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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 640x449, Jacques Derrida says Viola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10028528 No.10028528 [Reply] [Original]

*dispels the mystifying elements of philosophy to keep it from developing into totalitarianism*

pff.. nothing personnel kid

>> No.10028543

B-but JEW

>> No.10028559

Trying to be ironic? Try harder next time. Derrida's work is quintessential jewish philosophy, or the transvaluation of western philosophy.

>> No.10028566

>tfw Nietzsche was quintessential jewish philosophy

>> No.10028605

>dispels the mystifying elements of philosophy

Can you give a couple of examples of what you mean?

>> No.10028608

subject is center, for one

>> No.10028612

>subject is center
What does that mean?

>> No.10028617

Descartes etc.

>> No.10028628
File: 151 KB, 817x1000, Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Descartes so shitted on by the history of philosophy? All the poor nigga wanted to do was to convince himself that he wasn't secretly controlled by a demon or whatever

>> No.10028632

Although he was far from the first to do so, Nietzsche diagnosed the root of jewish thought that Derrida so fittingly represents. Hence my reference to "transvaluation."

>> No.10028650
File: 20 KB, 357x450, u4hyperrealson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it hasn't become more mystified and totalitarian as it becomes elements
everything is personnel and nothing personal, you little tinkerbell

>> No.10028660

Yeah, that doesn't clarify anything, thanks for trying though.

>> No.10028681
File: 257 KB, 516x526, banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, good old Jacques "Fuck-you-Dad" Derrida. My favorite 20th century biographer.

>> No.10028684

Derrida doesn't fittingly represent it at all though. Do you have some select quotes?

>> No.10028697

>Nietzsche diagnosed the root of jewish thought that Derrida so fittingly represents
m8, you're going to be very upset when you read what Nietzsche wrote about the jews and about the germans. I suggest you keep not reading him.

>> No.10028698

i have some infographics from /pol/ on my other computer

>> No.10028708

He is very handsome.

>> No.10028710

Being shitted is more meaningful than praise, anon.

>> No.10028712


>from /pol/

Quelle surprise

>> No.10028723

Have you read the first part of Genealogy? Transvaluation refers to the jewish inversion of European morality and belief systems, and how this inversion is uniquely jewish. Derrida's philosophy is also an inversion of European philosophical norms and belief systems. What Nietzsche was referring to, which again he was not the first to do, was how jews think, and Derrida is an extension of that.

This imposter is not me.

>> No.10028726

Do you honestly expect pseudointellectual philosophers to actually clarify their ideas? That is incredibly naive of you. The job of the philosopher is to obfuscate as much as possible so they may guard their positions of prestige while pretending to do work.

>> No.10028738

Oh look, it's Money and Pussy Guy

>> No.10028741

Was Socrates the first uniquely Jewish subverter, my redpilled white brother?

>> No.10028744

You seem to think Nietzsche thought transvaluation was a bad thing.You're asking for a religion of pity, and you're getting it.

>> No.10028755

>Derrida's philosophy is an inversion
pure bullshit

>> No.10028759

He did think it was a bad thing, though he acknowledged it had been successful via jewish Christianity. Nietzsche was very pro-aristocracy and the transvaluation he spoke of was in opposition to that.

>> No.10028768

It's blatant and obvious.

>> No.10028769

No but I'll give someone the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.10028773

Derrida was literally a fucking mongoloid

>> No.10028779

Yeah, jew-hating anon is talking out of his ass again.

>> No.10028781

it's the bronze skin

>> No.10028787

>You seem to think Nietzsche thought transvaluation was a bad thing.
He did

>> No.10028791

It's called redpill and it's true, cuck. the logical conclusion to Derrida's project is to have white women breed with black men instead of me, thus killing the West

>> No.10028797

You need to provide a counter-argument if you want to have your opinion taken seriously. I'm open to hearing it.

>> No.10028800

Nietzche referred to himself as a transvaluatator. He also had a great respect for the Jewish people. Your attempt to string together a loose form of logic that says Jew=evil is shallow and stupid.

>> No.10028810
File: 32 KB, 611x376, womxn killed by partners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't he well known amongst philosophers for completely making up narratives and themes in ancient Greek texts to make a point about phallogocentrism?

Also, did he ever write an actual philosophical work? I thought he was more of a writer than a philosopher proper.

>> No.10028812

>The job of the philosopher is to obfuscate
you are an idiot

>> No.10028818

How do you pronounce womxn?

>> No.10028822

No, please quote Derrida where he has inverted European morality and belief systems. Do you have some sort of alternate reading of Derrida where he doesn't explore the language as it actually is in the canon that makes up European morality and belief? You cannot progress your argument without direct reference to Derrida which is why I asked for quotes. There is no point responding to me unless you do this so please demonstrate your claims.

>> No.10028824
File: 18 KB, 400x400, wanelisa xaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With 2 'x's

>> No.10028827


>> No.10028830

not that guy, butNietzsche referred to himself a a transvaluator in the sense that a new transvaluation was needed in order for humanity to move past slave morality and become ubermensch; he didn't see the jewish transvaluation of aristocratic values in a good light at all

>> No.10028832

There is no need to counter such a silly idea that Derrida would represent a root. It's fantasy.

>> No.10028833

how about you dispel these damn nuts

>> No.10028836

>He did think it was a bad thing, though he acknowledged it had been successful via jewish Christianity.
No, he says it was necessary because the Church was anti life and anti nature and welcomed it with open arms. This is basic
>God is dead he died choking on his sympathy for mankind

You're not even fifteen year old reading Nietzsche for the first time thinking
>Je suis le superman
You've moved into haven't read the text and being blonde enough to think we can see the tits you're trying to coast through life on retarded right now.

Do you need some tech support?

>> No.10028838
File: 161 KB, 1080x528, Screenshot_2017-09-15-19-11-29-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to listen so you're hearing what you want to hear.

Nietzsche stated that jews manipulate the weak to bring down the strong. One can see this strategy in Christian morality, communism (proles over the bourgeois), liberal multiculturalism (non-whites over whites), and one can see it in Derrida's notions that promote subjective interpretations, assumed bias, and the inversion of western philosophical norms.

This is how jews think. There are endless examples of this going back millennia. It's an ethnic strategy they use to weaken their host society.

>> No.10028842

it's one of the clicks in Xhosa

>> No.10028847

>Derrida's notions that promote subjective interpretations
you don't get it at all, subject is not center

>> No.10028848

>Nietzsche stated that jews manipulate the weak to bring down the strong.
>being this german while quoting the polish philosopher
why would you chose that embarrassment for yourself if you didn't deserve it, i guess. laughing girls jpeg and so forth

>> No.10028856
File: 43 KB, 1080x270, Screenshot_2017-09-15-19-11-29-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you are wrong. He did not say it was necessary, he said the jewish slave revolt was successful but he was clearly in favor of a return to aristocratic values and not inverted jewish slave values.

It's right there.

>> No.10028861

These are not real arguments. These are people who are reflexively defending jews and are not interested in the truth about what is being discussed here.

>> No.10028863

You know the transvaluation of values being a good thing is the entire basis of The Antichrist. The antichrist is also a good thing and the only book he completed on the matter

Post them titties.

>> No.10028868

I yelled because you're definitely not in a library.

>> No.10028873
File: 250 KB, 1024x773, gommunidm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Go to war and die
> Do all the hard shitty work that keeps society going
> Occasionally build revolutions and put bourgeois scum up against the walls
> Make all the culture (now that aristocracy is dead or made mediocre by bourgeois decandence)
> Know that truth is truth because they work with real stuff in reality every day, and can get killed on the job if they live in la-la land

> Rely upon cops (proles) to violently suppress opposition
> Make all their money by doing nothing
> Own all the media that disseminates bullshit lies and tricky propaganda
> Control academia and hire academic shills to disseminate SJW liberal propaganda so the ruling class doesn't unite

Gee, who is manipulating who? Who is the weak and who is the strong?

>> No.10028876

That's just a pdf I'm screenshotting for convenience. Would you be more prone to presenting an actual argument if I took pictures of the Clark and Swensen-translated physical copy in front of me?

>> No.10028882

yes, post pics

>> No.10028884

Communism was about jews using the lower classes to overthrow the European aristocracy and install themselves as the new elite, and this is exactly how the bolshevik revolution played out.

>> No.10028889

>if I post a different version of a less relevant text, will you stop pointing out ASZ and the The Antichrist called me pathetic?
No, you're pathetic. Read more if you want to discuss texts you haven't yet read. Stop being pathetic if you don't want to be pathetic. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.10028896

Present a reasoned counter-argument and I will consider it.

>> No.10028899

The main point is applying the lessons of structuralism to philosophy. Since there is no one-to-one link between signifier and signified (the signifier exists in a network of other signifiers, the 'signifying chain'), there is less reason to believe that the progression of logic is due to the hierarchical organisation of binaries since that would imply a centre (the 'transcendental signifier' or 'logos') which is absent if there is a network. It's much the same thing as philosophers have done after Kant, which is clarifying the philosophical search for truth by the scope and limits of what is available (the extent of categories or faculties), rather than making claims that can't be disproven.

We know for certain that we can't escape language when we talk about language, so language isn't based on the logos. The logos presupposes that there is presence and then there is representation, with speech being a more direct access to truth than writing by which we record speech. Derrida argues that speech functions because of a coded structure of communication that actually precedes it (Derrida calls this writing because it is a demarcation to give the world/presence 'structure'), otherwise we couldn't understand each other. This is a demystification of a common thought in Western philosophy, that speech precedes writing. If writing precedes speech then we need to look at philosophy in a new way, but by still using that codified structure of philosophy because otherwise it wouldn't function as philosophy. Philosophy belongs to that codified structure and is the point of where we have distinctions between speech and writing in the first place.

Demarcation by making distinctions (based on other distinctions; the signifying chain) has allowed for a hierarchy to develop that is otherwise unable to be demonstrated. What complicates these previous hierarchies is that the lesser of the binary opposite tends to 'disrupt' the hierarchy on its own accord (thereby demonstrating that the hierarchy is unstable). The problem in interpretation of Derrida is believing he is advocating this 'deconstruction' rather than recording this tendency for it to occur, because the structure -- based on logical principles -- tends to 'act' in a way almost without an actor, like when we mean to write something but the ambiguities of language has us mean something else to someone else. But the belief that this hierarchy is true has led to all sorts of mystification based on unproven beliefs and preserving a naturally unstable hierarchy leads to totalitarianism rather than a humanism that preserves the integrity of the logical project of philosophy.

The man is a genius.

>> No.10028902


>> No.10028909

>>10028833 (Checked)

>> No.10028917

>B-but JEW
b-but Derrida is why [s4s] and [s4s] is love. Derrida cannot be Jewish anyway because he's a ghost. His hair was practicing to become one just before OP's very nice bicture. Don't say mean things like JEW about [s4s] again, anonchama, because it is love and you do not want it to call you bully and maybe not be your friend some day and share cakes and dainty things like mems.
TIA I know you don't mean to be rude to nice things, it's okay, I would forgive you even if you were a Jews.

>> No.10028946 [DELETED] 

Hello, schizophrenic friend.

>> No.10028955

No, that's the other one, but this is a common mistake.

>> No.10028966


>> No.10028970

sabotage thought in general to the degree that no one is capable of ever getting coherent and organised enough to set up another shoah.

Seemed to have worked so far.

>> No.10028981

He deemed a return impossible in that very book. Modern morality is a mix of both. The aristocrats were healthy, pure but dumb brutes who were easily tricked.

>> No.10028984

You can give it a rest now, nobody cares about your inflammatory rethoric and accusations. We can read.

>> No.10028985

rude and uncalled for and i question your certification in memehistoriography and general memetics. how many bird pictures have you?

>> No.10028989

further, nice dubs. see: you're not all bad

>> No.10028993

You are having trouble separating the concept of Jews from resentment/slave morality. These are two separate concepts which sometimes overlap. You're going for this stupid "eternal Jew" bullshit, which is itself a form of resentment.

>> No.10028995

Man trump copied his style from derrida. White hair and horrible tan.

>> No.10029008

What? No. I'm highlighting how jewish intellectual behavior is based on inversion, how this can be seen in ancient as well as modern contexts, and how it has been commented upon by numerous non-jewish thinkers throughout the centuries.

>> No.10029021

>being an essentialist
>to argue nietzsche said
what you think you're doing, you're doing wrong.

>> No.10029033

What you are essentially doing is cherry picking the Jewish behaviour that does fit the pattern of inversion, ignoring the rest, and filling in the gaps with your own personal excrement.

The most significant Jewish philosophy is Spinoza who's work was a continuation of the classical tradition and whom Nietzsche identified as his predecessor.

The strategy of inversion is used by all weak, sickly people. So it was originally used by Jews who were enslaved by Babylonians but it is not an appropriate strategy for successful, healthy, confident Jews. Likewise the strategy of inversion is perfectly fit for the ugly, stupid, resentful anti-semetics: a group Nietzsche himself specifically called out as losers.

>> No.10029035

You clearly do not understand cause that is not what I'm saying at all here lol. But I guess you're trying; I am aware that many simply can't reach the bar.

>> No.10029039

1 post by this id

>> No.10029042

you know who you are

>> No.10029043

Jewish intellectual behaviour being based on inversion is an essentialist proposition. What you think you're doing, you are doing wrong. What you think you're indicating to your audience is not what you're actually revealing to them. It's very postmodern ironic of you, and I can't wait to teach you Greek.

>> No.10029054

pleased to meet you

>> No.10029061

>What you are essentially doing is cherry picking the Jewish behaviour

Is this a joke?

The examples here are Christianity, communism, liberalism, Marxism, and postmodernism. Do you know the definition of "cherry picking"? You don't seem to.

I understand you want to present an argument here, but put a little more thought into it. I am using macro systems of as my examples.

>Nietzsche himself specifically called out as losers.

He didn't live to see the damage jews caused in the 20th century. I'm not taking him as a general authority on jews, though, I'm highlighting an idea of his that has been expressed by many others to show the larger picture.

>> No.10029062

You never did, son.

>> No.10029063

Has there been a single refutation of him by an Anon, which references directly those passages which they disagree with and subsequently demolishes his arguments? Or is he the unbeatable final boss of /lit/ philosophy?

>> No.10029069

The inversion I'm referring to is literally the reason jews were kicked out of Egypt. This is nothing new and you want to make comments that insinuate you understand I recommend doing a better job of listening.

>> No.10029071

Here's the argument: He's a Jew

>> No.10029079

*stage whisper*
postmodernism is the reason you've heard of nietzsche. it's sadly also the reason why you think you can get away with memeing against even a sparknotes reader, but in someone more skilled and talented's hands it could be interesting.

all that room and you read his sister. all the girls you could have picked to read, and you chose the never heard of any more nietzsche. beta af

>> No.10029084

not an argument

>> No.10029092

Of course it's nothing new, you've only read part of one of his early books and have no understanding of his work or use of terms. If you had something other than that, which was more interesting, like ostriches or ironmongering, then maybe you could do something new and interesting, even if it were as wrong as you currently are about Nietzsche's hard on for Heraclitus. I'd suggest if you do have ostriches, you trot them out.

>> No.10029096

Derrida's philosophy is a reflection of jewish thought, which is the inversion of western thought. Just as the weak > strong inversion of morality I've been using Nietzsche's example of, Derrida's inverted version of jewish philosophy contends that truth cannot be known, that meaning is subjective, and that hierarchy should be torn down, which is an inversion of the tenets of western philosophy that strive to obtain truth and meaning within a hierarchy of thought.

>> No.10029100

Weak and not an argument, try again.

>> No.10029108

Listing off your fabricated assumptions of me is also not an argument, try again.

>> No.10029111

>if I call him weak he'll stop owning me
spooky, my property

>> No.10029114

Christianity was a creation of Paul a gentile and most of the major players in it's foundation were gentiles.

You're understanding of post-modernism as an evil Jewish conspiracy is laughable.

In contrast Zionism is actually very close to the aristocratic values Nietzsche promotes.

The anti-semites hate the Jews for preciously the reason Nietzsche would praise them for: wanting to deceive and conqueror everyone else. While the anti-semite them-self set them-self as docile, lamenting, victims.

>> No.10029115

They're presumptions, and it's intended to be a statement which you cannot refute, so since you can offer no counter argument, I win. Nice doing business with you :^)

>> No.10029120

>Derrida's inverted version of jewish philosophy contends that truth cannot be known, that meaning is subjective, and that hierarchy should be torn down

Where does he say this?

>> No.10029123

Thank you for taking the time.

>Since there is no one-to-one link between signifier and signified (the signifier exists in a network of other signifiers, the 'signifying chain'), there is less reason to believe that the progression of logic is due to the hierarchical organisation of binaries since that would imply a [logos] which is absent if there is a network.

This is such a dubious claim that I don't really know where to begin. I guess the most obvious place to start is why are the only two descriptions of language 1-1 communication model and a network model? Where is the evidence that these are the only two models of language, or that either of them are valid? I can certainly see situations in which either of them could be valid - A military boot camp probably relies heavily on a communication model, for example.

>> No.10029124

>that meaning is subjective,

This is also Nietzsche's position you tard. And if you bothered reading the man you'd see it was also a position that existed in the pre-socratic period (aka Western civilization) via Heraclitus.

Please stop invoking the N man's name, when you clearly haven't read him and stand against him in all positions.

>> No.10029129

It's just a JIDF shill. If he claims he's read Deleuze, then he's Israeli trained. They're the only ones who read it. It's why he's laying it off on a Nietzsche scholar, because he's the Jewish rat. P. obvious.

>> No.10029131

>Christianity was a creation of Paul a gentile and most of the major players in it's foundation were gentiles.

No one is going to read your posts and take the time to craft serious responses to your posts if you make obviously false assertions like this.

>> No.10029136

m8, have you not read the Bible?

>> No.10029137

Okay ... enjoy the rest of high school, I guess?

>> No.10029141

he's a self hating jew. like the rest of them, they only have the first half, not the bits with paul. like how americans don't get the last chapter of clockwork orange for obvious reasons.

>> No.10029142

Those are the main tenets of postmodern philosophy.

>> No.10029146

I guess he really is the unbeatable final boss of /lit/ philosophy

>> No.10029150

>he's out of high school and still read nietzsche before schopenhauer
oh that's just precious. are you waiting for your first hand holding after the wizard powers kick in?

>> No.10029154

You seem misinformed, young padwan.

>> No.10029155

Derrida and 'postmodern philosophy' are different. Derrida rejected the label 'postmodern' for a reason; it was inadequate at describing his approach to philosophy. If you want to attack Derrida for allegedly holding these views, you actually need to appeal to where Derrida has argued for them, rather than appeal to a general 'postmodern philosophy' that is coloured by countless other non-Jewish philosophers.

>> No.10029166

Are you intentionally not pay attention? Whether that was or wasn't Nietzsche's position has nothing to do with anything and I acknowledge that postmodernism is to a large extent an extension of non-jewish thinkers such as Nietzsche that jews in academia have used to build the postmodern narrative around.

>> No.10029172

Was Derrida even a philosopher? I thought he just wrote about other philosophers. He seemed like a little bitch boy who hated daddy and the patriarchy.

>> No.10029174

Ew, jewish shill accusations. I must be doing something right!

>> No.10029177

>THE ONTIC ISN'T is a tenet of postmodern philosophy
I want you to walk into a philosophy department so someone can beat you to death with Being and Time, you ignorant cunt.

>> No.10029178

No, this is propaganda.
Anybody who spent some time studying the texts will know that opposing so-called postmodernism is a lucrative business.

>> No.10029181

I'm not joining the JIDF, so no you're not making quota. Enjoy your Deleuzean warfare, you're everything wrong with postmodernism.

>> No.10029187

I generally agree. But I am trying to get across a larger point without getting too bogged down arguing over "what" postmodernism is. We've all been down that rabbit hole. When I talk about Derrida I'm referring to the main aspects of deconstruction.

>> No.10029189

>When I talk about Derrida I'm referring to the main aspects of deconstruction
subject is not the center

>> No.10029196

You really suck at pretending to read Nietzsche.

Post-modernism though is the natural conclusion of the N man's thoughts and the natural conclusion of philosophy in general. But you clearly don't study philosophy so you wouldn't know that.

>> No.10029197

>'m referring to the main aspects of deconstruction.
you mean, [s4s] and engrish signs which say hilarious things? do go on. what are they "really" saying?

>> No.10029204

>>10029187 (me)
> without getting too bogged down arguing over "what" postmodernism is.

... voila, and thereupon they appear! >>10029177 >>10029178

LOL. It's these 21 year old dumbass philosophy majors who I know better than to waste too much time with. I want to hear counter-arguments to the big points I've raised. Come on.

>> No.10029209

>... voila, and thereupon they appear! >>10029177 (You) >>10029178
>LOL. It's these 21 year old dumbass philosophy majors who I know better than to waste too much time with. I want to hear counter-arguments to the big points I've raised. Come on.
I only addressed deconstruction, as did the other anon. Get basic, you're a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.10029211

You are below me in knowledge, stop whining like a baby and trying to pretend otherwise. If you cannot make a real argument then shut the fuck up.

>> No.10029217

Do you think other people need to hear your lies for them to be not be lies you just tell yourself? How's that work? Have you heard of our arbiter and saviour, "Honest" Kant?

>> No.10029221

Your post did not contain the word "deconstruction," you liar. Ask me why I knew you were full of shit. Ask me, come on. I can tell a fraud like you from a mile away.

You guys got no arguments here. Going to take a little break, try to think and come up with something.

>> No.10029224

Not. An. Argument.

>> No.10029227

Because I'm not twitter, faggot.

>> No.10029234

It's a whole bunch of critique though.

>> No.10029242

>/pol/ asking to be gangbanged by /lit/ nerds
this has been happening more since they merged with /mlp/.

did we recommend them apocryphal stories about nietzsche and marnie by the poldark guy the same week or something? a-are are they horse girls?

>> No.10029244

Stop saying this, it makes my elaborate conspiracy theory seem silly

>> No.10029253
File: 52 KB, 500x618, cutness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he fit into the Jewish conspiracy?

>> No.10029256

> you don't understand Derrida, man!
> you don't understand Nietzsche, man! Nietzsche loved jews, man!
> you don't understand postmodernism, man!
> you're JIDF, man!

You are weak thinkers, understand? Small minds. You cannot see the larger picture which is why no one is addressing my central argument but trying to bog the conversation down with these petty things no one on here ever agrees on regardless of where they're coming from.

Can anyone develop a reasoned response the central point, the big picture? I'm about to give up because no one seems to want to do it.

>> No.10029259

lizard people are not jews, how many fucking times does icke need to say this?

>> No.10029274

Nietzsche's tsundere as fuck for Jews. Kinna like you, if you'd just admit it. :3

>> No.10029279

>I'm about to give up


>> No.10029297


Not interested in your video and can't even see what it is. If you have something to say, say it.

>> No.10029300

Were Socrates a Jew?

>> No.10029310

Anon was right, you're an embarrassment.

>> No.10029340

You got nothing and you know it. That's why you are not posting anything of substance or addressing my main point. The reason why I hijacked this conversation is because I actually want to hear counter-arguments. I really do. I am very confident that what I'm saying is true, and that sentiment has only been reinforced by weak-minded people like yourself, but my intentions are pure here. It's unfortunate no one was up for the challenge.

>> No.10029348

Enough childishness. Nobody wants to talk about jews with you, get over it.

>> No.10029395

Lol, I'll take the reaffirmation. You're still a small thinker with a limited point of view. I don't even blame you, the world is complex.

>> No.10029407

>says the world is complex
>believes that actually everything can just be explained by a cabal of jews running the world

>> No.10029444

Assuming you're white, I find it sad that you let people who hate you frame the arguments of people who are actually looking out for your long-term interests. Your world is small. I'm saying I understand because I know it's complex and difficult to grasp from a big picture perspective. But I'm still not your enemy.

>> No.10029452

Assuming you're American, no "white" country wants you back either.

>> No.10029454
File: 109 KB, 602x600, the-hermit-1908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good post.

>> No.10029473

Awww. Gotta widen that scope one day, sensei.

>> No.10029481

We're not widening medieval structures just because you have to build your cities 50% fatter and with 60% more food outlets every five years.

>> No.10029485

Shitposting does not make you a hero.

>> No.10029492

creepy post

>> No.10029495

Wait, is jewishnigger just upset that Derrida said that it's very American to ask to be spoonfed on a broad topic by a teacher and it hit close to the bone? Bewtiful.

>> No.10029503

>Your post did not contain the word "deconstruction," you liar
game show logic

>> No.10029505

You're a danger to the fabric of society just like every other untreated schizoid and racial supremacist. You are my enemy in the same way that any other racial supremacist is my enemy. Also, assuming by 'looking out for your long-term interests' you mean installing a dictatorship to expel all non-whites and jewish people, it is not in my interests to live in a totalitarian regime of any sort and I encourage anyone who believes that it is in their interests to seek help

>> No.10029507

No, you're bringing in savages who are going to tear those structures down. But I'm no America-boo, friend, and have traveled more extensively in Europe than you as a European have. Even if you happen to live in one of those obscure eastern European countries, whichever one it is, I could show you a picture I took of it. And I want what's best for it, too.

>> No.10029515

>The Persians are the real problem
They had a civilization before they became several zany cults and many times since again. Europe does not want you back, especially if you're fat. Visit England or something if you insist on travelling east; you two used get on better.

>> No.10029527

If I want to remove jews and non-whites, how can I be a "supremacist" too? See, it's the utter failure to even think upon the positions you advance and understand the definitions of the terms you use that make you stand out like a complete fool merely repeating what you've been told.

>> No.10029542

They're Arabs. The Persians were white, they still speak an Indo-European language, and "Iran" literally comes from the word "Aryan." Small mind...

>> No.10029543

How was he a gentile?

>> No.10029544

i've been on this site for a while, i'm not some retard who can be convinced that when you call muslims savages or mudslimes you actually mean they are equals whom you respect but think they should just have their own homeland

>> No.10029570

A "supremacist" implies I want to rule over them, and most definitely doesn't imply that I think they're equal. They don't view me (nor you, noble cuck) as their equal. They want to conquer you, rape your women, and impose their beliefs on your society. The difference between me and you is, I acknowledge that and am not interested in pretending otherwise, wanting to convert them to liberal multicultural democracy, or virtue signaling about a kumbaya reality that isn't coming.

>> No.10029580

That's the general scholarly consensus. At the very most he was a Jew with zero knowledge of the culture and customs. In his own letters he shows he doesn't understand the difference between a Sadducee and a Pharisee or a sin vs ritual impurity.

The brand of Christianity that won out was pretty much an entirly gentile invention, with the entire New Testament Gospel being written by non-jews (sometimes falsley slapping on the name of an apostle) and was spread almost exclusively to non-jews. It's a religion based on inverting Jewish values: for instance the sancitity of the Rabbi or God having a special love for the Jewish people. The inverted values are the Rabbis are evil and that God loves everyone equally.

>> No.10029581

>Persians were white
Nigga, white is not a good thing in the ancient world. I'm insulted on the behalf of Assyria.
Speaking of insults to the cradle of civilization, why did America build a military camp in Babylon damaging the Ishtar Gate? Did the Jews make them?

>> No.10029590

>actually back peddling so hard that you twist definitions

>> No.10029591

Socrates exhibits all signs of jewish transvaluation so yes he is a jew

>> No.10029592

>They want to conquer you, rape your women, and impose their beliefs on your society.
Did he rip them off for coke? Coke heads get riled like that.

>> No.10029597

You didn't respond to the request for actual quotes from Derrida so the conversation stopped there when you realised you were out of your league.

>> No.10029598

Is that Plato's Socrates or Xenophon's?

>> No.10029606
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>request for actual quotes from Derrida

>> No.10029607

Xenophone's Socrates is less "Jewish" for example he is not so much a martyr

>> No.10029610

A few men between 18-24 who are as disenfranchised as their white counterparts aren't going to tear any system down with any higher success rate than those counterparts. At first when there was no immigration problem women were all liars who exaggerated regret sex so it was considered as rape. After immigration became an issue all women were suddenly innocent and upstanding citizens doing their duty by reporting rapes that definitely happened at the hands of immigrants. These are news narratives rather than any accurate reflection of reality. 4chan has always been terrible at trend-spotting and the immigrant nonsense is no exception. Welcome to the site.

>> No.10029617

Ancient Persia was an Indo-European society prior to various racial mixings and arab invasions. Assyrians are too, which is why they are more functional than pure arabs. I don't know about the last part but I wouldn't be surprised. You see arabs blowing ancient monuments up, right? Well, jews are their semitic cousins who hate idolatry even more and tore all the Russian monuments down when they took over, so would it really be a surprise? Not to me, but I know my understanding of jewish behavior is a lot more advanced than most on here.

>> No.10029627

That was not very important to my overall point since most people get the basics of his philosophy.

>> No.10029630

ok Antisthenes

>> No.10029641

Not sure what you're trying to say here. Arabs rapes are not news narratives which is why they're covered up and rarely reported on in any mainstream outlets. Psf. This is why shit is going to have to get worse, people like yourself have no clue what's going on.

>> No.10029646

You don't otherwise you wouldn't be saying he inverts Western values. Your goal should be to prove, through use of actual quotes from Derrida, that he does in fact advocate an inversion of white values, thus providing a conclusive link between his ethnic identity and his destructive goals. You're going backwards by suggesting his work must reflect his identity and since he is jewish he is doing the same as the homogenous blob of jews have done since probably before Egypt. But without actual evidence of his crimes you're demonstrating nothing but your own limited mind. Where is the proof? Your central argument for this thread actually depends on it and it can't logically progress without it.

>> No.10029648
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He invented Cartesian coordinates. This I think was insightful. I am more mad at humanity they did not come earlier. Like. Do better. It makes me almost as mad as the romans not adopting base 5 or 10 numerical system.

>> No.10029650

They're still reported on otherwise you wouldn't know about them. Whether its 'mainstream' or not is irrelevant to the point. I'm not talking about mainstream news so you shouldn't be either.

>> No.10029653

Assyrian is Semitic. So is Geez, one of the oldest official languages of Christian states. I doubt you know the difference between an Igbo Jew and an Ethiopian Christian even with a pair of calipers and a compass.

>> No.10029657

Are you really this stupid? His central idea is literally called "deconstruction." Should I breakdown the prefix and go in depth on the root word, too? Or should I expect people who are slightly more intelligent than you to merely exercise some common sense.

>> No.10029658

Just stop with this racist bullshit.

>> No.10029660

>surely the deconstructionists will give me one meaning on principle
>especially on 4chan

>> No.10029662

Not only have you not read him you, you haven't even skimmed wikipedia.

>> No.10029665

He's not even a good racist. He doesn't know what Semitic means, and that's a biggie if you wanna be a racist in the West these days.

>> No.10029666

So, you are not using deconstruction in order to advance your points?

>> No.10029668

>His central idea is literally called "deconstruction."

It actually has a number of names. But if your entire argument is based on the word of the idea rather than the idea itself you're not going to get very far. Maybe, since you know the (a) name of this idea you can find some quotes where he uses the word and gives you some sense of what the idea means? "It sounds bad" is not an argument of an intelligent person.

It is commonly accepted that 'deconstruction' isn't a 'destruction' by the way (otherwise why use a different word at all) so you're going to have to do some work to prove that it is. To make use of your time I suggest you stop actually arguing with me on this small-time nonsense by making excuses and actually put your mind to some research.

>> No.10029670

It's painfully obvious you have nothing to say about deconstruction.

>> No.10029672

I'd personally like you to break down his real central idea:

:3 As many words as you like.

>> No.10029674

Weren't following that little Rotherham thing, were you? White Englishmen are being thrown in jail for tweeting and arab invaders are getting slaps on the wrists for raping English girls. This is a nightmare that is only going to get worse. I read a story about a dad in England whose underage daughter was being held in a arab rape house. He called the police and pulled her out, and the police arrested him. If as a white man this stuff doesn't make your blood boil, you got something wrong with you. Imagine if that was your daughter.

>> No.10029676
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How does this frog fit into the Jewish conspiracy.

He is also a post-modernist!

>> No.10029683

I've been reading and studying Derrida for years. But as I said several times, bickering about the definitions of these things you all know about has little to do with my main point. Anyone ready to address that btw?

>> No.10029686

Apparently anon wants us to believe that Walt Disney was not in on the Jewish conspiracy but French cigarette smoking men are what the world listens to about spending their money.

I guess if Baudrillard tshirts took off, it's letting him win in their world.

>> No.10029689

What books of his you think gives the best example of deconstruction?

>> No.10029693

>But as I said several times, bickering about the definitions of these things you all know about has little to do with my main point.
>bickering about the definitions of these things you all know about has little to do with my main point
Are we still supposed to be talking about Derrida? Did you miss ALL OF HIM?

>> No.10029709

All right. I really don't want to get bogged down on this little stuff, especially since none of you have addressed what I've been saying, but I can talk about Derrida as much as the next guy. I just hate him and have removed myself from jewish philosophy the last couple years. But I want the guidelines to be clear so we don't end up bickering over definitions.

>> No.10029710

Yes and whites also get slaps on the wrist for raping girls. But what does this have to do with tearing structures down? How are a bunch of taxi drivers going to tear a 3000-year old structure down by raping girls who, if the perpetrators were white, would have been blamed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or wearing the wrong thing?

>> No.10029715

This is a thread about Derrida so if you're not going to talk about Derrida there's little point in being here.

>> No.10029714

The truth is I have never read the man before. I just saw his name mentioned by Jordon Peterson and there was a thread on /pol/ that talked about post-modernism and the Jew.

I actually haven't read a book since highschool.

I would like to apologize for my lies and ignorance I have been under a lot of stress since my boyfriend broke up with me due to my small penis. Ranting about the Jews is easier than facing insecurities in my own life.

>> No.10029716

Those were clearly two different points. You should kill yourself if you're white though. Your attitude is disgusting.

>> No.10029718

Smooth moving dodging those "show any proof you actually read his books" posts!

>but I can talk about Derrida as much as the next guy

Totally believable. I mean I bet you Derrida all the time!

>> No.10029719

Do you want us to tell you how to post your tits now?

>> No.10029722

Why did you move the goalposts then instead of sticking to the main topic of structures? And why have you now lapsed into spiteful rage?
Where is your integrity?

>> No.10029723

>Being is little stuff
You need to be murdered more often. I'm going to import as many Jews and Arabs as it takes.

>> No.10029726

What books of his you think gives the best example of deconstruction?

>> No.10029727

Go fuck yourself. This is my thread.

Did I not just say I would? So how am I dodging? You give me your definitions and I'll explain how they are jewish inversions of western philosophy, though I have already addressed the main reasons why itt.

>> No.10029734

>I'm not dodging. Of course I read his books? Oh proof? Well I just won't say--how about you give me the spark notes version and I'll improvize a reason why it's Jewish on the spot!

>> No.10029735

>believing shit on planted on /pol/ by kermit the frog for shekels
read fucking derrida if you want to be able to give a book report. you might remember this process from first grade.

>> No.10029736

a fucking sophist

>> No.10029739

What book gave you the best grasp on what deconstruction is?

>> No.10029742

How is it that the only jewish postmodern philosopher is Derrida but still postmodernism is allegedly a jewish inversion of western philosophy despite there being no established link between the 'inversive' aspects of postmodern philosophy and the work of Derrida other than his jewishness? It should be easy to find some sort of evidence in his work, yes?

If not, then what makes postmodernism 'jewish' if not for Derrida's (rather late) contribution?

>> No.10029745

Derrida only wrote one book on the subject :^)

>> No.10029746

I was peak Derrida a decade ago. I reread some of his stuff two plus years ago. If you explain your interpretation of it so I don't have to waste any time arguing over what is and isn't this or that aa postmodernist people usually do, I will explain how the ideas are jewish and undermining western culture. If you're a Peterson guy you probably already get the gist. Peterson is right.

>> No.10029747

Which one?

>> No.10029749

Guy Fieri aged horribly

>> No.10029750

What book by or about Derrida gave you the best comprehension of what deconstruction is?

>> No.10029751
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>> No.10029755

>Peterson is right.

Like you he also hasn't read Derrida. A funny coincidence that I think might be genetic

>> No.10029757

>rather than refer to derrida or discussion, allow me to mention youtube
lol andy warhol's ghost is trolling us.

>> No.10029759

Postmodernism is based off of Marxism, and even Foucault talked about that. You know about the jews who brought Marxism to the west right? They were pretty explicit in what they were doing. Postmodernism is merely an academic weird form of critical theory that tries to say revolutionary anti-white things subtle enough to give it an out and pretend to be ambiguous if anyone call it out. This is why I foresee the conversation we're going to have and want to lay some boundaries. I have no problem addressing the points though.

>> No.10029762

This thread has been an absolute riot from start to finish. Why are /pol/acks so bad at pretending they read books?

>> No.10029764

So when postmodernism is critical of Marxism for being a totalising project, that too is being Marxist and thus jewish? Where does Derrida enter into this?

>> No.10029765

i'm convinced that practically this entire thread is just posturing by people who haven't read any of Derrida's work and now both sides find themselves being asked what their interpretation of work they haven't read is

>> No.10029769


Why is it that Jean "High Priest of Postmodernism" Baudrillard is an ex-Marxist that pooped on the ideology? Did he not get the memo from the Rabbis?

>> No.10029771

>Postmodernism is based off of Marxism
It's based on, pleb. You write and argue like a complete moron.

>> No.10029772

I've read Grammatology and Difference but it's been a while so I can't answer your question. What is your opinion?

I had never listened to Peterson until a month ago. What he said about Marxism and postmodernism on Joe Rogan's show was spot on though. He just leaves out the jewish part.

>> No.10029774

well, you see, they're covering their tracks so no one suspects that they're actually subversive jews. Derrida enters into this because he is a jew and as well all know, jews are hell bent on inverting western values and subjugating whites

>> No.10029775

I Derrida all the time. I just don't feel like it right now!

>> No.10029776

Where does Spinoza fit into the worldwide Jewish conspiracy? Why didn't he spill the beans after he got expelled from his community?

>> No.10029777

post modernism is based off nietzsche u shitlord

>> No.10029779

i particularly like how he makes the point eventually people won't have to read books because society will prejudge a book by its summary on the tv and from that make incalcuable mistakes that will leave them lonely and dependent on ever shorter summaries of mysticism and life as a method of navigating themselves as a route to others.

how would someone who exploits that tendency to absorb the text through social media and to retcon the text to an extent by the propagation outside the text be considered jewish? how is peterson not a jew as he operates within that system as a profiteer? are the jews allowing him tax the fringes of the normies?

>> No.10029780

i feel like when jews go on and on about white privilege they are projecting their community's own practices onto whites, so it "spills the beans" in a way

>> No.10029781

So if they critisze Marxism it means they are Marxists.

If they don't critisize it than it means they are also Marxists.

Only the Rabbis and smart people like myself that listen to Joe Reagan and Peter Griffon know the truth!

>> No.10029784

I'm waiting on that definition of Being. I'm sure the jewish obsessed guy can trim it down to a post or two for us.

>> No.10029785

My opinion about what? Deconstruction in general?
I think it's weird that you can't answer the question. Did you not get your idea of deconstruction from a text?

>> No.10029786

the thing is tho, mother fuckers like derrida aren't doing anything mother fuckers like socrates didn't already for thousands of years, attacking and questioning the shit out of everything IS western culture, unquestioningly following ridiculous cults and rigid social systems is oriental

>> No.10029787

Do you see what you did? This is why I fucking hate talking about this and try to pick my words, it's always this inward spiral into 'what is' and isn't and most of you guys are still in the true believer phase. And I'm just one man. But this is what I'm saying, this spiral of never ending critique without leading anywhere is jewish, that's why MacDonald called his book you still haven't read what he did. You think something is there but there's nothing at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.10029790

and of course, spinoza was well known for his strong opinions on white priviledge

>> No.10029791

it's not the jews fault that philosophy is a total waste of time

>> No.10029792

I am responding to multiple people as fast as I can when I should be sleeping. Don't be a fag.

>> No.10029795

Postmodernism allows for neo-Marxism but they're not really related. Peterson himself now distinguishes between the two. Your problem with Marxism is not a problem with postmodernism. That's not to say there are no problems with postmodernism, but considering the criticisms against 'postmodernism' (i.e. the institutionalised and contradictory version of it) read exactly the same as the postmodern criticisms of half a century ago (but replace 'the system' with 'the jews who run the system'), it doesn't really lend any credence to the idea that postmodernism is jewish. There is a real chance that jews just associate with postmodernism rather than actively create and push it on white societies. There's also a real chance that postmodernism will eventually correct itself with people like Peterson (and Scruton) bringing up issues they perceive within the philosophy, which is made even more believable when you accept that it is as white as every other philosophy that make up 'white thought'.

>> No.10029796

>without leading anywhere
>he believes in progress
>laughing nietzsche readers.mpeg

>> No.10029797

Retard already called Socrates a Jew. How a Jew became a citizen of Athens in the 5th century BC is left as an open question.

>> No.10029798

I said this earlier, there are a number of things you can say it's based on, including Nietzsche. What jews in academia have done is seize on the worst ideas of people like Nietzsche and extrapolate them to no end, where it just results in nihilism, endless subjectivity, and no substance.

>> No.10029802

No one's asking you what is or what isn't deconstruction. They are asking about books and literature that would have informed your understanding of it. You don't have any. You do seem to hate jews a lot, though.

>> No.10029803

It doesn't explain why you picked the wrong Socrates to be Jewish. The Symposia aren't that long.

>> No.10029804

We're reaching the point were Judaism is basically the metaphysical essence of evil.

Judaism predates the earliest man

>> No.10029806

Don't be a shitposter.

>> No.10029807

Welcome to postmodernism, kid. If you're expecting to come out with answers take it from someone who's smarter than you and went down this road before you: there are no answers, which is why postmodernism is an intellectual trap and was designed to be that way.

>> No.10029808

nietzsche's the everyone is a nihilist they just don't know it yet guy

>> No.10029810

So, you're saying Peterson is taking money on behalf of the Jews but the Feds might be listening?

>> No.10029812

You're just making excuses for your average intelligence honestly.
>postmodernism is anti-white
>how is that so?
>i hate it when you guys get me to explain myself, you jews

>> No.10029813

it should be clear to you at this point that philosophy is a jewish inversion of white values. All philosophers are jewish at heart

>> No.10029816

I understand this point of view but it is a little different because it's not coming out of genuine inquiry, it's coming out of outsider malice, which is why people like Peterson have correctly diagnosed it as threat.

>> No.10029817

How much money per week is Peterson worth to the Jews?

>> No.10029820

I kind of agree with this. Although I used to be heavily into philosophy, I've had less and less time and patience for it in recent years.

>> No.10029823

If you stop giving views and bitcoins to Peterson, how badly would it affect the Jewish budget to spread postmodernism? Would we still be bullying you into reading Derrida if you hadn't paid his Jew blood money? Race traitor.

>> No.10029826

>designed that way

post-modernism is not an ideology, it's a stage of history, no one designed it

is that your problem? you're looking for a scapegoat to take the fall for post-modernism?

>> No.10029833

Peterson sees the problem as how misguiding postmodernist academia can be, but there is literally every incentive not go enter into academia these days (are student loans jewish?) so I'm not sure how the jewish propaganda machine functions. Academia takes confidence and Peterson is right that it causes confusion in the 18-year olds who are new to it, but I think there are solutions to this other than 'kick out the jews' which ironically lie in postmodern philosophy itself.

>> No.10029834

I think you get the gist and I'm not saying they're the same.

>There is a real chance that jews just associate with postmodernism rather than actively create and push it on white societies.

Yes... but they do push it though, which is why it's so pervasive. That doesn't mean plenty of whites aren't happy to participate and drive it forward. Jews don't create these things, they pick up on what is good for them and bad for whites or white culture and guide it along and help make it doctrine. I've never said it's postmodernism is a jewish mastermind plot, though Marxism was.

>> No.10029840

>I've never said it's postmodernism is a jewish mastermind plot
you're full of shit

>> No.10029842

No, I did not you lying faggot.

As far as I saw, I was only asked about books Derrida wrote and I answered that. You want to know more about me, toots, just ask.

>> No.10029844

Are you a nazi?

>> No.10029846

What is white culture?

>> No.10029850



You wish I made it that simple for you, you mental midget.

I applaud Peterson and didn't say anything about him being in any way beneficial to the jewish power structure because he's obviously not.

>> No.10029851

don't be silly, the nazi's died out in the 1940's. I'm a firm believer in the nation state and traditional hierarchical structure with some socialist tendencies

>> No.10029852

Judaism is a subset of white culture since Jews are white. The average jew has lighter skin than the fucking Italians.

>> No.10029856

Would you support a nazi-like regime in your country today?

>> No.10029858

I said I didn't pay any attention to him until a month ago and have only watched his appearance on Rogan. Go fuck yourself. I'm keeping out a connection I have to Derrida that you blow all of you away, but I can't say it. I wish I could.

>> No.10029859

>I swear to God I'll use it. Don't make me use it! I'm counting to 10. One... one-and-a-half...

>> No.10029867

You're wrong, it is an ideology and is not some organic stage. This is an incorrect POV. Postmodernism has been baked in the cake since Tropic of Cancer and even before. It's a reflection of an ideology that you don't think of as one since jews have been planting the seeds of it into our culture with for a long ass time. Postmodern nihilism is Beat as fuck.

>> No.10029871

How the hell have jews had such accurate predictive models of societal behaviour since before ancient Egypt? They sound like some sort of super race

>> No.10029872

Is usury jewish? It makes me unbelievably happy that young white men are listening to a guy like Peterson blow the fuck out of the academic establishment and these jewish machinations. But I'm telling you, jews are at the root of the problem. You just don't notice it because it's a part of everything.

>> No.10029874

>Postmodernis is an ideology
>Postmodernism is nihilist
Well, which is it?

>> No.10029879

Nope. I have never said that and never would. What I have said is that postmodernism is a reflection of jewish culture in opposition, as the inversion of, western culture.

>> No.10029881

yeah im like wow if what this guy says is true then jews are like some master race guiding the fate of mankind, like maybe their god is real and they really are chosen, wait, what if this guy is a crypto-jew and it's all a trick? oh fuck oh fuck, damn u post-modernism!!!

>> No.10029885

What you don't realise is you're not experiencing some sort of awakening to truth, you're only seeing what the jews allow you to see. These 'white nationalist' seeds are being planted now for the next great stage of development. Boy you don't even know what you're in for next

>> No.10029887


European culture.

If you only knew why I was hesitating about the Derrida stuff.

Jews are parasites. But that happens in nature in a variety of forms, so it shouldn't be surprising that there is a group of people whose behavior resembles that of a parasite. We should be surprised if there wasn't one.

>> No.10029892

You're full of shit. Like anon said, a sophist.

>> No.10029893

Given that the very foundation of European identity is based on a subversion of jewish holy texts I'm willing to believe that whites are actually the parasites

>> No.10029894

Postmodernism is a nihilist ideology.

Nah, bruh. I've been in this for a long time. There is very little I don't know about the jew.

>> No.10029895

>If you only knew why I was hesitating about the Derrida stuff.
fucking lame, go to bed

>> No.10029898

>two religions prohibit usury
>therefore usury is inherently jewish

>> No.10029902

>I've been in this for a long time.

The jews have been at it for far, far longer. Do not imagine you are ever taking a step that has not first been accounted for by the jew.

>> No.10029903

You wish, little man.

Haha, there's a point in that. Christianity is the European interpretation, subversion if you like, of a jewish text. But whites are a nice and had good intentions after it had been forced on them by Charlemagne so it's not really "subversion" per se.

>> No.10029906

yeah im like don't these anti-semitic dudes ever consider that europeans basically did a microsoft style "embrace and extend" move on judaism

>> No.10029910

I know. You are right.

Listen, there is more than I could ever learn and you're right, but there's not much that can surprise me at this point.

>> No.10029911

seek help

>> No.10029917

Address my initial main point.

>> No.10029920

seriously man, after post-modernism killed his belief in god controlling the world he now projects god like power onto the jews, this dude is obviously kind of smart, but he's gone down a rabbit hole

>> No.10029921

>nihilist ideology

>> No.10029922

i'm addressing your point;
>Nah, bruh. I've been in this for a long time. There is very little I don't know about the jew.
you're obviously deranged

>> No.10029928

You point is jews are evil. You can't talk about Derrida. You're a nazi. Nobody cares. Go to bed.

>> No.10029932

Europaean culture is a subversion of mediterranean and middle east culture.

>> No.10029938

this desu

>> No.10029943

>yeah im like wow if what this guy says is true then jews are like some master race guiding the fate of mankind, like maybe their god is real and they really are chosen

This. The Jews have been able to accurately predict outcomes hundreds of years in advance involving the most complicated ideologies possible and several world wars.

The major parts all written down in the Zohar but the Rabbis get the details via direct communication with Yawhei.

That's also why despite representing.02% of the world population the Jews are able to enslave the other 99.98%

>> No.10029944

I'm spending my time trying to inform ungrateful fucks like you who are still too afraid to address my central point. If I went down the rabbit hole I did so so long ago that the effects are negligible at this point. I am more educated than you, I make more money than you, and am better than you in most ways, looks and pussy under my belt included. I've just never commented online before, so maybe I am more genuine toward assclowns like yourself than I should be, but I will take such follies upon myself gracefully even if you try to deny me such a thing. I don't care what you think about me anyway. That's not why I'm here and I know what I say is controversial.

>> No.10029958
File: 13 KB, 231x218, a classic meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've just never commented online before

>> No.10030004

>post modern

How are they always behind every cancerous thing

>> No.10030051

It's accurate summary of 20th century "philosophers".

>> No.10030057

What does "subject is not center" mean?

>> No.10030070

>applying the lessons of structuralism to philosophy
What does this mean?

>no one-to-one link between signifier and signified
What does this mean?

>the signifier exists in a network of other signifiers, the 'signifying chain'
What does this mean?

>progression of logic is due to the hierarchical organisation of binaries
What does this mean?

>a centre (the 'transcendental signifier' or 'logos') which is absent if there is a network
What does this mean?

>We can't escape language when we talk about language, so language isn't based on the logos
What does this mean?

>he logos presupposes that there is presence and then there is representation
What does this mean?

>with speech being a more direct access to truth than writing by which we record speec
Why do you presume so?

> This is a demystification of a common thought in Western philosophy,
Not according to above. Great confusioon.

>> No.10030075

Imagine if some person would get thrown out of 75 countries in 100 years.

I wonder if /lit/ would defend him as a dindu nuffin.

>> No.10030077

>post-modernism as an evil Jewish conspiracy is laughable.
Not an argument.

>> No.10030088
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, 1415677994133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speech does not come before writing
>Therefore humanism is the only logical philisophy and G*d does not exist
Are post modernists really this fucking stupid?

>> No.10030095
File: 79 KB, 790x960, dr-goebels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT simply call the Jew what he is, and watch how he squirms. It's amazing to behold.

>> No.10030096

>Not believing that hierarchy in itself can't exist because of hardcore subjectivism that asserts that communication is flawed therefore believing in things is passe

What are you, some kind of lumpenprol?

>> No.10030100


Can you anti semitic bastids keep the jew hating to one thread? Or better yet, go to /pol/ ?

>> No.10030106

They have a way of thinking that gives them all the affimration they need.

Every post that contests them is a Jew. If someone laughs at their stupidity or tries to explain thing to them it is "the Jew squirming" which PROVES they are right.

After all if they were wrong why is the Jew trying to bury the truth?

Basically they have a viscous cycle where all their interactions on the internet increase their delusions.

>> No.10030107

/fuck jews general/ when?

>> No.10030116

Holy fuck one shitpost and got 3 fishes already, maybe gibbons was onto somethign

>> No.10030124

Where do the postmodernists say this?

>> No.10030185

If they can't understand Of Grammatology, I doubt they will understand what you are saying.

It's such a shame brainlets infested /lit/

>> No.10030204

Explain it then.
Or maybe perhaps nu-sophists purpose after all, was to confuse and obfuscate?

>> No.10030212

I know right? They keep saying that Derrida was an accomplished philosopher for pushing radical subjectivism and masquerading it as a logical criticism of reason in itself based on the fact that communication is not perfect.

What kind of pseud falls for that?

>> No.10030228

>radical subjectivism
I like that, sums it up quite nicely.

>> No.10030249

He already explained, and reading Of Grammatology would further elaborate on what he said. It's like you refuse to believe in calculus just because the basic 2x2=4 is more immediate to your understanding.I can't help stupid.

>> No.10030256

>logical criticism of reason in itself
>reason in itself

>> No.10030285

>Truth does not exist because language a shit lol

>> No.10030298

you're an idiot

>> No.10030302

>Derrida ever saying objective truth doesn't exist
His point is that language is acts as a signifier, as a trace of the signified, but the trace is the only thing we can see as objectiveness, and it's up to you, the person viewing it, to determine the truth.

>> No.10030308

that's not an accurate description at all

>> No.10030314

that's no good either

>> No.10030412

>Couldn't explain.
Oops! Are you sure you understand it yourself?

>> No.10030460

>reading comprehension
I already said I have no wish to help the stupid as you couldn't understand what he explained in his post

>> No.10030467

Oops! Looks like the person calling other people stupid is too afraid to give his own interpretation of the passage and the book lest he look stupid himself!

This is why you need to obfuscate too.

>> No.10030506

>everything I can't understand is obfuscation
Pls do keep responding, it serves as a good showcase of the types of ppl who can't understand Derrida.

>> No.10030524

>In deconstructing the word 'rape' Derrida redefined the term to mean any form of penetration done by a white male, exempting other races entirely. He advocated a radical approach where media sources should try to encourage white men to either remain virgins for life or be on the receiving end of being penetrated by other races.

>He advocated an interpretation of time called 'fluid past' which said that history was whatever was written in the history books. If for example you were to write a history where the accomplishments of one group were instead performed by another and no rival histories were allowed it would make it true.

>He stressed that languages other than Hebrew were flawed and incapable of containing truth

>> No.10030569

>lit will defend this because they cant get enough of post modernism and cuckoldry

>> No.10031549

Yeah. That's called "dude everything is subjective because language a shit lol" or radical subjectivism.
That is a VERY accurate description. It's the best TLDR possible. Derrida is the definition of bourgie garbage

>> No.10031561

Maybe the reason Derrida thought there was no such thing as objective truth is because his followers were all morons and he thought their potpourri of idiocy was a representative of all mankind

>> No.10031563

spotted the angry non-reader

>> No.10031567

Spotted the pseud who can't understand his own idealogy

>> No.10031569

funny but untrue

>> No.10031575

You're such an imbecile, you can't even write your favorite word correctly. Go stuff a carrot in your decontsrustion-shaped hole of a brain, okay?

>> No.10031585

Why would anon be a card-carrying decontrustionist? Because he criticized your attitude? You're laughable.

>> No.10031598

>language is acts as a signifier, as a trace of the signified, but the trace is the only thing we can see as objectiveness, and it's up to you, the person viewing it, to determine the truth.
You realize that this implies there is no truth, right? It's almost like you pseuds can't understand that Derrida , a fellow pseud, doesn't understand what he is saying 90% of the time and people like you just enjoy the myopic verbosity for some sort of ego inflation.
>Why would he be something he claims he isn't

>> No.10031606

>it's up to you, the person viewing it, to determine the truth
if you think this is part of Derrida's philosophy you are an unredeemable moron

>> No.10031617

No, that is what one of pseuds think Derrida means. By all means, please correct your fellow brainlet and defend the gobshite of Derrida

>> No.10031621

>this implies there is no truth
>you determine truth
you makes no sense at all, you're just intent on trashing what you don't like by any means necessary

>> No.10031632

quoting things you know are false like they are true because it could help hammer your point
you're a meme

>> No.10031635

If a determines truth, and you determine truth, and everyone's truth is inherently "the truth", then modality does not exist.

You realize what this means, right?

>> No.10031640

No, you worship a meme so you and your little bourgie friends can feel satisfied that you've thumbed through a thesaurus more than the lumpenprol.

>He can't even correct another "follower" of Derrida
Brain let

>> No.10031641

Derrida doesn't talk about truth statements like that. You do (because you think others have inflated ego, perhaps), so you say Derrida is a subjectivist, which he isn't, according to his philosophy.

>> No.10031643

You're hilarious. Try not to presume so much about people, ok? It makes you look like a jerk and show how wear you really are.

>> No.10031649

>He isn't
A lot of fans of Derrida seem to think otherwise. Please post proofs :D

>> No.10031652

>Ha, okay kiddo, I don't even NEED to correct you, I'm just right.

>> No.10031657

Why did you agree and expand the "follower"'s statement if you thought it needed to be corrected? Because you are an opportunist and your mind is literal mush.

>> No.10031668

There was nothing to correct in this post, it was just personal projection.

>> No.10031678

I know, you keep refusing to correct your fellow Derrida butt buddy who said
>His point is that language is acts as a signifier, as a trace of the signified, but the trace is the only thing we can see as objectiveness, and it's up to you, the person viewing it, to determine the truth.
Because you're full of shit :D. But keep dancing around the subject though

>> No.10031686

>agree and expand
>Your mid is literal mush
Your mid can't even keep track of a basic conversation. If my mind is mush, yours is nothing but bong grease at this point kiddo

>> No.10031702

A reply pointa out it was not accurate, which is sufficient. Why didn't you, instead of agreeing with him?

The subject of Derrida's jewishness is an obsession of yours, not mine.

>> No.10031703

>Yeah. That's called "dude everything is subjective because language a shit lol" or radical subjectivism.

>> No.10031735

>The subject of Derrida's jewishness is an obsession of yours, not mine.
Literally when did I say this? Post link
>Dude I already said "nuh uh" without giving any proofs.
>That's isn't good enough for you?

>> No.10031747

Go read Derrida if you want your critiques to be taken seriously by people who have. Until then, have fun shitposting.

>> No.10031767

In other words
>I can't actually refute that, I just don't think it's true
Glad we could clear that up

>> No.10031787

Refute what? That he is a radical subjectivist? You didn't even argue for that position sufficiently. Fun thing is you couldn't, because it's not to be found in his books. But don't worry, you'll get your comeuppance, you hateful prick.

>> No.10031795

>You didn't even argue for that position sufficiently
All I did was quote another Derrida butbuddy of yours and you're shaking because you can't actually refute what he says without inserting what you want Derrida to be vs what actually is.

This is just getting sad

>> No.10031812

Cry me a river and call it radical subjectivist.