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/lit/ - Literature

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10060354 No.10060354 [Reply] [Original]

What's your job, /lit/?

>> No.10060357

substitute teacher

>> No.10060367

"clerical assistant" in a a hospital

>> No.10060371

office bitch

>> No.10060393

broom operator

>> No.10060413

cool. What do you do in particular? What do you like of your work?

>> No.10060439

consultant, mainly IT

>> No.10060440


>> No.10060444

Uber driver

>> No.10060451

I work as a translator, and I've never been so unsure of anything I write. Maybe it's a good thing, but still.

>> No.10060460

I make posters for a nightclub as a freelancer.
Made some paid photography with my Leica to some friends and colleagues.
Got a gig on a art gallery/clothing shop (those are everywhere now) once for said photography but only got one lame t-shirt and free beers in return. Nice visibility though.
Now I'm trying to climb the social ladder and get big on Instagram with the help of analytics for getting more work.

I study Political Sci. at the uni.

>> No.10060465

Didn't mean to quote you in the post above. Just wanted to say your post reminded me of a very 00's track.


>> No.10060471

Mechanical engineer student.

>> No.10060490

get off the drugs mate

>> No.10060528

Perma neet

>> No.10060530

Software engineer

>> No.10060536

Media strategist

>> No.10060549

Landcare worker

>> No.10060557
File: 121 KB, 1300x866, 16056566-Happy-forklift-driver-looking-at-male-supervisor-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drive a forklift. I overhear a lot of conversations about suicide, so I guess that's pretty /lit/.

>> No.10060565

Medium to low level bureaucrat in the countryside.

>> No.10060571

scribe for top secret manuscripts
I listen to audiobooks on an mp3 player while rewriting shit that I don't care about

>> No.10060602


>> No.10060607


>> No.10060611

>top secret manuscripts
Like what?

>> No.10060617

it's just personal information of regular boring-ass people

I just made it sound way cooler than it actually was

also, I'm now really good at reading people's terrible handwriting

>> No.10060618
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I'm working as an official for a state agency in my country that specialises in (((political and civic education))).

Feels dystopian.

>> No.10060632

But who pays you to transcribe the personal information of regular boring-ass people?

>> No.10060653

How does one even get work as a translator? There was awhile when I was trying my best to find some work in it, but had no such luck.

>> No.10060655

damn, that would produce a sellable novel if only you felt like blending fiction with autobiographical elements nicely, anon
and ofcourse if you have just a little bit of talent
think of Palahniuk.

>> No.10060656

mechanical engineer for an aerospace company.

I'm thinking of quitting and going back to school for math education. DESU, I just did engineering so I could prove I was intelligent enough to d it and to feel superior to all of the fags at my school

>> No.10060671

Fuck off STEMtards.

>> No.10060697

That's interesting. Can you expand on this?

>> No.10060705

Spraypainting, which mostly means repairing cars.

>> No.10060706

Quit my job today. I was a peasant. I'm gonna be a full time philosophy student at the uni.

>> No.10060707

bad decision.

>> No.10060727

>was a peasant

>> No.10060731

did you quit a real job or did you quit a parttime job filling shelves

>> No.10060732

I do denture work and make bite blocks for denture preps.

>> No.10060739

I am the proprietor of a break tag/storage business that does uhaul rentals as well. It runs extremely smoothly, deal with about 20 customers a day which takes me anywhere from a min to 15 mins depending on what's needed.
After my time is done I go upstairs to my on site apartment to read or watch podcast. Fall asleep at 1ish and wake up at 6ish to start the cycle again.
Only real non customer human contact I have is calling my grandmother every day to check up on things.
Been doing this for 10 years.

>> No.10060743

You don’t need to go to uni to read books, Anon. Sorry you wasted your money while we became well-rounded Übermensch.

>> No.10060746

Got any horror stories about people's teeth?

>> No.10060747

This actually seemed comfy until you said you've been doing this for 10 years. You might want a change of scenery. Don't stick to a routine for that long, imo

>> No.10060759

I've seen kids who suck on lines for some reason, and their teeth are dry and weak. I've also seen grown men with baby looking teeth, and men with grown down teeth with the pulp exposed, which doesn't mean the root necessarily.

A lot of men don't clean their dentures so they get nasty as hell. But no nothing really horrific. I've had my wisdom teeth removed and they had to surgically extract it. Slowly after a few months, small bits of extra tooth that was missed surfaced and came out by itself, which is normal. That's about all I got.

>> No.10060763


Damn phone

>> No.10060766

Clinical psychologist at the Red Cross

>> No.10060770

The income for the place pays for a lot of stuff. Like my mom living in a special care home. Tried to hire someone a while back but they ended up stealing about 3k in cash the first week they worked there.
It really isn't the worse I mean I take care of my family and get to read a whole lot along with make 6 figures. But you are correct I do need a break in the routine. Isolation has been getting to me.
Hopefully, I can get a table top game off the ground soonish.

>> No.10060772

>The income for the place pays for a lot of stuff. Like my mom living in a special care home.
Is she okay with this? MY mom is getting to that age and I feel obligated to switch to working part time to take care of her but I haven't brought anything up

>> No.10060782

She is in good physical health but mental health not so much. But the place she is in takes good care of her and she is in a good routine.
I go see her every Sunday morning with some brunch with eggs Benedict. She remembers me less and less but still loves her food.
Yeah it is a difficult decision, you will need to know when it's time and they need your help. The problem will be establishing those limits on them and that control. The power dynamics is extremely odd when it comes to that kind of thing. But if you love them then you have to push forward.

>> No.10060848

Ex waiter
Ex tavern manager
Ex Student
Ex Odd jobs
Ex thief (small time)
Picked olives for cash once.
Currently machine operator in a pretty civilized factory.

I really want something better and not in an Anglo country.

>> No.10060849

Did translations and illustrations as well for €€€.

>> No.10060851

Ohhh. And rave party co-organizer...

>> No.10060854

And I worked a shitty intership as a journalist once on top of waiting, but the envinronment was cancerous.
Fucking Yellow-pages tier...

>> No.10060855

And, as part of my national service a while ago I used to patrol a refugee camp...

>> No.10060887

Ex bouncer
Ex retail management
Ex snake breeder
Ex summer school for developmentally disabled kids director
Ex statewide healthcare coordinator
Currently laid off as fuck after the national healthcare bomb went off.
Finishing my engineering degree and about to head to a petchain corporate interview in about 30 mins.

>> No.10060946

Attorney doing election law and campaign finance stuff. Work 60 hours a week so I'm not lit anymore. It's quite sad.

>> No.10060995

I've been a paralegal for five years. It's honestly a decent job.

>> No.10061017

I'm a college student but I work in a new craft distillery and do a fair bit of freelance writing on the side to supplement my income.

A lot of it is nonsense B2B marketing material and proofreading/editing terrible ebooks, but it pays the bills.

>> No.10061102

English Teacher for foreigners in an English Academy in Spain.

Pretty cool, but gets boring after a while. I can't remember how many times I've had to explain thw difference between boring and bored, or the goddamned phrasal verbs.

I also got my first book published earlier this year.

>> No.10061196

I stock shelves at a grocery store and study IT at a community college. Hoping to transfer to a university.

>> No.10061199
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Aeronautical Engineer, unironically design control systems for jet engines

>> No.10061282

U.S. Coast Guard

>> No.10061301

i sell phones at target. I currently am in community college, but want to use my dual citizenship to major in in psychology at mcgill

>> No.10061321


>> No.10061330


>> No.10061365

>Now I'm trying to climb the social ladder and get big on Instagram
lol shoah yourself

>> No.10061389

the juxtaposition of these two posts is hilarious

>> No.10061572

Security Guard.

It's usually as a contract-by-contract basis, but I'm looking for graveyard shifts in warehouses/offices etc. so it'll give me more time to read. All those positions around here are already tied down by the lucky bastards who realized it's a goldmine of free time for the socially inept/light fearing vampires.

>> No.10061970


>> No.10061971
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software engineer for mickey mouse

>> No.10062465


>> No.10062493

Fab shop welder/laborer.

>> No.10062498

My dad this and unironically hated his job despite making 6 figures

>> No.10062522

Librarian in a third world country. Have contemplated suicide before.

>> No.10062538


>> No.10062540

management consultant

>> No.10062542

>Red Cross
American Red Cross?

>> No.10062546


>> No.10062548

I work at s group home the developmentally disabled. Working with adults with autism, schizophrenia, downs syndrome, ect. I've seen a lot if shit.

>> No.10062551
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pizza delivery

>> No.10062553

admin for a shitty website that sells clothes to chavs

>> No.10062568

so basically you just lurk /lit/?

>> No.10062620
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I'm quitting my full-time job at a mail facility this week. The pay is fine, but the work is mind-numbing. I'll start substitute teaching and working a weekend job as a product ambassador for a retail tech store in a week or so. If I'm lucky, I may get a research position at a local high school to go along with my master of education.

>> No.10063499

You listen to audiobooks?

>> No.10063521

Fuck, that made me laugh. Thanks.

>> No.10063530

I'm a musician.

>> No.10063541

I do bioinformatics and data science

>> No.10063569


>> No.10063838

Good one?

>> No.10064413

uni sucks. Learn on your own

>> No.10064520

I bet you havent even made enough to pay for the leica

>> No.10064529

>he doesn't notice the blatant /sci/ <-> /lit/ cross-over and that the only intelligent people on /lit/ and /sci/ are those who are well-rounded philofags + stemfags

>> No.10064543


>> No.10064654

Nope, I'm european

>> No.10064696

Magazine editor.

Kinda sucks once you see behind the curtain.

>> No.10064773

civil servant

>> No.10064779

united states navy nuclear electronics technician

>> No.10065002

I work graveyard shift doing data entry at a lab, it's pretty comfy but I feel like I'm wasting my life there. At least I get to listen to audiobooks ~6 hrs every day

>> No.10065116
File: 1.64 MB, 2048x1152, 20170922_152432_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oilfield well servicing.

>> No.10065189

I always wanted to be a librarian, dude. At least in my dreams it must be nice a job. Why don't you like it?

also, what country do you live?

>> No.10065205

Account Manager

>> No.10065219

Studying fashion design in New York, currently free lance articles

I'm genuinely worried for my future. Anyone have experience with fashion school?

>> No.10065305

>clerical assistant
I am interested, mybe want to do the same thing

>> No.10065371

How do you live with yourself? I graduated as a chem engineer and was offered an $80k starting petroleum engineer job and refused it just to not work for those devils

>> No.10065738

uni student, but doing some ghostwriting as well.

>> No.10065740


I'm a homeless person

>> No.10065803

ghostwriting? cool. How do you find work?

>> No.10065805

Security guard for empty construction sites. I get to read a lot. I usually finish a book in one or two shifts depending on the site.

>> No.10065809

I'm doing a PhD in a field unrelated to literature.

>> No.10065820

This is what I'm doing as well, but at construction sites while I'm going to school full time on the GI Bill. It gets lonely when you have all these books and nobody to talk about them with.

>> No.10065838


Nigga you had a real opportunity and you blew it. Just because your holier than thou ass didn't take the job doesn't mean the demand for oil went away. You spat in the wind.

>> No.10065849

I do market research at a business incubator. Currently applying for other jobs.

>> No.10065852

literally me

>> No.10065862

Go fuck yourself, I'm getting my master's in natural resource engineering now while you're helping to rape the planet.

p.s. I bike to school

>> No.10065948

low iq

>> No.10065979

Support Worker in a day centre for autistic adults. Just signed up to do a degree in English Literature via Open University... And work just signed me up to do an NVQ2 in Health and Social Care.

wewlad. busy times ahead.

>> No.10066029

>says the manual laborer to the engineer

>> No.10066204

great. how can one become a security guard?

>> No.10066216

Be not literally retarded and you should have no problem.

>> No.10066275
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Professional grammar nazi.

>> No.10066308

if you're in the UK you'll need to get licensed. pretty easy route though

>> No.10066314

in foucault's pendulum there's a character who's a kind of "Knowledge Detective" where people ask him about mysteries relating to arts or culture and his job is to go to the library, or travel and find the answer. Is this a real job you can have?

For example (not in the Eco), apparently the location where Wordsworth wrote Tintern Abbey is unknown. Might be cool to go find it. Or find the origin of an obscure reference (Shakespeare is full of these). Or if there's a word that doesn't seem appropriate, find out if it had a different meaning during the author's time, or if it was archaic by that time already, etc.

Can I get paid to do this kind of stuff or is this just a pipe dream?

context: i'm a senior studying electrical engineering & computer sciences near bay area. if it doesn't work out I can pretty easily find a well paying job, so not too concerned about risk.

>> No.10066411
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by writing seminars and essays for dumb uni roasties

>> No.10066424

this is a problem.

>> No.10066448

that wasnt really his job

he was an editor that was contracted (by his publisher) to find rare works relating to the history of metal (machinery?) and that led him to travel

>> No.10066457


>what is google

>> No.10066462


>> No.10066683

How much do you charge?

>> No.10066794

is it good? been thinking of getting into that myself

>> No.10066894

on avarage, 50euros for 10 page essay, 100euros for thesis... some will even pay 30euros for basic power point presentation which takes 10minutes of effort.

>> No.10066917

propane and propane accessories.

>> No.10067024

Oooh, you're an intellectual. It's sooo obvious, why didn't I consider your job title? I'm so sorry for not understanding your position relative to my own. I'll bet you have a lineage of nobility too...You are so great, anon. I Love You. (Smooch)

>> No.10067026
File: 1.36 MB, 2048x1152, 20170919_102237_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're working for the devil!

>I posted this (with no sense of irony) from either a smartphone, tablet, or computer built in a Chinese factory with anti suicide netting around it due to the barbaric conditions the workers endure, made with several different materials that are either strip mined or created with chemical processes that leave tonnes of toxic waste byproducts

I don't lose a wink of sleep over it, partly because I live and work in a country that has pretty robust laws and regulations concerning the development of oil and gas when compared to the rest of the world, and partly because it's human nature to utilize resources available to them and change the environment around them.

Do you not buy products from transnational companies, or wear leather/animal products, or utilize grid provided electricity/heat?

Not me.

Glad to hear it. I hope your passion lasts once your youth has faded.

>> No.10067030

I've made a living exclusively as a fulltime musician for 6 years now, so you can make of it what you want.

>> No.10067042



>> No.10067046


+ student

>> No.10067090

I work in a call center, the time between calls is decent so I use it to write. It's pretty comfy while I finish up my clown college credits before i go to an actual university.

>> No.10067094

Hospital physicist.

>> No.10067097

I write and record audio for 6-8 minute informational videos as part of an education company.

>> No.10067105

Guitar Teacher

>> No.10067107

I write literal joke books.

>> No.10067109

>i sell phones at target
I used to work in Target electronics
Probably the worst time of my life

>> No.10067117

>Do you not buy products from transnational companies, or wear leather/animal products, or utilize grid provided electricity/heat?
I shop entirely locally, I built my own computer (I minored in EE), and I am a vegan that only wears clothes produced cruelty free and made by unions.

>> No.10067156

I'm an English guy living in a third world country

-Teach two evening courses in English for business and English for Journalism
-Manage four websites and an app
-Own a call out vehicle breakdown service
-Own a furniture manufacturing company that's partnered with a hotel/condo interior design company
-Starting a company that manufactures motorcycles for agricultural purposes
-Provided startup capital for and co-own several small local business that I'll eventually integrate into something larger like I did with the furniture manufacturers.

>> No.10068059

You must be good at your job because I laughed at this post

>> No.10068083

I didn't mean that as an insult btw

>> No.10068123

Im a house husband

Any stories from your snake breeding days?

>> No.10068145

how did you get into that?

>> No.10068157

You're here, it's probably not.

>> No.10068185

>and to feel superior to all of the fags at my school
This is the most honest thing I've read in a while.

Banking analyst. My immediate manager has a PhD in literature so there's that.

>> No.10068346

>made by unions
i'm a vegan too but i understand economics. capitalism/free market lifts people out of poverty. they would be worse off without the job partly evidenced by the fact that they chose the job

>> No.10068360


>> No.10068399

Im applying to top tier law schools for literally the exact same reason. Feels empty but still incredibly gratifying.

>> No.10068402

I regularly checked their job openings in my province and sent my resume to any psych position they offered until my phone rang.

It took me almost a year of depressing unemployment, but it was well worth it.

>> No.10068581

Shitty $12 hr factory job.

>> No.10068591


Financial consultant at one of the largest banks in the world.

Don't do the same. There is no soul in my line of work and you have no time to spend the money you earn.

>> No.10068612

Graphic designer

>> No.10068621

very /lit/

>> No.10068642

Part-time retail. Pretty nice, dreading the day I have to go full time though

>> No.10069193

Orthopaedic surgeon

>> No.10069251

i have a masters degree from oxford, but i'm genuinely thinking about retraining as an electrician.

being smart has not helped me because i suck at people skills, and many of the grad jobs i could get and maybe enjoy are unpaid internships i cannot possibly afford to do full time.

i just want to have a skill to trade for cash, not rely on blagging and bullshit.

>> No.10069275

Police reporter for my city paper

>> No.10069898

NEET/furry porn writer

>> No.10069967

>but i understand economics
>they chose the job

lol, are you a child?


I too am part time retail, I dread the days I work and would likely kill myself before going full time

>> No.10069978

no i'm arguing that avoiding sweatshops isn't optimal for the outcome you want

>> No.10070014

Compliance analyst for a staffing agency, so I basically pull data from reports generating lists of non-compliant associates (usually due to erroneous tax forms and failed drug tests) and contact clients and recruiters to either resolve the issue or terminate the employee. It's alright.

Thinking about about to grad school, though. I double majored in philosophy and lit, would be happy going into either one. Comparative literature would be ideal, but due to massive budget cuts in those departments and my unwillingness to relocate to some bumfuck shit school for teaching upon getting my PhD makes it a difficult decision.

>> No.10070021


Do you manage to make money by writing furry yiffing?