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10074079 No.10074079 [Reply] [Original]

>Reading the Iliad on a bus
>Girl next to me is reading some YA shit
Anyone know this feeling?

>> No.10074085
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>> No.10074091
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no. i'm not poor so i don't use the bus

also reading in a moving vehicle makes me sick

also i'm not weirdly hypercritical of other people's choices of entertainment media

now take your lol girls r dum xddd thread and fuck off

>> No.10074111
File: 81 KB, 640x471, 21761503_10155816248947369_3329538519073410966_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no boys are dum

>> No.10074117

>boy wants to start a family
>girl wants to destroy civilization

appropriately chekd

>> No.10074120

girls r dum is a time honored literati pastime and i will not back down

>> No.10074144

Women are fundamentally content with life and mostly see it as a socializing vehicle, regardless whether it's a dystopian tyranny or communist orwellian farm or late capitalist hell. They don't care. No matter what, their lives are punctuated by being little queen bee socialites while the resident hierarchy fawns over them to a greater or lesser extent.

So they never really develop the kind of "outsideness" that allows them to form a unique personality or come up with their own ideas. They have a fundamental trust in the hierarchy and the status quo, whatever it is, no matter what it is, because it's always good to them.

If the social status quo says
>It's normal to read puerile horse shit for literal baby brained retards. Read terrible childrens books even though you're an adult and eat junk food and have ten abortions. Just do it lol you can do whatever you want! I love you btw
they will just be like :)! I like this! This is great! I love to be a happy youthful fertile woman! Everyone seems to like me. I guess I'll just pluck all the low hanging fruit in life and sit on the floor like a soulless ape and eat it :P! I would worry that I'm a mediocrity or something, but my many suitors tell me otherwise so it's fine ;) :D

>> No.10074148

luv ya

>> No.10074153

>wants to start a family
That's quite an asumption to make from him imagining kissing the girl.

>> No.10074154

You forgot to mention that they don't actually like anything, and just pretend to in order to impress boys

>> No.10074158

It's worse than that. They don't do it cynically. They actually think that their version of "enjoying things" (lazily half-engaging with them, for social status and to pose for Instagram seflies) is identical with true enjoyment. They think that what they are doing is what men are doing as well.

They are trapped within minds that were never meant to attain sentience. A woman makes a wonderful dog but a terrible human.

>> No.10074162

Make sure never to have sex, but just listen to music in a dark room

>> No.10074173
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Tfw to intelligent

>> No.10074210

Imagine being the father of the child who wrote this post.

>> No.10074228

Yeah, you can't truly enjoy a work until you've shitposted about it on 4chan

>> No.10074232

noticeably bitter, angry women

way to defy the stereotypes ladies

>> No.10074240

>Reading 1984 on a bus
>Grannies next to me can't stop talking loudly

>no. i'm not poor so i don't use the bus
Does your country not have private bus lines that go from one city to another?

>> No.10074241

Why are you quoting me? I'm just paraphrasing ol' schoppy like a good misogynist

>> No.10074244

>Does your country not have private bus lines that go from one city to another?
Why would you use them, unless you're poor?

>> No.10074245

>you have to be a woman to think that this kind of cartoonish sexism is anything but pathetic

>> No.10074250

Yes, we get it. You like to pretend to be old money online in order to make up for your lack of real achievement

>> No.10074254

I don't mean to say I'm wealthy. I just don't get why you would use a bus unless you were genuinely poor. The middle class all have cars for a reason.

>> No.10074257

I'm not sexist. I feel really, really bad for women. I wish what I'm saying weren't true.

>> No.10074269
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>implying most men aren't like this as well
>implying no female human has ever been an outsider to society
>ignoring the existence of writers, artists, and scientists who happened to be women
>tfw too smarte for le normies
pic related, it's you

>> No.10074271

If you make decisions using these beliefs as a foundation, you are the definition of a sexist.

>> No.10074275
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>pic related, it's you

>> No.10074300

I would sleep well at night knowing my son wouldn't have his time and money predated through beta-orbiting or, worse than that, a blackmailing girlfriend or a marriage and inevitable divorce.

>> No.10074303

This is one of several reasons why you don't get any pussy, anon.

>> No.10074307
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Elliot was full of anger. I am not angry. I would save women from their fate if I could. But nothing I can do will ever fix pic related.

Genius just isn't in the cards for women. They tend toward average, and on top of that they are docile, and the social structure reinforces both of these things. A single woman becoming truly accomplished is as rare as the appearance of a male Einstein. Female "goodness" is rarer than male greatness.

>> No.10074308 [DELETED] 

Post more feet

>> No.10074315

>not angry
oo sheeit nigga have ya even read your own post?

>> No.10074318

Nature is sexist.
80% of men don't reproduce, only the ones that got lucky in genetic lottery do. Meanwhile women don't play this lottery and are shallow as a puddle. There is no need for them to be anything better, 60% of them reproduce. Boohoo.

>> No.10074319

Where are you getting these numbers?

>> No.10074324

I have been posting factual misogyny on the Internet for fourteen years. The last time I made a mistake and got mad was eleven years ago.

I only summon up phantoms of plausible misogynistic personalities in order to maximize the number of butthurt responses from women.

A study of mitochondrial DNA. Technically what he's saying is only true of prehistoric DNA, but on average, in any given generation, 40% of men reproduced and 80% of women did, for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.

>> No.10074327

>I don't mean to say I'm wealthy
How about you don't say anything at all

>> No.10074335

>I've been misapplying statistics to explain why no one like me for 14 years
Well, at least you're practiced, I suppose

>> No.10074336
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>pussy (derogatory, sexually-objectifying word for the female genitalia)[1] is something to "get" (to acquire, to possess - female genitalia is here like property or an object you consume for your own sake)

yeah no

1. James, Deborah (1998). "Gender-linked derogatory terms and their use by women and men". American Speech. 73 (4): 399–420. doi:10.2307/455584.

>> No.10074340
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My classes are in the afternoon, which means that there are never any spots left in any of the parking lots, so I opt for the bus instead. It's a lot more convenient than wasting a good half hour roaming the lots for empty spaces.

Plus, my college gives us unlimited free rides, even for the rapid transit buses. I have all to gain but nothing to lose.

>> No.10074351

This argument works best when you don't have any idea of the scale of the human population. How many standard deviations out do we have to go to reach "great"? At 3, you still have 100 million women

>> No.10074354

>summon up phantoms
>look at my purple prose I am so very intelligent
>it was merely a ruse to get responses lole
someone's mad about not getting any bobs and vagene, is it just that you have autism or are you also ugly?

>> No.10074355

>40% of men reproduced and 80% of women did
Whoops, I got the numbers slightly off. Thanks for the correction

>> No.10074358

The better correction was the context of timeframe. Pretending that those numbers are modern is ridiculous.

>> No.10074360

Ill be proud

>> No.10074376

ITT: virgins who can't get pussy

>> No.10074384

Yeah, the context is important. However, I do believe they wouldn't be too far off in recent years, with the shrinking population growth and culture of sleeping around until your 30s. Hypergamy has made society animalized again.
Arranged/forced monogamous marriages are what allowed a percentage of men to reproduce.

>> No.10074388

I've already debunked appeal to virginity see>>10074336

>> No.10074394

Yeah, it sure would be a shame if you bothered to look up modern info and see that 80% of men reproduce. It always feels so bad to have preconceived notions proven wrong.

>> No.10074405

>be college student
>female classmates are all communist feminist brainlets
>hypothetically get pussy
>chance of false rape accusation (seen it happen in my uni)
>relationship is either futile one-nighter or painstakingly insufferable because political views
No thanks.

>> No.10074410
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>Hypergamy has made society animalized again.
I like this post, mind if I save it?

>> No.10074411


>> No.10074422

serious question for any actual women in the thread..

how immediate is it for you to shame a man for being a virgin if he disapproves of women? i wonder if anyone has written an anthropology of this, its encoded patriarchy

>> No.10074423

No, I won't share it. I'm not interested in having an evidence war. I also don't really care if you stay wrong, it's genuinely ridiculous that you thought you could apply data from early humanity to today's population.

>> No.10074433

I'm not going to reply further after you post evidence.

>> No.10074437

The Iliad is literally a YA book. Most people read that shit in high school, bitch. That girl on the bus probably already read it in Latin class or whatever like I did and was reading something light and mindless for her commute to work where she's probably more successful and harder working than you are. If you're gonna act all high and mighty pick something actually highbrow.

>> No.10074444

>on bus
>dual-reading Finnegans Wake and Glas
>person next to me has a tutor walking them through reading a Twitter post consisting entirely of emojis
>stuck on a hippo
>clasp the phone they're reading on within the pages of Finnegans Wake and say "Hungread Hungread Hippocrates"
>riverrun away

>> No.10074457

That is a description of a circumstance, not a feeling. Are you sure you're up to the Iliad?

>> No.10074473
File: 30 KB, 480x433, e9fcb0ca2947413c316a3cee24ceae45--black-heels-shoes-high-heels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like greyhound or national express or whatever? well yeah. i used them a lot when i was a student. now i'm reasonably well off, i have a car. i use the train for my daily commute because i'm not daft enough to drive into central london.


>> No.10074476

>greatest post ever made on /lit/
>also gets quads
pls anon i want to suck ur pepis for making my week like this

>> No.10074481
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>I have a car
>Look at this rich faggot over here

>> No.10074485

you're a college student and you still don't get laid?
wow times really have changed

>> No.10074490

>wow you made fun of am imaginary person using a quote from page one of a novel that looks intelligent! And there were random numbers involved!
>made my week
I feel bad for you, anon.

>> No.10074498
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the post was funnie lad

>> No.10074509


>> No.10074514

Tfw when thats my life

>> No.10074543
File: 22 KB, 447x400, 397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reason I'm a virgin is because I don't want to get accused of rape and I'm smarter than every woman on campus.

>> No.10074858
File: 191 KB, 844x1382, 1489268336828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! The Iliad!? I bet she was embarrassed that she isn't a brilliant hyper-intellectual like yourself!

How's your first week on /lit/ going?

>> No.10074865

You just gobbled up that bait didn't you

>> No.10074870
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>"evidence war"

>> No.10074872

>Reading the Iliad in Greek on a bus
>some guys is reading the penguin classic English edition which he clearly just bought, but cannot seem to focus for much longer than half a minute on his book before compulsively taking out his phone, then mumbling and giggling to himself while staring at some girl
Anyone know this feeling?

>> No.10074880

Whats the joke of this image? Doesn't Nietzsche say truth is subjective? Is that the joke?

>> No.10074920

In my first year of high school I was the only kid who read a book for fun in my whole class except some girls reading fifty shades of gray

>> No.10074945

I was reading on a bench recently and some niggers walked by and said 'hey man, nice BOOK!!' and I said 'Thanks'

>> No.10075025
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>> No.10075068

>Be reading D.F. Wallace, classic author, on bus
>spot two guys reading The Iliad, pleb-tier proto-shounen-shit drek that people call "deep" because a blind homosexual wrote it
>spray water on random passengers
>get kicked off, bandana in shreds

>> No.10075203

Countries that are small don't really need cars and even huge countries with good infrastructure don't really need many cars.

>> No.10075207

To be fair it's not an invalid concern, especially in a university.

>> No.10075238

>no. i'm not poor so i don't use the bus

>he could sit in a giant car driven by someone else, put some earplugs on and read for the entire commute
>instead he chooses to drive the car by himself, which is inherently more dangerous and precludes you from reading


>> No.10075267


Get it right. You read the Illiad and that garbage because it's required. We all know D. Klebold and E. Harris are the real writers and visionaries of our time. I was once reading some of their work and this shy white kid came up and said, "great story."

>> No.10075345

It doesn't matter because society is becoming tribal again. North America is going to be drowned in a tide of incel hyperviolence.

>> No.10075571

good laugh this one

>> No.10075603

You and I have had the exact same feeling today but unlike you I have (finally) finished the book.

>> No.10076089
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>reading the Illiad on the bus
You're the philistine retard here because I bet you weren't reading out loud as you're supposed to do when reading verse.
Or maybe you were reading a prose translation which would then be downright laughable.

>> No.10076124


>> No.10076130

>It doesn't matter because society is becoming tribal again.
That's just an excuse to hold batshit tribal beliefs while trying to still look intellectual in the slightest.

>> No.10076134
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Bad thread OP

>> No.10076135
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>when you finally see that one person reading something patrician

>> No.10076139

How could you properly appreciate a great work such as the Iliad in an environment as uncomfortable as a bus?

>> No.10076144

No, its empirically happening. Haven't you been paying attention?

>> No.10076166

The joke is she clearly doesn't know what she's talking about and just namedrops an author to shame her opponent for having the wrong political beliefs.

It's an example of misappropriation at its finest.

>> No.10076181


Buses take at least twice as long to get anywhere as cars. In my city there aren't enough buses so you're lucky to get a seat.

There's nothing more depressing than watching a huge line of people standing under a downpour waiting for their chance to board a crowded, stinking, bus.

>> No.10076218

Prove it

>> No.10076341

>I'm not retarded guys I was just trolling lol got you

>> No.10076374
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Not him, but you first.
Start here >>10074411
Then show how post sexual revolution society isn't like pic related describes

>> No.10076382

I read manga on the bus and give zero fucks. Maybe you need to lighten up, OP.

>> No.10076414

ITT: Angry virgin losers trying to one-up each other with their 'superior Intelligence' and their underlying hatred of females which most likely stems from years of being ignored and rejected by every women they have ever met including their own mothers.

>> No.10076423

t. woman

>> No.10076537

>anon makes clam society is turning tribal and that it's an empirical fact
>another anon expects me to prove the obverse
Nice, fuck off back to >>>/r9k/ with the other normalfags and stay there

>> No.10076543


>he thinks women are co-extensive with motherhood

fuck off /pol/

>> No.10076567


>iq is the same across the entire human population
>there is no variation among haplogroups

this is your brain on progressivism

>> No.10076573

>work at a library
>only one person checks out something halfway interesting during your whole tenure
>"i am a cat"
>middle-aged, wiry-haired woman
>try to talk to her about books
>she's hyper-autistic fugg :DDD

>> No.10076694

kekd and checked

>> No.10077049

>>Reading the Iliad on a bus
no wonder you're a virgin

>> No.10077734
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>he doesn't have his own bus

>> No.10077873

>Women are fundamentally content with life and mostly see it as a socializing vehicle, regardless whether it's a dystopian tyranny or communist orwellian farm or late capitalist hell.
that's sick honestly

>> No.10078009

>implying chads arent the same

>> No.10078066

Nothing more depressing than being reminded that there are people in this world who still don't know how to appreciate a good soak in the rain.

>> No.10078316

“Don't just say you have read books. Show that through them you have learned to think better, to be a more discriminating and reflective person. Books are the training weights of the mind. They are very helpful, but it would be a bad mistake to suppose that one has made progress simply by having internalized their contents." Epictetus

>> No.10078339


>> No.10078407
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>> No.10078453


Nigga you don't understand. It rains more or less constantly from mid September to June. Sometimes the rain does not cease for months on end. People who don't live in the Pacific Northwest don't really get what rain is, they think it's this sort of meteorological novelty that gives them an excuse to drink hot beverages and read novels. They don't know the crushing monotony of the winters here.

This city is another planet's hell.

>> No.10078616

/thread /4chan /over

terminate yourselves

>> No.10078670


The more I deal with women the more it makes me dislike them. I feel like I might end up eventually end up as one of those guys who use them for sex and nothing more. Reluctant to do so but I’m starting to feel I have little choice. My innocent has been forever broken.

To be fair though, I was reading Love in the Time of Cholera earlier and derived much catharsis from the end of the first section where Fermina Diaz rejects her forbidden lover who she spent two exchanging heartfelt letters with. Amazingly accurate representation of the female psyche right there. Literally like a switch.

Real /r9klit/ post here.

>> No.10078677


Shit. I thought this was the 'write what's on your mind thread'. Oh well.

>> No.10078680

What you describe is the way that life is for all people except a small neurotic sub-type of literary people. Strange to ascribe it to women in particular. You're right, but it's not because they're women; it's because they aren't broken and we are.

This is why you are in here and they are out there anon

>> No.10078719


You seem to have a good grasp of the issue. Why not just accept it and do your own thing while accepting the flaws in others? Being neurotic isn't fun in the long-term and it's not a very good personal trait for your own mental sake.

>> No.10078756

problem is unless youre a rockstar theres no easy way, sans paying, of 'using women for sex'

what youre talking about is celibacy desu

>> No.10078820

>YA means that most people who read it were young adults at the time

>> No.10078827

>On train
>2 seats to self
>Get comfy reading
>Part way into journey get sat on by woman
>I apologise
>She remains stoic
>Back to reading Marlowe
>Some time later she must have gotten off
>Now replaced by a younger woman
>She keeps side eyeing me
>Takes out Ipad or tablet of some description
>Keeps flicking between netflix and tinder
>Before she gets off at her stop she makes an obvious attempt to read the title of the play

Can't help but think she was trying to find me on tinder

>> No.10078829

Most boys tend to want a family, anon. Well, until the media brainwashes them.

>> No.10078840

I think YA ruined us. New writers today barely have read anything but YA and are imitating the inane stylistic choices editors push on the genre.

The result is that there is no maturity in the last bunch of american writers. Luckily things are not so bad abroad.

>> No.10078845

Nice try roastie, but my mother lives me very much.

>> No.10078846


Was she cute?

>> No.10078847

I'm actually really happy to see people on this board defending the other sex. I love you guys. Well, most of you.

>> No.10078857

>read a few books at work during downtime
>downtime being not too much, maybe 30 minutes in a 11 hour day, not including lunch
>read stoner, still life with woodpecker, to each his own, sailor who fell from grace, white noise, and portnoys complaint in a few months
>coworker reading some ny times best seller about a woman with mental problems
>she is still reading it
>spends her time lurking facebook instead

>> No.10078859

Reactionary propaganda detected, do not read this, goy!
Go to sleep instead, you are very tired.

>> No.10078885

Sauz on the cute boi

>> No.10078890

I couldn't get more than a couple chapters into sailor who fell from grace, did i miss anything?

>> No.10078909

The feeling of pretentiousness? Yes, I have.

>> No.10079026

Iliad gives the opposite message you think it does - you're obviously a neophyte. Classics Professors dont read Homer in public ya dingus

>> No.10079031

>Reading a tome on a bus
>Boy next to me is smelly, cringey, creepy, and looks like a beta nu male

Anyone know this feeling?