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/lit/ - Literature

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10037151 No.10037151 [Reply] [Original]

1. Your deepest fear
2. Your darkest secret
3. Least favorite /lit/ classic

> watching those around me die
>I spent over 1k on cam whores last January
> brothers karamazov

>> No.10037168

>that my secret will be discovered
>killed a guy, then got rid of his body in a river

>> No.10037222

story pls

>> No.10037236

>i was raped by a grill when i was 8 and i enjoyed it
>proust garbage

>> No.10037270

1. deepest fear
becoming schizophrenic.
2. darkest secret
once sucked a peenor
3. least favorite lit classic
harry potter

>> No.10037280
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He said that Ulysses was the greatest book ever written. Now he sleeps with the fishes.

>> No.10037335

>that what I think of myself through OCD obsessions is actually true
>I regularly hear voices in the noises of the world (showers, fans, car wheels over pavement) and if I close my eyes I get geometric visuals when sober, and it's really starting to get to me
>Rings of Saturn

>> No.10037370
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>i was raped by a grill when i was 8 and i enjoyed it

Interesting. . .

>> No.10037384

>getting lost and not finding my way back, or dying
>i had an incestual relationship with my brother for a year or two when i was about 10 or 11
>infinite jest

>> No.10037473

>Going blind
>I'm really into cfnm, femdom and humilliation porn
>The man in the high castle

Could you please greentext, with great detail, what happened to you?

>> No.10037666
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1: Never finding happiness
2: I tried to set my ex's car on fire and slashed her tires after I found out she cheated on me
3: Jane Eyre

>> No.10037695

A bug somewhere on/in my body where I can't see it, especially noisy or hard bugs like beetles, and especially ESPECIALLY parasites.
God, and being kidnapped for not always taking mortal laws so seriously.
I took the opportunity to start courting a young girl (12) while I was supposed to help improve her English
>least favorite
The Meditations. Fuck stoicism and fuck all Helenaboo garbage 'philosophy'.

>> No.10037709
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>being eaten
>I deliberately gave myself a concussion one time by hitting myself in the head with a rock repeatedly
>I don't know. Is Harry Potter a /lit/ classic? I hate that crap.

>> No.10037713

Details on that secret Humbert?

>> No.10037719

Be more specific, I'm busy.

>> No.10037742

How far did you two go?

>> No.10037809
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>as a kid I used to be aroused by my mom's beatings and jerk off thinking about it
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.10037825

>a loss of my mind either through dementia or injury.
>I drunkenly set fire to and burned down a nudist camp

>> No.10037843

Huh interesting

>> No.10037872

We have a daughter together, now, half a decade or so later.

>> No.10037883

>burying my parents
>i like jerking my dog off
>moby dick

>> No.10037904


Did you move to another country, or was she an immigrant to your own?

>> No.10037911

Neither, the economy was good in Alberta at the time so her mother moved from Quebec (from France). Conceived there but born here sort of thing.

>> No.10037923

>the human condition
>anything read for status.

>> No.10037931
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>seducing a 12 year old

Ahhhhh so that explains it.

>> No.10037944

>I've never been with a woman but I've sucked a dick before. It was too small.
>Not sure, haven't read enough that I dislike.

>> No.10037945

She started it, you aho

>> No.10037961

It's all good bro, my sisters 13 (at the time) year old friend did the same to me.

We only lasted for two years though before she become a ho and cheated.

>> No.10037965

Yes but I was 24

>> No.10037975

being buried alive
that i pray, believe in God
jude the obscure

>> No.10037977

I was 17-19

Still a 4.5 year difference.

Admittedly not as much of one.

But hey.

Does anyone know about your relationship besides you two?

Because I'm assuming off of the info provided she's still only 17.

>> No.10037983

She's 18 now.
We're married and have a kid, so of course people know.
I've never been explicit how long it has been happening with out parents, but I have no clue what she's said.

>> No.10037989

1. When I am especially vulnerable I become overly emotional and give up my principles. It is reverting to a place of zero again, which I have done many times in the past and it's the worst. When they say there's nowhere to go but up, they leave out how bad it feels to fall back down again every time.
2. Grey aliens control me and society around me and they're in my harassers and stalkers posing as humans to control me.
3. If it's things /lit/ enjoys, I really hate Thomas Pynchon who is not appealing except in style and never said anything more bright than any old man his age has thought to himself. Dude drugs lmao.
If we're talking about real classics: The enlightenment literature in Germany is very boring and overly tedious. I cannot stand it.

>> No.10037992
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Well I'm happy for you anon

>> No.10038002

Unfortunately I wimped out and didn't do much more than touch her a bit until she was 16.

>> No.10038008

You and I have a lot in common anon

>> No.10038010

Well, you obviously didn't fuck up too badly if you're still together.

There's no way of knowing of course, but you perhaps could've saved from pushing for too much and scaring her off.

I mean, in my situation, she initiated ALLLL of it.

Perhaps that should've been my first sign she was maybe too promiscuous for a serious relationship though.

Oh well.

Do you feel any different being a father?

>> No.10038031

Wow, the arab takeover of Canada has been swift.

>> No.10038032

No, she's said several times that I could have done essentially anything I wanted after only a few months of our relationship being official (a few months before she turned 14).

I don't feel particularly different and anybody claiming to be changed by such a thing has probably been very 'sheltered' in one way or another.
I'm wh*Te

>> No.10038073

I hope she's white too, but this is very unwhite behavior.

>> No.10038076

I bet her pussy game is mean.
She got that hot serial killer strange

>> No.10038084

wh*Te fr*nch not ar*b or r*man fr*nch

>> No.10038094

Well, in an age where nearly every white woman has kids too late, I suppose I shouldn't fault the opposite. Now make sure she bangs out 8-10 since they'll be needed to fight the spawn of those **** "French."

>> No.10038098

1. My reality will become estranged in some way, a line or a plane I'm looking at will rip open and a horrifying void will attack me or end my life or make me miserable in some way. It could happen any second and I think about it too much for no reason

2. I'm into cock caging and submission to women

3. What's considered a /lit/ classic?
Existentialism is a Humanism or Siddhartha both hit the low scale for me

>> No.10038106

Don't you feel guilty about this

>> No.10038112

I only feel guilty about not doing more

>> No.10038118

>Your deepest fear
The best part of my life is in my past
>Your darkest secret
The only thing that has kept me from being a rapist, murderer and generally leading a criminal life has been cowardice
>Least favorite /lit/ classic
Anything written by americans

>> No.10038181


>> No.10038195

What is it with /lit/'s capacity to turn every thread into pedoshit...

>> No.10038203
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Did Rousseau have mommy issues? I don't know much about his life.

Björk is best waifu, there's a reason a guy killed himself because of her.

>> No.10038206

patrician secret

>> No.10038212

/lit/ is a man's board and ephebophillia is in every man's nature

>> No.10038229

i don't remember writing this post...

>> No.10038232


>> No.10038234

>ephebophilia is in ever JEW'S nature
Big difference

>> No.10038236

That's just an euphemism for pedophilia.
And it's in the nature of every man so pathetic that they could only possibly impress a 12 year old.
>I'm telling you guys, kiddy diddling is manly!

>> No.10038246
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oops I thought it said favorite /lit/ classic

Least favorite is Stirner for sure.

>> No.10038258

I've been with women before her, you know.
I'm not attracted to them.
bjerk off m8

>> No.10038266

This is true. The jewish media may have smashed the Catholic Church with those pedophilia stories, but the truth is it's much more rampant in the jewish community. Wonder why we never hear about it though, hmm....

>> No.10038277

RCC is the most jewish denomination of Christianity, why would they do that?

>> No.10038279

>Losing one of my senses, getting a disease. being alone/never getting a wife or gf, and having kids with genetic defects or sickness.
>Probably largely the result of watching too much porn, but trap porn is pre gud. Only watched it a couple of times though.
>Blood Meridian.

>> No.10038295

You have a dysfunction.
I'm not gonna waste my time shit talking a stranger on the internet, but we both know this. If you're a real pedo and not LARPing, you know on some level of your sickness, you're just too hedonistic to care.

I'm just irritated by the dishonest portrayal of it. I swear, your lot is endowed with unmatched talent for manipulation. No wonder Humbert was written the way he was.

>> No.10038301

How so?
I'm literally not pleasure-concerned at all.
I didn't manipulate her at all. Again, she started it. I left a key in my garden and she decided to start using it to break and enter and do house-wife things out of the blue while I was working.

>> No.10038315

All gentiles are a like to them. Only two differences matter in the irrational mind of the Jew: the absolute differences between God and man, and the absolute difference between man (Jew) and goy.

>> No.10038319

These days we pay other people to bury the dead.

>> No.10038333

Kids have crushes, genius. That doesn't justify molesting them.

What do you want me to do? Explain to you why child abuse is bad? It's impossible to communicate with a person so alienated from subtleties of human behavior. And most importantly: you have a very strong interest in maintaining your delusion. No one wants to be a monster.

Oh, and the manipulation comes from the way you present it to others. You don't have to be a mastermind to trick a 12 year old into fucking you, anyone could do it.

>> No.10038356
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If anyone could do it, then why aren't you?

>> No.10038357

I have read the whole thread, and you should definately seek help. I mean, she has reached a legal age now, but 12 and 24? Come on, if thats not blatant pedophilia what else is it? It doesnt help at all if you say "she wanted it too", she was a literal child.

>> No.10038396

>I have several fears, but there are two with I personaly cant stand: cockroachs (I just freak out and storm out of whatever I am when I see one) and death, mine or from people I care.

>I have done some fuck up sexual shit when was a kid. I gropped the maid that helped raise me since I was a kid out of lust one time and I in more then one time I seduced and send nude pics to pedos on my internet friends list, some of them I actualy was able to recieve a little profit from (like using their account to play Diablo 3 when it came out). Today I am way more calm, but I will admit I still have lots of fetichs that I target on my gf (luckly we share our perversion in equal terms)
>Memorias de Um Sargento de Milícias (a brazilian classic) and anything written by Kant. Dear fucking lord I cant stand those.

>> No.10038413


Normie stay, normie go, normie stay, normie REEEEEEEEEE, GTFO OF MY BOARD, GODFUCKING DAMM!!!1!1...

Normie stay, normie go...

>> No.10038414

Because it's unappealing, illegal and insidious.

>> No.10038416

> not living a life I'd gladly relive given the opportunity
> I am a great cocksucker (I am a guy). Also I tried to fuck a cat once
> anything by Slavo Zizek

>> No.10038424

This isn't your board, robot.

>> No.10038451

Damn, I misinterpreted the story earlier. I thought the girl's mom made a deal with him for her daughter. I didn't realize this dude just started gaming his 13 year old neighbor.
> she started it
No she didn't, dude, and you know it. I've taught kids before and it did strike me how forward some girls were in expressing having a crush on me, but that never crossed my mind and is excuse.

What did this guy say about the girl's parents? That's pretty twisted but it's 10x worse with all these middle eastern savages being let into the west and raping little kids.

>> No.10038460

You clearly are way too sheltered to know kids.
I know kids as young as the age of 12 who are already mothers, and I know some who actualy where actualy flirting and profiting from pedos (I was one).

Your world is way 2 pink anon.
You need to leave the shelter.

>> No.10038473

>stranded in the ocean
>I don't actually read terribly often
>Infinite Jest

>> No.10038481

Some little girls straight up murder other children what's your point?

>> No.10038482

Psh. Didn't I say I taught little girls that age? You mean I don't live in seedy ass places? I've been to 50+ countries and have seen my share of shit, but are you saying you were looking for old men when you were 12? Really?

>> No.10038510

The point is for people stop being such little wossies about stuff. Thats all.

I may not started, but I was swaled and then found it to be normal. I may be a bit lucky, majority of pedos I met were way to passive to actualy do something, bit either way, this dosent change the fact that a point in my life I was actively searching people with I sometimes would flirt and were older than me (sometimes by 10 years at that time)

Either way, you people are being way to noisey about some topic you clearly are full of stupid morals.
What if he married the 12 yo? They seen to ended very nicely, and most of all, anon there said he waited till a age with he taught she was more mature. What are you even complaining? Everything seemed to turned out fine, so quit with your little drama and hypocritical morals, k?
This has nothing to do with middle easterns. If two or more people want get into a relacionship and all the parties are completely sane and sure of their desicion, who the fuck are you people or society to tell otherwise?
See, this is the problem of pussies like you guys, you seen to think that there arent kids who are promiscuous in early ages. This is the problem of living in a pink world: you dont know shit.
I from my own experience know how a kid can be full of lust and act like a adult, and thats the reason today I say that this age of consent if garbage. A garbage we need, unfortunately, because not all couples would be as sincere and as respectfull of one another like the one I just read it.
You people need to leve this stupid morality that dosent even fucking work, and actualy let people choose their fucking lives, be a underage with a poder person or all the other combinations.
If all the parties are sane, absolutely sure of it, and love one another, fuck it, just do it.
Age is just a fucking number. Time has passed to people to learn such a simple concept.

>> No.10038516

Dear lord, I hate my phone corrector só much.

>> No.10038518

>Your deepest fear
My friends/relatives discovering how much of a pervert I am
>Your darkest secret
I send dick pics to girls who have their snapchat in their Tinder bio, regardless of their age.
>Lease favorite /lit/ classic

>> No.10038523

Well, dear, society needs rules and leaders so these things don't happen, or happen as infrequently as possible. You are not virtuous for living in a shitty world. I didn't understand half your post though. Are you a female? What is your highest level of education or are you a non-native English speaker?

>> No.10038524

I identify with this post.

>> No.10038532

1. To turn into you
2. I'm in love with a girl
3. Kierkegaard

>> No.10038552

Why are you so hissy all of a sudden?
Does my personals will chance what I said?
Are you having troubles reading what I write? I doubt everyone is having trouble reading it.

Of course society needs rules, but let me tell you, that some of the rules working right now are realy stupid.
I dont want a stable society for the sakes of a stable society. I want a stable society for the sakes of individuals being able to achiev their fullest potencial, and several of those societal dogmas now-a-days are what kills many of those potencials.
Also, leaders arent supposed to be followed. They are supposed to be role models. Those who arent dont need to be leaders.

Lile I said: to many morals in a simples topic.
You constant necessity to invoke the "society rules" just shows me the average level of this argument.
Authority in itself isent a argument, usualy is more of a reason to go against it actualy.
There is a simples reason I say you people are being to noisy about stuff like this: you are way too full of mindless morals. There are young individuals who are able to do adult stuff. They may or may not be the norm, but they are out there, so they should be able to live as such.
Again, age is just a number, what matters is the individual wishes and habilitys. If he is 100% sure and 100% able, well, why hold it?
And again, like I said, unfortunately, the age of consent is a necessary evil, tho I will keep saying is a stupid necessary evil.
But I am sure that in a few centurys, people will be able to live their lifes fully, without stupid "rules" like this

>> No.10038569

This is kind of depressing since you clearly have about 5th grade education. Not sure how you made it here. And yes, I'm having trouble understanding what you're saying, but you didn't answer my questions so meh. 12 year old girls can't make their own decisions. Most 25 year old girls can't make their own decisions. You don't have a clue what's right and wrong though. Sorry your life's so fucked up. I hope you can get through it without fucking anyone else's up.

>> No.10038612
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1. Life continues as it is for many time
2. I wish I was a cute 15 y/o girl
3. Metamorphosis was pretty ok but nothing special, I mainly read pleb tier tho so maybe I am pleb tier

>> No.10038649

>Blood Meridian

>> No.10038741


>> No.10038839

>The judge did this and he did that and he did this and they rode and they did that and and and and and *inhales* and nigger and and [pointless spanish dialogue] and and Ye and they rode on and the judge spat and Ye.

Declarative statements and unevocative prose devoid of feeling sucks. Also the whole meaningless violence schtick did nothing for me because it was, well, meaningless. It reads in the style of what an elementary school student would
use when writing their "what did you do over the summer holidays" paper, with laundry lists of things they did, and so on; except with Blood Meridian it used big boy words.

>> No.10039285

Well you know what I mean, anon
I fear the inevitable

>> No.10039289

>becoming a failure in uni and then in life and never getting that qt gf
>i feel like i dont give a shit at all about all the people that love me
>the stranger

>> No.10039311

Don't worry about that specific fear, desu. Been there, done that. It's not that bad. I don't know how much it really troubles you, though, but there are much wide things out there.

>> No.10039313

Worse* damn autocorrect

>> No.10039441

losing my mental and physical faculties
I was raped repeatedly by a family friend until age 14. The experience left me impotent for life and I've resigned myself to a life of celibacy. My parents found out and punished 14 year old me, while the rapist got off scott free and is still living a good life.
>least favorite /lit/ classic
I don't like anything by Lovecraft.

>> No.10039449

>child abuse
Except we're still together, years later.
I didn't have sex with her until she was 16 which is legal here of course.
Excuse me, I was 24 when we started dating. I was 22 when her antics begun.

>> No.10039455


> That I will be remembered in accordance with the views of my enemies
> My fetishes probably have more to do with my preferences than anything else
> Infinite Jest

>> No.10039464

>no she didn't
What does 'breaking into my house to do house-wife things and then stay in my room watching TV or playing games' sound like to you, then, a loud "no!"?
Society is a demon. Why keep it?

>> No.10039469

why do people claim not to like rape but are fine when being pushed around in the subway or the bus; the latter is more assaulting on me

>> No.10039476

If a fucking baby touched your dick, would that mean you can fuck the baby? God you make me sick. I unironically wish death upon you.

>> No.10039483

You ever had a dick pushed into your unlubed 11 year old asshole? You really think getting pushed on the bus can compare to even 1/100th of the pain from that?

>> No.10039488

>a baby is the same thing as an adolescent
This is your brain on plebbit

>> No.10039544

1 death
2 i don't care about anyone who thinks i care about them
3 borges

>> No.10039570

real generic desu

>> No.10039610
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1. I cant remember
2. I cant remember
3. I cant remember

>> No.10039614

Hold on a second. I hear what you are saying but that 1/100th seems rather off. How big was said dick? and how would you know that person is having a good life?

>> No.10039618

I don't fucking know man. How hard were you pushed on the subway that you developed such an attitude towards it?

I found him on facebook about a year back. Everything seems great.

>> No.10039684

Not the same (you), anon.
I always felt lucky not being born a woman because of the higher RNG of getting mugged, beaten, blacked or killed on the streets. But I also think woman have it easier when those threats are not so prevalent region wise, like getting married and actually choosing who to spend their life with without worrying of courting or money and houses.
Either way, being a man doesn't mean you can't get terrible RNG and have a creepy uncle Tom.
Also, fb doesn't represent much of a persons life, that's why i asked. I mean, old friends have told me they respect me enough for not being a chad woman beater during high school years like their ex boyfriends used to when in reality i can't even ask a woman out without feeling utter despair. I couldn't tell them that while everybody in high school looked cool getting drunk and having sex in parties, i just wanted to hold hands with a cute, silent girl and be together living life peacefully.

>> No.10039727

I see. Although I'm pretty sure men are more likely to be the victims of most violent crimes than women.

I know FB isn't an indicator of happiness, but what this guy deserves is to be in jail. Having a FB to post on about his comfy life is more than what he should have. I'd report him but I live in a 3rd world shithole where rape is so prevalent, nobody's going to give half a shit about a 7 year old case.

>> No.10040148

>That's just an euphemism for pedophilia.
Let it be known that this man thinks that having sex with a 17 year, 11 month, 29 day old woman is the same as fucking a 5 year old choir boy.
Humanity and its biological tendencies precede the jews, you Australopithecus.

>> No.10040154

You would if it were legal.

>> No.10040178

>recovering meth addict
(1 year sober)
>Picture of Dorian Gray
naive and stupid ; a dangerous combination.
That fear is a real monster. Im watching my grandpa who was once a top physician slowly descend into alzheimers. Its terrifying what that disease can do to a man who was once so bright and happy. And what does that mean for me? He surely took better care of his mind than me - a recovering addict. Maybe my compulsive reading and exercise is based off of that fear.

It also brings to mind those videos (I hear they are animated pictures, but nevertheless) of Nietzche's last days in the mental hospital. Completely catatonic. One can only imagine what is happening inside of that mind.

>> No.10040237

Oh you are such a virtuous hero huh? Yea, like I said, 2 many morals, 2 sheltered, world way 2 pink
Cant stand your type of people honestely

>> No.10040689

god damn how did the parents blame you, and how is he living free? thats fucked up

>> No.10040818

They claimed I seduced him and he would never do such a thing out of his own free will. And he had groomed me so much that I didn't really try to refute this.

>> No.10040841

>becoming blind or being bedridden by a disease, basically being put into a situation where someone else has control over me
>i have sexual fantasies about my older sister. I also want to crossdress and be humiliated by someone
>the castle by kafka

>> No.10040881

>addiction or having fucked up impulses that i lose control of
>i keep my sexual perversions secret even from myself
>the great gatsby and the stranger

>> No.10040915

>1. Your deepest fear

That there's an afterlife.

>2. Your darkest secret

When I was in my early twenties, I started talking to these two 15 year olds online, and they invited me over, where they both blew me. I don't feel bad about it necessarily, because they were both totally willing, but it's just fucking weird now that I think about it.

>> No.10040938

>I slept with my parents (not sexually) until I was 15
>The Aeneid

>> No.10040982

Wait you are a girl ?

>> No.10040986

I'm a boy. That made it even worse because I was labelled a faggot by my parents.

>> No.10040992

you kinda are tho....

>> No.10041032

>losing a girl
>kissed a boy

>> No.10041040
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>living a boring, claustrophobic, loveless life and never finding some friends
>I used to have feelings for my best friend (we are both men, I'm straight)
>The Iliad (might give it another go though)

>> No.10041076

>1. Your deepest fear
Slugs and other slimy stuff. Might sound trivial but hey, at least I don't fear memes like death. Why would you guys bother to fear something unavoidable?

>2. Your darkest secret
Attempting to poison some annoying kid by mixing dishwasher into his drinks. I was young, and nothing happened.

>3. Least favorite /lit/ classic
Everything from DFW is close to shit-tier. Dostoyevsky is pretty overrated too, and obviously most Murican writers are mediocre at best.

>> No.10041079

i used to like chemical romance too, its ok, you'll get over it

>> No.10041104

1. Failure, stagnation and eventual death with no one remembering me. Also I may have bedbugs.

2. Sucked a dick once. Wasn't for me.

3. Some romantic stuff sucks. Waverley is kinda boring desu.

>> No.10041329

I couldn't bring myself to care about the castle either, stopped after 100 pages or so. I like the idea of reding kafka

>> No.10041402

guys pls don't use "faggot" that way. That's not nice

>> No.10041977
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>Falling from a great height
>I know about my fathers infidelities
>The Sound and the Fury

>> No.10041989

>1. Your deepest fear
Becoming severely crippled
>2. Your darkest secret
Probably that i have tried to commit suicide. Haven't told anyone about it.
>3. Least favorite /lit/ classic
Idk, probably Infinite Jest

>> No.10041990

1) That I am the trash I believe myself to be
2) Gay shit
3) C&P

>> No.10041992

>That /lit/ will find out my secret
>I haven't read any /lit/ classics

>> No.10041998

Looks like you're already a failure

>> No.10042016

1 spending most of my time on 4chan
2 I spend most of my time on 4chan
3 I dont read books

>> No.10042072

1. Excruciating physical pain
2. I have a messiah complex
3. Kafka and Proust

>> No.10042309


>> No.10042406 [DELETED] 

>Why would you guys bother to fear something unavoidable?
My explanation: we are desperately try to avoid it by any means possible, even by fear.

>> No.10042412

>I spend every night getting high and drunk
>The Chosen by Chaim Potok

>> No.10042418

>Why would you guys bother to fear something unavoidable?
My explanation: we desperately try to avoid it by any means possible, even by fear.

>> No.10042496

>unique fear:
incest with my mother
>generic fear
>generic fear v2
current life death = ultimate end/hell afterlife
>generic fear v3
living another second like this/life becoming worse
>darkest secret
When I was ~11 I had a huge crush on my 2nd cousin who was 4 years younger than me. Haven't seen her for more than 10 years, I don't know what'll happen when I see how puberty has struck her.
>least favourite /lit/ classic
Norwegian Wood

>> No.10042594

>what I wank to
>The Lord of the Flies

>> No.10042615

>pretty gay
> Cyrano

>> No.10042645

>Let it be known that this man thinks that having sex with a 17 year, 11 month, 29 day old woman is the same as fucking a 5 year old choir boy.
We're talking about a 12 year old anon.
Many 12 year olds haven't even entered puberty.

The whole ''but if her 18th birthday is tomorrow is it child abuse????'' thing is obviously a rhetorical artifice.

It would still be unappealing and insidious.

Touching is still child abuse. Enticing is still child abuse.

I don't know if it's the grammatical errors or the shallow platitudes regurgitated in every line, but you just give off that ''tfw to smart teen who just discovered Nietzsche'' kind of vibe.
Anyway, the point of the argument isn't even a moral one. ''Evil'' is not the same as ''bad'' and saying molesting a 12 year old is bad is a perfectly amoral claim. I honestly wouldn't even care to reply if he had admitted he chose to cause harm, but that whole happy ending to pedophilia thing ticks me off. And trust me, if I were talking to a moralistic prude I'd be defending pedos worldwide.

>> No.10042665

Many dogs have incurable diseases that make their life hell, so we should kill every dog.
No, she had entered puberty way before then, like MOST girls.
>touching is abuse
>enticing is abuse
>Anyway, the point of the argument isn't even a moral one
Wrong, you're only making moral claims.
> but that whole happy ending to pedophilia thing ticks me off.

>> No.10042727

>Many dogs have incurable diseases that make their life hell, so we should kill every dog.
You get an A for argumentative psychedelia.
What at a fucking argument...

>you're only making moral claims
Have you noticed you've only stated things in your entire post but didn't justify any of the statements? This is the equivalent of yelling ''no, you are!'' to an accusation. I can sort of understand now how you and a 12 year old would be on equal footing.

I've already said this, but I'll put it more clearly: to say an action is conducive to harm is not a moral claim. A moral claim would be ''punching a person is evil'' or ''punching a person is wrong'', while a completely amoral claim would be ''getting punched hurts''.

Groping is one of the most common forms of child abuse. I've heard numerous reports of people who suffered that kind of molestation, and were affected negatively by it both in childhood and later in adulthood.

I'm not a moralistic person. But I'm a person who gets peeved by hypocrites.

Haha, excuse me? I'm not even a feminist anon, what are you on about?

>> No.10042797

This isn't reddit, mate.
>to say an action is conducive to harm is not a moral claim.
Yes it is.

>> No.10043056
File: 1.16 MB, 3072x2304, 1489704662982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People finding out about my fetishes. Also, eternal recurrence

My sexual fetishes of course

critique of culture

>> No.10043058
File: 53 KB, 480x472, MaxStirnerInternetBadassClub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age of consents are a spook.

>> No.10043157

>Never having sex
>I've never had sex
>The 120 days of Sodom

>> No.10043255

But you absolutely can't, you know that you absolutely can't too, everything but making peace with it, sounds so masochistic. It's not too different from fearing the sun going down.

>> No.10043410

I read the whole thing. Im a big fan of his work and i really liked large portions in the book but it really bothered me how unfinished it felt.

>> No.10043446

Rationally, is there anything else that you should be scared of?

>> No.10043468

>many 12 year olds haven't even entered puberty
I can say with confidence that in western countries there are very few girls who haven't started puberty at 12. I met one who was 7 with breasts starting to grow and supposedly pubic hair (although she was a bit fat so it triggers sooner)

>> No.10043890

holy shit your parents are either some fucked up scumbags or youre lying

>> No.10044122 [DELETED] 
File: 495 KB, 1062x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death, like any brainlet
>I'm a pedophile, never acted on it, never even seen genuine cp, also kissless virgin (maybe bot dark, but socially unacceptable at my age)

>> No.10044522

>he thought policing anons on an indian carpentry forum

>> No.10044533

hey question for you m8tys. do you consider yourself gay? I have always wondered if faggots are the result of child abuses

>> No.10044546

>1. Your deepest fear
That big strong men will hold me down and suck my dick.
>2. Your darkest secret
that I'd like it
>3. Least favorite /lit/ classic
The Fault in our Stars

>> No.10044558

1. That my life will be like it is now forever and I don't actually have the stuff to move significantly beyond my station.
2. I get really turned on by rape fantasies. Sometimes I just like to lie in bed thinking about girls I know and what it would be like to violate them.
3. The Trial