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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 326 KB, 961x969, comment_PIkK3nQHmI3uCA6cmpXSJhjhPlUUumUc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10031287 No.10031287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what steps are your taking to grow your eccentric, intellectual persona?

Bought a moleskin, dived into "depression" and picked up smoking yet? No? You'll never make it.

>> No.10031311

why should i do this?

>> No.10031382

honest to god lad you've learned nothing from existentialism
"one must be absolutely modern"

>> No.10031457

>never make it
I recall this being a /fit/ meme but I still don't understand it

>> No.10031498

"Making it" means defeating whatever demons currently hold you back and achieving some sort of stability or happiness in your life. Different meaning for every person

>> No.10031507

>not coffee
Camus gave you one fucking job

>> No.10031515

What's the album on the bottom right?

>> No.10031518

Camus gives you a choice between coffee and suicide.
I support ops decision

>> No.10031520

>'one size fits all'

>> No.10031523

gybe, my man

>> No.10031546

Godspeed you! Black Emperor? Ty

>> No.10031552

:3 I like your style, have you read Gide?

>> No.10031553
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>this thread
go back to /fa/, immediately

>> No.10031564

>He wasn't born wearing an eccentric intellectual persona
When I was 9 years old I wore really pretentious clothes and I read Poe all the time. I even tried and failed at reading Ulysses.

People made fun of me at the time but now all the pseuds are doing it.

>> No.10031570
File: 119 KB, 750x936, DF7n6v2V0AAEPDC.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did this when I was thirteen, its ten years later and i know how retarded I was back then.

>> No.10031571

That's the band. The album is F#A#

>> No.10031582

>Pleb tier
Red wine
>Patrician tier

>> No.10031594

So when I moved into my house a previous tenant had left a bunch of his stuff there after his ex-wife kicked him out. A ton of shit, and he just threw most of it into a heap in the basement which none of my roommates have touched. I've barely even gone through all of it, and I've been living here for two years. Anyway, dude basically matches up with that image exactly. I've never net him and I hate him. I found four zippo lighters, tons of stupid-ass goth clothes like combat boots (dude has tiny-ass feet) and a fucking greatcoat. He left some books too: everything that Dostoevsky and Camus had ever written (including three copies of The Stranger), multiple copies each of Dracula and Frankenstein, and Modern Library's basic writings of Nietzsche and Jung. He also left comic books, mostly Bat Man stuff, and a lifetime supply of knock-off viagra. And more.

The only thing that doesn't fit perfectly is the music taste. He's into surf rock and psychobilly and other stuff like that.

>> No.10031607

Not yet. I'v been meaning to and have his complete works on my e-reader.

>> No.10031624

I'd rather be able to see thanks

>> No.10031691

I use a fountain pen and buy antiquary books and drink a fuckload of tea while translating or writing.

>> No.10031704

I never noticed Deathconsciousness in this image before. Great album.

>> No.10031707

the key is to be real handsome like me, but dress like a middle class ugly pleb ironically to laugh at the proles, then generally be funny and fun to be around so lots of girls always want to fuck you, but you dont really care because you know its all absurd. plus say some shut about spectacle/de bord to get em wet every once in a while. drinking red wine as a male under 30 in the united states while not 1)being with your parents or 2)being at a very nice restaurant means you are a faggot that does not get the best way to drink rotten plants

>> No.10031713

>red wine and cigarettes
>not absinthe and an opium pipe

Absolutely dilettante

>> No.10031720
File: 116 KB, 231x342, dying of laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cocaine and water

>> No.10031722

I'm literally the next Rimbaud, just haven't found a bald guy who'll finance my endeavors

>> No.10031723
File: 5 KB, 284x177, 11yearoldme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was eleven a friend and I had to do a school video project, and we decided to remake a video of us being two members from Areosmith. My friend choose the front man, which I wanted to be, and I ended up having to pretend I was the brooding guitarist. Never have I hated playing such a role as this.

>> No.10031724

not a speedball and beer

>> No.10031727

get out

>> No.10031733

We're all gonna to make it, brah, we're all gonna make it

>> No.10031734

Who is Chrysippus? Is there are way I could get into his works? Where should I start with him?

>> No.10031737


>> No.10031744


>hey I watched one doc about Camus and I live in a place that only grows corn. Want a tip of my jug?

Shouldn't y'all be pretending to be Kerkyahgaard?

>> No.10031746

I thought it just meant getting big. Physically for /fit/, intellectually for /lit/

>> No.10031751

>Elder patrician tier

>> No.10031754

it means we wont kill ourselves
we'll make it
we'll survive

>> No.10031755

>ill have a whiskey and a beer
bartender: what kind?
>whatever's cheapest
*nods with respect*
>pays cash

>> No.10031756

Is that how you're supposed to pronounce it? I thought it was kirkehgaard or probably keark-eh-gaard

>> No.10031759

Szören Kirkegárd

>> No.10031763

Nigga I don't know what those fucking moonrunes on top of the letters are supposed to mean

>> No.10031770


>> No.10031773


If you remove the first "e" from Kierkegaard, you get the Danish word for graveyard.

>> No.10031774

Seh-rehn Keer-keh-gohr

>> No.10031784

But it's KierKEgaard, so why the "kah"

You better be fucking baiting me, because if this is true I'm going to take a leap, but not of faith, just into the sea

This I can agree with. Does the dot moonrune mean "ah"?

>> No.10031797

Don't forget to frequently name-drop famous patrician authors but mainly from their lesser known works.

Also pick a famous pulpy or genre fiction writer, preferably one who has published many books, then read all their books 3 times and become affectedly defensive of their obvious genius and forward thinking.

Never argue specifics. Only extreme broad brush arguments that indirectly and tangentially touch on the arguments you are up against. Even better if you can name-drop fictional works as you do it. For example, someone argues for energy price caps in the UK for homeowners? Argue against the application of scientific principles to the economy, bring up Dostoevsky's crystal palace references.

Feel free to argue about economics in public but NEVER EVER bring up numbers, statistics, real life evidence, models, or any theory after 1960. Use at least one of "surplus" or "hysteresis".

>> No.10031798

not baiting you

>> No.10031801

i unironically do this

now i'm insecure
damn you lit

>> No.10031804


scandianvian authority

>> No.10031807


>> No.10031819
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>Not petrol and meth

>> No.10031822
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record me a nice message :3

like say i have good taste in books or that my personality is, essentially, that of a Byronic hero

>> No.10031824

>not tea and biscuits

>> No.10031825


>> No.10031829
File: 46 KB, 500x372, 1499869176187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spelt soren but seh-rehn
>no D even though there's a different at the end
Fuck this shit, I'm going to pretend I've never read Kierkegaard so I don't have to say his name

>> No.10031830
File: 180 KB, 1094x820, Qr9EA6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are brits so flavourless?
i mean this in the wider regard

do you not ever want to just mess your hair about and think of something other then the Queen when having coitus?

>> No.10031832

whats the best way to drink rotten plants?

>> No.10031837

here friendo >>10031825

>> No.10031839

For that reason, I masturbate to sexually confused college boys in stockings and panties who suck dicks on camera until they realize that they might be straight after all; but at that point, the man they're sucking pulls the panties aside and creams in their ass, making the 19 year old boy cry from embarassment. I am a proud existentialist.

>> No.10031840

>For example, someone argues for energy price caps in the UK for homeowners? Argue against the application of scientific principles to the economy, bring up Dostoevsky's crystal palace references.

If this happened in the context of journal I would think someone just wants to get published, and if in a regular conversation, I'd think they were redirecting the argument to ground they were more comfortable with themselves.

I don't think people like this (classic-hipster?) get into Real arguments anyhow.

>> No.10031841

We save up that kind of thing for the weekend when everyone gets twatted.

Seriously, Britain on Friday and Saturday nights is virtually post-apocalyptic. You might understand if you've ever seen a Brit on holiday.

>> No.10031842


>> No.10031843

I'm not British, I just enjoy tea a lot.

>> No.10031845

Will we? I'm losing hope, anon.

>> No.10031846

Please I'd like more contex to this

>> No.10031849

Got any of those videos on hand, buddy?

>> No.10031852

This is despairingly accurate

>> No.10031853

while resistant to define myself essentially, and all too aware of the negative traits this suggests of me, with a wry smile i must agree.
but this is all i care to talk about upon the topic of myself.

>> No.10031854
File: 3 KB, 106x110, 1505477594210_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.10031857


>> No.10031858

I've mostly achieved it, as much as one can as an undergrad. Pic related was something I made for an /fa/ thread a few days ago.

>> No.10031859


>> No.10031866
File: 740 KB, 1239x878, 1505238821172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw too retarded to attach a picture to my post.

>> No.10031869

u 4got

>> No.10031886

dont be; thats the credited move

>> No.10031887
File: 148 KB, 465x700, 1307502894524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that "accomplished philosophy student that also does heroin on the weekends"-look? quel chic

>> No.10031888

Tired of being a basic ass existentialist white dude, I've decided to become ''woke'' and embrace my marginalised identity as a genderfluid latinx(grandma on dad's side is Mexican). You see, Identity politics is an inagotable source of socially recognised authenticity. I am a post human brand entity maximising its social capital ha ha ha.

>> No.10031891

Do you actually do heroin?

>> No.10031893

or you could just stop being basic, and become the next zizek or w/e

>literally blaming others for your lack of originality

>> No.10031895

This truly is the worst of all possible timelines

>> No.10031971

Zizek hasn't even trascended muh cartesian subject yet. communicative capitalism 2017 AD is the lamest imaginable cyberpunk dystopia and to be honest I'm loving every bit of it. Nietszchean joy in affirmation, dude. intersectional feminism is a codeword for Deleuzo Nietszchean antihumanism.

>> No.10032135

I never understood cigarettes
I know the meme is the whole Vonnegut slow suicide thing here, but I've smoked cigs, cigars, and hookah and none of it affected me in a way any stronger than a cup of coffee. Does the relief and good feeling only come once you're dependent on nicotine and satisfying cravings?

>> No.10032138

who is this qtp2t

>> No.10032150


I actually have a pair of boots very similar to those. They're great. I preferred yellow camels too, but since they've become to mainstream hipster I've switched to Davidoff Classics, the true hipster cigarette.

>> No.10032157

I talk to a lot of people and make friends.

>> No.10032160

You forgot my black turtleneck

>> No.10032173

>I never understood cigarettes
It's commodity fetishism dude. 'Starter Pack' memes are folk devotional objects for internet dwelling commodity fetishists. The commodities pictured in the meme are imbued with an intangible aura of Identity one can partake of via consumption, be it actual or purely imagined consumption.

>> No.10032176
File: 133 KB, 1310x779, philosopher's jumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a generic black turtleneck, and not a verified Philosopher's Jumper®? take a look at this loser

>> No.10032177

>for internet dwelling commodity fetishists
Remove the internet, this phenomenon precedes the digital era

>> No.10032189


What does a single goddam thing here have to do with Existentialism?
This goes for the whole thread for that matter.

>> No.10032190

Now maybe, but for centuries now the majority of males from all walks of life have smoked some form of tobacco regularly. Why? Is it just a comforting action that eventually turns into a dependence? Is there something about me that gives me less of a buzz and doesn't make it worth it? Is it the social aspect of smoking with others?

>> No.10032208
File: 163 KB, 1370x1393, aidsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy one if they had a turtleneck version. Otherwise I can't copy based aidsman.

>> No.10032293

smoking is yucky

>> No.10032313

>Is there something about me that gives me less of a buzz

Probably. My brother of the same way. I get a formidable box from one cigarette especially after drinking.

>> No.10032324

the internet kicked it into hyperdrive though.

>> No.10032329

True, the internet kicked a lot of stuff into hyperdrive