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/lit/ - Literature

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10051656 No.10051656 [Reply] [Original]

what do you do when youre arguing with a gay professor, in lecture or office, whose modus operandi is logical fallacies? you cant just make it explicit and say thats a red herring etc, he equates it to something else, or some other fallacious means, and continues monologueing. at the bottom of the 3rd strawman he drops that he drives an electric car to signal his virtue.

at first i thought it was disrespectful, but now i really think its almost beautiful. is the only way to fight this fire by parrying fallacy with fallacy?

what is the logical calculus (rock paper scissors) for the fallacy flowchart.

>> No.10051664


>> No.10051665

call him a faggot

>> No.10051668

The ultimate strategy is to use the most hamfisted fallacies you can to bait him into pointing out that this is a fallacy. Then you activate your trap-card, the fallacy fallacy.

Once that's on the table it's checkmate. You have been painted into a fallacious corner and the only way out is to use a real argument.

>> No.10051673

>at the bottom of the 3rd strawman he drops that he drives an electric car to signal his virtue.
Good job of shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.10051677
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>Going to college
>Expecting reason and logic

>> No.10051681

>analytic philosophy

just call him a sodomite and have him quartered

>> No.10051695

Look into the reframing class on edX, then do that.

>> No.10051705

i called him out at the end of lecture when he made an appeal to the majority and he replies that that is not what he is doing; what he is doing is saying nobody thinks this at all. and proceeds lecturing.

an inversion of the same fucking fallacy, the same invalidity, but inverted. it a rhetorical device best applied during oratory to a bunch of fucking idiot undergrads.

>> No.10051726
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he said he drove an electric car after derailing a point i was making about the incapability of the university system failing to make any substantial positive political impact (i was critiquing am education) via strawman, to global warming and how he had a student who was working in the hillclin campaign with a plan that was like economically viable in the us and how this student was making an impact with his degree.

my read on this is he used the opportunity to signal his virtue. why? i think he showed his poor hand at that point, i had considered it was a subtle way of outmaneuvering me and then making fun but no i now think it was just him being barbaric.

his level of sophistication (hes certainly a sophist) has yet to be adequately determined.

>> No.10051738

be honest /lit/, would you rape her?

>> No.10051743
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Would I get away with it?

>> No.10051750

what are you faggots doing? let's post more sexy bitches and jerk off together.

>> No.10051764 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10051776

The point is, you can't really use "muh virtue signalling" because it's a silly, meaningless term that can be used for everything and makes you look incapable of a real argument. "Hey, you're virtue signalling by calling him out on his virtue signalling!"

>> No.10051781

yes, you would be alone off the coast of thailand without another soul in sight. After you're done you can dump her in the ocean and the dolphins will eat her. hypothetically, would you do the deed?

>> No.10051788

Is this even a question?

>> No.10051793

Of course.

>> No.10051798
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>logically fallacious anon

>> No.10051807

a bit more challenging: you can rape her, but she escapes after a week and reports you to the local police (she only knows your first name and appearance). You have three days to leave the country and change your identity or else you will be chemically castrated and serve 25 years in a Thai lockup.

>> No.10051814

No. She's not that great.

>> No.10051824
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Fucking Chad.

>> No.10051874

>with jewelry

get this basic ho off /lit/

>> No.10052185

No, of course not. I would walk through the beach while holding her hand, draw hearts in the sand, go swim naked together, lay down and look at the stars while cuddling, etc

>> No.10052189
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triggered hamplanet detected

>> No.10052347


>> No.10052359

Holy shit just sit down and shut up. Your classmates must hate your autistic ass.

>> No.10052403

Ah, the real argument fallacy

>> No.10052418

You're in university in 2017. You aren't there to learn from your professors, you're there to pretend that you're a good goy so you can get a piece of paper that signifies that you've learned something so you can move onto bigger and better things

>> No.10052903

Why rape her once? If you are of the coast of Thailand then you likely have time to rape her more than once.

>> No.10052912


I would just turn into the skid, put the hammer down on hard and bewildering rhetoric, and blow him out until he literally can't keep his fallacies straight because he has to resort to too many of them. But I'm a troll, so

>> No.10052992

If you're dealing with someone disingenuous, there is no point in taking them seriously.

>> No.10053024

Literally my college experience. Luckily I had good financial aid and scholarships and thus no debt, and yet, I still feel I wasted time and money

>> No.10053381

I thought that was implied.

>> No.10053390

This have to be a pasta. The fact that 22 posters got baited so hard is appalling.

>> No.10053427

This man speaks the truth. Don't waste your time arguing with people like the one in OP's post.

>> No.10053452

then you have to pretend to be a good goy to get a job
then you have to pretend to be a good goy to not get fired
then you have to pretend to be a good goy to advance in your career
then you have to pretend to be a good goy to keep your professional "friends"
then you die a god goy

>> No.10053463

aint that the truth

>> No.10053484

Eventually you stop minding so much.

>> No.10053504


>> No.10054039

i would rather mindbreak her into my slave desu sempai

>> No.10054307
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no, im not the autist; we already have several autists. i wait until the room is frustrated with his bullshit and for him to make another faulty proposition. i let him draw a conclusion and then point out how untenable the logic he just employed was while using some baby oratorical rhetoric to incite the group. these barbarians want to burn the king.

see the class wants an angle on him, theyre sick of his shit, but nobody can figure out what hes doing. so when i speak and give an angle, its like giving fire to a tribunal. i dont need to do the arguing i just need to show the class where the argument is weakest.

the problem im having personally is in his office hours. hes got 30 years on me, and hes definitely done the reading, so the gap in power is unbridgeable. if he doesnt decide to teach me im not going to learn, and im thinking the only way to convince him to take me seriously is to out maneuver his logical bullshit, which is insane because im willing to bet hes been playing this game with other professors for decades precisely so they can shut out bright undergrads from serious conversation about ideas. even if you figure out whats going on, theyre so fucking practiced it doesnt matter, youre years away from having a chance of competing because so much of the game is requisite knowledge.

>> No.10054339

Unironically this

>> No.10054398
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According to her Facebook page shes a Jewess.

>> No.10054486

Kek. Took me a minute.

>> No.10054594

Pretty much this. My classes are so saturated with idiots (every class is at least 200+ people) and the professors don't care about quality teaching. And this is at the 2nd best university in my country for my major.

The classes I do the best in are the ones where I never have to attend lecture or go to a lab and can just study the textbook at home, memorize any lecture slides, and ace the tests. Academia is a fucking joke

>> No.10055434
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shes fucking unreal. im marrying israeli.