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File: 45 KB, 520x230, spanish-nobel-prize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10025286 No.10025286 [Reply] [Original]

Who do guys think is going to win the Nobel prize for literature this year?

>> No.10025291

Kanye West

>> No.10025689

>inb4 it's another music artist

>> No.10025692


>> No.10026213


>> No.10026220
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>> No.10026233

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o AINEC

>> No.10026549

Hillary Clinton

>> No.10026559

Mac DeMarco

or, if the committee decides to be really conformist and give it to some writer, probably the instagram anon who wrote poems about cigarettes

>> No.10026605


>> No.10026643


>> No.10026647
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>> No.10026832


>> No.10026847

William T Vollman, Kendrick Lamar, or someone who seriously doesn't deserve it. My bet is that they will either be gay or a minority.

>Such a joke.

>> No.10026869
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>> No.10026883

Krasznahorkai is a good option I feel like.
>Actually good at writing
>Master of different mediums
>Not American
>Not even from Western Europe
>Someone who everyone can talk themselves into deserving the award

I find it a crime that Pynchon or DeLillo haven't won but that is definitely wishful thinking.

>> No.10026928

It better be fucking Cormac in the next five years

>> No.10026941


I wouldn't be annoyed if Krasznahorkai won it, he's a legitimately good writer and one of the best to come out of Europe but I don't feel like he's exposed enough to win it despite having two movie adaptations of his works. What do I read next from him if all I've read are Satantango and Melachonly? Seibo looks like an interesting read.

I'm legit curious why DFW hasn't won it? Especially considering how popular Infinite Jest has been getting post-death.

>> No.10026944


Cormac is also a good answer, he's someone both plebs and patricians can really enjoy.

>> No.10026945

Dude, DFW died young, remember?

>> No.10026969

David Mitchell or Meryvyn Peake

>> No.10026982

How much rage would there be if it was John Green or JK Rowling?

>> No.10027041

they will give it to krasznahorkai but i doubt it will be this year, he's only 63 and they like to give it to older writers.
Adonis or Thiong'o are the most likely picks, as they are every year. Lobo Antunes as well
No american stands a chance this year or for the next few years - its probably that Ashbery, McCarthy etc. will die before they get it.
Writers like Pynchon and Roth have no chance whatsoever - too 'American' or too 'Conservative'
like Geoffrey Hill was too english and too conservative

>> No.10027044

>enjoying corncob tortillas yecarthy

nice meme faggot

>> No.10027048

>its probably that Ashbery, [...] will die before they get it.
Anon you might want to sit down for this...

>> No.10027955

Underrated post.

>> No.10028074
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Either this guy...

>> No.10028077
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...or that guy.

>> No.10028109

First post, best post.

>> No.10028118
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>Who do guys think is going to win the Nobel prize for literature this year?

the original "Bugs.." poster

>> No.10028126

Nael, age 6

>> No.10028137

Nobel Prize is political. DFW is too white (mostly you get the sense of suburban America when you read/think of him, hard as he tries to extend his range in Infinite Jest) for it. Not that I'm against him being too white, I don't browse tumblr, just stating a fact.

>> No.10028156

>DFW is too white
DFW is dead - that's the bigger problem.

>> No.10028160

I wouldn't even be mad

>> No.10028190

He's dead, they don't give the awards posthumously.

>> No.10028239

The Shithouse Poet

>> No.10028241

Well they set the precedent now they have to make it standard procedure. I would bet on Springsteen in some years.

>> No.10028252

jean-luc godard

>> No.10028508

Is there anyway we can meme this?

>> No.10028511

praising kek, my comrade

>> No.10028581


'For its contribution to the high quality of literature worldwide, by making all the rest of it look so good in comparison to its own'
'Also for paying so much attention to the Nobel Prize'
>hyperspace and/or the tundra one and/or a critique thread.jpg

>> No.10028599


That would be cool

>> No.10028623

Haha, wow. That would be a lot funnier than Dylan actually.

>> No.10028647

Adonis or Thiong'o or another perennial like Magris or Lobo Antunes. If a woman, then Tokarczuk or Ogawa.

>> No.10028669

Who cares? The Nobel are biased towards both swedecucks and anglo scum.
I'll never forgive them for ignoring Borges.

>> No.10028687


>> No.10028746

I don't care about those hacks.

>> No.10028763


I would be completely blown away if that happened, and not totally opposed to it. JLG is fascinated with language games and whatnot. However, since Ingmar Bergman didn't get it (and he's one of their own) there's no shot a filmmaker will be awarded the prize

Pinecone should have won it but they're probably afraid he'd either (a.) refuse it a la Sartre or (b.) send Carrot Top to accept it in his place, which they would definitely be afraid of

I think Woody Allen deserved it, but they historically have a problem with Jewish writers (yes yes I know Bellow and Singer won it)

>> No.10028782

I would be really happy with this choice, so finally I get a translation of his work in my mother language

>> No.10028784

some comicbook fag

>> No.10028840

Alan Moore. I'm already seeing it.

>> No.10028845

Haruki Murakami. This man, in my country, he is everything

>> No.10028852

>inb4 the night after DFW wins


>> No.10028906

Lowbrow sequential art (all of Moore's work) is fucking trash.

>> No.10029301

It's not like if the Nobel committee worries about that. However, I'd be baffled if he won.

>> No.10029368

Sort of want Ogawa so all of her works will be translated already.

>> No.10030304
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>TFW it won't be him

>> No.10030403

Someone who's anti-Russia.

>> No.10030840

Go back to Tumblr you ignorant fuck

>> No.10030888

Zadie Smith
Javier Marías
Haruki Murakami

Or probably some obscure Iranian poet or something.

>> No.10031145


>> No.10031171

would be more deserving than when Borges or Homer won it daro

>> No.10032365


>> No.10032376

>Kaine with the hitler salute

>> No.10032398

Handke I hope, but probably not. Or Marías. Also why does nobody ever talk about Tom Stoppard? He wrote two of the best plays of the last century.

>> No.10032519

>see a woman
>go insane
you will all pay for Katie one day

>> No.10032535

Not sure, but in 2047 it'll be me

>> No.10032555
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>Assuming I'm a crazy Katietard.
Anyways, Carli Claire is best girl obviously.

>> No.10032931

Jordan B. Peterson

>> No.10032973

and you know why.
although he's a jew so they should've given it to him even if he hasn't produced anything original.

>> No.10033117

Why then?

>> No.10033130

Because he's 13 now

>> No.10033677

I thought summer was over though.

>> No.10035303

Tao Lin

>> No.10036522

Gas-kun obviously.

>> No.10036584


Sweden hates Hungary because of its politics, thus the Nobel committee for literature hate Hungary because of its politics, and the committee will not be able to separate an artist and where he is from (in this regard). Krasznahorkai will never win.

>> No.10037612


>> No.10037622

DFW isn't even well known in England, never mind Scandinavia

>> No.10037628

William t vollmann

>> No.10037667


eayes in thee carote

>> No.10037732
File: 1.28 MB, 1125x1659, 16_Mahmoud%20Dowlatabadi%20(2)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engages with Iran's social and political history in his works
>promotes freedom of speech and thought in opposition to the Iranian government
>no Iranian writer has been awarded the prize, despite their long literary history

>> No.10037741

>Kelidar (1977 to 1984) is Mahmoud Dowlatabadi's monumental novel, one of the most famous Persian novels.[1] This novel is of nearly three thousand pages in five volumes consisting of ten books.[2]

what the FUCK

>> No.10038124

>I'll never forgive them for ignoring Borges.
Funny because Borges did

>> No.10038132

Probably that Bolaños crapster

>> No.10038183

Sounds like it's just ten 60 page long books

>> No.10038459
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They didn't give it to Borges because he did not condemn the various Argentinian, Chilean etc... governments. The secret is being a Communist, like Neruda.

>> No.10038494

The only minority they like is white africans.

>> No.10038498

We the best.

>> No.10038509

Also they offered him a charge as library's director, something I believe didn't happen before with other governments

>> No.10038513

A much more real impediment is that only two books of his have been translated to Swedish.

>> No.10038515

Ko Un is going to win, calling it now.

>> No.10038533

Can someone explain why I should care?

>> No.10038543


>> No.10038795

Isn't nobel committeeee a little bit against gocernment or just independent?
Also it's composed of former winners

>> No.10038821

>Don't Nobel winners have to demonstrate or have in some way addressed big overarching issues facing society or culture. I thought being a good writer isn't enough to win, otherwise based purely on talent Pinecone would already have won it; but since he is a pussy ass recluse he will never win it.

>> No.10039251

>it's composed of former winners

>> No.10039273

didn't know that

>> No.10039439

>just independent

I guess I phrased it rather vaguely. The committee is indeed independent from the government, but that's irrelevant since their (political) views reflect the goverment's exact views. If Krasznahorkai were to show up in discussions the discussion itself would revolve around Hungary and its immigration politics, with the conclusion that they don't want to look like they condone that in any way shape or form and so they won't give the prize to him.

Palestinian prize laureate inc.

>> No.10039533


soz for poop grammar, btw.

I just want to add that I won't be surprised if they decide to try something unorthodox this time around again; say give the prize to a young(er) person. I don't know why they picked Dylan last year but if it was in any way related to getting attention or just breaking new ground (whatever that means) they're probably disappointed if it's the former and not satisfied if the latter, and want to do something equally (or more) rowdy this year too.

>> No.10039543

Whoever the ruling class has selected as a paragon for their ideology.

>> No.10039604

>communism serves the ruling class
>[they] want you to be communist
>[they] encourage Marxist thought


>> No.10039685

Stop making shit up.

>> No.10039714

>read ficciones
>it's great
>read the rest of his oeuvre
>it's a hundred stories of Gauchos knife fighting each other
he didn't deserve the nobel desu

>> No.10039805

t. 89iq anglo

>> No.10039959

t. buttmad spic

>> No.10040079
File: 37 KB, 297x322, gott strafe england.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off barbaric brainlet pseud.

>> No.10040101

The man you replied to is not me. I agree with the picture you posted, but I can't say he's wrong. You're clearly a buttmad spic.

>> No.10040110

Me desu

>> No.10040185

Veritable lie. Why would you lie about something that we all are familiar with? What do you gain from it?

>> No.10041761

Good luck. Post your bibliography desu.

>> No.10043111

1000% Rowling. which will open the gates for purely clickbait picks from now on.

>giving a literature award to a plagiarist

>> No.10044554

The 2015 prize was anti-russia. Last year was a fucking meme prize. This year they'll give it to someone actually decent.

>> No.10044562

The committee will probably give it to one of themselves this year just to stir up more controversy

>> No.10044670

Juan Rulfo

>> No.10044900

Here are the bookmakers' odds:


>Mbumbi wa Ndongologolo
Looks like we have a winner.

>> No.10045147


>> No.10046499
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Screencap this.