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10052009 No.10052009 [Reply] [Original]

>meanwhile in the /lit/ cottage

>> No.10052013 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10052026


>> No.10052047

Fuck why aren't houses designed like this anymore?

>> No.10052073

fpbp. on topic and 100% accurate

>> No.10052098

because nobody wants a cocksucker pink colored house

>> No.10052099

Cause it's ugly watchu mean

>> No.10052104
File: 101 KB, 1600x873, 1497067156872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.10052113
File: 64 KB, 500x667, painted victorian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink is cool desu. Almost as cool as purple.
But I wanna be in the Addams Family.

Unironically I love these houses, they're so cool. They're so distinctly American that they equally remind me of the Wild West and the urban east coast, they're also spooky.

>> No.10052114


>> No.10052226

That's not a cottage

>> No.10052233

Why is it even legal to sell dildos that big? That guy's anus is never going to be right again. He's gonna be shitting himself in 15 years tops

>> No.10053492


>> No.10053518

is this the highest level of esoteric grammatolgy?

>> No.10053534

It's not (((modern))) enough
kys urselfs

>> No.10053594

If its used for cottaging then its a cottage.

>> No.10053602

I don't know

>> No.10053619

Lots of assholes buy these old Victorians and start knocking walls down because they want 'an open floor plan.' Fuck that bullshit. My house has so many natural choke points and kill zones that they would need to send a full company in to silence me.

>> No.10053624

Guys has anyone seen my signed copy of Infinite Jest? I left it right by the toilet.

>> No.10053640
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half the house leaves their copy in the bathroom

>> No.10053759

lmao in case we run out of toilet paper

>> No.10053766
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>> No.10053769

anon this is an sfw board, I am reporting your post

>> No.10053801

Why are there two but holes?

>> No.10053825
File: 394 KB, 250x195, 1404973502604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My house has so many natural choke points and kill zones that they would need to send a full company in to silence me.

>> No.10053923

Announcing reports is against the rules.

>> No.10054381

"If its bugging you just take the dust cover off man."

>> No.10055352

>quality customized craftmanship is more expensive
>general house layouts have changed in demand (larger family rooms/living rooms are relatively recent
it's weird to say but my house is only 90 years old and there isn't a good or seemingly obvious spot to put a tv in the living room because it wasn't designed for such a thing

plus at the end of the day you could get a plot of land and hire an architect to build you a house like this but it will cost you far more money than it would be to move to any other house built in the last 40 years

>> No.10055354

Don't reply to me with your kike shit again, cunt.

>> No.10055371

it's because they're fire traps. even if you wire them to modern standards or start from the ground up, that's a lot of wood around a central funnel to insure. it's the same problem with thatched houses or those idiots who build houses around trees.

>> No.10055375

Careful with that edge, you might hurt yourself.

>> No.10055421
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, Shaggy Feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it the video of the dude shoving the large rex up his ass? I'm too lazy to check an archive, but based on the response that's what I'm guessing.

>tfw you're beyond "I recognize that bulge" and far past "I recognize that gay blowjob" are now into "I recognize this video of a man impaling himself on an absurdly large sex toy based on the response alone" territory

>> No.10055507

you've been humiliated