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10064204 No.10064204 [Reply] [Original]

Bought these two books based off relatively good reviews. Anyone here have any opinions or thoughts on them?

>> No.10064210

steve jobs definitely read doors of perception, the part where he's in a gallery or something and he says everything looks like cheap trinkets had to have influenced jobs obsession with making beautiful objects, but maybe that's a common experience on lsd that jobs also had, i know when i was tripping and watching my friend play video games it looked so fucking primitive, like i was from the future watching someone play an atari, idk

>> No.10064211
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I did notice them on one of the reccomended reading charts as well, but still wondering what people think of them regardless.

>> No.10064216

That's pretty interesting, reminded me of something I read on the Wikipedia page for the book.

>By 12:30 pm, a vase of flowers becomes the "miracle, moment by moment, of naked existence". The experience, he asserts, is neither agreeable nor disagreeable, but simply "is". He likens it to Meister Eckhart's "istigheit" or "is-ness", and Plato's "Being" but not separated from "Becoming"

>> No.10064237

I read Doors of Perception a long time ago. I remember it being very dry. Huxley was a British Academic after all.

At the time, I enjoyed Leary's writings more. Now I realize Leary was a cheerleader doing kicks and waving pom-poms but his pro-drugs propaganda was exactly what I wanted to hear.

>> No.10064239

>just skimmed it as a refresher

oh it was in the drugstore but he was looking at art books

>> No.10064240

lsd is great tho

>> No.10064250

I own the psychedelic experience, I think the way he writes is very....strange. It doesn't seem to flow very well or make much sense, just seems like a bunch of weird philosophically positive (yet irrelevant) quotes, one after another. No real logic behind any of the content.

>> No.10064265

>Meanwhile I had turned, at the investigator's request, from the portrait of Cezanne to what was
going on, inside my head, when I shut my eyes. This time, the inscape was curiously unrewarding. The
field of vision was filled with brightly colored, constantly changing structures that seemed to be made of
plastic or enameled tin.
"Cheap," I commented. "Trivial. Like things in a five-and-ten." And all this shoddiness existed in a
closed, cramped universe. "It's as though one were below decks in a ship," I said. "A five-and-ten-cent
ship." And as I looked, it became very clear that this five-and-ten-cent ship was in some way connected
with human pretensions, with the portrait of Cezanne, with A.B. among the Dolomites overacting his
favorite character in fiction. This suffocating interior of a dime-store ship was my own personal self;
these gimcrack mobiles of tin and plastic were my personal contributions to the universe. I felt the lesson
to be salutary, but was sorry, none the less, that it had had to be administered at this moment and in this

this had to affect anyone who works in industrial design

>these gimcrack mobiles of tin and plastic were my personal contributions to the universe

>> No.10064275

this is the danger of lsd, you might see things you once thought magnificent and determine them trivial and insignificant, pretentious, shoddy

>> No.10064276

I still agree after all this time. I do like a specific strain of mushroom better (Red cap/Amazonian/Golden Teacher) than acid.

A mushroom trip last month completely took me out of the worst depression I'd had since I was suicidal in college.

>> No.10064279
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what the fuck

>> No.10064280

yeah i find shrooms generally more pleasant, the only time i had a psychedelic giggling fit was on shrooms, but i like the intensity of lsd, it's just more fun when everything is just going crazy

>> No.10064283

Mushrooms always gave me a more natural feeling trip, kind of grounded me if that makes sense. LSD would do the opposite, kind of push on some mental boundaries and not really grounded at all.

>> No.10064284

one time i was on lsd at some kids house and his gf was there and she was tripping too and she invited me into his dads room and took her clothes off and get in like a doggy style position and i fucking freaked and ran out, god lsd will reveal your non-chadness in a way that is hard to confront, damn i had forgotten about that but now u triggered my memory

>> No.10064299

shouldve just killed myself right there to be honest, after that its obvious life is going to be shit

>> No.10064304

Very similar thing happened to me bro. I was raised in a goodly Christian household to be a respectable chap to the point of absurdity, past what women actually want and into self protection.

Psychedlics are mind made manifest, they show you what operating systems you're running. Thank the drugs for showing you your beta script and fucking rewrite it.

>> No.10064866

You could have handled the situation better by not being such a pussy about it, but good for you for not twisting a dagger into that kid's heart by fucking his gf. I say that you should hit the gym but keep doing what you're doing.

>> No.10065320

Stanislav Grof's book LSD Psychotherapy is incredible. I read it when I was 16 years old in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. After that I read books and articles on psychohistory that utilized his theories to explain the source and nature of violence, etc. Truly revolutionary.

>> No.10065890

OP here

fuck that was in my thriftbooks cart until I decided on something else i didn't post about here, I was heavily debating getting it though

>> No.10065959

Oh don't worry about it. The one you bought is a comprehensive outline of his cartography of the human psyche, and the philosophical and historical implications. It is a very good introduction to his work. After that you might want to read The Emotional Life of Nations. It's a work that examines the sources of national violence. It includes analysis of propaganda from the perspective of perinatal matrices, or birth trauma.

>> No.10066135

Ah, awesome, thanks for the reply. I'll definitely check The Emotional Life of Nations out, sounds really interesting.

>> No.10066651

I've read the latter.

It was alright, just alright. I think it might be a fine description of a mechaline trip, but as fine as it is, it is his experience and it would not be altogether certain to extrapolate it to everyone.

Leary the occultist?

>> No.10066687

Leary the clinical psychologist in charge of the psych department at Harvard, the brilliant mind, who outlined a whole new structural model of consciousness that still surpasses any other in terms of accuracy, accessibility, and usefulness.

People who hate on Leary have not taken his theories seriously.

>> No.10067049

Was this the psychologist who got his death filmed on request and he kept saying "why, why not" over and over until his last words were "beautiful"?

That shit's just creepy.

>> No.10067100

I read Doors a while ago. I remember being struck by his elegant prose, but after a while the "message" seemed to become clearer. While I can sympathise with his view on the "inner representation" being insignificant in comparison the "thing-in-itself", I don't really agree with his dismissal of it;
>This suffocating interior of a dime-store ship was my own personal self;
these gimcrack mobiles of tin and plastic were my personal contributions to the universe
The mind has an incredible capacity for abstraction and it's a necessary juxtaposition to the concreteness of reality

>> No.10067101

they heard the quote somewhere and thought "anonymous" just means "i don't know who said it"

>> No.10067102

That is by far the strangest critique of anyone's theoretical work I've ever seen.

>> No.10067134

After you're finished with them, you should read Elias Capriles, especially his 'Beyond Mind Papers: A critique of the systems of Wilber, Washburn and Grof'

>> No.10067136

I think you're reading into my post a bit too much.

>> No.10067139

>that still surpasses any other in terms of accuracy, accessibility, and usefulness

I love Leary but this is nonsense, seriously read Elias Capriles.

>> No.10067140

Not really. This post >>10067102 was 99% sarcasm.

Although I don't think my claim was nonsense at all, I appreciate the recommendation. Anything in particular to get started?

>> No.10067148

Whoops, sorry, didn't pick up on it.

Doesn't help that I'm coming down from LSD as I'm writing this.

>> No.10067152

We're hardly evolved for humour, let alone humour without non verbal ques, so I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like your brain might need a rest soon, though.

>> No.10067164

Haha, my mind definitely needs some rest.

I'm cognitively exhausted, yet all my senses are still very much in overdrive/recovering from it.. Rest is putting it lightly.

>> No.10067166

Try Structures from Silence, buddy.
