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/lit/ - Literature

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1005389 No.1005389 [Reply] [Original]

Noticeable habit while reading ?

I always sip my tea every 5 minutes.

>> No.1005391

I play with my hair if it's long enough.

>> No.1005393

I allways moist my lips over and over again while I read.

>> No.1005394

I masturbate furiously.

>> No.1005400


>> No.1005417
File: 18 KB, 480x360, o-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was the only one!

>> No.1005420

You are.

>> No.1005421



>> No.1005425

I change my reading position every 10 minutes.

Captcha: space crones

>> No.1005428
File: 105 KB, 556x387, 185inbed4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mark the end of the chapter and see how many pages long each chapter is.

>> No.1005431

I always want to do this but the lighting is never right, so there are shadows cast on the book.

>> No.1005455

do you read in bed?

>> No.1005459

Haha, I do the same thing.

>> No.1005461

I have a curious habit of looking up words which I pretty much know the definition of. Sometimes its about three words a page, I can't read on without looking up that word in a dictionary.Anybody else have this habit?

>> No.1005462

read 1-3 pages, can't remember what i've just read. repeat reading the same pages.

>> No.1005467

I tend to fall asleep whenever I attempt to read more than 50 pages at a time.

>> No.1005486

I get hard

>> No.1005489

I believe it is called OCD.

>> No.1005491

I check the page number after every 2 pages, OCD much...

>> No.1005493


Haha I do this. Although not while actually in the middle of reading.

>> No.1005494

If I'm reading a page or two worth of details and descriptions, most times my eyes move over the words and I just don't process them at all and don't even realize this is happening until I'm a page or two away and have to reread it.

If I'm sitting in a chair I'll constantly be curling up into the seat and shifting my legs into all kinds of awkward positions.

>> No.1005514

I twirl my hair while I read.

>> No.1005519

I do this. I also have to stop and imagine sometimes what I read visually, or even just mull over what it is I just read. This has slowed down my reading process, but has overall enhanced the reading experience.

>> No.1005524

I smoke weed while I read.

>> No.1005529

I stroke the cover like a cat

>> No.1005530

I rock forward and backward like a Buddhist monk and if I"m taking notes I bite my fingernails and writing utensil.

>> No.1005533

more like an aspie.

>> No.1005544

It sounds pretty assburger, but I don't rock that much. It's just a little. Plus, there's a psychological study that suggests repetitive motion actually aids in the comprehension, retention, and retrieval of information one reads. That's why monks originally started doing it while reading the sutras.

>> No.1005551

Assburger detected

>> No.1005568

I either lay down or sit hunched over the book, for some reason I have difficulty just sitting like a normal person while I read.

>> No.1005569

shake my fucking feet. Shit annoys the hell out of me.

>> No.1005599

put my head on the table, turn face towards book, read.

so lazy it's ridiculous

>> No.1005604

I pick my nose.

spotter approximately

>> No.1005609

Mute the television. I know I'm not the only one.

>> No.1005611

I have a notepad next to my bed where I write words I either don't know, or I can't give a definition even if I know generally what it is.

I almost always read lying in bed, the lighting conditions are perfect there with a reading lamp.

>> No.1005615

I turn the television on.
I like having some background noise.

believe pockmarks

>> No.1005623

Really? I sometimes replace the annoying television noise with some classy Chopin.

>> No.1007034

maybe you should poop out of your nose

>> No.1007400

Who is that lady on the picture?

>> No.1007840

^ zooey deschanel

>> No.1008038

I get a song stuck in my head. Then the imaginary volume gets so loud that I can't hear myself read. Then I get mad.

>> No.1008050



CaptchaL I'm portioned

>> No.1008067

i masturbate

>> No.1008107

I often read

>> No.1008123

eat meh own earwax