read and think before making the stupid opinions known to the world. Liking homosexuals is different from liking homosexuality. And I was addressing the former not the latter. Got that dumb fuck?

>> No.10077293
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Would you be man if I told you he wasn't a fan of autists either?

>> No.10077298

he writes about his fear that the catholic church would condemn his practice and thought, as this would mean social death and the death of his School and legacy. but he states that the nazi uprising (because of which he was then writing from london) has led him to reevaluate his self-censorship w/r/t the church -- saying something along the lines of this "greater evil" has impressed on him the belief that his argument is more important than ever.

were he not in fact repressing his own thoughts (as he admits to having done in the two prefaces, for the specific mentions i have just mentioned, is why i brought it up, you fucking moron), he would have written that the nazis were repressing homosexual feelings for hitler, and taking up a position of infantilism w/r/t this image of a father figure. his pupil w. reich did this expliticly. but be sure to let me know exactly how you want to disagree with this obvious claim.

>> No.10077303

i smiled

>> No.10077305


>> No.10077306

The claims fine but I'm at a loss at what point you think this means he respected homos

>> No.10077326

fuck off. you haven't read his works. he often says or muses that homosexuality ('inversion') is related to the creative drives. he greatly admired many homosexual artists and thinkers and openly praised them for their bravery in the face of a cookie-cutting culture. but he also realizes in homosexuality ('inversion') an exaggerated narcissism (which in some models he explicitly relates to the anal- position of dev

>> No.10077331

Sounds like you're just agreeing with me dude, like I said from the start homos should repress their homo urges, or at least try to redirect them. Like all those great artists did

Note how few great gay figures there are anymore in this culture where they're not encouraged to repress their degenerate desires

>> No.10077332

i loll'ed desu

>> No.10077333

Sometimes I think I’m gay as if that would solve my problems but I feel like I would’ve figured it by now so I’m probably just mildly autistic or something

>> No.10077334

>i study freud
Worth it? How much Freud does still hold up today? What's essential Freud core?

>> No.10077358

I'm pretty sure I'm not gay or even close to it. Sure, I have come across a couple of guys in my life that made me think: " I might go gay for him", but the men just happened to have the similarities in facial appearance that some face-product models would have. Also, seeing a dick enter a woman's cunt or mouth does not make one gay. The normal man is programmed to accept seeing his own penis enter a woman.

>> No.10077371

What a queer personal story.

>> No.10077375

u what

>> No.10077380

The irony of this post is ridiculous. You do realize that you are probably gay, right? Look how many Freudian slips do you wrote, there's no going back to edit on 4chan, m8, the whole world knows you're gay.

>> No.10077397
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Are you just pretending to be stupid redditors?

>> No.10077405

Heh heh, looks like you just got trolled

>> No.10077412

holy shit retard

>> No.10077427

>immediate responses
like clockwork.

>> No.10077431
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>> No.10077432

"The Aetiology of Hysteria" written before 1900. speaks in the name of sex to call power to account.

"The Wolfman and Other Cases"

"The Psychopathology of Everyday Life"

"The Interpretation of Dreams"

"Group Psychology"

"Beyond the Pleasure Principle" (lacan argued that this represented another shift or moment in freud's thought; i'm just bit skeptical of everything lacan attributes to freud in this movement. still important for understanding freud).

"Moses and Monotheism"

that's a list you likely won't find anywhere else.

further reading:
"Wit and its relation to the unconscious"
the case study on da Vinci
"Totem and Taboo"
"Sexuality and the Psychology of Love"
"Inhibitions, Symptoms, Anxiety"
"Civilization and its Discontents"
& "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality" is especially relevant to this thread.

of course you might want to start with "Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis". i think it is important and productive to read this critically, but don't be simple and unfair.

>> No.10077433

Stop this right now

>> No.10077488

>reflecting your sickness onto others
That's pretty ingenious.

>> No.10077565

Freud was wrong about almost everything. Why should I listen to him?

>> No.10077626

No thanks.
Society ain't kind to the gays.

>> No.10077728


April 9th 1935


Dear Mrs [Erased],

I gather from your letter that your son is a homosexual. I am most impressed by the fact that you do not mention this term yourself in your information about him. May I question you why you avoid it? Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation; it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function, produced by a certain arrest of sexual development. Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them. (Plato, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc). It is a great injustice to persecute homosexuality as a crime – and a cruelty, too. If you do not believe me, read the books of Havelock Ellis.

By asking me if I can help, you mean, I suppose, if I can abolish homosexuality and make normal heterosexuality take its place. The answer is, in a general way we cannot promise to achieve it. In a certain number of cases we succeed in developing the blighted germs of heterosexual tendencies, which are present in every homosexual in the majority of cases it is no more possible. It is a question of the quality and the age of the individual. The result of treatment cannot be predicted.

What analysis can do for your son runs on a different line. If he is unhappy, neurotic, torn by conflicts, inhibited in his social life, analysis may bring him harmony, peace of mind, full efficiency, whether he remains a homosexual or gets changed. If you make up your mind he should have analysis with me — I don't expect you will — he has to come over to Vienna. I have no intention of leaving here. However, don't neglect to give me your answer.

Sincerely yours with best wishes,


P.s. I did not find it difficult to read your handwriting. Hope you will not find my writing and my English a harder task.

>> No.10077791

traps are NOT gay

>> No.10077806


>> No.10077815

It's 2017, anon. It's socially acceptable to be gay so you don't need to keep telling yourself that effeminate men in girly clothes are not gay.

>> No.10077821

>we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function, produced by a certain arrest of sexual development.

I miss when intellectuals were actually interested in understanding sexuality

>> No.10077825

>only consumes pop science
>complains that all science turned into pop science

>> No.10077833

What a polite dude, I miss him. But it seems like he neither "admired" nor denigrated homosexuals, more that he didn't give a fuck (which was the goal of the gay rights movement until it entered it's "you must not merely tolerate but actually actively approve" phase a few years back.) Source for the letter?

W/r/t sublimation, Freud seems to have thought that both homo- and heterosexuals should sublimate their sexual desire. He's pretty clear in Civilization and Its Discontents that society requires a great deal of self-denial. It's always been a mystery to me that Marxists and sexual revolution types love Freud so much; his thinking was ultimately opposed to theirs.

>> No.10077856

>If you're against homosexuality you're a closet homo

gee I've never heard this mind-blowing argument before.

>> No.10077865
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>> No.10077871

He wrote an analysis of Da Vinci in which be basically said that the reason Da Vinci was so accomplished is that he sublimated his lust for boy butt for research instead.

Da Vinci had a very repressed sex drive, but nonetheless surrounded himself with handsome boys as his models, servants, and apprentices. But it's not clear he fucked any.

So yes, in some cases Freud would recommend repressing sexuality, or at least suggest that giving into it would interfere with potentially very productive sublimation into other tasks.


>> No.10077895
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Not what I said though. You seem to feel constantly accused of being homosexual.

>> No.10077900

American Journal of Psychiatry 1951

>> No.10077902

Stop projecting :^)

>> No.10077915
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>reads into it that I accuse him of being homosexual
>i point it out
Why are you so defensive? Would homosexuality be something you would be ashamed of? Something... you'd try to suppress?

>> No.10077958

Dear Mr. Freud,

I would like to request your opinion about something. Please answer as honestly as possible.

What you think about marrying a 2D anime girl?

Please respond.

Sincerely yours,


>> No.10077966
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>> No.10077971

Tell me about your relationships with women.

>> No.10077973

Dear Mr Chan

Are you a white gentile? If so all my congratulations to you on your love. Please enjoy your relationship and continue not to reproduce
Afterall your mother was a white woman, you don't want to be incestuous right?

Sincerely, Freud

>> No.10077981

please never post this ever again

>> No.10077986

Dear Anon,

I gather from your letter that you're a weeb. I'm surprised you didn't use the word yourself. It seems to me that rather than an heroing you should get off 4Chan and go outside.

Being a weeb is no shame, no degradation, no loss. Although it can't be categorized as an illness, it is no advantage. Rather we consider it a variation on the loser function, owing to a certain arrest of adult development. True many highly respectable individuals didn't display your weeb tendencies, but it is a great injustice to label your orientation a crime.

By asking me if I can help, you mean, I suppose, if I can abolish weabooism and make normal adulthood take its place. The answer is I can't promise this will be the outcome.

Sincerely yours with best wishes,


>> No.10077990

>that's a list you likely won't find anywhere else.
I found that exact list on wikipedia after 3 seconds of googling...

are you a pseud pretending to be a smart learned anon?

>> No.10078004
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He didn't ask for your help. Only your opinion. Do you often feel the necessity to let others know about your intellectual capacities? Would you say you get sufficient sexual attention from the opposite sex?

>> No.10078012

Traps aren't gay.

>> No.10078055

Do you have some credible arguments to back that statement up? It's not like traps think or feel like they are women.

>> No.10078082

It's weirder than gay.

>> No.10078094

Dear mr. frued,

I have never felt any attraction towards men or women. Never felt this thing called love or lust. It only manifested when I fell in love with this particular 2D anime girl.

Sincerely yours,

>> No.10078108
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Interesting. How old are you? Are your genitals biologically healthy? Did you feel lust during puberty? Did you masturbate to something other than 2d?
What do you mean you never felt love? Only never in the amorous sense or did you never feel love for your parents and close ones either?

>> No.10078124


>> No.10078164

I am 27 years old and my genitals are healthy, apparently. I felt sexual desire during puberty, but only towards 2D girls. I can't masturbate to 3D since I can't stop thinking that people are like a bag of skin that carries poop inside. I read somewhere that we all are always carrying poop inside of our bodies. But that's only one reason.
In regards love, only in the amorous sense.

>> No.10078175

fucking phoneposters

>> No.10078192
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>I can't stop thinking that people are like a bag of skin that carries poop inside
Interesting. And when would you say this view of people first came into your conscious mind?
>I read somewhere that we all are always carrying poop inside of our bodies.
Would you say the human body disgusts you? Do you find yourself focused on the disgusting parts of the human body (poop) a lot? You know of course that normal intercourse does not involve poop or the parts of the body that carries poop. What do you think about anal sex?

>In regards love, only in the amorous sense.
Do you have female friends? A close sister? Did you ever have a "chance" at getting a 3d girl but declined?

>> No.10078206

Who said I ever bothered repressing? Too much effort for insufficient gain.

Once, I had a psychotherapist who was heavily into Freudian theory for some reason, and he thought most of my problems stemmed from issues I had with my mother. It turned out I had undiagnosed epilepsy and was having focal onset aware seizures that were presenting as disorientation, dizziness, panic, altered sensation, and dissociation. Fuck that guy in particular. We worked through so many "mother issues" I didn't even have because my relationship with my mother has always been a healthy one, and because I was constantly confused and pissed off he stopped working with me because he thought I was playing games with him. What the fuck.

>> No.10078211

Get it straight, am I faggot or do I want to fuck my mother? Which is it?

>> No.10078222

You want to suck your dads dick

>> No.10078226

If I was gay, then women would shower me with attention. But I would no longer have any use for it, however.

>> No.10078235

but how does that involve me longing to return to the womb?

>> No.10078243

I don't think Freud ever said that but its telling you think he did

>> No.10078261
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I'm 26 and in the same boat, except less the poop thing. Everybody poops, that's fine.

I can't stop thinking about people as potential disease vectors.

>> No.10078262
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I am living my homo lust at the max
Is great

>> No.10078267

I doubt that, homosexuality invariably leads to an empty self consumed superficial life past your obligated displays of appreciation compensating for your insecurity of identity

>> No.10078268

Some times I wish I was more gay. A lot of guys think I'm hot and I would love to have more kinky sex but I just find them ugly...

I also wish I would find more girls attractive and have more sex... I just can't sexualize unattractive people...

>> No.10078281


>> No.10078314

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.10078360

That's a lot of unnecessary big boy words in one sentence.

>> No.10078386

If you stay there long enough you might end up back in the womb.

>> No.10078460
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I think you mean stop trying to become your anima.

>> No.10078683


>> No.10078963

Wait what?

I thought the deal with Freud was that you have while growing up as a kid, and if you repress your libidinal energy too much as a kid you become gay when you're an adult. I think you have it backwards dude

>> No.10078969

>*was that you have sexual impulses while growing up

>> No.10078971

Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with being a faggot.

>> No.10078974
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>actually UNIRONICALLY believing in sublimation

>> No.10078999


Freud was a kike and provided half of the framework for cultural Marxism

>> No.10079007

>cultural marxism
Yeah you definitely read Adorno and Horkheimer and aren't just spouting this buzzword from a youtube video you saw. You do realize that Freud viewed homosexuality as a fixation (a bad end result) and was criticized by feminists for almost exclusively focusing on men, right?

>> No.10079027

There is nothing wrong with being a homo, but everything is wrong with being a faggot

>> No.10079038


I hate every woman to which I am or have been romantically or sexually attracted. The only women I have not hated have been my mother, sister, and women who were "off-limits" and therefore free of sexual tension, such as wives and girlfriends of my male friends. With these I easily maintain friendships.

This has made me lean toward attraction to men, both sexual and romantic, and I have only had relationships with them, but these have become brutal affairs of mutual psychological abuse or, alternatively, of my being used and abandoned. For this reason, I suppose my taste in men and women both is poor. I also fear that I am most drawn to what I cannot have, and begin to lose interest in it once I have it.

As it stands, I feel like I cannot be happy with another person, male or female, and also cannot be happy alone. Shitposting and intoxicants are my primary distractions from this state of affairs.

>> No.10079048


I didn't say anything about homosexuality, I said that the Frankfurt school synthesized its ideology from two primary inputs, one of which was Freud. I did in fact have to read several members of the Frankfurt school at university, including Adorno, though I know you'll argue "nobody can say that Freud influenced the Frankfurt school unless he has read everything ever written by:
>Every member of the Frankfurt school"

Because that is the "it's not REAL communism" argument of the eternal pseud.

>> No.10079052

>The only women I have not hated have been my mother, sister, and women who were "off-limits"
>I also fear that I am most drawn to what I cannot have
Wait, did you just say you want to fuck your sister?

>> No.10079066

Oh it's the freud thread hue

>> No.10079355


Not intentionally, actually, but thanks Freud

>> No.10079555

>Someone I don't like read AUTHOR X, therefore I also don't read AUTHOR X.
You also don't read Nietzsche because of the Nazis, right? Or, since this is 4chan, Montesquieu because of the Founders?

>> No.10079560

I contain multitude, and I don't contradict myself.

>> No.10079583

Why is this MLP shit on this board?

>> No.10079976

Does not sound like Freud at all. If this is him, the translation is terrible.

But I'm pretty sure this is fan fic.

>> No.10080048


I don't even know what you're trying to say here, it seems you didn't understand my post, but I must nonetheless congratulate you on the digits.

>> No.10080279

Gotta light?

>> No.10080285
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>You have a repressed scat fetish if you are a well-groomed, neat person.

>> No.10080500

>that writing style
man this kike shit kreeps me out but getting psychoanalyzed sounds like fun desu

>> No.10080513

Wait. How would you know he's associated with mlp?

>> No.10080541

You really have to know the difference between the unconscious desires and conscious desires when talking about Freud

>> No.10080574

I mean the dude was literally a coprophile so maybe he was onto something

>> No.10080632

Well, gee, I can't start this thread to become an OP. What do I do?

>> No.10080656
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>> No.10080670

onfray destroys freuille

>> No.10080671


>> No.10080705

wht the fuck

>> No.10080756

>Does not sound like Freud at all. If this is him, the translation is terrible.
>But I'm pretty sure this is fan fic.
What precisely makes you feel that is not Freud?

>> No.10080772
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Stop believing in pseudoscience.

>> No.10080851


>> No.10080959

>empty self consumed superficial life

Fucking how, you can be gay without being an obnoxious drag queen.

>> No.10081210

>Dude the vulture's tail in Da Vinci's dream was a dick.
>Dude everything is a repressed and sublimated phallic object.
>Dude everything is a symptom of repressed homosexuality.
>Yes means yes and no means definitely yes.
>Come to terms with incestual relations with your mother.

Crazy fuck.

>> No.10082567

good post anon

>> No.10082610

It's not, you think it is because you're blending puns with his joke, when his joke isn't puns for the sake of puns. Nice try though, Meme Police.

>> No.10082729


beat me to it fellow DAMN GOOD COFFEE 'er

>> No.10082984

You can't make me.

>> No.10083056

Whoever said I'm suppressing it?

>> No.10083622

>/lit/ finds this funny

The absolute STATE of this board

>> No.10083630

>you can be gay without being an obnoxious drag queen.

In appearance yes, but your soul will be no different than theirs

>> No.10083783


Kys you pretentious cockgobbler

>> No.10084409

top tier comedy

>> No.10084501
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>> No.10084509

Statistically there are no straights or gays, only a spectrum. We all are somewhere in the middle. The need to be straight is a Christian ghost implanted to our culture. Man has not changed in thousands of years, yet the Greeks and Romans were clearly openly bi (read "gay" cause you are living in the 21st century and have to pinpoint everything to black and white) it was actually cherished. Now we want to separate this unwanted truth of human sexuality, dissect it and throw it away. You are "gay", just as everyone else.

This comes from a straight man btw.

>> No.10084538

>this is your brain on degeneracy

Homos have huge suicide rates for a reason, the end game of hedonism, the only life they can live

>> No.10084551
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>Come to terms with incest.

>> No.10084564


And maybe the reason homos have high suicide rates, if they do, is they face a significant degree of ostracism from their families, friends and colleagues simply for their sexuality, and this is only now really being reduced?

>> No.10084580

>t. Gaylord Fokker
>t. brainwashed humanities student
>t. drives with a coexist bumper sticker

In all seriousness, civilization makes people faggots, hence the need for religion to encourage heterosexual behavior to preserve the race. Homosexual behavior in nature is the exception not the norm.

>> No.10084585

Nice claim you pulled out of your ass.
I have data to prove that gays have high suicide rates, where's your data that their suicide rate is close to heterosexuals in Liberal communities?
Look anyway its still high as fuck
>inb4 Hurr people are still really homophobic in San Francisco, more progress is needed

>> No.10084618

Please, if you have data and the analysis to show gays have higher suicide rates because they're gay, post it. If it's a generic non-analysed correlation, then it's not that helpful to your arguments.

I don't have any because I don't care, you're the one who provided an explanation that was completely baseless so I provided an alternative baseless explanation to show you how retarded baseless explanations are

Nice claim you pulled out of your ass.

>> No.10084639

Hoo boy.

>> No.10084642

>Civilization makes people faggots
Lmao, look at this faggot

>> No.10084906

Religion builds civilizations.

>> No.10085452

>aesthetes are subhuman

Everyone knows this though.

>> No.10085458

freud is my waifu

>> No.10085463

Homos build civilizations

>> No.10085479

The fact remains that homosexuality is strongly linked highly with depression, suicide, addiction no matter what community or family or regional background the individuals come from. Prejudice is only a partial contributor to what is a demographic wide tendency.
All you're doing is purposefully ignoring the writing on the wall and it does you and these individuals no favor

>> No.10085522

I dunno if I'm attracted to dudes or just want to suck a massive throbbing dick.

I blame 4chan in any case.

>> No.10085538
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Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.

And he said, “Now behold, my lords, please turn aside into your servant’s house, and spend the night, and wash your feet; then you may rise early and go on your way.”

They said however, “No, but we shall spend the night in the square.”

Yet he urged them strongly, so they turned aside to him and entered his house; and he prepared a feast for them, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.

Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called to Lot and said to him,

“Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.”

>> No.10085545
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, takemydaughtersplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him, and said, “Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly. Now behold, I have two daughters who have not had relations with man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them whatever you like; only do nothing to these men, inasmuch as they have come under the shelter of my roof.”

>> No.10085549
File: 33 KB, 400x265, 1879983_10-400x265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about no

>> No.10085560
File: 191 KB, 1063x800, infinitejest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they said, “Stand aside.”

Furthermore, they said, “This one came in as an alien, and already he is acting like a judge; now we will treat you worse than them.”

So they pressed hard against Lot and came near to break the door. But the men reached out their hands and brought Lot into the house with them, and shut the door. They struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves trying to find the doorway.

Then the two men said to Lot, “Whom else have you here? A son-in-law, and your sons, and your daughters, and whomever you have in the city, bring them out of the place; for we are about to destroy this place, because their outcry has become so great before the Lord that the Lord has sent us to destroy it.”

Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were to marry his daughters, and said, “Up, get out of this place, for the Lord will destroy the city.”

But he appeared to his sons-in-law to be jesting.

>> No.10085563
File: 318 KB, 1000x997, A&E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is bisexual. They usually repress one side. Some repress both.
Sex is a waste of time for some people, and the meaning of life for others. It depends on your focus and goals. Same with love. Some people need love. Some people need sex. Some people need both. Some people need neither.

>> No.10085567
File: 336 KB, 718x1092, 1500149088527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gentleman will not be replying.

>> No.10085590

>Everyone is bisexual.

Wrong, everyone has the sexual desire towards flesh and living beings of which both sexes constitute.
To describe it as a sexuality implies self conscious identification while what you're talking about is pre-sexuality. There is no object at this stage only mere matter.

>> No.10085602

Everyone is bisexual. They might have a preference, but they're still bisexual. Culture expectations causes most of us to repress one half of our sexuality. Because it's convenient, and helps with the cultural ideal of 1 to 1 pairings, which is a cultural ideal due to the cultural ideal of the family unity around a patriarch and matriarch

>> No.10085619

it's not as easy as "everyone is bisexual"

heterophilia mean liking yourself trough taking your father(image) place and trough the appreciation of your female counterpart for you

bisexuality is finding the other as an exact copy of yourself and loving him/her

>> No.10085621

You're not paying attention retard. You're deconstructing the notion of pure sexualities but you're hypocritically avoiding the deconstruction of the notion of sexuality itself as a category of desire.
Thats to say there is a firm difference between wanting to stick your penis in things and having an active sexual desire for men. One constitutes an object proper (men as a category) the other is a mere attribute shared over a wide variety of sets.

>> No.10086219
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never been a better time to be a homo than now
>still miserable bugchasers

>> No.10086257

And then lot offers his virgin daughters up to get raped. And gets rewarded for it.

>no matter what community or family or regional breakdown
Citation needed

>> No.10086265

Oops, didn't know you had posted more of the lot story

>> No.10086292
File: 197 KB, 2560x1080, reviewbrahlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love the female anatomy and the little that remains of feminine mystique in 2017. going down on an attractive woman is truly my pleasure.

but real talk i am gay for the brah and would suck his massive pink dong in a heartbeat.

>> No.10086334
File: 20 KB, 204x280, Tim_Leary_midlle_finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave it here.

PLAYBOY: According to some reports, LSD
can trigger the acting out of latent ho-
mosexual impulses in ostensibly hetero-
sexual men and women. Is there any
truth to that, in your opinion?
LEARY: On the contrary, the fact is that
LSD is a specific cure for homosexuality.
It's well known that most sexual perver-
sions are the result not of biological
binds but of freaky, dislocating child-
hood experiences of one kind or anoth-
er. Consequently, it's not surprising that
we've had many cases of long-term homo-
sexuals who, under LSD, discover that
they are not only genitally but genet-
ically male, that they are basically at-
tracted to females. The most famous
and public of such cases is that of Allen
Ginsberg, who has openly stated that
the first time he turned on to women
was during an LSD session several years
ago. But this is only one of many
such cases.

>> No.10086391
File: 148 KB, 1290x420, wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leary was full of shit. Allen Ginsberg was a pedo like all male homosexuals

>> No.10086728

roasties are not permitted here. leave immediately and never come back

>> No.10086959
File: 6 KB, 215x235, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the moral and philosophical implications of nonconsensual footjobs with the opposite sex?

>> No.10087069

Stop thinking everything is about sex you fucking perverted twit.

>> No.10087081

How does on have a nonconsensual footjob in the first place?

That sounds difficult in a practical fashion.

>> No.10087284

XD upboated!

Only 1nt3lligen+ people can get what he was really saying with this post

>> No.10087341

You can usually tell a redditor by the way they try to make fun of redditors. Use of "XD", "upboat" & other intentional misspellings are clear signs of a redditor trying to "fit in" by appearing to make fun of their own people, but another easy way to spot a redditor is that they will instinctively add spacing to their post where they are not really needed. Some theories have been posited as to why this is always objectively the case. Some will say that it is a result of strict moderation, while others claim that it is their unconscious emulating the "haiku" joke format which is popular on reddit and other such websites.

>> No.10088453

Is there a particular reason you used the word "fucking", anon?

>> No.10088477

>And then lot offers his virgin daughters up to get raped. And gets rewarded for it.
What's the problem? I could see one if women were individuals, but they are resources instead. I really wish that wasn't the case, but alas. A womb is a greedy thing.

>> No.10088486
File: 41 KB, 756x784, 1506399043170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was your relationship with your mother? What was she like? Was she a glutton?

>> No.10088826


>> No.10089081

And how the hell do you confirm any of this? It's basically shit you are pulling out of your ass and never get to verify.

>> No.10089100

SJWs are disgusting, I hope Kim nukes you off the planet

>> No.10090199

I can relate somehow
on a semi related note, I had to get rid of my best friend from high school because I could tell he was physically attracted to me
sad shit

>> No.10090237

I got rid of all my friends for this same reason. I could feel them wanting to suck their dicks. Absolute degeneracy. No thanks! Safe now but kind of lonely. Fucking (((Freud))).

>> No.10090244

Dude I get that feeling all the time. I can't believe how many homos are out there

>> No.10090264

please fuck my daughters? really?

>> No.10090369

the worst part is that the sensitive/clever/funny guys are mostly homos
heteros are mostly cavemen
most of the people I hang out with nowadays are family and/or female
I'm lucky there's porn I guess

>> No.10090916

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/18/sigmund-freud-gay-cure-letter_n_6706006.html one google search and I found out it is Freud

>> No.10092508

Here's the thing about Freud. He was a JEEEEEEEEEW oy vey a JEW oy gevalt these goyim I tell ya JEW Jew JEW Jew JEW bagels JEEEEEEEEEW big nosed money loving JEW elite JEEEEEW curly hair JEEEEEEE EEEEEEEW white genocide JEW feh what would I want with these goyim JEEEEEEEEEW verklempt JEW Jew JEW Jew JEW nagging mother JEEEEEEEEW nice Jewish boy JEW Jew JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW by god I'll brain that bloody Jewman JEW I'll crucify him I will JEEEEEEEEEEEEEW Kek a kike! Kek a kike! Kek a kike! JEEEEEEEEEEEEEW /pol/pol/pol/pol/pol/pol/ JewJewJewJewJewJew can't spell Jew without "ew" JEEEEEEEEeeeeeEEEEEEW rabbi JEW big nose (for you) JEEEEEEEEEEEW jerry Seinfeld JEEEEEW Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew oy vey It's another Shoah J E W J E W J E W remember the six billion goyim! Jewjewj ew jew jej jej e jew jew jew JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10092626

I once gave another guy a handjob but I'm not gay.

>> No.10093989

So you think he accepts homosexuals because he jewish? I don't think so cuz Jews don't be accepting of the homosexuals
It sounds a bit gay thooughh.. Context pls?

>> No.10094102


>> No.10094105

this is literal reddit

>> No.10094273

This made me jej harder than the actual post

>> No.10094484

>an exaggerated narcissism (which in some models he explicitly relates to the anal- position of dev
Looks like your post was cut off and it was interesting.

>> No.10094554

> Did you ever have a "chance" at getting a 3d girl but declined?

>> No.10094565

He realized he was accidently redpilling people on Gays and panicked

>> No.10094579

No, I will continue to do so as having children is my sole purpose. My unnatural, destructive and immoral desires will be held within the gates of the subconscious only to arise when I need sheer power and motivation.

Nah jk I'm a fag but I pretend not to be so I don't have to deal with social ostracization and contempt, I do want to have children which will hopefully override my sexual deviancy.

>> No.10094648

He probably means that the receiver does not consent.

>> No.10094660

Are you a girl?

>> No.10094677

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.10094827

Yeah it's common use.

>> No.10095250


Boring, but probably true.

>> No.10095932

i repress whatever i want, mister.

>> No.10095945

wow you complete udder moron. this was not meant to be taking seriously.