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/lit/ - Literature

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10074230 No.10074230 [Reply] [Original]

How can I fix this problem?

>> No.10074246

digital detox yourself

>> No.10074266

Substitute it for something more boring that you constantly find yourself doing.
>Be me
>Live with parents, to cheap to pay my hown house
>To cheap to buy a car
>I rather expand my collection
>Travel by bus
>Only listen to music while traveling
>Realized I should start reading and listen to music at the same time
>Suddenly, I feel I get quicker to work and back to home.
>Now I read faster and have better comprehension

>> No.10074274

don't read shitty books, only read good books

learn how to read long words too

be cool

>> No.10074278

read a small amount every day until you can immerse yourself easily, but above that read something you're actually interested in

>> No.10074287

Read exciting fiction books like lots of big tough guys, and sexy women, and gun fights and car chases! Or read fantasy books about knights, and dragons, and fair maidens and mysterious wizards!

>> No.10074298
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Start with short stories

>> No.10074345
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This. read some Hammett or Chandler.

>> No.10074366
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Find a purpose for reading.

If the goal is worth it, then your faculties will take over for you.

If one has no motivation to read, then the subject matter—nor anything else about the book, really—matters not.

>> No.10074370

Not boring but exasperating if anything

>> No.10074387

>having a picture taken of you looking at pictures of yourself, applying a filter to it, and then posting said picture online so you can look at that picture too
you literally can't find an instance of a man doing this unironically. you just can't.

>> No.10074406


But there is no purpose other than to fill the empty hours of my day.

>> No.10074418
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Then leave this place and never come back. If you have nothing to work towards, you will never accomplish anything.

>> No.10074471

Atrocity Exhibition

>> No.10074491

I wish a girl would look at me the way she looks at the camera, do girls ever look at dudes the way they look at cameras? Imma write that the fuck down

>> No.10074671

Watch game of thrones instead gay boy

>> No.10074942

all books are to me are just an alternate form of tv shows
I'll be rewatching trek and then go outside to read jack vance getting the picture in my mind from reading the words, instead of the tv shows on my monitor inside my neetcave
when I come back in to play a m&b mod or fap to sissy hypno these 2 activities will seem to be so much more entertaining because my brain has been temporarily starved of such interactive, exciting stimuli

breaks up the monotony like

>> No.10076279

How the fuck is horror above historical fiction, slice of life, or adventure? Fuck off with this.

>> No.10076301

Closer > Unknown Pleasures

>> No.10076307


>do girls ever look at dudes the way they look at cameras?

They did when I was younger, handsomer, and stronger.

>> No.10076519

I'd put Folklore/Legends/Mythology in the second tier and mystery in the third.

>> No.10076721


>> No.10076738
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wtf mystery is bored-normie-on-a-flight tier, lol what is this

>> No.10077248


>> No.10077300

i'm not usually a fan of fishnets but wearing them under ripped jeans looks kind of hot

>> No.10078552

>read more
>read stuff that actually interests you
>ask yourself why you want to read. what do you want out of reading? ask for recs based on that
>skim/pre-read a book for an outline and find things to look forward to reading
>stop reading a book after the first chapter/10-20 pages if you're not feeling it
>cut back on porn/masturbation/drugs (because they lower dopamine thus decreasing motivation, focus, etc)
>exercise, eat more vegetables, get sunlight/vitamin d