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/lit/ - Literature

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10016282 No.10016282 [Reply] [Original]

I got married and can't read anymore like I used to. I feel like I'm getting dumber.

How do married anons cope with their lesser wives?

>> No.10016296

> married anons

>> No.10016300

Is she at least willing to indulge your fetishes, like Joyce's wife was?

>> No.10016311

My gf always wants to do something. She gets so passive aggressive everytime I just want to read. Really bums me out at times.

>> No.10016318

The thing about that anon, is you don't HAVE to let it get to you. Once she realises that the passive aggressive techniques don't work, and you politely avoid arguments etc., she will move onto sexual distractions. That's when the /lit lifestyle gets delicious.

>> No.10016326

I'm engaged. She reads genre fiction. Will this happen to me?

>> No.10016342

You gotta guide her from genre, to /lit/ with genre elements (HG Wells, Frankenstein, Master and Margarita), and thence to proper /lit/ (you can even pitch Pynchon by saying Against the Day is like steampunk or something).

>> No.10016351

>having a wife
>having a fiancee
>having a gf
Wow next thing you pathetic normgroid trash are going to tell me is that you have a stable job and aren't a glorious NEET

>> No.10016403


Me and my boyfriend both like to read. I like to read more than him. What I did, and it might help all of you is, just slowly getting him into subjects I liked. Talking about them more, watching videos, reading articles, etc. Then commenting "we should read something on this", then once he is interested we read a lot about it. I'm getting him into WW2 atm, and now we are planning to read a lot in the next couple weeks.

Got him to read some philosophy books this way, and a bunch of articles on occidental too. Excited to start reading some history books.

So, maybe just try this stuff out. Want to read about the Romans? Start watching videos, talking about it, and reading articles. Bring it up more, get her interested, then read a book with her.

If you don't want to read with her, which I completely understand, tell her you need two hours of alone time a day (or however much you read. This is how much time a day I read). At least imo enough time to read one book a week. She should give you this, if not, I suggest a very honest talk with her on how selfish she is being. You two will spend the rest of your lives together, everyday, you need time for yourself.

>> No.10016409

^^ Sorry for bad grammar btw. Typed it up quick, and haven't slept. 1:00 AM here.

>> No.10016451

dude, i literally could not know that feel. my wife has a PhD in philosophy, so there's no chance of her turning my STEMlord ass into a brainlet.

why the fuck did you not marry an intelligent yet submissive girl? why get married if they aren't those two things??

>> No.10016597

>Wife is watching good awful telenovelas
>Go on balcony and read for an hour while she is distracted
Or I just read in my spare time when I'm not doing anything.

>> No.10016677

I've been married a little less than a year, and this has also been the year I've read the least in quite awhile. Your priorities shift, it's okay not to read as much, but at the end of the day it's just a question of time management. Read for 30 minutes before bed, let her do her own thing while you read after dinner, make an effort to read on the weekends. Priorities.

>> No.10016771


I fight this too, anon. And if I do read, the constant interruptions for validation/attention make it near impossible to read.

I have got stupider. I ended up having to binge-watch the Crown the other day. Which is doubly insulting, as I'm Irish.

>> No.10016780

Apologies, some of us want our women to look like women

>> No.10016782

What kind of retard would get married these days? You know there's like a 60% chance she'll divorce you, and a 90% chance she'll get whatever she wants in the divorce, right?

>> No.10016877



>Kid legitmacy.
>Catholic meme
>Best friend for ten years
>on same page goal wise.

Tbh, could be worse than interrupting my reading. Might not want my attention at all.

>> No.10016897


>I'm getting him into WW2 atm

Being gay doesn't sound that bad

also, the obligatory >marrying

>> No.10017004

my german gf currently reads mann, and then some dickens or other crap for relaxation. she hates stem topics though. can't complain, overall.

>> No.10017015

actually i recently made her read crime and punishment, but i get the feeling she didn't really extract the full meaning of it all; or notice which parts were great or important. i think all women are like that. you'll never find a perfect specimen. make do with what youve got as long as its ok-ish. the rest is your effort to make it work.

>> No.10017346
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>> No.10017355
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you think you've got weird wikihow pics, guess again kiddo

>> No.10017358

Gravity's Rainbow is sci-fi

>> No.10017364
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>> No.10017374
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>> No.10017377
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>> No.10017574


>> No.10017586

Tie her up in the basement.

>> No.10017884

How can I get my Korean wife interested in reading?

>> No.10018021

>unironically marrying in 2017

>> No.10018130

>lesser wives

You're a shit husband if you really think of her that way.

>> No.10018158

>mgtows are THIS gay
Just get prenup you dumb faggot. Alimony generally splits things by half anyway, and lots of women earn more than men these days.

>I might get divorced boo hoo
You want to stay single because you're afraid of becoming single. Makes perfect sense.

>she'll probably get custody
Having kids will ruin your life with or without a divorce.

>> No.10018167

My gf is reading Anna Karenina and gave me some Shakespeare books as gifts a month ago. I write poetry for her at least once a month for our anniversary.

And sex is fucking amazing

>> No.10018173

You guys need new women. Holy shit. My fiance will sit there quietly and study/read with me for hours on end. If I come home from work and tell her I need quiet time because the day sucked ass, she'll sit there next to me and rub my back while I read like a good fucking woman. Is it worth being in a shitty relationship because you're afraid of being alone?

>> No.10019360

Jesus Christ that sounds amazing. She must not be American.

>> No.10019413

>Just get prenup
You know they can just be thrown out in court

>> No.10019433

When I feel like reading, my gf usually just watches her shitty Netflix series or reads her shitty young adult fiction books about bounty hunters and vampires. I could care less if she reads anything that's actually good. She is too stupid to appreciate it anyways. I think I like things the way they are.

>> No.10019560

I'm starting to think my girlfriend is legitimately low-key retarded. Sometimes she reads 'meh' stuff, like I got her into Hemingway and Steinbeck. But mostly she fucks up pretty much everything that involves money. And also has pretty much 0 emotional intelligence, will just fly off the handle and random shit and at people to their faces then cry about how she got emotional later.
I honestly can't understand what the fuck is going on.

>> No.10019590

How is this a problem? Just break up with her

>> No.10019598

from my experience I would not expect a change. Assuming he wants a girlfriend he'll always have a retard who reads shit and cannot use money around him.

>> No.10020253

>When I feel like fucking, my bf usually just watches his shitty anime series or reads his shitty 4chan posts about NEETlords and newfags. I could care less if he reads anything that's actually good. He is too impotent to fuck me anyways. I wonder if Chad still lives around here?

>> No.10020276

my gf reads one of 3 things - wash/huffpo, research articles, or tumblr. she hid her sjw until we were together for a year

>> No.10020283


My wife is fine with my habits, she has her own hobbies after all. What, you married the first walking doll that got you laid before knowing if she had anything to do during the rest of the day?

>> No.10020287

sounds like a typical woman to me desu

>> No.10020439

My wife literally has no hobbies and she's open about it. She works and watches Grey's and that's it.

I tried to get into Grey's so id have something to geek out about with her and she said she only watches it for the background noise in the house. She doesn't like a quiet house.

Which sucks for the /lit/ guy :(

>> No.10020525

Ehh we've been together for like two years. Id like to be single again but you know...I'm not sure if 'bitches be crazy' is really a good enough reason to give her the flick.

>> No.10020546

What exactly is the reason to give her the flick?

Besides she cheated.

>> No.10020621

can't live with them, can't live without 'em. the reason this became a truism is because it's true.

if she doesn't like to read, don't make her read steinbeck for christ's sake! give her something sexy, like "if on a winter's night a traveler..." that book talks to you with real comedy, and ends up with two readers getting married. if you want her to read, you should find some interesting stuff.

women in general have 0 emotional intelligence, which is rich, because they're usually accorded the greater part of it. some might disagree, but it's better to have some crazy be upfront—if it's buried too deep, it can come out in harmful ways later. just be sure she doesn't act like a toddler in public.

>> No.10020752

ditto, is she american?

>> No.10020754

is it

>> No.10020758


>> No.10020767

This is why I only go after introvert girls who value alone time just as much as I do

>> No.10020789

>introvert girls

No thanks they get bored of you asap

>> No.10020812
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>she said she only watches it for the background noise in the house. She doesn't like a quiet house.

What is it with people these days that they always have to have noise? Like why for example does the gym have music playing when everyone just listens to music on their phone anyway? Why does every restaurant have annoyingly loud music playing? I've actually had to ask stores to turn their music down because it was so fucking loud.

>> No.10020855

They can't *just* be thrown out, they have to be demonstrated as being signed without a witness, or under duress, or being oral instead of written, or full assets not having been disclosed. They can be thrown out for being uneven, but it usually has to be pretty extreme.

>> No.10020945

She's American. I guess I'm really lucky. She reads almost as much as I do and is studying to be a vet. She's supportive of me collecting rare books and never bothers me while I'm reading. Of course, I still date her and make sure I don't completely ignore her for too long.

>> No.10021134

i mean, yes? it is? do you want to get married to her? where do you see it going 5 years from now? and you say she's stupid

>> No.10021251
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>If she ain't farting in your face, the relationships a disgrace.

>> No.10021287

>How can I get my Korean wife interested in reading?
you can't. They will only read retarded celebrity news & naver cafe shit on their phones.

>> No.10021354

Wait is this not normal?

>> No.10021440

They can be thrown down because that's how judges work. Prenups are only ever really acknowledged with wealthy couples because otherwise the judge rules in "Fairness". It's like you don't know how fucking bullshit the "duress" clause is.

"I felt pressured that he'd leave him if I didn't sign it"

boom, it's thrown out. It has happened before. Prenups are the biggest bullshit thing ever.

>> No.10021450

You can live without them. I'm celibate for non-religious reasons and the last time I was in a relationship with a "woman" I was 14. Went through a lot of bullshit between 14-16 that involved girls and self-reflected for a few years and decided at the same of 20 that I'm just going to be single. It's only a truism if you want kids or can't handle the single life.

>> No.10021735

She's not stupid. Far from it. I think part of the problem is that she is Japanese and I'm Australian. From what I gather, socially speaking, Japanese women are expected to have low emotional intelligence, but Australian women must have high emotional intelligence.
So I guess therein lies the conflict.
Dude she liked Steinbeck. Who wouldn't lie Steinbeck, you'd have to be heartless or a capitalist.

>> No.10021796

basing your opinion of adult relationships on what you experienced as a 15 year old is... something.

>> No.10021811


where's she from ?

>> No.10021816


This post is charmingly naive in so many ways.

>> No.10021820

>she'll sit there next to me and rub my back while I read like a good fucking woman
So do you do the same for her, or are you full of shit like everyone else on here?

>> No.10021825


Why are you angrily whiteknighting the woman that he is engaged to? Are you for real?

>> No.10021828

Lol. Oh wow.

>> No.10021834

This is probably the most beta response imaginable.

>> No.10021836

Surely the average basic bitch has better taste and a bigger brain than the average /lit/izen anyway

>> No.10021939

I wish I had free girls

>> No.10021940

what things does she want to do all the time? just curious, literally can't imagine anything

>> No.10021945

All this RP. Fucking end yourself.

>> No.10021950

Aw. Do you even think before typing?

I-I'm p-perfectly f-fine I have decided to pursue knowledge haha, why would I have a relationship. Haha

>> No.10021953

she just doesn't like that you're not paying homage to her. tell her to stfu pls.

>> No.10022140

Jesus Christ anon

>> No.10022155

>this knee jerk defense mechanism.
Have fun playing russian roulette you fucking saps.

>> No.10022176

>celibate for non-religious reasons
Yeah, I'm sure. Give it a few years and you'll realize how horribly wrong you were, and you'll end up like every guy in the one place on the internet worse than /r9k/ (/r/incel).

>> No.10022188
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Hope this helps some of you guys struggling out there. My marriage is fucking awesome!!

>> No.10022193
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Pt 2.

Would also add that the Tao of Sexuality isn't bullshit and the technique of internal orgams really does work.

>> No.10022194

Haha nice I got owned

>> No.10022205

You don't know shit about me you little fucking rat

>> No.10022208

I am married and dont understand what your problem is.

>Anon do you want to come watch endless reruns of big bang theory?
>No im reading
>dont you want to read in here?
>no, i cant read with the tv on

unhealthy, ask for privacy, if she wont give it, have a fight. this will either wreck your relationship or save it.

running your own finances is massively important as well.

Low test

>> No.10022216

Prenups get thrown out all the fucking time for whatever reason the judge chooses. If the judge doesn't think she can support herself (eg because she's unemployed) he/she can just throw out the prenup. Ask any family lawyer. Prenups don't mean shit.

>> No.10022427

it's to avoid "awkward" silence

>> No.10022501

I always see autists post this shit, but anecdotally all my friends (5) who have gotten divorces had to pay at most like 7 months of alimony, and child support, with my closest buddy winning primary custody because he broke into her email and facebook messenger to show infidelity and showed the mediator psych drugs.

>> No.10022586

"Prenups are useless" is the latest meme idiots push to make themselves seem smart

>> No.10022615


>pol9k tier resentful frogposting hiding behind a veneer of jovial realism

I'm sorry the woman you married is a two-dimensional caricature of a human being.

>> No.10022620

I actually knew a female relative in law who lost virtually every asset she had after a divorce. Custody wasn't an issue because her kids were adults, but something like 40% of fathers don't even challenge custody. Hell, my dad never paid a cent of child support of his life and there was really no way to make him do it.

The people here calling duress bullshit are probably the same aggressive spergs that would use those methods in the first place. Judges are always going to be somewhat arbitrary - even when they're not, the individual that loses or makes a settlement they dislike is usually going to whine.

>> No.10022627

I know you're an angry little man who gets triggered super easily and talks shit about his wife on the internet. Get a life you ungrateful nigger.

>> No.10022633

My gf got me back into reading after all the fucking forced reading in high school made me hate it.

We spend most of our nights cuddled on the couch, each reading our own book. Fucking comfy. Sounds like you fucked yourself, anon. Hope you signed a prenub.

>> No.10022677

I'm beginning to suspect that my wife is literally handicapped. It isn't dyslexia - at least, she hasn't been diagnosed. Her vocabulary is basically monosyllabic. The lone dusty pamphlet on her side of our shared bookshelf is the manual to a television we do not own. Sometimes I have to wake her up at night because she forgets to breathe. Whenever I try to read she grunts obstinately in confusion and timidly tries to remove the book from my hands as though it is an evil talisman - imagine that scene from 2001 when the apes encounter the obelisk. She fears too greatly the books clustered together on the shelf. For her it must be like coming up against a nest of spiders. If, however, I make the mistake of leaving a single book marooned in any other place in the house when I'm away, I will inevitably find it buried in a hole in our back garden.

We have great sex despite that she often becomes incredibly confused during the middle of the act. What do I do chums?

>> No.10022713

Maybe deviate from reading Hunger Games with your pleb wife, you utter pedestrian.

>> No.10022747

>"I'm going to create an imaginary reality where this guy's fortune is actually a bullet that I dodged by being a lonely autist!"
I never said I was married. Not surprising you can't read. Stay jelly.

>> No.10022758

Be sure to get a prenub if ever you do get married, pleb.

>> No.10022780

Lol wtf

>> No.10022796


>> No.10022845
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>he married a woman that doesn't read

That's your own damn fault, you blockhead. Either you deal with it and become a normie retard or you teach her the value of reading. I mean, dude, you DO have control over your wife don't you...?

>> No.10023007

why are you dating her

>> No.10023062
File: 18 KB, 450x300, 49067154-doubt-and-confusion-concept--portrait-of-confused-beautiful-20s-girl-expressing-distrust-and-suspici(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 21 and have had one gf. Is this how most women are? Why did you guys marry girls who are ambivalent or dislike your passion? Was it to hard to find an irl /lit/fu?

>> No.10023097

I married a stem girl, she was demonstrably intelligent. Her taste in literature is roughly analogous to her taste in television (think gossip girl) but she puts 60 hours a week into academics and clinical practice so i cant judge. Also when we got together she was much more likely to feign interest, whereas now she isnt.

>> No.10023177
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>Sometimes I have to wake her up at night because she forgets to breathe.

>> No.10023190
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>im a girl btw xd

kill yourself

>> No.10023193

>gets married
>feels dumb
>blames wife

>> No.10023205
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daily reminder

>> No.10023209

my gf is more /lit/ than me. what do?

>> No.10023218

Why are these assholes even here?
I always wish I had their lives so I wouldn't be a depresses loser

>> No.10023223

stay toasty roastie

>> No.10023262

Please don't tell me you two are in an interracial relationship or that she has been before being with you

>> No.10023271

>non religious
Why are larping when you are anonomous? Im not proud being a 23khv but i dont claim it was by choice

>> No.10023279

>wanting your children to mongoloids without an identity

>> No.10023307

You fucking underage mongoloid.

>> No.10023343

by not being a bitch. If you want to read and your wife wants to do something else, just say no. As adults, you two can do separate things from time to time

>> No.10023878

mate Australians don't have any identity to begin with, so the hypothetical kids were screwed from the start.

>> No.10024065

It took about 3 years for my boyfriend and I to stop with that crap, and just realize that we have forever to get to know one another. So, how long have you been together? Maybe you still need to get through the initial infatuation. Let her know that you want to spend your life with her, and you will have all of the time in the world together but you need to take care of your needs.

>> No.10024091

Damn, two hours a day? I'd love that if I wasn't in college, and approximately spending 95 hours (including class hours) a week on school work.

What's your profession?

>> No.10024105

All women? I think you mean all people. We're complex. I need about 3 people to be close to, to actually fulfill my social needs. A lot of what I like in people just usually doesn't overlap with with what other traits I find to be important. Stop thinking you're so fucking superior for having a penis.

>> No.10024111

post tits

>> No.10024127

And one of you used "lol" on 4chan. Oh yes, so superior. It is honestly easy for you to believe somebody is telling the truth when they refer to their fucking wife, supposedly the most important person in their life, as "a good fucking woman." I'm not the guy you're responding to, but really? Is it really that easy to this retartedly misogynistic?

>> No.10024139

haha, what a fag

>> No.10024524

You bet your jealous ass I do the same thing for her. Every day. I rub that woman's feet for hours every time she wants me to, and I always will. If you drop your shitty attitude you might know that feeling someday. My whole point is that there are badass women out there. I had to go through a whole lot of shitty relationships (many in which I played a large role in the downfall of, make no mistake) before I found someone who doesn't, willfully or not, hold me back in some way. Implying that I'm the kind of idiot who would take that for granted doesn't insult me nearly as much as it illuminates the type of person you are.

>> No.10026312 [DELETED] 

If you think a bad break up as a 15 year old lead me to celibacy then you're retarded. I just said it all started around that age and for 6 years I self-reflected. I'm 24 right now and still stick by with my choice. I'm not some MGTOW retard either.
How so? I'd love to hear your dozen of assumptions of how you reached that conclusion because my post was very vague because I didn't want to type a blog.
More assumptions based on lack of any critical thinking.
It's really not bad.
Do you not know the difference between being celibate and being an incel? I am not some ugly neet neckbeard. I don't have the patience for women and I don't want a child. I'm happy enough having nieces and nephews and using my time helping my family. A lot of people here really freak out when someone decides to deviate from the norm.
>Guy has different goals and views like differently than me
>He must be low test even though I know nothing about him
I don't know what you mean but I'm assuming it's incel. During high school, age between 15-18 and even a few months after I had a few girls interested in me but I just didn't want to be in a relationship. It's just not for me. No idea why people can't understand that. Some people just had different lives and adapted different ways.

>> No.10026420
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I'm not kh but I am a virgin. I've turned down booty calls because I'm just not that type of guy and if I ever choose to lose my virginity I don't want to to be to some slut I know.
Do you not know the difference between celibate and incel? I've had the choice but picked my own path. I don't consider myself handsome but I'm not ugly. pic related. I don't want or need kids and while I occasionally get lonely I have my family and friends.

A lot of people really project or make assumptions that a guy choosing not to be in a relationship is either ugly as sin or some awkward beta male who couldn't flirt with a rock. For a board that tries to pass themselves as intellectuals a lot of you really just can't wrap your head around people living life differently than the norm.

>> No.10026723

>I make the mistake of leaving a single book marooned in any other place in the house when I'm away, I will inevitably find it buried in a hole in our back garden.
Fucking gold

>> No.10026792

This. If my wife wants to watch something while I read, she just puts in headphones so we can sit on the same couch.

Fucking kek I haven't seen this pasta before.

>> No.10026929

god, you talk like a joss whedon caricature. at least kierkegaard found a way to defend the aesthetic validity of marriage without sounding like a total bitchboy.

>> No.10026940

what the fuck, is your hereditary catolicismo twisting your desires into some neurotic, freudian way?

>> No.10027244

>hurrr boyz club no girls allowed xd
>just being a woman is being an attention whore even though men don't hold back from talking about their girlfriends and dicks 24/7

>> No.10027289

wew lad

>> No.10027804

>If she ain't farting in your face
>tfw joyce was the first braaap poster

>> No.10029097

>I need about 3 people to be close to, to actually fulfill my social needs
That's what every persons thinks and says, anon. At least every male.

>> No.10029132

The only girl I've kissed posted milk and honey quotes.

>> No.10029147

Does anyone here have a gf that is more /lit/ than him?

>> No.10030383

>How do married anons cope with their lesser wives?
separated a month ago

>> No.10030405

>he's capable of attracting a woman
fuck off you privileged scum

I'd marry an illiterate peasant if she liked me

>> No.10030409

Fuck her brains out until she can't feel her legs and has to lie on bed naked and sweaty for a while, until she can regain her composure. In the meantime, read.

>> No.10030430

Family is Christian and I'm not part of any religion. I'm still searching but any answers I seek won't be found in anything I've heard of so far. There's something mental that makes me unable to follow religion but atheism is full on retard as well as the main stream agnostics.