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File: 749 KB, 2047x2986, Niv_bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10058970 No.10058970 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best version of the Bible to read?

>> No.10059019

kjv or scrolls if you know hebrew

>> No.10059035

She Reads Truth Bible

>> No.10059059

None of them

>> No.10059124

The book of Mormon

>> No.10059127

The Message

>> No.10059139
File: 363 KB, 1536x2560, KwbHVR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was handed this at PAX by some assassins creed cosplayers advertising themselves as the church of gaming
interesting read desu

>> No.10059143

The lego version

>> No.10059236

Captain America: Winter Soldier

>> No.10059262

KJV, NRSV, NASB, Alter for OT (for what he's done), Lattimore for NT.

>> No.10059301

KJV for any relevant person.

>> No.10059304

easy on the carrots, bugs ;)

>> No.10059330
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>> No.10059337

According to Cayce the answer is whichever version speaks most to you. What matters is that you read something that spurns you to action, not that you understand the canon behind it.

>> No.10059390

This is a good answer.

>not reading the original Hebrew and Greek
Can anyone here do this? I'm interested in learning.

>> No.10059539

Septuagint for old testament.
NT: Patriarchal Text 1904

Nowadays I don't give a fuck about Christianity that phase of life went trough.

>> No.10059550

Here uploaded for you 2 good pdf versions for Septuagint and patriarchal text in English.

>> No.10059554

based NRSV
I like the Augsburg Lutheran study bible personally

>> No.10059584


>> No.10059590

Nobody ever says New American Bible but the correct answer is the New American Bible. It's Catholic so it's correct, and it's got all kinds of footnotes that explain translation choices and add historical context.

>> No.10059882

New World Translations

>> No.10059919

I can read a little bit of the NT is Koine after a couple months of studying. It's easier than you'd think.

Then again I think it depends on how you start learning. I highly recommend Peter Jones' Learn Ancient Greek it's fantastic. (He has one for Latin as well and I think Old English)

>> No.10059925

is this a virus

>> No.10059935

In English? Either King James Version (with the Apocrypha) or Douray-Rheims, either with modernized spellings, are the best. Anything else is less aesthetic or corrupted by (((modernists))).

>> No.10059938


have you actually tried reading it? it's the dumbest most awkward translation I've come across.

And don't get me started on the "Jehova" and "the grave" bs. Holy fuck, talk about bias

Witnesses can go drink some kool aid

>> No.10059977

The King James Version. The 400th Year Anniversary Edition.

>> No.10059985

1. Familiarize yourself with hermeneutics (the study of interpreting the Bible in context)
2. Read the Bible bearing in mind things like the massive gulf in language and culture separating you from the original audiences
>inb4 nah I'll just read it m8 I don't need any other shit.
Sorry, friend. If you want to properly comprehend the Biblical text you must have some grounding in hermeneutics. For example, when you read in Joshua of apparent genocidal massacres "the Israelites slew all the Amalekites" you have to know that "all" was a common idiom, an accepted form of hyperbole that essentially meant "a lot". Thus the Israelites were not genociding Canaanites, but waging war against them in the normal sense.

>> No.10059986
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>> No.10060035


The Vulgate, you heretic.

>> No.10060050

bible 4 qt christian grills is a bible 4 me

>> No.10060211

We have this thread literally 5 times a day.

>> No.10060216
File: 72 KB, 1570x1016, bibles chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what you're reading it for! See pic

>> No.10060231


>> No.10060326

Jew here, can read it in Hebrew, and it's absolutely superb. Only recently I began to have a genuine interest in the Tanach (Old Testament) and Judaism in general (after the edgy atheist phase) and started reading the books I'm less familiar with and I feel really glad Hebrew is my native language. Biblical Hebrew is different than modern, obviously more archaic, obsolete words, some grammatical differences, and the very unique and occasionally obscure style of the scripture, so some verses are harder to understand and commentary and explanation are necessary, but the complexity just makes it more exciting. If you want to study the language I believe it will be advisable to start with modern, and once you're good and literary it'll be easier to tackle the Tanach.

>> No.10060338
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>> No.10060388

Should every chapter be read to really understand it?
I feel like psalms can be skipped

>> No.10060427

You should read it all eventually, but you don't need to read it sequentially cover to cover if that's what you mean. Psalms especially, just keep reading a psalm here and there, but it's good to go through them.

>> No.10060495

Why do we have to have this shitty thread inflicted on us again?

>> No.10060499

No. There's a lot of history books that have little to no theological impace or are relevant to the story whatsoever. Also somewhere in midst of reading through the third book of mosaic laws of which virtually none apply anymore you'll get frustrated and flunk out.
Ironically >>10060427 hasn't read it all otherwise he'd know what shit advice that is. Especially to someone who struggles with Psalms of all books.
It's of course again dependent on what you're going for.

>> No.10060512

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10060516

>Ironically >>10060427 (You) hasn't read it all otherwise he'd know what shit advice that is.
Except I have, and I said to read it all *eventually*, you don't need to slog through everything when you're starting. Leviticus is difficult but to understand everything it is an important book to read, *eventually*, when you've got a grounding in the easier stuff and *if* you're interested in fully understanding. The cultic rituals and religious purity rules are central to ancient Israelite religious life and Second Temple Judaism, the latter of which is the context in which Jesus lived.

>> No.10060520

>not loving Leviticus
what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10060526

You're of course right that Leviticus is important to understand Hebrews or something. But that isn't really the level someone who struggles with Psalms will or should exegete on.
For a good understanding of the overall bible not everything is necessary

I could ask you the same

>> No.10060545

call me a "christlarper" idgaf
just because I'm not a catholic or a sola scripuratard. go fuck yourself

but on the real:
Leviticus draws an amazing picture of Jewish life under Torah. Keeping in mind that it comes directly after Exodus's instructions on how to build the motherfucking ARK OF THE COVENANT! I hope I don't need to explain why that's interesting.

Anyway, you got sacrifices with some really cool ritualistic blood magic, and then further on you have some cool stuff on Aaron's bloodline and the priesthood. I haven't even started with how the whole thing could be interpreted to be the first theory of hygiene, predating germ theory and everything else.

I didn't even mention the Nazarines or the various punishments for not following the instructions.

You can go back to reading the Gospel of Luke now

ps: if I was gonna larp for this I would have been Jewish, schmuck

>> No.10060570

>I haven't even started with how the whole thing could be interpreted to be the first theory of hygiene, predating germ theory and everything else.
Oh so you're a Peterson pleb not a christlarper? Sorry then.
It's not a theory about germ theory people are instinctively revoked from feces and every culture ever except india defecated outside of the camp.

>> No.10060580

it's not just shit though
it's menstruation, weird skin conditions, touching a dead guy. lots of stuff

how to be clean: wash, wait, if all good then you are clean. if not, keep waiting. good luck

ps: I've been reading the bible since way before Peterson became a meme. Try again, insecuretard

>> No.10060583

I've literally googled upload file and packed it in a 7zip - I guess you can upload it to virustotal or give me a website to upload it to.

I doubt it is harboring viruses, as I don't have any viruses on my pc and I'm not tech illiterate, quite the opposite.

>> No.10060584

>ps: I've been reading the bible since way before Peterson became a meme. Try again, insecuretard
I haven't doubted that.

>lots of stuff
Lots of universal stuff because it's genetic. Go save your father from the belly of the whale you beta tryhard

>> No.10060606

>being this mad over a book some jewish priests wrote a few thousand years ago to improve their lives
I'm not gonna keep wasting my time here

Isaiah 6:9-10

>> No.10060909

upload it to megaupload

>> No.10062459

I liked the 1984 translation better.

>> No.10062466

Oh, and I've actually read most of it. But I've read many translations. I was raised as a JW so the translation still rings to me because I'm so familiar with it.

>> No.10062477

NRSV Catholic Edition

>> No.10063035

garbage chart

>> No.10063038

why would you recommend a liberal bible translation as opposed to a more accurately/beautifully translated one?

>> No.10063060

Does ISV have apocrypha?

>> No.10063248


>> No.10063339

NASB if accuracy is your main concern
KJV if you only want the literary merit
Catholic versions are usually too dynamic to be useful for serious studying.

>> No.10064424

Why aren't there one version everyone can agree on? Abrahamics still can't get their shit together.