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/lit/ - Literature

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10040076 No.10040076 [Reply] [Original]

How do you fags find time to read?

>stem fag
>final year chem degree
>capstone classes
>research and senior thesis
>grad school exams
>applying to grad school
>maintaining a social life and just got a new gf
>try somehow to exercise/lift 6 hours a week
>still want to get ample sleep

I have books on my nightstand I pick up and read right before bed but ever since the semester started, I can't even get through 10 pages before I fall asleep from exhaustion. Is everyone on here just a NEET but instead of playing vidya and watching anime they read books?

>> No.10040094

>>maintaining a social life and just got a new gf
>>try somehow to exercise/lift 6 hours a week
>>still want to get ample sleep


>> No.10040098

no you're just a self-absorbed fucktard who has no willpower or dignity who comes here to strut his cock around. You wanna read you gotta make it work who the fuck cares how.

>> No.10040111

By not being a dumb wagecuck.

>> No.10040150
File: 75 KB, 960x707, MyDude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1. Move away from being a STEM fag.
Step 2. Cut back on the social life

>> No.10040199

Cut out the social life and I manage to do just fine. Helps that I work from home

>> No.10040205
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t. neet degenerates

>> No.10040217

I'm >>10040150 and like OP I am also in the process of applying to graduate school. I just realized the overrated nature of extensive socialization.

>> No.10040224

Not everyone does all that shit you listed, so, what a surprise, we have the time to read.

>> No.10040352

What >>10040217 said, I'm in Grad school and just decided to say fuck it a while back to dating and exercise. I just don't have the time, and I need something to relax my mind so I don't go nuts.

>> No.10040370
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Well it seems youve got a lot going on. Dont feel pressurized to read a book a week or whatnot, take it at your own pace. Either read when/if you take the bus or train to school and whatnot, or when you're hanging with your gf, read around her instead of vidya/watching tv.

Maybe audiobooks while you exercise.

>> No.10040431

exact same position except not applying to grad school and no gf lmaoooo

>> No.10040490


1: cut out 4chan
2: read books instead
3: perceive how worldview gradually becomes brighter and you become smarter

>> No.10040572

>maintaibg a social life
Interesting choice of words. You should get your priorities straight.

>> No.10040585
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And taking your advice, written on 4chan, makes so much sense. Sounds more like your fantasy than reality, buddy

>> No.10040728

>having kids
ayy lmao

>> No.10040762

Same way you make time to go to the gym, you just have to cut out some time. Even 45 mins or something before bed is better than nothing.

>> No.10040870

>cut out 4chan
But I learned a lot about what to read from this board, and still do learn new things from it.

>> No.10040962
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Then you must have not been here long, have you?

>> No.10040988

I have no social life and I read instead of sleeping

>> No.10041084

Ya I started coming here like 2 weeks ago. Think I've pretty much got what I wanted out of it tho

>> No.10041095

Honestly dude leave here and don't come back. ESPECIALLY if you're still in high school or college

>> No.10041123

Oh look, it's another student who thinks university is hard and time consuming compared to a 45 hour job which saps all your time and energy and you have to live your entire day around and you have to work really hard because if you get fired you won't be able to pay the mortgage. Get a grip.

>> No.10041168

Where's that picture from?

>> No.10041181

Too many normalfags are on this site? Where are they all coming from?

>> No.10041196

Leave this place and never look back You've had the good fortune not to spend your formative years on here, don't let that go to waste.

This site is a Faustian deal. You get suckered in by memes, interesting topics and community. But then suddenly it's the better part of a decade later and you realize the memes suck, no one actually knows anything about those topics and that the community is hot-garbage. Only now you've adapted to it so thoroughly there is no escape.

>> No.10041246
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For the same reasons why you should stay away from 4chan or is there anything specific to /lit/?
>muh perfectly regular 40hr/week job
Try 20 hours of class, 16 hours of lab work and anywhere from 10-20 a week studying/doing homework. And in grad school for stem it's 60 hours lab, 20+ TA plus class. Gimme a break anon

>> No.10041291

>Lawfag in a year
Reading is just about all I do.

>> No.10041368

Yeah Im a NEET

>> No.10041428

By not falling for the STEM meme, you retard

>> No.10041479
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>cut out 4chan

you're here forever buddy