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/lit/ - Literature

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10076193 No.10076193 [Reply] [Original]

Can I just jump into this or do I need to read the whole western cannon first?

>> No.10076208
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>> No.10076211

the ladder

>> No.10076238
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What did the Lander mean by this?

>> No.10076244

The farmer

>> No.10076247

Good one

>> No.10076262

Kant, Marx, Freud, Heidegger, Nietzsche is what you need.

>> No.10076330

I have to read everyone before them before reading them so I need to read the full western cannon

>> No.10076332

Deleuze and Guattari, also.

That being said, you don't necessarily need to have detailed knowledge of as long as you're willing to look up unfamiliar terms.

>> No.10076339
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>> No.10076353

What did you mean by this?

>> No.10076380


Haha, disregard this I suck cocks.

>> No.10076389

Thanks for letting me know

>> No.10076407

Huxley is disgusted by your interest in Land

>> No.10076408


>> No.10076523

Is Nick Land actually worth reading or is he just a meme?

>> No.10076560

No since you can start with Descartes, Hume, Kant and Hegel.

Starting with Greeks is a meme in the sense of learning about modern philosophy. You don't need it, but it helps. Then again many thing help.

>> No.10076572

he's confessing to the zodiac killings

>> No.10076577

Define "worth reading". No book is going to "enrich" you if you aren't willing to unconditionally accept theorycrafting/worldbuilding of a given author before deploying your own critical faculties. Land is as much of a philosopher as he is a prophet of doom and a cyberpunk afficionado.

Listening to the "Meltdown" recording was like watching a British "Matrix" co-produced by Chris Morris. If you dig those vibes, then go ahead.

>> No.10076580

Its apocalypse philosophy. So it depends on whether you think the apocalypse is a meme.

>> No.10076602

There are a lot of references to science fiction writers and theorists, e.g. Csicsery-Ronay, and occultists, e.g. Eliphas Levi, in his works as well. Probably worth reading those as well.

>> No.10076709
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>reading Nietzsche without having read the Greeks
don't do this unless you want to be a meme

>> No.10076751

>Starting with Greeks is a meme in the sense of learning about modern philosophy.

Confirmed for retard. To even understand what many of the early moderns were doing, you need to understand the Greeks. A person working through Descartes' corpus would have no idea what the fuck half of the things he is writing about without an understanding of Aristotle.

>> No.10076755

You can supplement whenever you need with secondary literature about Greeks.

Besides, reading Wagner for F.N. is more importnat.

That's why you buy Oxford edition book or pirate their .epub to have their notes with you, fucking moron.

Besides the most serious thing to understand about Descartes is his rejection of Aristotliean physics in face of GG's findings.

Again, "start with the Greeks" while good advice is not necessary since there are alternative starting points that do just as ifne.

>> No.10076766


>using secondary literature in philosophical argumentation



>> No.10076892


I went straight on to Nietzsche without reading anything by 'the Greeks'. I dare anyone to debate me

>> No.10076895
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>Ignoring scholarly literature and interpretations.
Found the autodidact who is worse off for when he started.

Also found the Cletus of the thread who has definitely not gone through philosophy masters/bachelor in Uni.

>> No.10077140


>> No.10077903

A total meme. His writing is like an undergraduate that just discovered Nietzsche and D&G, now he thinks his simulation of their thought sprinkled with his own simplistic ideas is top shit.
You're better off reading his influences and reading them better than he did.

>> No.10078702


>> No.10078710

He is just trying to be cool. Nick Land is just an art student who makes pastiche of deleuze&guattari mixing it up with objectivism and baby's first Von Mises.

Total pleb tier.

>> No.10079306

Thanks. Saved me the read.

>> No.10079318

Tried to jump into this, then went down the rabbit hole with Heidegger and Kant, then refreshed my memory with some skimming over my collection nietzche I hide behind my bookshelf no no one think's I'm that guy.

>I then became the borg

>> No.10079344
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>> No.10079460

M-meaning is just a linguistic parasite-drug t-that infects *burps* the host's consciousness and over-overrides it to seek exogenous w-ways to get more of it, and the hi-history is just a collective effort to find a way to provide it endogenously and sh-shortcircuit the s-system, Morty! I-it is undefinable by its definition as a safety m-measury which spells doom to t-this millenia-long project! H-humanity's fate sure is- *burp* sure is sad and pityable, M-morty!

>> No.10079513

Do whatever you want.

If you want to be impressed by something, it's because you think it holds one of the hundred numbers to combination of your soul.

That is always up to you though. If you are merely in a state of admiration without a lot of self knowing, then you will gain false numbers to that combination. "The fool who persists in his folly shall become wise" though. Whatever portal of discovery you want.

>> No.10079546

Here's a good review of Nick Land's "Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism"

>> No.10079581

I am so fucking tired of this question. Just read it if you want to. This whole "What do I need to have read to understand X" is just fucking stupid. Just read some fucking books. If you don't understand what you're reading, then type the word into google.

You guys spend so much time worrying about not understanding a text, you'll never read anything.

>> No.10079762

M-moldbug flip me over!

I accelerated myself into a pickle!!!

>> No.10079787




Y'all bout to make me lose my mind

>> No.10079823
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>mfw I created this pic and have proudly watched it spread through the various Land/NRx threads

I'm not too good with computers so I could only make a crude edit. I would encourage others to use the powers of TechnoCapital to create a better version.

>> No.10079840

you know you can read the damn thing AGAIN later

>> No.10079874


>ignoring scholarly literature and interpretations

That is not what he is stating. He is responding to the fact you said to ignore primary sources and use secondary sources, which is bad form in philosophy. Since you want to capture what the original philosopher stated, not what people said about them.

>> No.10079994

1) Greeks
2) Kant
3) Marx
4) Nietzsche
5) Heidegger
6) Debord
7) Land

Skip steps at your own peril. Land often summarizes the his predecessors in a way that leaves out information which would run counter to his arguments, so having the background knowledge is the only way to properly test his conclusions. He also occasionally misses key nuances. In either case, familiarity with the source material will make your understanding much better.

>> No.10080021

>no Hegel
>no Deleuze

>> No.10080133

No Bataille...

>> No.10080231

He likes lisp.

>> No.10080351
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>philosophy is just math and physics

>> No.10080389

Yeah and I'm sure some autodidact from /lit/ can do just that on his own just by original work when 150 iq philosophy professors are having hard time with them and need help from other scholars.

and I didn't say ignore, I recommended supplementing.

Fucker would probably retain more if he'd just read SEP's pages on them than read 4000 pages of them once before reading FN and pretending to retain something.

>> No.10080448

I literally have absolutely no idea what is being talked about in this thread. The only thing I recognize is some occasional famous names that I Know of since I've heard them a thousand times before, but whose meanings are empty for me.
Sometimes I think about all the knowledge that I will never possess, and it saddens me. In infancy I always thought of my adult self as some sort of intelectual, great knower of literature, arts, philosophy and all those things I deemed sophisticated and high cultured. When I abandoned my Art's major, I knew I was saying goodbye to a good chunk of knowledge I would never see again. But then as I once more began studying high school subjects, I was faced with other spheres of knowledge that I had once ignored. Mathematics physics and chemistry. They opened themselves to me like new worlds to be explored. And for a short time I rejoiced in the prospection of studying integral differential calculus, fluid mechanics, electrodynamics, equilibrium, and all other sorts of University level science. But now that's also not going to happen. I've changed paths once more.
I'm not ungrateful, the future I chose after all is bright. I got into a medicine University. I'll become a doctor without doctor's degree in 6 years, which is nice. My country idolize physicians. There's money on the end of this road. Lots of it.
But then I look back at all the knowledge I'm going to miss. Who am I kidding, I Know myself. I'll never touch these sorts of books ever again. Hell I have abandoned literature in the past 5 years because of an ass easy graduation, imagine now I'm headed towards a higher level one. I will probably never read fictions again. Nor watch artsy movies. Nor study anything that isn't human anatomy and biology. And I think of all the knowledge that I'll miss in my life... And it makes me feel so stupid. I look at a conversation like this, even if you're faking, even you're all fraudulent plebeians pretending to Know better, even so I'm an outcast who can't make sense of a post because I lack this basic knowledge about philosophy and so many other things...
Then I feel dumb. And sad.

>> No.10080453

>being such a brainlet you need some ""scholar"" to tell you what to think
Be a big boy and read it yourself, who cares what the academia thinks

>> No.10080466

Nice blog. We surely wanted to hear your life story.
- nobody

>> No.10080473

Sorry. It's because I don't really have friends to talk with. So sometimes I just end up venting like a clogged pipe that gets pressurized and ejects a missile of water along with the foreign object that was clogging it in the first place

>> No.10080510

It will give him another voice to talk back to

>> No.10080516


It's fine, just use paragraphs with line breaks next time, and not be one of those /pol/ spergs who think line breaks for paragraphs are "reddit spacing."

>> No.10080529

marx, delueze, debord are probably essential because that's who he's ultimate reacting against. maybe bergson if you want to know why capital in land is a pseudo-living construct. it's not philosophy though, it's theory fiction based on rhizome. so theoretically you're supposed to be able to dip in and out of land's essays and gain understanding by "hyperlinking" to terms/people you don't already know. approaching it like a structured syllabus is just autistic.

>> No.10080630

Just read the books man. It's not fucking hard and there are loads of secondary literature available

>> No.10080634


>> No.10081171

>implying the Zodiac murders are unsolved
Dude. They are only unsolved in the sense no one was charged and convicted. They figured out the killer a long time ago. There are far more "strange coincidences" about the killer than many convicted serial killers.

>> No.10081558

looks like he's super into nipples

>> No.10081679
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I second this, I'm a sucker for secondary sources. They generally come from people who spent years studying this one field around similar scholars.

As an example, my love of occultism:

Read foundational text Corpus Hermeticum

Read Western Esoteric Traditions by Nicholas Goodrich Clarke for a Perenialist view.

Read Western Esoteric by Hannagraff for a completely secularist view.

Then we can see where the details overlap.

Another example is the Mormons who read their source text endlessly, but won't read a schaolrly analysis as it's blasphemous. They are then mislead by their own ignorance.

I don't have time to read every text of Plato's, but I have a working understanding of Platonism which is beneficial to me

>> No.10081681

Tell me more about debord and bergson in relation to land. Marx and deluze are obvious but I've never hear the other two mentioned

>> No.10082422


Here we fuckin go boys

>> No.10083007
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>> No.10083146

There's obviously no Debord or Bergson influence in land, at least in FN.
I haven't read the collected Ccru works but I assume that anon mistook others' work for Land's. See:
>Sadie Plant was a major situationist scholar. I’ve read The Society of the Spectacle with enjoyment, and a few other bits and pieces. [...] situationism comes up a lot, but I’ve never been fully versed in it.

>> No.10084171


>> No.10085632
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>methed out artfag attempts set theory

>> No.10085663

>theory fiction
France was a mistake

>> No.10085672

All the worst consequences of theory originated in english speaking countries and mostly they are due to the fact that anglos are absolute plebs.

>> No.10085689


>> No.10085692
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t. garlic eating cum gargling frog

>> No.10085777
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there you go

>> No.10085859
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Thank you, anon.

>> No.10085879

Other than kant and nietzsche he really only refrences random esoteric stuff like anti Oedipus, apocalypse now, obscure scifi and stuff like that. so reading most of the western cannon is not going to really help you. Honestly id just give it a go and hope for the best.