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/lit/ - Literature

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10067175 No.10067175 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good writing and morning routines?

>> No.10067186

I'm interested. Waiting for more comments.

>> No.10067191

>eating meat and wine for four hours out of the day

>> No.10067200

the virgin routine

>> No.10067206
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8:00- go for morning jog/practice footy
9:00- some sort of tea/coffee, pull up my sites and throw on either youtube or music
9:30-start writing, and whenever i hit a wall, play some guitar
11:30-make lunch/call my girlfriend
12:30-gym time
2:30-shower, tea/coffee, head out for the day
9:00-back at home, reading time, throw on some background noise
11:30-jerk off if no sex

>> No.10067208
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granted, there's no way Thompson's routine was in anyway consistent enough for this, but i still like the image it paints.

>> No.10067213

did kant die a virgin?

>> No.10067228

Apparently, yes. He also used to tie his hand to his bed so he couldn't fap. He was literally a broscience no fapper.

>> No.10067242

Is there one of these for Proust? If not, someone should make it

>> No.10067259

anyone have the pic of all the routines famous writers and philosophers had?

>> No.10067265

never heard that one. source?

>> No.10067267

What did meditating involve for these people? It surely wasn't the eastern type of medition, was it?

>> No.10067273

fake news

>> No.10067291

he was probably playing pool too
kant was a pool aficionado

>> No.10067299

>visit with John Green

What the fuck? he cant keep getting away with this!

>> No.10067320

>Visit with Joseph
wow that much time having gay sex!

>> No.10067325


>> No.10067332

anyone got the balzac one?

>> No.10067347


How do they get these routines?

>> No.10067357
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>> No.10067460

could only find these
>cant attach image because it is too big

for kant, I believe it is a bit misleading. I have read that his 'meditation' time was basically the time he devoted smoking his tobbaco pipe, so yeah, not the eastearn kind of meditation

>> No.10067482

>victor hugo
>woken by daily gunshot from fort, freshly brewed coffee
>11am - public icebath in water left out over night

holy fuck who was this madman

>> No.10067483

>literally the biggest autist in history
>more of a chad than most /lit/posters

>> No.10067494 [DELETED] 

I highly doubt most of these routines were kept strictly by the majority of these people. The author of the graphs likely just sifted through biographies and correspondence and took a snapshot of their habits at a random point in their life (or even on a random day) without knowing how much it varied throughout time. I highly doubt some of these authors really only wrote an hour a day or something.

>> No.10067552


I brought this up in class once- assuming it was obvious, and a professor contradicted me- told me that a detailed look at his early years would imply plenty ov opportunity to swipe his vcard, spread the young "oats" etc, which would make him was more ov tha "castrati" really

>> No.10067564


>> No.10067586

What fucking language are you speaking

>> No.10067591

my own- faggot

>> No.10067592

I'd recommend just picking up the Daily Rituals book

>> No.10068051

>eastern type of medition
No such thing.

>> No.10068070

Sitting in bed sleepy after wake, smoking.

>> No.10068389

Sounds like old Stephen king to me

>> No.10068493

>going to sleep at midnight

>> No.10068504

Quit writing like a troglodyte.

>> No.10068514

>having routines
Sounds like a surefire way to stagnation.

>> No.10068570


im a brainlet and even I don't believe that.If anything, he had pussy in his youth but later realised that loveless sex is a complete waste of time.Great men usually have incredibly huge standars when it comes to ''the one'' so they would rather keep the image of the ideal woman locked away in their head.

>> No.10068576
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>Only writing when you ''feel like''
Good luck being consistent, productive or even above average while you wait your whole life for the '''inspiration''' and '''right moment''' to come

>> No.10068586

>wake up at 5:45AM
>make tea, have two cups
>go to the gym
>go to the park for cardio
>get back home, shower, dick around on laptop
>go to work
>bullshit at work, try to read things of interest in between actual work
>get home
>eat dinner + unwind with thoughtless bullshit
>write, finally

The problem with this is that if I go out after work, no writing gets done.

>> No.10068605
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>> No.10068608

oh wow yeah

so interesting


why did you post this?

>> No.10068629

>productive or even above average
That's what deadlines are there for, anon.

It's less about some faggy wait for muh inspiration and more about not letting routine creep in and writing 2k words because your schedule says so.

As for consistence, you mean the output? Why should it be consistent? There will be times when you can ignore sleep for a while and write 10-20k words in two/three days and there will be times where you spend months on research, in the end it'll all balance out automatically. The time it takes to write one book or screenplay is a much more useful information than the time spent working per day.

>> No.10068926

You can read/search for it all much you want and it will always confirm the same thing: consistency is the key to success and skill growth; And this is coming from another fag who has a problem with self-discipline like most plebs nowadays and struggle to keep a consistent workflow. But I'm not gonna waste my time explaining everything for you, if your mentality is set to be inconsistent, let it be.

All I'm gonna say is: You can edit a bad page, you can't edit a blank page.

>> No.10070303

>thinks there is a problem with this if the poster wakes up at 8

>> No.10070311

>implying the light of the sun has no effect on sleep quality

>> No.10070355

7:00 - wake up, get out of bed
7:30 - eat two sausage mcmuffins with egg w/ hash brown and orange juice
7:45 - tell myself i'll start reading/writing/cleaning at 9, start playing rocket league
9:00 - start playing destiny
11:00 - dick around on 4chan
1:00 - eat double western w/ large fries and soda
1:15 - watch reaction videos on youtube
3:00 - lie in bed and pretend i'm a famous writer/screenwriter/director giving an interview
4:00 - nap
5:30 - watch an episode or two of some show i've been putting off for a long time now
7:30 - bacon ultimate cheeseburger w/ large fries and soda for dinner
8:00 - more rocket league or destiny or fifa or call of duty
11:00 - lie down in bed and listen to music and think back to a time when i had a social life
12:00 - watch random youtube videos
1:00 - sleep

>> No.10070393
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>life of the average /lit// shiitposter

>> No.10070419
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>> No.10070447

Why did you open this thread? Kys retard.

>> No.10070452


00:00 - Sleep
01:00 - Sleep
02:00 - Sleep
03:00 - Sleep
04:00 - Sleep
05:00 - Sleep
06:00 - Sleep
07:00 - Sleep
08:00 - Sleep
09:00 - Sleep
10:00 - Sleep
11:00 - Sleep
12:00 - Sleep
13:00 - Sleep
14:00 - Sleep
15:00 - Sleep
16:00 - Sleep
16:44 - Wake up and post on /lit/
16:45 - Sleep
17:00 - Sleep
18:00 - Sleep
19:00 - Sleep
20:00 - Sleep
21:00 - Sleep
22:00 - Sleep
23:00 - Sleep

>> No.10070928

I typed out my schedule but it's mostly sleeping, reading, and computer time. I hate my life but it's hard for me to change so I continue on.

>> No.10071254

Get on my level

4pm wake up
post on 4chan
go to sleep at 7am

Maybe once in a week ill go for a bike ride

>> No.10071268

Immanuel Kant was real pissant who was very rarely stable...

>> No.10071332

525 - wake up in camp
530 - head to the mess for breakfast
550 to 650 - get cleaned up, gather things, equip gear
700 - attend meeting
715 - inspect, fuel and prepare equipment and machinery
845 - arrive at work site
900 to 1800 - work, fasting throughout the day and reading during any breaks
1900 - unload gear, clean equipment
1935 - supper at the mess
1955 - exercise if not already exhausted
2030 - shitpost
2055 - regret life choices, question if this lifestyle is worth the money, think about getting a comfortable job in the city, fanatsize about what working in an office or library must be like, not suffering in the sweltering heat or freezing cold
2100 - get ready for bed, jerk off, misc.
2200 - try to sleep
2201 - wonder if its too late to start over again, if taking a job with half the wage but indoors would be worth it
2215 - stare at the ceiling of my 8×15 ft room
2216 - wait for dreams to come and take me away from this place

525 - wake up
525 - back in camp
525 - back in the wild
525 - back in hell

>> No.10071349
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holy fuck

>> No.10071445

All I have to add is that getting out of bed around 6AM is probably the number one indicator for whether I'll be productive for the day or not.

>> No.10071496

How does one achieve Balzac mode?

>> No.10071504

someone should make a template of that, shouldn't take long

cant one of you neets/literature grads do it? who have time

>> No.10071511

>thomas mann
>no pederasty
fake news

>> No.10071514

less shitposting, more memoir writing

>> No.10071581

It's really not worth it you dumb fuck. Been there done that. Stop pissing your youth away in athabasca.

>> No.10071762

I don't think he ever had the chance to fug a boy in real life.

>> No.10071976


>> No.10072246

fuck i wish it was athabasca

try fucking northwest manitoba even though i live in edmonton

>> No.10073034


>> No.10073126

Does someone know how to keep a rutine without killing all kind of pleasure from the activities on it. Whenever I try to sort myself out, when I say "Ok I'm going to read from X hour until y hour" that reading feels completly devoid of inmersion, dry and like a surrogate activity. When my life is a mess reading is a pleasure and I spend most of my day doing it, but the other responsabilities start getting everyday bigger and bigger. Thanks to this now I'm on the situation of having to study a bunch of crap I don't care about all day or my future goes to the trash. Nihilism is killing me, I need help or I will breakdown and might do something harmful. I'm trying to get therapy but it is kind of too late. Hold me, /lit/
Being a weakling seems to be part of my nature. How to into 18 century autistic philosopher mode

>> No.10073138

Also, today's schedule has been waking up late after having a dream where my oneitis and I were hugging and listening to music, feeling happines leak out of my body after waking up late for class, skipped the class I was not late for, had breakfast and coffee and now shitposted on /lit/
See what I'm talking about? I'm not gonna make it

>> No.10073311

>all these intellectuals getting less than 9 hours of sleep
what the fuck?

>> No.10073340

>skipped the class I was not late for,
Lmao I've been there

>> No.10073360


>> No.10073381

I'm a composer and pianist, but here's my routine anyway:

15pm- wake up
from 15pm to 15.45pm: breakfast, meditation, cleaning my apartment, shower if needed
from 15.45 to 21.45: I practice on the piano, study and compose, following a 40-20 regime: I practice and study for 40 minutes, then I spend 20 minuts either reading, meditating or walking in a national park nearby my house, listening and analyzing music and poetry and so on, basically any light activity that builds up my desire to be creative
21.45 to 23.45: pause, I either hang up with friends, go to concerts, read a book, go for a long walk and so on, basically anything that keeps me sane and grounded in socie
23.45 to 05.45: same routine as earlier, 40-20
05.45 to 7.45: study philosophy and literature (I've managed so far to get a Bs in philosophy, in November I'll apply for a Ms scolarship)
7.45: listen to a piece of music analitically, when it ends go to sleep

On Saturdays I smoke lots of hash, drink some whiskey and compose all day long (basically from 15.45 to 8am), apart from that I'm straight edge. As far as discipline goes, meditation solved every single problem of mine.

>> No.10073392

why did "Walk around Vienna's Ringstrasse at TERRIFIC SPEED" make me lose it

>> No.10074378

5:00- get out of bed, read a short story
5:30- coffee, cigs. Coffee has either milk+vodka or whiskey+cream if I have any, keep reading
6:00- shower, get dressed, a beer if no vodka or whiskey in coffee
6:45- write notes and work on poems or read
7:45- leave for uni or work

18:00 beer, coffee, write
21:00 drunk, think of ex, muh nihilism, punch wall
21:30 consider suicide
22:00 write notes, drink myself to sleep

Same next day but sober, and I edit/rewrite when needed instead of reading. Rinse, repeat.

My study and work schedules vary a lot so usually I have plenty of time to socialize/act like I can trust another woman between 7:30 and 18:00.

On saturdays I study all day to make up for slacking on weekdays, then I go out at night.

I can spend at least 6 hours a day either reading or writing this way.

>> No.10074705

>incredibly huge standards when it comes to "the one" so they would rather keep rhe image of the ideal woman locked away in their head.

fuck this is me

>> No.10074962

>using some weird shifted clock.

what the fuck??????????? why not just use 9 - 12 - 3 - 6 like a normal clock???? wtf!!!????????

>> No.10075164
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>> No.10076530

Sounds like a pussy.

>> No.10076592

Is sleeping 7 hours a day the magic number? I thought you were supposed to sleep 8 hours.

>> No.10076601

no such thing as objective number of sleep hours. some people can fuction with 4 hours, some need 8.

>> No.10076606

Apparently there was a recent case study over 15 years that found that people who slept for 7 hours a night had a lower overall chance of early death than the ones who slept 8-10.

>> No.10076610
