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10022942 No.10022942 [Reply] [Original]

This is a terrible idea posting here but I need ideas, /lit/

This jumped into my head ages ago and I'm starting to obsess about writing it.

Essentially a normal-ass guy with nothing interesting about him starts hearing a small but insistent voice telling him to do things. "Turn left here." "Don't cross this street." "Wait for the next bus." "Talk to her." At first he thinks he's going nuts and ignores it, but on one occasion the voice is persistent and he misses his bus, which promptly gets into a major accident.

He finds that the more he obeys the voice, the more its guidance seems to pay off. He starts to see the voice as some kind of ethereal deity or a guardian angel, but begins to obsess over it as the voice reveals its true nature, even developing into something like love or lust.

The conflict would be his struggle trying to maintain a normal life and healthy relationships with other humans while trying to appease and worship this thing that's watching over him, which no one else can see or hear.

I didn't know where else to go for this. Any ideas, brainstorm, critique? And yeah, the voice is "male". I can't write women for shit so everything I do ends up gay. I'm not even gay myself.

>> No.10022954

"Niebla" by Miguel de Unamuno

>> No.10022956
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So does he eventually lose all free will and thus the entity that spoke to him, has now become him?

>> No.10022958

oh and this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_than_Fiction_(2006_film)

>> No.10022963
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> And yeah, the voice is "male". I can't write women for shit so everything I do ends up gay. I'm not even gay myself.

>> No.10022970


>> No.10022974

This is similar but I'm taking a more... romantic/sexual direction with it. Everything I write ends up being about the relationship and sexual tension between whatever pair forms the main plot of the story.

D-don't look at me like that anon. Don't judge me.

It's true though, most of the roles I end up writing simply couldn't be done by a woman in some way.

How the fuck is that related

>> No.10022976

>Not knowing how to write women

You know that's a low-tier point of contention used by hack critics, right? To 'write women' just write a character and mention off-hand "By the way this one has a vagina". Women being something "difficult to write" or 'special" is a myth.

Also the idea sounds ok. What happens with the deity, though? Does it make him kill? Tells him to believe in fiat currency? Makes him jack off to futa? What's the ghost's end-goal?

>> No.10022994

It's more that the characters I write can only be men because of either the way they think or how they view romance, or the visual end goal that I want. I don't write gentle romance. My current novel, which is almost finished, is about a vampire indulging the fetishes of a masochist and it gets pretty bloody and cruel. A girl wouldn't have fit either role, visually or mentally.

Fine, maybe I'm a little more gay than I am bi. Just something about two strong men going at it does -


I think his end goal is simply to have a worshiper. All he wants is for the MC to revere him, obsess over him unconditionally. To what end, I haven't figured out. That's why I need ideas.

>> No.10023010


I had an idea like this once. At first it told him innocuous shit, then it slowly helped the main character accumulate a ton of wealth through stock trading. When the guy was finally at the top the voice suddenly leaves him and his entire thing topples. He loses all of his money, his companies collapse and he gets arrested for insider trading.

He spends the rest of his life in a cell and every night the voice comes back to make him remember from where he fell.

Maybe your voice can make the guy go and jack off to futa.

>> No.10023020

"Now fap."
"But... But that's a guy."
"Nooooo. It has boobs. Clearly that's a woman. Now fap."
"But the dick."
"Yeah. It's hot. Now fap."
.... *shrug*

>> No.10023024

the little rat controls the guy buy tugging on his hair.

>> No.10023027

He dun't want to fuck the rat do he?

>> No.10023032

no the rat tries to stop him from fugging someone

>> No.10023047

What you're describing is the early stages of an "accidental, walk-in tulpa". Come hither, and learn: >>>/trash/11514324

>> No.10023060

Oh holy shit they exist.

Now, is this supposedly a real thing or is it all in their heads and they know it? Cuz I want this to be an actual sort of spirit or deity, but you keep questioning whether it's real.

>> No.10023069
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This is an advanced form of LARPing, innit?

>> No.10023105

As someone who has a tulpa, it's undeniable to me and most of the other "tulpamancers" that you can split your consciousness, kind of like partitioning a hard drive. It's actually kind of like positive, non-harmful, self induced DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder, otherwise known as Multiple Personality Syndrome). My tulpa, who is just about 2 now (I've seen guys say they have decade old tulpas though) makes her own decisions, I'm not parroting her actions, she acts on her own volition.

My own tulpa was a walk in though, I didn't create her on purpose as a tulpa, she was kind of "given to me" and since I already knew about tulpas somewhat I just kind of nurtured her as one.

Tulpa's are most positively used as companions and assistants. Kind of like Cortana to Master Cheif, or Tinkerbell to Peter Pan. Though, many many tulpamancers use their tulpas for sex. I do not.

Do your own research. Hope this helps you write.

>> No.10023109

You just opened up a whole other part of the internet I'm not sure I wanted to see.

So lemme ask you, would you read this if I made it into a webcomic?

>> No.10023125
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>> No.10023133

I don't really read many webcomics, but if the art and writing was decent enough I might. And if you actually made the story based off of [accidental?] tulpamancy I would be more inclined to read it. Like, say your MC is hearing this voice at first. He has no idea what to do. He's worried that if he tells anyone they might try and diagnose him as schizophrenic (this should be a major plot point of your story tulpa related or not). But! Lo and behold, he find out about tulpas somehow (maybe in a library, Tulpa's are actually an ancient Buddhist concept for overcoming obstacles) and his problems are solved (for now). Idk, just spitballing here

>> No.10023140

Chocky by John Wyndham is a little similar.

>> No.10023143

So instead of it being a god that picks him randomly, make it more about his own personal deity, in a way? That's kind of lovely.

I wanted to explore the idea of astral projection as well - this being the only place that they can "physically" be with each other. There was going to be a chapter where he obsesses over finding and being with the voice in his dreams and all he wants to do now is sleep, to the point that he relies on pills to sedate himself, until the voice forces him to stop.

But yeah, the idea of him fearing schizophrenia should definitely be there.

>> No.10023148

Also the art in the OP is mine so take that as you will

>> No.10023207

Seems that at least it could include a dominant woman, unless you were going for a sort of homoerotic intimidation element to it. Or maybe not needing sex if you aren't interested in gay stuff.

>> No.10023226

It's more that men generally view romance and sex as something different than women do. For a man to confess his love or adoration of something is for him to kind of struggle with opening up a weakness, or indulge in something primal. And he can kinda unleash whatever desire he wants, not taking into account a woman's needs or what she might find romantic in what he does.

Basically if Beauty and the Beast was between two men there'd be a lot more back clawing and a lot less learning to read and feeding birds.

>> No.10023376

Alright, that's understandable. Given how your art looks I'd be willing to follow along. The writing could make it or break it though. Also not sure how lewd it is, if it goes too deep I might not follow, although lewdness would likely give you a bigger audience.

>> No.10023703

I think that if you were trying to make it about eventually worshipping him you could establish some sort of dependency. You already have the voice showing its ability by saving the guy. Have that relationship continue from simple things like the voice suggesting what to say in a conversation to get people to like him. The bigger the benefit the voice provides the more he wants back though. Maybe make the voice depend on the guy's romance and worship to get more insight for bigger results. Make the relationship mutually beneficial, the more intense it is, the more powerful the voice is, the more both of them are capable of.

>> No.10023820

I have some ideas you can consider, take whatever you think is worth. They are shit anyways.

>Title: How to raise a boring tulpa.
>The spirit isn't part of him but rather something mysterious that appears and disappears whenever it feels like it. MC believes his emotions take the form of a spirit for a while. He starts to see the things taking devilish forms and the shapes of otherworldly man, woman and animals depending on what emotions his daily life causes him. The spirit helps him get through the illusions by talking to him and clearing his mind out of doubt, gaining his trust in the process. The spirit starts to have a dependence on the human, feeling the constant need of being useful or it will disappear from existence. It gets obsessed with MC to be happy and be better and better to the point of requesting him tasks that are borderline unethical or questions MC's morals but that will most definitely make his life better.
>Homoerotic spiderman. Basically, MC constantly sacrifices his happiness for doing good things aided by spirit. At first, the spirit gives a friendly advice on how to get over a girl and or to conquer one chick he lusts for. Suddenly, every trick of the ghost works and he feels that his approaches with woman increases exponentially with the help. Then he realizes that the spirit offers only categorical imperative advise (the spirit ain't Kant tho), thus benefiting everyone around him. Once he knows this, he takes one decision that he thinks will benefit him better than what the spirit advised and for it he suffers an accident that nearly kills him (or his uncle dies or something). After that, he trusts the spirit more to the point of becoming some sort of deity he was blessed to have. The spirit becomes more comfortable with MC and starts to love him back. The relation becomes to potent that the spirit starts to give less Kant advice and more selfish ones unbeknownst to MC, slowly tarnishing his daily life.

>> No.10024044

Definitely good.

The lewdness is going to be more... implied and what is shown is more "spiritual", like the idea of astral projection sex where they're not really fucking but more intwining their spirits. It'll be lewd, no doubt, but a different kind of lewd.

Definitely a good idea and a major plot point I'll look into. I'm gonna have to have minor characters. Maybe he'll have a girlfriend he eventually leaves because he prefers his deity.

First idea is good but I'm not sure about the MC seeing other spirits. Perhaps later on the spirit inside him could be terrorized by these other manifestations and he has to rely on the MC more, though.

>> No.10024124

So here is how the story goes:

In the dusty corner of the Third Heaven there is an agency of muses who toil night and day on the difficult task of distributing inspiration among humans. This is how they would describe themselves but other wings of celestial chancellory view them as a sore spot on the grace of the filament. For you see, all talk of inspiration rings good and true until you consider that they are just controlling a pipeline. Brilliant ideas spark up in very particular heads and it steers the world towards favoring one Agency over the other; generally, bestowing certain few with divine powers not only goes against the postulate of free will but also sullies the Sovereign's name, though he cares little. No surprises, a restructuring was ordered, things changed and shifted and tumbled and no direct interference was allowed.

Not everyone was complicit. A lowly muse traded a whole lot of favors for Gift of Whispers, and intends to return the agency to its former glory - through the mortal tool.

>> No.10024135

I don't think that's a good idea.
I think it would be better if the story just focused on their relationship and how the protagonist changes.

>> No.10024185

Why couldn't it be a woman? Wouldn't it just be more interesting to have a woman character that breaks submissive conventions anyways?

>> No.10024225

No, that's pussy shit for unimaginative sentimental spongemen. Direct tulpafaggotry is cancerous, and I mean the kind of cancer that makes you shit yourself or expel pus from orifices, not noble invisible cancer. I don't want to read a faggot who thinks that elaborate mythological systems and worldbuilding exist in a separate dimension from relationships and character arcs, and whose bookshelf is separated into "feels", "comfy", "funny" and "cool" categories. Your eyes are slanted but not because you are the reincaranted Murakami whose body pillow you've covered in cum so completely it envelops it in three layers but rather as the result of multiple birth defects your mother gifted you with.


>> No.10024234
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Yeah, throwing in a whole lore and other world just complicates thing. It makes the MC seem more important than he is. He isn't important. He's really not. He just happens to be the object of fascination for this deity/tulpa, and vice versa.

It's not about submission versus domination or whatever. It's more about how bodies clash in a certain way and how women, no matter what I do, are always seen as soft and malleable. I don't want soft in a protagonist's body.

Basically we're talking about forms of sculpture. If you look at a Rodin, his forms of women are beautiful but they're boring and smooth and I'd rather look at shit like this in terms of art.

World building is fine but every jackass and their second cousin has done the "breakdown of structure in the heavens" thing and the "hohoho you are an immortla being and you concern yourself with puny humans" thing. It's fucking boring.

>> No.10024308

"It's about X but I feel like I won't manage to confront the theme directly so instead let's go with high-concept allegory".

DeLillo pulled it off, I guess?

>> No.10024330

I can't tell if this is in reference to my desire to see hot, sweaty masculine idols succumbing to a primal bodily urge or my non-desire to make a Preacher-style romance novel.

The fuck is "x" in your mind?

>> No.10024450



>> No.10024454

>Everything I write ends up being about the relationship and sexual tension between whatever pair forms the main plot of the story.

Roll with it. Write what you are disposed toward writing. It might be garbage but you won't get anywhere simply doubting yourself because of perceived limitations or mannerism.

>> No.10024459

True. And for what I do, I'm confident in the fact that I'm really good at it. My current novel, which is almost done, has gotten a LOT of good reviews and what draws most readers in seems to be that interpersonal dynamic I end up building.

>> No.10024462


That'll be my opinion unless someone can provide clinical research to the contrary.