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/lit/ - Literature

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10036271 No.10036271 [Reply] [Original]

James Joyce BTFO

>> No.10036276

I pooped on my but

>> No.10036277

Here is the attention you wanted.

>> No.10036341

No way am I devoting 33 minutes and 37 seconds of my life to a grown man who calls himself "Coach Red Pill"

>> No.10036381

Thinly veiled Hibernophobia

>> No.10036386

/lit/ will hate this but he is absolutely right. You will realize this when you get older

>> No.10036393

>Coach Red Pill

>> No.10036396

opinion discarded

>> No.10036412

fuck this fat fucking middle aged no life

>> No.10036418

As far as I'm concerned his videos with Jim are the only things he has worth watching.

>> No.10036422

>looking wistfully out of a window
>that stupid modern art

psued kino?

>> No.10036424

What the fuck is this?

>> No.10036434

>the guy's channe includes videos titled WHY TRUMP WILL RESIGN, WOMEN ARE LIKE DOGS, DON'T FUCK CRAZY CHICKS, and TO FAP OR NOFAP?
what in literal fuck xD is this some reverse trolling meant to align nicely with the fact that lots of brainlets on /lit/ actually care about nofap, the red pill and Trump?

>> No.10036448

what an incredible faggot

>> No.10036451

Thanks Coach Red Pill

>> No.10036456

Does anyone have a link to that video of a pretentious guy reading Ulysses while he gets his hair cut and he gets BTFO by the hair stylist? Its an irish video I was looking for a little bit ago but I couldnt find it.

>> No.10036458

No, it is just a 42 year old Anglo-Chilean man who is kinda internet famous because he interviewed Jim a few months back.

>> No.10036462

bump in hopes of seeing that.

>> No.10036477

is this an actual literary discussion or is it just "joyce was a degenerate xddddd"

>> No.10036486

the latter

>> No.10036490

On what platform is he famous? He has a small number of subscribers.

>> No.10036491

Was that guy professor YANK?

>> No.10036494

From what I can tell it's muh alcohol he's criticizing after watching the first 5 minutes and clicking off

>> No.10036495

imagine when you were young you wanted to be james joyce and you end up growing up to be coach redpill

>> No.10036504

Why did I watch the whole fucking thing, it's midnight.
>he was a drunkard
>never cared for his family and leeched off rich friends
>his works are superficially brilliant but cold and not humane
>his main goal was to achieve posterity in academia, reason why he wrote complicated and superb polished books
>might have commited incest with his daughter
He basically talks a lot about him not being a true man and escaping responsabilty and misery by means of alcohool and writing.

>> No.10036506

just what i would expect from a channel called 'coach red pill'. alt right are the fedora tippers of this internet era

>> No.10036511

I'm 15 mins in and it's literally just saying Joyce is a degenerate because of alcohol and stealing money from his acquaintance and that Ulysses sucks because it's only clever and has no human warmth. It appears he is masturbating to Dostoyevsky now.

>> No.10036523

He's right about Joyce


>> No.10036528

I'm not going to watch a manchild rant about degeneracy for 30 minutes but I will say the comments are pretty entertaining.

>> No.10036529

>criticizing an Irishman for liking alcohol
So this is the power of the redpill...

>> No.10036536

>talking to yourself

>> No.10036540

If I wasn't already a huge fan of our boy Jimbo I'd become one after this summary.
>not humane
has this nigger even read Joyce? "Red Pill" cunts are a bane to humanity, how fucking little self aware do you even have to be to make a video like that, I only saw him looking at the window with some cheap suit trying to look intellectual and closed this shit, this is embarassing for me, this motherfucker is probably in his 50s and he's still doing shit like that.

>> No.10036547

>not humane

Has this boy even read The Dead?

>> No.10036555
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>tfw you spend your entire life until 49 trying to achieve the heights of Joyce but you fail and post a video about it on YouTube

>> No.10036561
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As usual, the eternal anglo is pissed because REAL men from Ireland blew them out of the fucking water in their own shit language.

I know Joyce was aware of how long people would be puzzled by his works, but I doubt he could predict how butthurt they'd be as well.

>> No.10036565

I skimmed the video in the OP. Like most of these Youtube lifestyle instructors, he appears more keen on crafting a sophisticated image of himself over giving an honest critique on the topic at hand. Like, he has to make a jump cut because he can't remember any of the titles of Joyce's works, and he can't explain why he liked them past the phrase "four masterpieces". A lot of his criticism stems from comments on Joyce's personal life, which is irrelevant, and the fact that he can so easily call him "pathetic" despite claiming to once love his oeuvre to the point of memorization feels disgenuine to me. As if he's just borrowing the name and its reputation for a quick ideological boost. Didn't watch all of it, but there you go.

>> No.10036574

TIL: Joyce is bad because he was a degenerate

For some reason Dostoevsky and his gambling problems are a shining beacon of morality tho

>> No.10036578

So, you mean self-hating Chilean?

>> No.10036837
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Ignore this dumbass he's just some washed up 50 year old who's never achieved anything in his life so he thinks he'll achieve internet fame by being an edgy poor man's interpretation of a /pol/ack and arguing with Le Englightened Internet Skeptics on issues that don't matter. He's just looking for relevancy he doesn't deserve.

>> No.10036869

t. Chilean

>> No.10036980

Please no more America

>> No.10036986


There is nothing more common
>Licks lips
>smack smack


>> No.10037006

What all of us mean to say, Samuel Johnson says best -
"That praises are without reason lavished on the dead, and that the honours due only to excellence are paid to antiquity, is a complaint likely to be always continued by those, who, being able to add nothing to truth, hope for eminence from the heresies of paradox; or those, who, being forced by disappointment upon consolatory expedients, are willing to hope from posterity what the present age refuses, and flatter themselves that the regard which is yet denied by envy, will be at last bestowed by time."

>> No.10037009
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Well /lit/?

>> No.10037017


>> No.10037059

this holy shit

>> No.10037089

This motherfucker really pissed me off. Joyce was a hero, a truly wonderful man, and his work is deeply human.

>> No.10037128
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How can a man so disgusted be so eloquent?

>> No.10037134

because Joyce is the best writer to ever live, if he was a drunk and a bad father and lately you've been really dig Dostoievsky is irrelevant

saying Joyce is superficial is kinda true because his prose is fucking amazing and meticulous, and it has puzzles and allusions everywhere, but saying that because of this he is an empty shell and has no depth is retarded, he even said he wasn't "humane" which is a word that i would use to describe Ulysses and most of all, its characters, specially Leopold Bloom who might just be the saddest, most humane character i've ever read

if your hero disappointed you because now you're old and you can't sympathize with him because you have kids and you think making money for them is the most important thing in the world, it doesn't mean he sucks as a writer, also go fucking die

>> No.10037164

I don't understand what's being said here.

>> No.10037179


>> No.10037215

BRAAAAAAPposters out in force tonight

>> No.10037235


>> No.10037277

he's basically slapping down contrarians who contradict for attention, attention which they could not get by more legitimate efforts

>> No.10037298

Does he talk about the letters?

>> No.10037311

not sure, i only lasted halfway through

>> No.10037327

It would be pretty hilarious if in the midst of his bloviating he started talking about arses, farts, and red cunts.

>> No.10037360

>his only literary argument is that Ulysses doesn't feel "warm" and doesn't understand humanity

>> No.10037375

>his argument against Finnegans was that it's "autistic" and like an encyclopedia

>> No.10037388
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So he cares more about the man and less about the work? What a goof.

>> No.10037417
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Are you talking about the Jim I'm thinking of?

>> No.10037435
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>doesn't feel "warm"
>doesn't understand humanity


>> No.10037436

If I were to seriously speculate, he never actually liked Joyce or his writing, nor does he really dislike him now; he wanted to like him once, and wants to dislike him now.

The tell, for me, is him repeating the claims about Joyce molesting his daughter. The evidence, as I'm aware of it, is weak. He cites the destruction of the remaining letters between James and Lucia in 1985 by Stephen Joyce as evidence that they must have been filled with sordid information but...that's absurd. He's using the lack of evidence for his claim as evidence that his claim must be true. The more likely, and much more sad, truth is that Lucia Joyce suffered from a mental illness whose causes are still not fully understood.

>> No.10037441

Or any of other Joyce's works, really. Jesus.

>> No.10037452

i want to see this

>> No.10037459 [DELETED] 

This guy's act is so transparent. He settled for mediocrity and how he overcompensates with his supposed disdain at proven genius just to salve his wounded ego over giving up.

Joyce struggled all his life for his art. He never gave up. So he was a lowdown degenerate who liked to sniff the odd fart. Who cares. The man achieved literal greatness through immense pain and struggle. He gave his life to his calling and never backed down from it. That takes real courage.

Meanwhile this guy supposedly had that same calling and now he's a grown man who unironically calls himself "Coach Red Pill".


>and his work is deeply human.


>> No.10037464


>> No.10037483


He actually says the following as a point against Joyce:
>He could've written many pop novels that would've make him a lot of money. I mean, he was suck a brilliant artist, why didn't he do that?

How miserable must you be in order to put those mediocre points just to be controversial?
How bad can you miss the point of Joyce's art? I mean, it's okay if someone doesn't like his works anymore, it's fair. But the opposite of pleasure is not contempt, as this mothefucker has, but disinterest. And out of contempt, he builds such a poor thesis.

>> No.10037486

>wanted a career like Joyce's
>Joyce was poor destitute for most of his life and largely ignored by high brow academics

this guy is and will continue to be ignorant. And how can you not feel the joy and humanity within Ulysses

>> No.10037487 [DELETED] 


>He's using the lack of evidence for his claim as evidence that his claim must be true. The more likely, and much more sad, truth is that Lucia Joyce suffered from a mental illness whose causes are still not fully understood.

Yeah it's almost like "Coach Red Pill" has decided to ignore every other piece of anecdote about Lucia and her mental state because it would probably end up framing things very differently. What a shock.

Joyce probably had a lot of what Lucia had mentally, but he was able to stay on stop of it and remain grounded through sheer genius. What was it that Jung said to Joyce about the both of them sharing the same mental imbalance? It was something like "Where she drowns, you swim?"

>> No.10037533

Yeah. Schizophrenia isn't a simple cut-and-dry thing, and some can find ways to keep it under control. It might explain Joyce's drinking to some degree, a form of self-medication. I think people like to believe it has a simple and obvious cause so they don't have to face down the horror that the human brain is a machine like any other and it can just break.

>> No.10037660

>not watching every youtube video on 2x speed

>> No.10037687
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>> No.10037899

Was probably too distracted with Bloom being a Jew

>> No.10037952

This is just depressing...


>> No.10037968

all this redpill bullshit is ruining the internet

>> No.10038006
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>> No.10038249

I just don't understand what it means anymore. By now I think it's just "everything contrarian is redpill omg I'm so woke".

>> No.10038254


Did you literally search for 'red pill me on james joyce' in youtube?

>> No.10038262
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Well, in his defense, he does say he "hates" the name in many videos. He's just being unironically ironic if that makes sense. In sum, he doesn't know how to sum up his channel more than with that name. Some videos are good, some not so much.

In fact, /lit/ would prob like him because he shits on Trump every fucking day kek.

>> No.10038264


Not reading this comment.

>> No.10038268

>I am a middle-aged no-one who is so desperate that I need to call myself Coach Red Pill, wear cheap suits, talk about "degeneracy" and appeal to the youngsters online so that I can get my bills paid via Patreon
>I also have the audacity to talk shit about Joyce

>> No.10038269

I'm 10 minutes in, on x2 speed. When does he make an actual point?

>> No.10038270

Tbqh =

>> No.10038278
File: 52 KB, 600x896, 1480623050082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, is there any way to gain approval on 4chan? Everyone here is so anti-... well, anti-anything. Contrarian, in fact.

This place tries to act so edgy and objective, but in reality everyone on this God-forsaken site is washed up, pathetic, in debt, has no social life, and, most likely, no gf.

Yet, when someone puts themselves out there, everyone here just shits on them for trying. It honestly doesn't matter about the """patrician's taste""" here or on plebbit. What matters is what the general public wants and perceives as valuable. Hence why everyone here will never even fucking finish the first chapter of their novel and John Greene will continue selling #1 best sellers. Man, fuck this place. If the "see you tomorrow" meme wasn't true, I'd probably have accomplished something with my life by now.

>> No.10038284

dumb catposter

>> No.10038289

Don't lie, you read it, mate.

>> No.10038294
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Thanks for the (You).

>> No.10038303

Wow in between seasons Jon Snow really lets himself go

>> No.10038310

jesus this guy is boring. and that's saying a lot considering Joyce is quite the snooze-fest himself.
Also you can tell he just hates Joyce because he was vain and sucked up to jews. It's a very plain kind of jealousy.

>> No.10038324
File: 1.19 MB, 972x1078, Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 2.39.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not watching or listening to anything created by a man who thinks *THIS* is an acceptable face to make at any point in their life. I didn't think people actually contorted their face into the "false contemplation to make a stupid rhetorical point" position outside of the shitty antagonist of some stupid drama.

>> No.10038411
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>> No.10038441

>red pilled
>pronounces Ulysses like a Mexistani

>> No.10038544
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>> No.10038559

How can pomo be red-pilled?

>> No.10038627

I know exactly what you're talking about and just hunted 30 minutes for it to no avail. Fuckkk

>> No.10038637

>Honestly, is there any way to gain approval on 4chan?
Try not being washed-up, pathetic, in debt, without social life and with no gf.

>> No.10038707

>Honestly, is there any way to gain approval on 4chan? Everyone here is so anti-... well, anti-anything. Contrarian, in fact.
I hope you are new to 4Chan. If you've been here for some time, and only now figured this out, well...

>> No.10038713

Having those things will also get you shit on.

>> No.10038718

"if he was so brilliant why didn't he write a money maker?"

Fucking hell..

>> No.10038731


This one? https://youtu.be/aOimuG3LJ3o

>> No.10038808

What a disappointing man. Bashing a genuine genius and legend. How bizarre that there could be anyone who looks up to and listens to this man, as he dismantles via ad hominem someone who was once his personal hero, as a result of his own failures.

I for one enjoy trashing Tolstoy for being a slave rapist, however, I cannot imagine trying to argue that the man was anything short of a genius. This video shows the danger of bitterness from failing to live up to one's desires.

It is not surprising that men who fail at art take aim not at the art itself, but the man, the phantom left over from its creation. I think Gaddis complained of people demanding to see the author and knowing him was ridiculous, that the best they could give was in their books, that the author would always be disappointing in comparison. It only makes too much sense.
In the end, why take advice from someone who cannot help but be bitter? Cannot help but portray a sad and repulsive persona bashing away at geniuses long dead?

>> No.10038842
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Stopped watching right there.

>> No.10038848

>well, sure, he was technically brilliant, but he didn't meet this arbitrary and conveniently indescribable value i have decided to hinge my attack on.
the absolute state of this man.

>> No.10038993

Chris Ott is back at it again.

>> No.10039004

He's got a point, if you don't understand his grievances then you're honestly too far gone. Seems like he hit too close to home for a lot of you guys. Also the guy has one of the better YouTube channels of that type.

>> No.10039020

This guy is so pathetic. I'm so tired of all these "red pilled" brainlets treating women literally like dogs. Women are amazing and in many cases they are better than men.

>> No.10039027

Man, this thread is shit. I watched the video and I did not care that much about the personal bashing but I haven't seen /lit/ actually try to combat his point about the writing being technically impressive but hollow emotionally. You niggas just use meme arrows

>> No.10039028

Damn I hate to use the word but you sound like an actual cuck

>> No.10039038

This brainlet doesn't like Joyce but loves Dostoyevsky. LMAO
This video is a perfect example of way no one takes conservatives' opinions seriously.

>> No.10039059

Most of /lit/ spent their lives identifying with the bohemian writer archetype that this guy is criticizing. You all probably know everything he said is true, but cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug.

>> No.10039065

Nice samefagging
You can't even manage to conceal your one tone :^)

>> No.10039068

>Also the guy has one of the better YouTube channels of that type.
This doesn't say much for his trash content, but says enough about your autism. Neck yourself, shill.
Combat what point? That Joyce was a "degenerate" and that makes his work bad? Join the anon above and neck yourself.

>> No.10039075

It's an obvious samefag along with this guy >>10039059

I wouldn't bother to entertain them honestly

>> No.10039092

Maybe, but so was Leopold Bloom, and I'd rather be like him than be like someone who literally refers to women as dogs.

>> No.10039099

This is the first time in my life that someone correctly detected my samefagging. I still mean what I wrote though.

>> No.10039106


>Maybe, but so was Leopold Bloom, and I'd rather be like him

This could've worked as a ruse if you didn't go all in right away.

>> No.10039110

he isn't even a conservative. he's just a turbo pleb who hates SJWs (just like pretty much everyone in the US over age 30)

>> No.10039159

Kek, nigga should of read stirner

>> No.10039236

I've seen one of his videos. He;s a straight up autist

>> No.10039370

don't take the ott's name in vain

>> No.10039402

why do americans wear shirts like that

>> No.10039432

we don't
don't take this retard for an ambassador

>> No.10039457

>why didnt he sell out?
>what a hack!

good stuff.

>> No.10040789

well i posted my argument and the guy shrugged it off without even attempting to reply in any respectable way.
can't say i'm not surprised. if he becomes anywhere near as famous as jordan peterson, i will think back to this time, knowing that he was and likely still is, a faggot.

>> No.10040813

Nice catch, anon.
Join the previous two anons and neck yourself.

>> No.10040999

americans are dumber than the rest of us

>> No.10041011


Why would you need coaching to be an obnoxious retard?

>> No.10041049

Hate to say it but he is absolutely right. Why should one idolize a drunk who didn't even kneel down on his mothers death bed.

>> No.10041232

it's not about idolizing the man, it's his fault he chose a drunk for his hero, people who do this set themselves up for bitter failure again and again, and this bitchy type of complaint is what comes of it every time. I know this because I have done it myself, and grew out of idolizing men in general, and learning to appreciate art when it exists.

>> No.10041285

yes thank you

>> No.10041300
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Non serviam.

>> No.10041313
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Right. That's why you're speaking American English over the American internet in order to discuss American culture and politics on an American image forum

You've been colonized by a superior civilization responsible for every modern comfort in your life because you're... smarter

>> No.10041332

Thats the point of the video though, he obviously appreciates the art of Joyce, he just is telling people he shouldn't be idolized.

>> No.10041334

>ranked my muricans

>> No.10041337

The Chinese government, actually

>> No.10041351

>trusting commies

>> No.10041356

>Right. That's why you're speaking American English over the American internet in order to discuss American culture and politics on an American image forum
Copy-pasted from plebddit? Sperg-tastic post, anon!

>> No.10041363

The point of the video is to get spergs like you to donate.

>> No.10041450

not at all. i commented on the video and the man himself objected to the idea that what Joyce created was art more than once. He flatly said that Joyce didn't create art.

>> No.10041578

is this some kind of revenge fantasy of a hairstylist? I mean, what the fuck?

>> No.10042013

"I love Stephen King (and btw he's always been a flaming libtard). Not a great writer, but certainly an entertaining one who is very aware of his limitations. I think “The Shining”, “The Stand”, “Different Seasons” and “Dolores Claiborne” are his best books; DC in particular is a great regional novel. I admire his productivity and consistency most of all—both qualities worth emulating." Coach Redpill

>> No.10042049

I really don't want to waste my time on this, can some one give me a summary? I assume it's: he made incomprehensible garbage that only elites would find value in, but I may be wrong.

>> No.10042063

90% of /lit/

>> No.10042095

So English majors will end up as hair stylists? Thanks for arousing my anxiety.

>> No.10042097

I was enjoying it enough, but then she went
>I have a degree
and I absolutely lost it.

Yep. That's the job you'll get from a liberal arts major.

>> No.10042127

>For some reason Dostoevsky and his gambling problems are a shining beacon of morality tho
to be fair, Norm and his gambling problems are the only shining beacon of morality alive tho, so there's that.

>> No.10042209


>> No.10042216

No one is trying to combat the point about Joyce's work being technically impressive but hollow emotionally because it's obviously silly. It's like this dude doesn't even know that a few light taps upon the pane made him turn to the window. It had begun to snow again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight. The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward. Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves. It was falling, too, upon every part of the lonely churchyard on the hill where Michael Furey lay buried. It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns. His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.

>> No.10042222

The part that gets me is that he recommends people to read something that isn't even in English. Joyces novels are akin to music than something you would read as a moral and life message like Dostoyevsky.

>> No.10042235

>falling softly
>softly falling
>falling faintly
>faintly falling
oh yes, brilliant!

>> No.10042239

this is a joke by the way

>> No.10042245
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>> No.10042257

wow what do you think this guy thinks of Rimbaud?

I feel so sorry for anyone who chooses to judge literature or its creators through morality and success rather than style and artistry. They'll never know the highest power of art

>> No.10042314

This. Don't red-pill guys claim to hate postmodernism and the culture that surrounds it? Shouldn't they love Joyce for his modernism and devotion to authenticity?

>> No.10042397

That's what snowflakes do you dunce,

>> No.10042491

>complains about drunks
>admires Stephen King

>> No.10042498

Okay but honestly the repetition of "falling" makes me feel sleepy and also leads me at least partially to the swoon at the end. I don't know if that happens to everyone but it happens to me and I think it's brilliant.

>> No.10042505

the fact that he made it something not glaring until analysis is pretty incredible. embedding repetition like that without losing dramatic effect.

>> No.10042525

bounced on my boys dick to this for hours

>> No.10042654

>Carl DSCH-ung
Well, I got 17 minutes into it.

>> No.10042674

wow this guy sure is mad about farts.............

>> No.10042937

Haven't watched the video yet but the title is correct.

>> No.10042944

Why is he expected to be familiar with the various analyses of a book he's still in the process of reading?

>> No.10044238


>> No.10044592

If you're unable to draw humanity from Joyce then you are truly lost.

>> No.10044760

what a fucking loser, makes Peterson look like a legitimate intellectual.

>> No.10044914

He is certainly a more legitimate intellectual than some pretentious pundit on 4chan

>> No.10044925

>le non STEM is bad meme

I fucking hate neckbeards

>> No.10044963

But studying anything but STEM in uni is very stupid, especially if you are paying for your education

>> No.10044978

peeble were smard in olden days

>> No.10045001

the stupidest thing is accepting the reduction of education to the status of vocational job training, it's the literal surrender of civilization

>> No.10045014

This is the same guy who claims Pynchon is a cultural marxist

>> No.10045020

I always think this about conservatives who ar worried about Islam's impact on our culture. If you hate intellectuals, the arts, any book that doesn't lead to a job etc...what the fuck is the culture? There's nothing left to lose.

>> No.10045036

in the past people would do liberal arts degrees and then when hired by large corporations go through what is essentially a programming bootcamp but paid for by the company and run internally by the company, but then they wised up and realized it's cheaper to make the incoming new hires waste all their money on computer science degrees or external bootcamps (of course the "traitorous 8" who spawned silicon valley job hoping culture may have contributed to this, workers and employers equally to blame, can't get 10 grand worth of free training from your employer and then jump ship six months later, that's not gonna last

>> No.10045729

if only

>> No.10045733

>Well, in his defense, he does say he "hates" the name in many videos. He's just being unironically ironic if that makes sense
Thats even more disgusting

>> No.10045742


>> No.10045748

>muh one sex is superior to another
we're all scum, faggot. men and women complement each other. neither is superior to the other.

>> No.10045750


We're not all bill o'reilly tier fuckwits.

>> No.10046036


He's a faggy try hard, you aren't missing anything.

>> No.10046131


>> No.10046154


oh, sweetie, leave the house more often..

>> No.10047281


>> No.10047427

Funny how this spawned a shitton of replies. The guy calls himself coach redpill and his content is utter garbage, him spouting bullshit in way too long videos.

>> No.10047434

Man, this guy is so much less intelligent than me.

>> No.10047564

this battle has already been lost.

education as an ideal shouldn't be subordinated to job training but in practice, in this day and age if you don't pick a major with a career in mind you will end up an enormous sucker.

the liberal arts education isn't a sort of universal overview of civilization anymore either, its going to a handful of scattered irrelevant classes like "ancient mesopotamian pottery" "food in 18th century china" "sports in the urban space", with a dose of white guilt and deconstruction mixed in

>> No.10047904

>everything must serve a moral purpose or a greater function because life is mechanical lol
t. "coach" red pill

>> No.10048267

that's so painful to watch.

>> No.10048301
File: 1.16 MB, 1380x920, 1494111052145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on my lit professor's powerpoint

>> No.10048679

he acknowledges that his name is cringe but it has an important meaning to him which is why he keeped the name

>> No.10048788

Music is a moral message, real music at least is.

>> No.10048829

I understand his criticism but that was my same thought as well.

I've barely read any Joyce, but isn't Bloom's conflicted relationship with his mother's passing a fairly human message? Of dealing with loss/difference in a family?

>> No.10050229

it should be true for anyone

>> No.10050250

underrated post

>> No.10051326

10 bucks he has only read the Wikipedia summary

>> No.10051573

>no human warmth
This is honestly the most retarded argument you can make against Joyce.

>> No.10051626
File: 708 KB, 640x640, I Has A Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The video still has more dislikes and likes
>No top-rated comments that criticize the methodology of his criticism
Is /lit/ content to let plebs be like this or

>> No.10052109

>Every time James Joyce gets deservedly dissed an angel gets it's wings. fuck Ulysses

>> No.10053010


>> No.10054109

>2 minutes in
>vacuum in the background, this weirdo is filming himself in some office building after hours
Don't post garbage.

>> No.10054151


Same as Catcher in the Rye I guess

>> No.10054182

He lists his channel as comedy

>some people still don't realize this is satire