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/lit/ - Literature

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10053223 No.10053223 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10053233

There is only one relevant bible. Guess which one.

>> No.10053243


>> No.10053245

new litfu

>> No.10053272


Being and Time is my bible

>> No.10053277
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The Bible 2.0: The Quran

>> No.10053303

Imagine if John the Baptist saw this? I wonder how he'd feel, coz it makes me feel terrible.

>> No.10053352
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>> No.10053360

heh don't comment on my choker silly boys!

>> No.10053368

>go to church last Sunday
>preacher starts talking about how Christianity is true because the world had to be made by a designer

>> No.10053378

If you read anything other than a leather KJV get the FUCK off my board

>> No.10053382

Reminder that if you have only read the KJV then you have never really read the Bible.

It's sad but true.

>> No.10053386

>if you haven't read a translation you haven't read the bible

I didn't know the bible was produced in the 17th century

>> No.10053400

I was thinking of either getting the NRSV or the KJV. NRSV seems great in providing the most accurate english translation while also being much easier to read, though the KJV is what is directly referenced or quoted from in literature and mostly in open discussion as well from what I understand. Which should i get? I feel like i should stick with the KJV for its style and influence but I am afraid that some of the archaic syntax will lead me away from a truer intrepretation of the text.

>> No.10053407

>be me
>making youtube video
>wearing a choker
>the video is not about the choker at all
>"so yeah, I'm wearing a choker"
>"but like, yeah, it's a choker"
>"so look at the choker and move on"
>"yeah I'm like totally wearing a choker"

>> No.10053416


>> No.10053437

Bible translations tend to keep tradition, and the NRSV is technically a direct offshoot of the KJV (KJV --> RV --> ASV --> RSV --> NRSV), so it keeps quite a bit of the most famous language of the KJV.

Ultimately, if you're reading for anything, read for understanding. Whether that understanding comes from an old version or a new version, I don't know. But reading the entire goddamn Bible just to understand references to it is stupid, imho.

>> No.10053443

Women are just big sweet dummies. I can't be misogynistic these days. They're just dumb as fuck and nice and sweet by nature.

>> No.10053448

What the fuck is the appeal of a choker? They're not even cute. It's like wearing a string around your neck.

>> No.10053466

People like the feel/look of things around their necks. Chokers directly get that feeling/look, without the extra frills of a tie or a scarf or a cravat or a necklace or whatever.

Honestly, if they weren't called "chokers" and weren't associated with sluts, no one would pay them much attention (and yet, arguably, they'd be less popular).

>> No.10053535

New Revised Standard Version with Apocrypha



>> No.10053546

Except when they're cruel, vicious manipulators?

>> No.10053553

Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

>> No.10053562
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ESV Study Bible

>> No.10053571

"The realism of this painting is unparalleled."

>> No.10053581

Nácar-Colunga for the beauty and precision.
Sacra Bibbia di Garofalo for beauty, precision and academic commentary.
Vulgata for doctrine, beauty and historical relevance.
KJVB for english plebbing.
Nestle-Alland and Stuttgartensia for they compose the true sacred scriptures, and are indeed superior in every aspect to any translation.

>> No.10053587

Lattimore translation

>> No.10053600

What a nutjob lmao

>> No.10053644
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Bibliotheca - http://www.bibliotheca.co

>> No.10053648


>> No.10053727


NA and BHS
I also interact with the NRSV because my church body uses it, but I'm not that fond of it

hello there

>> No.10053760

Do you think she's a virgin?

>> No.10053763

>But reading the entire goddamn Bible just to understand references to it is stupid, imho.
It's the only reason to read the bible lmao in the first place lmao. My e-cred has gone up signficantly since reading leviticus and matthew.

>> No.10053771

No pretty girl is a virgin past 12. Invariably they're molested or have a sexual experience early on. Where do you think the stereotype of girls being more mature than boys comes from/ They're exposed to reality early on.

Think back to your teen crushes, yeah, all of them were probably fucking/had been fucked for the longest time while you were daydreaming about kissing her on the cheek.

>> No.10053777


One that is esthetically/materially simple, is complete, and offers comprehensive introductions to the texts and annotations.

>> No.10053789
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>> No.10053827


>"Whoever created this bible, you did a good job."

Confirmed atheist

>> No.10053869

Hawaii Pidgin translation

>> No.10053874


They literally look like collars though, which brings to mind a whole range of associations.

>> No.10053894

damn, female trudeau looks like my ex-girlfriend's sister

>> No.10053901

NIV, I can't understand KJV.

>> No.10053920

i fucking hate women

>> No.10054052
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>> No.10054135

What is it with hyper religious evangelical type girls and their obsession with purity which just makes them even more lustful?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd6QUobgIik

You can just tell she loved it when she talks about how someone said he wanted "to bang the Jesus out of her." This chick reminds me so much of a girl I dated once.

>> No.10054137


>> No.10054184

It's basically a fetish for them

>ohhh yes, these clothes make me look so MODEST, that'll stop all those boys LUSTING after me and wanting to bang the shit out of me, hnnnnngggg yeah so pure

>> No.10054192

What is this? Thought it was a motherless link but no dice

>> No.10054200

Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

aka Ignatius 2nd Edition

>> No.10054211
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New World Translation. Fight me.

>> No.10054219
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>> No.10054237
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>Think back to your teen crushes, yeah, all of them were probably fucking/had been fucked for the longest time while you were daydreaming about kissing her on the cheek.
delet this

>> No.10054460

KJV like any relevant human should read.

>> No.10054525

I have an ESV just because I got it from a hotel room and that's what the Gideons distribute.

>> No.10054574
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what kind of bible she and her mom read?

>> No.10054585

No love for NASB? That one is really good for study, and most seminaries use it. I usually switch between it and the KJV.

>> No.10054586

>NRSV seems great in providing the most accurate english translation
I've never heard anyone say that. the NRSV is considered a liberal translation

>> No.10054591

Most of /lit/ is Catholic so there isn't much, if any, discussion about non-Catholic approved bibles other than the KJV.
Despite the fact that "Protestant" bibles are generally objectively truer to the source material and use more accurate manuscripts. At least in the case of the ASV and NASB

>> No.10054637
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Probably this

>> No.10054641

God I love her. How many girls like that even exist? Pains my heart. Do they still exist in Utah?

>> No.10054643
File: 27 KB, 323x500, esv pew hc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ESV is a great modern translation. I prefer it to the NRSV.

>> No.10054645

hahaha holy shit get a load of this pleb

>> No.10054683
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The Jerusalem Bible.

>> No.10054711


>> No.10054729

I want to get a Bible with good commentary. Preferably commentary written by a Catholic or Orthodox Christian.

Any recommendations?

I was thinking about getting something like this https://www.amazon.com/Orthodox-Study-Bible-Christianity-Athanasius/dp/B017V84NM4/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1506039456&sr=8-3&keywords=orthodox+study+bible

>> No.10054738

just use biblehub.com, has all commentaries worth having
or esword
commentaries are too expensive for what they are, 2bh

>> No.10054751
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+ Catechism of the Catholic Church

>> No.10054871
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the original manga

>> No.10054889

What are some essential choker-core books?

>> No.10055233

Am I the only one who rarely thinks about fucking girls I see IRL? I definitely appreciate dat ass and whatnot but my mind almost never goes to "I want to fuck that." I also don't understand guys wanting to have a self insert in porn either. I dig the aesthetics. Mostly lesbians or solo. Does this even qualify as lust by that definition?

>> No.10055255


>Am I the only one who rarely thinks about fucking girls I see IRL?



>> No.10055529
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>> No.10055540

I'm reading the KJV atm, it's lovely to read but I'm a bit of a pleb who is used to pulp stuff so I've been reading it at a very slow pace. Something like 1 book every two weeks. I'm up to the Fourth Book of Kings, I think my favourites so far have been Exodus and Judges.

>> No.10055549

Today I walked behind some cute girls and thought about saying things like
>I'm your dog treat me like your dog I want to be your fucking dog make me lick your ass like a dog I'll lick your fucking sweaty ass hole clean like a fucking mutt animal punch me in the fucking face and make me lick your ass cheeks clean like I'm your fucking dog on my knees
to them

They were with their mom

Do you have low test or do I have high test?

>> No.10055557

>Am I the only one who rarely thinks about fucking girls I see IRL? I definitely appreciate dat ass and whatnot but my mind almost never goes to "I want to fuck that."

This is normal, it just means you're seeing them as a person and not a possible one-night stand. You only think about someone sexually IRL if they're being sexually suggestive to you.

>> No.10055677

pretty good pace. Keep with it, more exciting stuff will be coming up soon

>> No.10055680
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NASB or RSV2CE, since they're Catholic.

>> No.10055693

nasb isn't Catholic
think you got it confused with the nab

>> No.10055709

Shit, you're right.

>> No.10055873


>> No.10055882

>Do they still exist in Utah?

I guarantee they do

>> No.10055886

beauty for normies involve a grabbing of the object. it is better to just appreciate the beauty and not the take. the next level is to no longer find beauty through the senses

>> No.10055895


>> No.10055901

>"So like, I'm pretty sure I just scraped by in geography"

>> No.10055932

"There aren't any hickeys, I'm not that kind of girl obviously *laughs nervously*"
I'd marry her

>> No.10056264


>> No.10056913

Can someone explain this picture for me?

>> No.10057072
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OK, boys, I don't want any bullshit:

Which Bible is the most complete/most extensive?

>> No.10057086
File: 3.86 MB, 2708x978, The Western Canon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Western Canon starts with the Authorised Version, therefore it's probably vital that you read it.

>> No.10057091

Fuck those look nice. never going to buy them though.

KJV for enjoyment, and ESV when my super christian friend actually wants to sit down and discuss shit.

>> No.10057105

>Paradise Loft

>> No.10057112

did Jonathan Ross have an ancestor that edited manuscripts in the 16th-17th century by any chance?

>> No.10057127

>Jonathan Ross
No idea who he is. I've lived in England for a year and got to know some of your celebrities, but I don't recognize him from a picture on google. I also don't own a TV so if he's popular in the US I'd be unaware of him.

>> No.10057134

used to be a popular talk show host, had a speech impediment that made him pronounce his 'S's like 'F's

>> No.10057142


>> No.10057149

Oh, well, it's just a long S. They used to trip me up until I read critical editions of books like Robinson Crusoe and Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography for literature classes. Now I forget they look like f's for most people.

>> No.10057152

Fuck. I'm now going to hear his voice reading out older covers.

>> No.10057156
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>> No.10057183


Dog Bible.

>> No.10057289

me too anon

>> No.10057291

My roommate has those

>> No.10057375

>hipster numale bible

>> No.10057394

long s

>> No.10057404

any good?

>> No.10058666

Virgins man. Sexual liberation is just people deceiving themselves. Men like purity and no one, man or woman, respects girls who sleep around

Well better this than being a stripper, a whore or a teen mom. It's not so bad. She's spreading the message

>> No.10058673

Kang Jamal

>> No.10058703


>> No.10060053

Goddamn she really uses the Christcuck thing to her advantage in producing successful content.