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10048191 No.10048191 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite book in the Bible?

Mine is the book of Jonah.

>> No.10048306

Ecclesiastes. KJV only though, or you might as well not be reading it at all.

>> No.10048357

Quran is superior
it also comes with free dlc, the Hadith

>> No.10048378

Samuel 1 and 2. I love the story of david.

>> No.10048387

>being a Christcuck
God is dead, homie

>> No.10048404
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>implying reading historical texts makes you religious

>> No.10048411

This. "There is nothing new under the sun"

>> No.10048416

I forgive you brother.

>> No.10048421


>> No.10048442

I find it kind of trivial philosophically and not so interesting as a religious/devotional book. It sure has some poetic value but that's also kind of worn-out (Petrarca, school teachers repeating 3, 1-8, old sayings, etc)

>> No.10048449


>> No.10048455

Interesting that everyone's favorite books are all old testament.

>> No.10048463


>> No.10048496

New Testament is great, obviously, but its more about the nitty-gritty, while the old testament, baring the few books about legal codes and genealogy, is all about crazy bomb-ass stories about people and God doing crazy shit, often times (at least for me) hitting some feels

>> No.10048502 [DELETED] 


Jonah is pretty great. I found it very helpful for me during a time of trouble.

>> No.10048505

Jonah is pretty great. I found it very helpful for me during a time of trouble.

>> No.10048507


>> No.10048520


>> No.10048563


>> No.10048567
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some of the dankest 420 kush smoke pussy weed swagswag yolo stories I ever seen

>> No.10048568

God in Old Testament is definitely more fun but it's at the expense of all the people in the stories usually. NT God is the kind of God I can stand behind. Doesn't arbitrarily punish you or test your faith

>> No.10048587


Prophet: Isaiah
Gospel: John
Other: Psalms

>> No.10048731

Luke is one, since it's the comfiest gospel to read and emphasizes God's mercy.
I like Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), it's a more elaborate wisdom book than Proverbs.
And, finally James, because he called out the egoism and the whole 'I have faith so I'm saved no matter what' nonsense, despite it persisting on after his death.

>> No.10048744

Book of John

>> No.10049154


>> No.10049225



>> No.10050936

I just read it in the original Hebrew, it was excellent.

>trying highlight the best verses
>it's the entire text

>> No.10050995
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>> No.10051003

>being a person with any interest whatsoever in how history and culture have been formed
>not reading the Bible

pick one m8

>> No.10051008
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>being able to read it in the original Hebrew

>> No.10051014

What's weird is after a certain weight. All seats look like a wheelchair.