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10027796 No.10027796 [Reply] [Original]

How is it possible that billions of people have misunderstood the literary device of metaphor in the Bible?

The Holy Spirit figuratively inseminates Mary, a sign of the beginning of her spiritual life. This is represented by the arrival of Christ. How is this spiritual birth conflated with a literal virgin birth? Are people just morons? Did the ancients not count on us being so stupid? Critical reading / Heresy general.

>> No.10027821

There were pathologically moronic edgy materialists even in New Testament days, I guess they just didn't give a shit about these groups. They couldn't guess they would become so popular and widespread in the future.

>> No.10027827

The ancients were not that clever.

The 'virgin birth' myth is nothing but copy-pasted straight from the Persian myth of Zoroaster's virgin birth. The Bible is a semi-literate mishmash of non-original myths, stories, and hearsay from various stone-age middle-eastern societies.

To think that one should lead one's life, or indeed, lead entire nations, by this nonsense is, truly, the greatest travesty of all time.

>> No.10027841
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I could kiss you.

>> No.10027846

Jesus = Son of God, manifested through the human womb of Mary = Asexual conception
Jesus = Joseph's son, born of Joseph's spoog in Mary's vagoo

Pick one

>inb4 Jesus being God's son is just a metaphor xDD

>> No.10027851

They were clearly cleverer than you. What about something being non-original makes it invalid? The entirety of culture and civilization is copying what works best. I guess algebra is nonsense as well? You are incapable of basic reasoning.

>To think that one should lead one's life, or indeed, lead entire nations, by this nonsense is, truly, the greatest travesty of all time.
This sentence is barely literate.

>> No.10027870

Not the right word.

If you think that sentence is incomprehensible, then I regret to inform you that you are, indeed, retarded.

>> No.10027878

>What about something being non-original makes it invalid?
Well, to put aside for a moment the fact that virgin births are biologically impossible, if a myth has been clearly copied wholesale from another culture, then it cannot possibly be true - either Zoroaster is in the story, or Jesus. Or are virgin births more common than the already scientifically impossible?

> copying what works best
How does perpetuating the myth of a virgin-birth help societies to 'work best'? If the entire rigmarole were completely omitted from the Bible, the same religion would be upon us.

> I guess algebra is nonsense as well?
No, because algebra is testable and predictable; and, get this, *usable*. Virgin births are not.

> This sentence is barely literate.
Too many commas for you? It's fine, you cretin.

>> No.10027879

You are, incapable, of forming, a non-retarded sentence. Which makes you, barely literate.

>> No.10027881

Read the gnostic texts.

>> No.10027883

>They were clearly cleverer than you
You're the invalid here, anon. Pray and go to sleep

>> No.10027895
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>tries to pseud his way through
>virgin births, like, work best for civilization


>and again

>> No.10027898

>Well, to put aside for a moment the fact that virgin births are biologically impossible, if a myth has been clearly copied wholesale from another culture, then it cannot possibly be true - either Zoroaster is in the story, or Jesus. Or are virgin births more common than the already scientifically impossible?
Why are you posting in a thread without reading the OP? The myths are metaphors for spiritual life. They were never supposed to be literally believed. You're carrying on some ridiculous strawman argument as if anyone literally believes in Christianity here. You aren't Christopher Hitchens, you're a self-righteous moron.

>If the entire rigmarole were completely omitted from the Bible, the same religion would be upon us.
Absolute idiocy. I don't think intellectualism is your forte.

>Too many commas for you? It's fine, you cretin.
Its complete shit. Wouldn't even pass community college writing courses.

>> No.10027913

>Pick one

Spontaneous asexual conception is impossible in humans.
>cue thousands of years of long beard faggots arguing this nonsense story is proof of God's omnipotence

I choose Jesus the myth as the Judeo-Hellenic idealized Mary Sue version of Socrates. Instead of finding answers by participating in dialogue, Jesus is invented as a platform for broadcasting the rhetoric of Jewish platonists. Philosophical inquiry is impossible to practice with the illiterate, stinking poor. Truth cannot be found by unreasonable people, they don't have the tools. They must have the right answers given to them, so that one day generations from now their childrens lives might be improved and a just, enlightened state made possible.

>> No.10027918

Its metaphorical for spiritual life and reawakening. Yes, it has worked best for Western civilization. You are utterly pseud and pleb if you can't understand the history of western spirituality leading into philosophy and science.

>> No.10027922

Yeah, cool story. Except that's not what you said.

Literally go read ur bibble someplace where the pseuds like to linger ;)

>> No.10027926

Get over yourself.

My original point, if you'd care to read it, was that the ancients were not that clever in employing the metaphor. They included some half-heard story about Zoroaster in their work, but obviously changed the person. To think that this is some new-age gnostic bullshit would be to overestimate severely 99% of the Bible's actual readership. They meant it literally.

On the second point: if the virgin-birth myth was excluded, then it would have had no effect on the religion at all. It's a silly story included for the amusement of simple stone-age peasants, nothing more.

> Its complete shit. Wouldn't even pass community college writing courses.
Look to yourself, first.

>> No.10027933

>doubles down on virgin births being good for civilization
>DEFCON 2: pseud
>DEFCON 1:... pleb
>western spirituality led to science

Kek. This is excellent.

More please.

>> No.10027937

>85% of the New Testament is about works being combined with faith
>"I dipped in the water and now I am saved :^)"

>> No.10027949

>Spontaneous asexual conception is impossible in humans.
Cool, so you don't believe the story.
Real interesting.
It's a story. The point being that something happened in it which is otherwise impossible, and is therefore notable.
Of course it's not biologically possible you dunce.
That doesn't mean it was intended as a metaphor

>> No.10027957

So what makes Jesus' metaphor more meaningful to human 'spirital life and reawakening' than Zoroaster's? Why don't we now praise Zoroaster's good works and deeds? And try to lead our lives like him?

No reason at all.

A good story, of whatever origin, is good for human spirituality: whether Jesus' resurrection, Baldur's death, Horus and Set, or Iron Man and Captain America.

That doesn't mean we should live our lives by the word and letter of these stories.

>> No.10027958

Sermon on the Mount was literally a list of community rules to build a better state. That prayer witchcraft and submersion vodun exists in the Church is entirely -- ENTIRELY -- a product of the ignorant scrubs who incorporated those rituals because they didn't know any better and humans have a psychological need to make things 'clean/sacred'.

>> No.10027967

The metaphor of the virgin birth is from Egyptian mythology, much closer to the Levant than Iran. You're ignorant even in your self-righteous pseudo-intellectual dismissal. Jesus' life is common to pretty much all spiritual teachers right across to India.

>To think that this is some new-age gnostic bullshit
No one said that. Spiritual life is as old as mankind, as far as we can tell. It has nothing to do with new-age anything.

>It's a silly story included for the amusement of simple stone-age peasants, nothing more.
The New Testament wasn't written in the stone age. Why am I arguing with someone without even a middle school level historical knowledge?

>On the second point: if the virgin-birth myth was excluded, then it would have had no effect on the religion at all.
I'd stop pretending you have knowledge of things you clearly don't, because it makes you sound like an utter moron. The entire basis of the virgin birth and Jesus being God incarnate is the central basis of Christianity. The virgin birth was probably the preeminent mythology of the middle ages and the early modern west. Mary is the most influential figure in Christianity outside of Jesus.

>> No.10027969

So... the Holy Spirit can cum? What's His cum like? What's its taste?

>> No.10027976

Are you really attempting to dismiss western science beginning in universities in order to comprehend God's universe? Its basic historical understanding that only new atheist morons dismiss.

>> No.10027992

>That doesn't mean we should live our lives by the word and letter of these stories.
Where did I say we should? Why are you new atheist people always making stupid strawman arguments? I thought you like logic and stuff. Centuries of western spirituality found it the best metaphor, that's a historical fact.

>Why don't we now praise Zoroaster's good works and deeds? And try to lead our lives like him?
Because Western civilization developed from Christianity, not Zoroastrianism? Once a way of thinking is ingrained in culture for so long, Zoroaster is just foreign to your culture and not applicable in the same way.

>Iron Man and Captain America
Now you're just being a moron.

>> No.10028013

> Spiritual life is as old as mankind
I don't disagree with this. But for you to suggest that *this* myth has any relation to this spirituality is severely misplaced. What's it a metaphor for? Why couldn't they have explained it more clearly, or indeed, not used the myth of another neighbouring nation at all?

> wasn't written in the stone age
Hyperbole, friend. The average reader of/listener to the Bible would have been, if not the minute minority of actual literate clergy, the near-stone-age peasant. This story, just like the clickbait of today, is there to amuse the easily-amused.

> The entire basis of the virgin birth and Jesus being God incarnate is the central basis of Christianity.
Then why does Christianity base its entire raison d'être on the myth of another religion? Surely the church fathers should have known that, once this had become known, Christianity would be accused of plagiarism; and then the virgin-birth story could not possibly be 'true', in any sense - metaphorically related to Christianity, or literally related to Jesus' conception.

> Where did I say we should?
Thou shalt not, thou shalt not.., thou shalt not...
Not 'you' specifically, but this religion and its god do like to tell people what they can and can't do. Or... you'll burn until the end of time, ... but he still loves you, because he's all-forgiving, unless you... blah blah.

> Because Western civilization developed from Christianity, not Zoroastrianism?
Ah, so Christianity isn't actually *true*? It's just a cultural development? I'm glad we agree.

The morals and ethics of a modern super-hero movie are a million-times more commendable than the barbaric nonsense in half the bible.

>> No.10028017
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>To think that one should lead one's life, or indeed, lead entire nations, by this nonsense is, truly, the greatest travesty of all time.

But that is actually why NT myth was created. See:

You think it's just an accident of ignorance that Jesus is a dying-and-rising god? (OP's pic) No, attaching the philosophy of the day to these myths was quite intentional and necessary to creating a viral meme.

>> No.10028027

Suggesting that the scientific method originated from "spirituality" is silly. It's a tenuous logical connection at best: one is based on empiricism and the other on faith, so surely the traditions of skepticism and rationality have a better claim to science's inception?

Equally, the scientific method sprouted up in the Islamic and Hindu and Incan worlds, so it could just as easily and lazily be argued that "science" began in order to comprehend Inti or Vishnu... Mary's magical womb was nowhere to be found.

>> No.10028039

> attaching the philosophy of the day to these myths was quite intentional and necessary to creating a viral meme.
Of course. But why meme-ify something if it isn't true? Surely the 'truth' will be arrived at whether memed or not?

They needed clickbait for their philosophy, and they picked a Persian story to do so.

>> No.10028044

>It's a tenuous logical connection at best: one is based on empiricism and the other on faith, so surely the traditions of skepticism and rationality have a better claim to science's inception?

Moron, you're thinking of the medieval Scholastics. Men of faith who invented the modern world by their skepticism and rationality. Faith allowed them to exist in society, fed them and clothed them, and protected them from political or heretical persecution.

>> No.10028045

Modern science arose out of the clergy-inhabited universities simply because that's where intelligent, literate people were based.

Not because theology somehow 'spawned' science.

>> No.10028046

Y'all motherfuckers need to quit your belly-aching and read your Cicero and Lucretius

Come on now I thought this board was for people who started with the Greeks (and progressed with the Romans)

>> No.10028049

You still haven't shown how "spirituality" kick-started science. All you've said is that spiritual people can be scientific.

>> No.10028052

>Surely the 'truth' will be arrived at whether memed or not?

As I said, truth can't be found by the average pigfucker. They are not philosophers and can't into dialectic. They needed the truth handed to them. Even so, the NT fell as pearls before swine you know. Witness the atheists and rosary-clutchers today.

>> No.10028063

Greek peasants were grappling with democracy, rights, and ontology a good 400 years before this Christian nonsense came along.

The perpetuation of a Persian myth is meant to ease the peasant's burden about the concept of an incarnate god? Bullshit. Or perhaps, bullshit for Western civilisation; and ok enough for the mystic bullshit of the middle-east.

Christianity retarded Western thought for centuries.

>> No.10028096

>Greek peasants were grappling with democracy, rights, and ontology a good 400 years before this Christian nonsense came along.

You're right, of course. But the Greeks also honored the gods, and their fanciful retellings of the internal human psychodrama make Jesus and the Christian philosophy of /agape/ look like hard science. 'Christian nonsense' was not the product of philosophers, but rather misguided thinkers -- "theologians" -- coerced into observing a Right Opinion lest they be tied to the rack. The mysteries of the religion are just that. Holdovers from ancient days.

>Christianity retarded Western thought for centuries.

It's a wash. The Church and its apparatus in client states tabooed certain paths of inquiry, but it was also a refuge for thinkers and preserved the knowledge of the past. We would not know our ancient history today without the Church.

>> No.10028272


>The ancients were not that clever.

Yes they were, Plato's cave is an example of an ancient allegory describing man's introduction to the metaphysical world. Plato described a complex system of metaphysics long before Christianity.

>> No.10028297

>But for you to suggest that *this* myth has any relation to this spirituality is severely misplaced.
I don't even know what you mean now. The central myth of Christianity isn't related to Christianity? What its a metaphor for is explained directly in the OP.

>Hyperbole, friend
Why are you using idiotic hyperbole commonly used by teenagers on the internet which is masking actual ignorance of history?

>he average reader of/listener to the Bible would have been, if not the minute minority of actual literate clergy, the near-stone-age peasant. This story, just like the clickbait of today, is there to amuse the easily-amused.
Somehow average people didn't have a spirituality and psychology? Pseudo-aristocratic middle class assumptions are useless here. Plagiarism is a modern concept, religion and mythology being interrelated to the past and neighbors was always known. Even Herodotus wrote about this. Religion and culture aren't capable of plagiarism because that's an academic concept. Do I have to explain how culture works to you? Something being common to religion and spirituality doesn't invalidate it. You are not very intelligent.

>Not 'you' specifically,
Then why are you acting as if I argued it? I'm not interested in you strawmanning religion.

>Ah, so Christianity isn't actually *true*? It's just a cultural development? I'm glad we agree.
What a pompous faggot. Do you think you're an atheist hero debating le evil Christian?

>The morals and ethics of a modern super-hero movie are a million-times more commendable than the barbaric nonsense in half the bible.
Ridiculous. "Superheros" destroy more people and cities in these dumb movies than the Old Testament.

>> No.10028306

Early modern scientists literally stated in their writings that their discoveries were inspired by God. This goes all the way up to Kurt fuckin Godel who believed science would prove God. Just because you personally dislike something doesn't make it untrue. You're the one making tenuous connections.

>> No.10028312

The clergy created those universities. You're arguing against yourself for some reason. Without religion modern science wouldn't exist.

>> No.10028326

Christlarpers don't care and change their stance three times any given response but anyway:
The virgin birth is based on a mistranslation from hebrew to greek. The hebrew text reads young woman. Since the majority of early christian communities were jewish diasporas who used the septuagint they assumed the messiah had to be virgin born and thus added the birth thingy Mark and Mathew didn't.
Now you may say septuagint has the correct reading and masoretic is false but all the older manuscripts contain readings from both so we can't even tell for sure what the original text is or says.

Also you christlarpers wouldn't know but the bible itself several times rejects a moral allegorical interpretation. And at least once you get to revelations all this crap flys out the window. Oh and btw. Everybody knows you're larping. You don't seem pious. Just pathetic.

>> No.10028362

>The virgin birth is based on a mistranslation from hebrew to greek.
The fuck? The Gospels were written in Greek.

Matthew has the virgin birth, what are you on about? What translation from Hebrew to Greek are you referring to? The Q source? It isn't extant. Mark was written in Greek, as were Luke and Matthew. Christianity was created by Greek speaking Hebrew-ethnic people in the Roman Empire.

Are you "larping" as a mentally retarded person?

>> No.10028449

The prophecies. Every christian would have understood at the second I mentioned septuagint and masoretic.

>Are you "larping" as a mentally retarded person?

>> No.10028465

>Without religion modern science wouldn't exist.
Prove it.

>> No.10028473


Not him, but wasn't modern science invented by Aristotle? And weren't Aristotle's works preserved by Christian monks, who revered him?

>> No.10028477
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>> No.10028479

>The Holy Spirit figuratively inseminates Mary, a sign of the beginning of her spiritual life.
>He doesn't believe in the Immaculate Conception
Mary was born without original sin, and this is a Catholic board.

>> No.10028499


Fun fact:

The oldest of the four canonical gospels (Gospel of Mark) doesn't include anything about Jesus' birth at all. The younger gospels do, but that's due to Christian history and certain cultural misunderstandings.
The biggest one of them is the meaning of the word "son of god". "Son" isn't necessarily meant as a statement about genetic relationship in the Jewish culture - it can also mean something like a chosen representative or governor. Israel for example is refered to as the "son of god" in the Tanakh multiple times, just because it's god's chosen people (not because Israel is of divine nature or even something like an aspect of god). Calling Jesus the "son of god" is originally meant the same way especially among Judeo-Christians.

The doctrine of Trinity wasn't established until Christianity encountered Greek philosophy and culture, and it took until the 4th century (First Council of Nicaea) until it became orthodoxy. (You might speculate about it's origins, but there aren't many usable source texts - Neoplatonism must have played a key role in this developement).

Therefore, Jesus as god's divine son and all the surrounding stories and justifications with the focus on Jesus' birth (virgin birth, Holy Spirit comming on Mary, Wise men from the East) are products of the history of Christianity - originally, they are not it's core. The doctrine of Trinity on the other hand is a very elaborated and subtle philosophical concept - and you might very well argue about it's consistency.

>> No.10028503

>Mary was born without original sin
It never says this. And she's not even MC in any of the new testament books.

>> No.10028523

>relying on the bible as the main text of the faith
>Protestant doesn't understand what Protestants were protesting against
>>>/x/ is the nonCatholic board

>> No.10028531

Give it up man, you're in the wrong here and you keep embarrassing yourself.

>> No.10028540

>wasn't modern science invented by Aristotle? And weren't Aristotle's works preserved by Christian monks
Aristotle held science back because retarded Christian philosophers took his word as law despite there being many scientific flaws in it.

Francis Bacon, Descartes, and Galileo started modern science because they were the first ones to call him out on his bullshit

>> No.10028544

I know what septuagint and masoretic are. Are you referring to Isaiah? Why not say Isaiah? Is your entire point that there are inconsistencies between the Old and New and the writers of the New are inventive? Is this some kind of revelation? Your entire argument is just differences between different texts. Whats the point? You even got it wrong that Matthew doesn't have the virgin birth, and you're supposed to be a scholar?

>> No.10028548

Can you explain how I'm in the wrong? Create an argument.

>> No.10028555

That does not prove religion saved science.

>> No.10028568

Well the muslims did keep the Greeks safe while Christians were burning them, before giving them back so we'd have a repertoire when the Muslims started burning them. #alexandria #neveragain

>> No.10028571

I dont have to, I have faith in it.

>> No.10028572

Religious motivation created those universities that modern science was invented in, and most early modern scientists reference inspiration from God. Even in the east, Islamic scholarship created places of learning where Plato and Aristotle were translated to add to the wisdom. Society before modernity was organized around religion, where else do you think it would've come from? Magic?

>> No.10028576

So you're just a strawmanning retard? Good to know.

>> No.10028579


Let's settle down, boys.

I think he's referring to 'alma in the Masoreric text being rendered as parthenos in the LXX. Whereas 'alma most frequently carries the connotation of young woman, parthenos primarily means virgin. The prophecy in Isaiah changes, then, when rendered in Greek.

>> No.10028582


>> No.10028584

I know what he's referencing. He thinks he's a textual scholar but claims Matthew doesn't contain an account of the virgin birth.

>> No.10028588

>And weren't Aristotle's works preserved by Christian monks
They were originally preserved by Muslims which were the most advanced western civilisation at that time. But philosophers (and philosophy/reasoning) became more and more obsolete in Islamic countries, until the sharia was fixated and the "doors to Ijtihad" (independent reasoning) were closed in the 13th century. Muslims just opted to succumb themselves to tradition instead of reasoning and progress.

Despite being pretty much ignored in Islam, Muslim philosophers like Avicenna and Averroes influenced Christianity deeply. Averroes was even refered to simply as "the philosopher" due to his commentaries on Aristotle (later on Aristotle became "the philosopher").

>> No.10028591

So you weren't attempting a silly dismissal that you have faith in something making it true, in an attempt to say I was making a similar argument because I was defending Christianity?

>> No.10028596

>The oldest of the four canonical gospels (Gospel of Mark)

Here's where I knew that you had know idea what you were talking about.

>> No.10028613
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For many seducers are gone out into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh: this is a seducer and an antichrist.

>> No.10028619

>Too lazy or stupid to even check a basic encyclopedia before shitposting
Why are people in such a hurry to embarrass themselves, nowadays? I mean, really?

>> No.10028627

So you admit you are parroting the opinion of biased scholars working on tenuous assumptions?

>> No.10028637
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>> No.10028646

>ur an idiot

This is how academia responds when its dogmas are called out.

>Mark is the oldest because it's the shortest one lol ;p

>> No.10028648


People should know the meaning of words before they are allowed to post in this board.

>> No.10028654

I really hope you're trying to troll...

>> No.10028655

They're biased because you disagree with them. Every Christian does this shit. If they're presented with proof or argument they call it biased.

>> No.10028657

How was it not a strawman? It was a direct response to a request for argument and attempted to make a statement about a supposed argument I was making that I was not in fact making.

>> No.10028688

What proof or argument has been presented?

>> No.10028703
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Paul is pretty clear that we're to take everything about the Incarnation and the Resurrection literally, OP. And his letters are the oldest things in the New Testament.

>> No.10028719

He was saying he has faith in the fact that your statements about literacy made NO sense, and you asking for an argument about WHY they made no sense was ridiculous. And then you proved it 1000x more by misunderstanding strawmanning. You honestly have a shitty grasp of the English language, or REALLY below average reading comprehension, that was all this little sideshow was about. If you are convinced this is not true of yourself, chalk it up to a stupid mistake on your part and leave it alone. You fucked up.

>> No.10028767

Check a fucking encyclopedia article!
Check the fucking sources of said encycolpedia article!
Check the fucking sources of the sources of said encyclopedia article!
Enough proof and argument?
That's what's called fucking science you fucking moron.
A lot of people dedicated their life to researching stuff like that, and they were fucking rigid and critical with their own opinions, because all they wanted to know was the truth.

But you fucking moron just show up and tell all of them you know better. Why? Because... well, were's your proof and argument?
A well...
>Mark is the oldest because it's the shortest one lol ;p
Yeah, that's what's actually called a strawman, you fag. Noone actually said it, but hey, all who didn't say it are biased because you're so fucking clever, huh?
You don't invest time in anything, you just show up and know better. A natural genius, huh.
Get off of /lit and never come back, you don't have a clue about fucking anything, not even the absolute basics. You're just a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
I can't even tell how people like you piss me off.

>> No.10028772

He was following the earlier argument, and assumed I was some hardcore Christian. He said "have faith in it" in reference to that, which is a strawman. How is that hard to understand? Are you dumb?

>> No.10028776

>duh ancients wuz dumb
>proceeds to spout tired old cliches

>> No.10028815

Even if it was a reference to an earlier point, it is not a strawman to turn someones own logic back on them. He never said it was the ONLY point in the earlier argument. It was not a false representation of anything, give it up.

>> No.10028900
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WEW angry 13 year old detected

>> No.10028940

So, in other words, you are dumb? Good to know. If the person never used that logic and you are inferring that they did, and I did not, its called a strawman.

>> No.10028992

I never said they did, I said they were simply asking you were confused because you were. You were the only who read a whole previous argument into it, and that was still wrong. You didn't know what strawman meant, it's ok buddy.

>> No.10028996

I know its you who made that post and its funny you're pretending to be someone else defending it, which means you know you were wrong and straw manning and actually embarrassed by anonymous post on 4chan. Why not just not make stupid straw man arguments in the future?

>> No.10029004

Funny how you need to believe that to feel OK about yourself.


>> No.10029005
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You were a fucking tool, just get over it and be better in the future.

>> No.10029015
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Am I the only one who thinks, this is just a troll thread?

>> No.10029028

>what is IP change
Plus you didn't even reply to the original strawman post. You realize you have the same turns of phrase? Its an easy investigation. Why not just admit you're a strawmanner?

>> No.10029057

OP here. Not trolling, am genuine heretic curious what /lit/ thinks.

>> No.10029073

What fucking post are you even referring to? You seem to think the whole thing was linked in a big chain when it wasn't.
This is the first post on that chain, and nowhere along it is there a legitimate strawman at all. This
>>10028582 was my first post in the thread. If you need to create a large conspiracy about it then you are one insecure fuck.

>> No.10029086

Then its established you have no idea what you are talking about, since the person I responded to with the strawman accusation was very clearly using a strawman.

>> No.10029094

Nah, you're a heel-digging stubborn fool. Plenty of them around. You can change if you want.

>> No.10029098
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As a Catholic, my response is that we know certain things in the Bible aren't metaphors because they've never been taught as metaphors. So, in this instance, Tradition is relied upon to interpret Scripture, where taking Scripture all by itself might lead to the interpretation of which you speak. This is part of why Tradition and Scripture carry equal weight in the Church.

>> No.10029099
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Remember /lit/:
Even if you don't believe in God, God believes in you.

>> No.10029101

I already know catholics believe Mary was as spotless as Jesus. I already know catholics are wrong. I already know what protestants were protesting against catholics for.

>hurr no protestants in my /lit/, go to /x/

>> No.10029110

Pretty obviously a strawman, mate. Using a dismissive made up opinion and sarcastically pretending your opponent holds that opinion is clearly a strawman. Why are you interested in denying basic reality? Because you personally dislike how I post?

>> No.10029116

>Using a dismissive made up opinion and sarcastically pretending your opponent holds that opinion.
This never happened. He had faith that your use of language was mistaken.

>> No.10029122


see: >>10028477

>> No.10029145

He was clearly using the faith thing to denigrate someone perceived as being a Christian. Its plainly obvious.

>> No.10029151

Show me the post that was being stawmanned. The post where you said or implied you didn't need to use an argument because you had faith.

>> No.10029162

I didn't imply that, he implied I did, which is what makes it a strawman in the first place. Jesus, you are dense.

>> No.10029182

Strawmanning requires a point or a position in the argument to misrepresent. You didn't have this. He only stayed he was faithful that your mistake with language was so obvious he did not need to argue against it. There was no mention of a similar position earlier. If you're reading more into his post, fine, and you might be right. But it's not a strawman and for you to claim it is does you no favours. Learn to argue.

>> No.10029326
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This is exactly what is wrong with the Church in my opinion. That traditions instituted by political compromise and appeasement in a pan-European sect and then carried foward by anti-intellectual inertia were given any weight at all is a mistake. The political machinery involved in who gets to be a saint or bishop, which doctrines should become the official policy of the Church, and what heresies are forgiven or even adopted for profit (magical medallions ahem i mean sacraments, indulgences, etc). These are the works of base politicians, not philisophers of a divine office.

Don't get me wrong, I see great value in Christian philosophy and understand the march of aesthetics - every generation has its own unique interpretation of past works and even the ultraconservative Catholic church is not immune. The point made earlier about Mary being without original sin is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. It's not in the text, or even implied. It is a conclusion made by theologians who lived in a particular time and political climate, and only understood Christian doctrine through that lens. The same brought us Lutheranism and the C of E.

The goatfuckers at Fatima and the half-mad Catherine Laboure may represent Tradition, and these testimonies are temporally useful to the Chuch, but they should not be given the same audience as Augustine or Aquinas. Tbhwyfamilia these superstitions should be excised from the Church so that it may ennoble man again.

>> No.10029378

My question is, how does looking at the Bible as metaphorical make it any more credible or true? You could look at any old text like the Odyssey or the Quran or even a book like Moby Dick or Crime and Punishment for fuck's sake and find metaphors and life lessons in any of them. This is exactly what I don't understand about Jordan Peterson either. How does the fact that there are some lessons you can get from stories in the Bible mean that the Bible is inherently "more true" than any other book or that you should follow anything the Bible teaches? Sorry my writing isn't very concise, I'm not good at explaining things and english is not my first language. But if anyone understood my rambling and wants to explain their views to me I would appreciate any insight.

>> No.10029451

>how does looking at the Bible as metaphorical make it any more credible or true?

This is a good question I'm glad you asked. And your English is pretty good to me. I agree with you that a narrative does not need to be true to benefit mankind. And I'm not suggesting reading it all as metaphor, only saying there are parts that are obviously intended as literary devices. The original magical realism, if you will. To take all Scripture as literal truth, usually because of a misguided loyalty to a particular dogma, is plainly incorrect and leads to atrocities. Witness the Spanish Inquisition, or the persecution of the Jews and Yazidis, or 20th century Irish car bombings, or ISIS sawing heads off because the holy book said to "strike the neck."

"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight." - JC

>> No.10029463

>as spotless as Jesus
You know Jesus assumed the sins of humanity and died for them so that we may not die, right?

>> No.10029502

You have only argued that a literal interpretation is bad, you have not argued that a metaphorical interpretation is good.

>> No.10031158

>virgin births are impossible
>2 billion people think there was one virgin birth 2000 years ago
The reason there is such a strong correlation between atheism and autism is that autistes do not understand the social reasons for a unifying belief. They cannot comprehend it and they think the whole world is stupid but it is their own autism that is preventing them from fully participating in the human experience.

>> No.10031184


The Bible is easier to use initiatically than most texts.

>> No.10031197
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>ur an autist
Oh, how lazy. Can't win the argument, so some good old fashioned "tackle the man instead of the ball" crap will suffice? Well, two can play at that: you want to have a guess as to why there's such a strong correlation (one that has data) between religiosity and low intelligence?

>A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity

In case you missed it, I'm implying that you're dumb.

As for:
>They cannot comprehend it and they think the whole world is stupid but it is their own autism that is preventing them from fully participating in the human experience.

Cannibalism is part of the whole "human experience". Why don't you participate in that? Surely you're missing out!

>> No.10031214
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Dude, just stop. Wow

>> No.10031358

>Mary is the most influential figure in Christianity outside of Jesus
>who is Paul

>> No.10031378

There's nothing unique about religion that leads to it alone producing institutions that have high concentrations of intellectuals. Rich people could have easily financed the building of institutions in return for the designs and inventions of those places, for example

>> No.10031385

Some of them were. Christianity is just Judiasm: The Sequel and/or poor man's Platonics

>> No.10031397

>Superheroes destroy more cities and people in these dumb movies than the Old Testament
>what is the Flood
>what is Sodom and Gomorrah
>what are the numerous genocides ordered by God
Maybe because of the relatively tiny populations, the actions of superheroes kill more than in the OT. But relative to the entire population at the time superheroes save more than they kill than entities in the Old Testament do

>> No.10031417

>Plagiarism is a modern concept, religion and mythology being interrelated to the past and neighbors was always known. Even Herodotus wrote about this. Religion and culture aren't capable of plagiarism because that's an academic concept. Do I have to explain how culture works to you? Something being common to religion and spirituality doesn't invalidate it. You are not very intelligent
>What a pompous faggot. Do you think you're an atheist hero debating le evil Christian?
>Ridiculous. "Superheros" destroy more people and cities in these dumb movies than the Old Testament.
Kek. Oh, you.