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/lit/ - Literature

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10039423 No.10039423 [Reply] [Original]

My day started off perfectly with a thread on this witch's book. Can we keep it going? Also, digital copy to share so I can participate in the shit diggin?

>> No.10039428

Mods moved the thread to /pol/.

>> No.10039461

Mods are cunts. It's damn book, should be on /lit/

>> No.10039473

Yeah, no shit, mods are always fucking retarded.

>> No.10039474

Get it while it's hot


>> No.10039510

It continues. Her detractors are the greatest cause of her relevance.

When does this ride end?

>> No.10039732
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I kind of want to buy it

>> No.10039908

this book's narrative voice is the most infuriating thing ever

>> No.10039913

That's her real voice. That sociopathic narcissist who honestly believes everyone is hanging on their every syllable.

>> No.10039919

Hillary has patrician taste

>> No.10039940

did she actually write the book? how did she find otherwise a ghost writer able to capture that sociopathic, "demon with a human dress going through the motions" kind of tone so perfectly?

>> No.10039972

all the memery is great. (the cattle rustler algorithm is satire btw)

>> No.10039997

Why did they even move the thread? All it was was /lit/ laughing at the book with practically zero /pol/ shit, while loads of /pol/ posts stay up daily.

>> No.10040014

people reported it, mods didn't read the thread, mods moved because hilton

>> No.10040108

Not only that, but after the thread got moved it turned into shit, who knew?

>> No.10040144
File: 22 KB, 281x450, wishhersafeathome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking hilarious

And I agree with these

Funny enough, I'm reading a novel now (pic related) in the first-person perspective of a slightly deranged woman just about Hillary's age, who doesn't see how weird she is. You sense an uncomfortable undercurrent of every other character walking away from their interections with her, thinking "yikes what a weirdo."

And it reads almost exactly like Hillary's book:

>When the assistant at the cheese counter complained about the weather I replied, “But aren’t you aware, you naughty and ungrateful man, that where you see clouds upon the hills you soon will see crowds of daffodils?” and even though we were nearer August than April I thought it seemed a jaunty, wise and almost witty thing to say, and indicative too of the springtime which had belatedly come tripping into my own heart. And the man said, “You’re spot on, madam. I only wish that more folks were a bit like you,” and I felt like a combination of Wordsworth, Al Jolson and Walter Huston, only luckier than all three of them, and then I remembered that Huston was connected with “September Song” not “April Showers” but this was also applicable in its own way and I found myself singing it for the remainder of my journey home, not loudly, yet evidently loudly enough to make one or two people glance at me in amused surprise. Well, let them, I thought.

>> No.10040157

there've been worse politicians.

>> No.10040162

There's been worse posts.

Hard to believe, but it's true.

>> No.10040183
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They will probably do it again soon.

>> No.10040194

it's true though, you're just jumping on the bandwagon because you're brainless and want to fit in with your internet friends.

>> No.10040209

What does she say about Bernie supporters in her book?

>> No.10040239


I'd be interested to read more books with this same tone in its narrator. Male or female, really. Will check out your pic

>> No.10040264

>it's true though, you're just jumping on the bandwagon because you're brainless and want to fit in with your internet friends.
There's no way to respond to such inanity.

Who here, or anywhere, has said "Clinton is the worst politician ever"? You're flailing at a strawman, and one has to ask... why?

>> No.10040285
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>> No.10040320

>There's no way to respond
It's okay you know it's true.

>> No.10040389
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>which was incorrect

>> No.10040512
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Was giving it a check, and then I bumped into this.

There's no way she truly wrote this, is there? You made the whole epub up, didn't you? I don't like her. I devoured Clinton Cash. But even then, I can't believe someone can actually be THIS disingenuous, even her.

>> No.10040522
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>> No.10040543
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I've go cancer reading this part


Fucking racebaiter whore.
obviously they made the ponchos to make them look as KKK dresses. what a joke.


>> No.10040544

Which other politician have you made a thread about? I'm betting none.
The point is that the only reason you hate hilary is because not only can you not think for yourself you're also a loser who does it to fit in with your internet friends.

>> No.10040550

Ugh the writer in me recoils at her unceasing abuse of cliches throughout this book. I'm not even 15 pages in and it reads like the most sappy, golly gee faux folksy drivel I've come across in a while.

She should have known what was happening, the past tense matters a lot here.

>> No.10040556
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And she's not stopping.

Someone has a lot of salt

>> No.10040560

>I didn't recognize

Maybe because she's too busy flying from mansion to mansion on her private jet to notice all the serious issues with crime and homicide facing many American cities.

>> No.10040563

Like /pol/ and twitter wouldn't have meme'd the fuck out of hilldawg in a white poncho.

>> No.10040574
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I wanna glass a bitch.

Maybe she'd remember accepting money from Goldman and Sachs and selling out to corporates. Not to mention she was under that administration that said banks are too big to fail. They literally gave more power to corporates than any other motherfuckers. And yet she is here now ranting about how there is problem with them. what a bitch

>> No.10040575

No other politician has ever written a book so bad it is a comedy master piece, though.

>> No.10040581

>Which other politician have you made a thread about?
Not him, but I've made threads about HST's on the campaign trail 72. And before the Dicky reference blows over your head, HST himself was a politician, and also wrote about his own Aspen campaign.

Cry harder.

>> No.10040583

howls come from the gut?

>> No.10040607

It's not like Trumpy boy is any different. No matter who you elect, it's still going to be a puppet of the monied interests.

>> No.10040613

>Which other politician have you made a thread about? I'm betting none.
What's that got to do with anything?

>The point is that the only reason you hate hilary is because not only can you not think for yourself you're also a loser who does it to fit in with your internet friends.
Kek. And no it's not, do you want me to prove that I haven't liked Clinton for a long time? What is it you're asking for, you strange man?

>> No.10040614

I can feel that clench from over here.

>> No.10040616

>these are knowable, verifiable facts

God she is such a lying whore and a demagogue. Hit me the fuck up with your facts, then, H-dhawg. Not to mention Obama did give jobs, but those jobs were mostly part time jobs and didn't give you a lot of money. They beat their dix over jobs that supported american families for a couple of months and then they had to change a job or so. Affordable Care Act was never affordable for those to who it was meant for.

>> No.10040622

Nigga please. He literally put Gary Cohn and Steve Mnuchin, to ex Goldman executives, in charge of all the money.

Don is as much a shill as anyone.

>> No.10040623
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forgot the image, sorry guys.

>> No.10040633

At least Trump is not making salty parodies of the American reality ffs

>> No.10040635

>our military remained by far the most powerful in the world

>> No.10040641
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Please post more. The /pol/ thread is a goldmine

>> No.10040648

Considering the shit written in this book I'm almost convinced the ghost writer is memeing

>> No.10040657

The ghost candidate is

>> No.10040658
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>Don’t believe your eyes, don’t believe the experts, don’t believe the numbers, just believe me

Checked the "quote" on google... it's a quote from the book... how stupid this bitch thinks we are? Donnie didn't say that. Can someone verify this again for me? I'm close to a meltdown. The book is cringe already. And I'm just 7 pages into it.

>> No.10040662

I feel like the editor would also have to be taking a piss, there is no way this went through some sort of quality control and managed to come out like it did, unless making Hillary look crazy was intentional.

>> No.10040669
File: 18 KB, 624x156, 5aXWSNg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how appropriate.

>> No.10040670

>Not him
Then why the fuck are you replying? The only reason has to be the latter part of my post.
It means you only care about hating on politicians when everyone else is doing it.
You don't need to "prove" anything, it was obvious by how you got butthurt by my one-line post.

>> No.10040675

Just got to this part... fuck it's killing me.

>> No.10040678

The real question is not what remained in, but what was cut out.

If this is supposed to be the sane Clinton, that thinks it clever to compare herself to murderous villain Cersei Lannister, how much worse can the real thing possibly be?

>> No.10040681

>Then why the fuck are you replying?
To say those two words at the end.

But please, to keep on crying harder and harder, because the harder you cry, the harder I get.

>> No.10040686

>It means you only care about hating on politicians when everyone else is doing it.
Prove it.

>> No.10040695
File: 22 KB, 627x192, 4rWutn1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry... But Obama wiretapped everyone under his presidency. Can't you recall PRISM, Angela Merkel? you piece of shit?

>> No.10040697

Ew faggot.
I don't have to, you already did it with your reply.

>> No.10040704

confederacy of dunces, my dude

>> No.10040706

so much cringe in one book

>> No.10040708
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>> No.10040714
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Isn't that what presidents supposed to be doing? Addressing the hopeless, to give them hope? The dems sure let the red states to shit.

>> No.10040715

Go join the other racist retards.

>> No.10040722

/lit/, not /book/. It's about politics, and we have a board for that.

>> No.10040724

Donald is clearly a Cartesian.

>> No.10040725

You odd fellow.

>> No.10040732

I guess you don't need any reason to call someone racist. Trump is a piece of shit too. But Hillary is just way worse, my ignorant, irrational friend.

>> No.10040737

Nobody would reply to my one-liner without being the type of loser I described.

>> No.10040738

How the fuck is a book not /lit/ my man?

>> No.10040742
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I'm afraid only literature for intellectuals is allowed on here

>> No.10040751

Tell that to /sffg/

>> No.10040755

fucking snobs. feeling they have power and above leve knowledge, deciding what is literature and what is not.

>> No.10040757

I heard he's a Kantian.

>> No.10040767

So >>10040162 triggered you so much? Wow.

>> No.10040768

>If nothing is true, then all is spectacle

Speaking of spectacle...

Debord: "In a world which really is topsy-turvy, the true is a moment of the false." (Dans le monde réellement renversé, le vrai est un moment du faux.)

>> No.10040776

>"Dans le monde réellement renversé" translated to "In a world which really is topsy-turvy"

Hilarious how you can tell when the translator just wants to go home and decides to phone it in.

>> No.10040782

>I wasn't triggered you were

>> No.10040792
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>> No.10040804

Is there a way to figure out who was the ghost writer?

>> No.10040817
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>> No.10040835
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You know Hillary... when you commit a crime and try to falsify or destroy evidence, people get suspicious and people want to luck you asap

>> No.10040839

I know, it's bad, but Debord is difficult to translate. You have to insist on "réellement", and writing "really upside down" looks too colloquial and makes you miss the true meaning.

>> No.10040844

Debord was pissed at the English translations of his work.

>> No.10040859
File: 105 KB, 500x667, gomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy wtf

>> No.10040883

And I understand why... Much of what's beautiful in Debord's prose becomes vague and awkward in English. Want to be more precise? Then it's even more awkward. Want to be more elegant? Then it's even more vague and far away from the original. It looks like there's no way out.

>> No.10040896

>Translations of this book, which was published in Paris towards the end of 1967,[1] have already appeared in about ten or so countries, and, more often than not, several have been produced in the same language by competing publishers, and nearly always they are bad. The first translations everywhere were unfaithful and incorrect, with the exception of Portugal and possibly Denmark. The translations published in Dutch and German are good in their second versions, even though the German publisher on this occasion neglected to correct a large number of mistakes in the printing. In English and Spanish the third editions had to be awaited in order to know what I had really written. There was nothing worse than the situation it Italy, however, where, as early as 1968, the publisher De Donato put out the most monstrous one of all, which has only been partially improved upon by the two rival translations that followed. Moreover, Paolo Salvadori, having gone to find those responsible for this excess in their offices, had hit them and had even literally spat in their faces, for such is naturally the way good translators act when they meet bad ones. It suffices to say that the fourth Italian translation, which is by Salvadori, is excellent.

Sounds like Debord would agree with /lit/ on translations, he truly is /ourguy/.

>> No.10040918

Lel, I remember this preface. I would be curious to know what is the Debord-approved translation of "le monde réellement renversé"...

>> No.10040940

So which is the best translation guys?

>> No.10040942

Found on the same site:

>In a world that has really been turned upside down, the true is a moment of the false

Quite good, I guess you can't do better in English.

>> No.10040948

The very last ones

>> No.10040977

He criticized Obama. How is that not racist?

>> No.10041117
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oh, right. I'm sorry.
I should check my privilege next time :(

>> No.10041166
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I already understood that the world dodged a bullet here, but I'm still trying to figure out the caliber

>> No.10041171

so what the fuck is the demographic for the people who bought this book? Starbucks liberals and then just a bunch of people across the political spectrum looking for unintentional comedy?

>> No.10041178
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>what the fuck is the demographic for the people who bought this book?
Aspiring fiction writers who want to learn how to write a villain's internal monologue, with a 30% discount

>> No.10041189
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>> No.10041191

Why Bali?
Why not some american palce?
How about Cleveland???

>> No.10041197
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Or the country Trump obsessed over, China, a country for people who choose advisors that think they're pandas

>> No.10041198

Millennials to vindicate her on social media in order to set her up for a third run when they grow older.

>> No.10041203

That is probably why she lost really.

>> No.10041205
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I'm starting to think the woman did not read too many marxists

>> No.10041210

>I'm like a panda
A panda would have won.

>> No.10041215
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The progressive candidate of change

>> No.10041217
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I can't spell exactly what sound I made upon reading this, but it went something like: eeoouurrrhhhh.
Also, reminder that pic got published.

>> No.10041224
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>> No.10041233
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Where was T.S. Eliot from, again?

>> No.10041239
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>> No.10041243

Not far from Ferguson actually.

>> No.10041256

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/142026242