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10056078 No.10056078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is good Literature

>> No.10056086
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>> No.10056087


Has there been a bigger sore loser in American history? Why not just concede graciously, step aside, and let more competent leaders take the helm?

You lost sweetheart, deal with it.

>> No.10056099
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Umm, sweetie? She won. She had more votes. Get that through your thick, uneducated skull

>> No.10056127
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lmaoing at ur life

>> No.10056129
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It's brilliant

>> No.10056147

I don't give a fuck about your degenerate yankee elections where you parade possibly the two most bizarre, freakshow reptilian humanoids ever convieved through sports stadiums and fast food resteraunts but even a U.S citizen, the only form of life less complex than prokaryote, can't actually believe the whole 'if it was decided by popular vote I would have run differently' meme, surely?

>> No.10056164

But candidates obviously would campaign differently if it was decided by popular vote. That's not to say Trump would have won the popular vote if that was what he was aiming for, though.

>> No.10056174

I don't know what 3rd world shithole you're from but you clearly don't understand the first thing about american politics.

If it was a popular vote system then candidates wouldn't spend 60% of their time talking about Ohio.

>> No.10056179

You'd put more effort into all the states instead of retiring campaign funds from the ones that are sure losses? I know you don't know shit but the decent person's choice here would have been staying quiet.

>> No.10056195
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what if she lose again in the next president election ?
(btw Ivanka would win)

>> No.10056238

>what are private voting booths

>> No.10056241
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best comedy book of the year, i am not sure if she actually wrote the book or they found a ghost writer that perfectly captured her "interdimensional demon wearing a human skin" vibe.

either way each page is baffling and fantastic

>> No.10056343

anyone still got that passage about the rally in the south? - something about varmints.

>> No.10056373
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>> No.10056406


I don't remember anyone complaining about the electoral college system when Obongo got elected.

>> No.10056444

Probably because he got 10 million more votes...

>> No.10056452

I despise both of them, but this picture is truly beautiful.

>> No.10056457

So? It's about the system, isn't it? Then complaints ought to be shouted out each and every election.

>> No.10056460


Which is barely a majority. . .

>> No.10056485

Saw the French translation in a store today, it has the same cover but the title was:


Literally "that happened like that", lmao.

>> No.10056492

Trump complained

>> No.10056501
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lmao he really did

>> No.10056502

>that was not a that

>> No.10056512

>not agreeing with a thing
>wanting the same thing as others who dont agree with that thing

brainlets, popular vote will never be instituted and for good reason.

You like the power trump has rn? no? Then you shouldnt have given that power to obama.

people only want popular vote because they lost the electoral vote. as soon as dems are in the minority they will be praising the electoral college as THE ONLY THING HOLDING UP OUR COUNTRY.

>> No.10056517

That's not complaining.

>> No.10056519

imblying I even care, I just wanted to see if he really did complain about it during 2012.

>> No.10056523
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Ayo Hol up.
If Russians rigged the election, how come Hillary had more votes?

>> No.10056524

>implying i was talking to you

if my post didnt apply to you, then i wasnt talking to you.

>> No.10056526


the meme is he would have campaigned differently and definetly still won, not simply that he would have campaigned differently, you fucking brainless, new world degenerate scum

>> No.10056528

Russians deliberately engineered it to get Hillary supporters all ornery about the electoral college to help destabilize the United States.

>> No.10056538

wouldn't that mean they had complete control over the system? from my understanding, there were several ballot stations that were closed loop, without any way to connect to the internet whatsoever, which was one of the ways we were consoled before the election as to the system's security by democrats themselves, in response to complaints by republicans at the time.

would this imply that across the entire country, ballot boxes and election officials were completely owned and controlled directly by russians?

>> No.10056545
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>> No.10056548

to further the question, if elected officials can be controlled to such an extent, why bother destabilizing an america they effectively have complete control over? they wouldn't settle for simple revenge, there would be too much profit to be made from the shadow control of what is considered the strongest country in the world. it seems so strange.

>> No.10056552

Let me assist you. The reason it seems strange is that none of it is true. There was no Russian interference in the election.

>> No.10056555
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>> No.10056568
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>> No.10056574

Yes, Russians have had the United States by the balls since the Soviets hijacked universities. With that accomplished everyone in the USA with a college degree is actually a communist sleeper agent, the collapse of the USSR was actually just a bluff to fool the USA and now the politburo's masterplan is about to come to fruition as Putin reveals himself to be head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and 50 new Soviet Socialist Republics are admitted.

Divide and conquer. The goal is not to us the USA as a tool for profit, it is to use it as a stepping stone to global (and then intergalactic) communism.

>> No.10056575

>There was no Russian interference in the election.
of course there was, just like on all the other elections.

they question is why did they decide to highlight it and make a big deal out of it, and the answer is that:

- if it's russia's fault the establishment democrats don't have to take responsibility for their defeat
- if it's russia's fault we can ignore that the mainstream neoliberal narrative has completely crashed (all the fake news bullshit comes from this)

>> No.10056582

I must say, this seems a tiny bit far fetched.

>> No.10056592

As would any well-done covert takeover. If it seemed likely they wouldn't have done a good job.

>> No.10056603

Well, riddle me this, with the current blaming of Russia for the destruction of democracy, (and i suppose the DNC while we're at it) how exactly would they expect the general liberal populace to bow to a Russian leader? Fomenting hatred and potential warlike feelings against Russia every night in the media doesn't seem like the best way to take over the citizenry at large.

>> No.10056627

Do you understand how anonymous korean bear pelt collection forums work?

>> No.10056633

Also, are you suggesting that liberal politicians aren't somehow equally controlled by Russians in this scenario? We're talking about complete elected official control here, not just a few ballot boxes, but a legitimate direct control on the entire voting system.
How can they hold this control yet somehow the liberals are a resistance, despite being practically socialist/communistic in the current political climate? How is it that the Democrat party isn't also controlled by Russians? It would come to that, right? Who and how does one establish which people are controlled and why? At what point does this become a Neo-McCarthyism? At what point is it realized that paranoia is the carrot and the stick here?

>> No.10056664

Nice trips, also what is this actually from?

>> No.10056670


>> No.10056714


>> No.10056750
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maybe you should've said what you actually meant in your first post

>> No.10056752


obviously Amazon isn't a good arbiter of literature
also this is not literature, it's a book
also this discussion has long since stopped belonging here
but I appreciate it because you people are busily contained here and not elsewhere

>> No.10056778

I'm crying, this may be the funniest thing I've ever seen.