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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 340x326, blade_runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1000000 No.1000000 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.1000028

Awwwwww fuck.

>> No.1000029

this is the worst thing to ever happen to this board

>> No.1000030


>> No.1000031


>> No.1000033


>> No.1000034

fuck you man

>> No.1000035

i'm okay with this

>> No.1000038

Ahaha. Well, I'm glad that it wasn't spam.

>> No.1000039



But all we'd talk about is Neuromancer

>> No.1000041

Fuck you

>> No.1000042

i was close enough

>> No.1000046
File: 142 KB, 335x441, Picture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.1000047

son of a fuck.

>> No.1000048

Even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat.

You have your GET, now go.

>> No.1000050

Fuck that.

>> No.1000051
File: 7 KB, 389x255, 1280686849793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.1000052


>> No.1000053
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>> No.1000056
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>> No.1000057

/lit/ wins, that's right. Fuck off /b/tards.

>> No.1000059

Damn, better read some more Gibson.

>> No.1000060

I rather hate you.

>captcha: dignify questions

>> No.1000061

And I tried to make GET Lolita...

>> No.1000062

you are all gay nerds

>> No.1000063

Sounds kind of exciting.

>> No.1000067
File: 40 KB, 509x385, everything_went_better_than_expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot must now provide everyone on lit with free kindle or other e-readers

>> No.1000069

eh could be worse. Fuck yeah PKD UP IN THIS

>> No.1000072
File: 1.18 MB, 240x180, McGradySeriousFace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1000074

wait wut

>> No.1000075


out of curiosity

>> No.1000076
File: 65 KB, 486x599, 1264408573870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not.

>> No.1000078 [DELETED] 
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She chooses a better subject than she does a story. I barely gave a shit about osme of hte characetrs by the time the seventh book rollde around.

Harry was a mainstay, though. What he did always mattered and he was never unlikable.

>> No.1000079

2 mil GET

>> No.1000080

Fuck off.

What the fuck OP? Cyberpunk? Seriously?

>> No.1000083
File: 36 KB, 256x324, Beneath_a_Steel_Sky_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done.

>> No.1000088

Instead, Henry David Thoreau is king of /lit/.

>> No.1000091
File: 111 KB, 375x500, 1278641308533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1000093

I approve of this great success, time to collect the royalties!



>> No.1000094
File: 21 KB, 250x242, Lisshockedbyyourfaggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crisis fucking averted.

>> No.1000095

Fuck no. Marcus Aurelius is Emperor of /lit/.

>fucking delicious captcha: at rome

>> No.1000096


Thank God you failed.

>> No.1000097 [DELETED] 
File: 899 KB, 1576x1146, 1275608153220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If yo uliked reading about the Spanish Civil War, Antony Beevor's "aBttle for Spain" is a comprehensive overview of the politisc from all sides.

>> No.1000099
File: 98 KB, 800x452, akira5js7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now this is awesome.

Just hope moot actually does it...

>> No.1000100


For another taste of what might of been.

>> No.1000103


We can have a King and an Emperor, like the Habsburgs.

>> No.1000104

I hate you. I really do.

>> No.1000105

Goat fucking Muhammad we dodged a lot of bullets today.

>> No.1000106


>> No.1000111
File: 25 KB, 620x306, gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL I didn't know William Gibson was a MOD on 4chan.

Should have suspected.

>> No.1000112
File: 20 KB, 480x360, gibby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw GET

>> No.1000113

Why did the worst tripfag in all of /lit/ have to get the get?


Why not some other less annoying tripfag....or even the damn spambot!

>> No.1000114

*might have

>> No.1000115
File: 48 KB, 640x427, forddeckard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1000116

one could be even more of a hipster faggot

>> No.1000118

Considering an empire contains many kingdoms, then it's possible for both to exist.

Henry David Thoreau for King of /lit/, any dissenters?

>> No.1000120


>> No.1000121

>worst tripfag got the get

>> No.1000123

Hey guys, what cyberpunk should I read other than Gibson?

>> No.1000124

Jorge Luis Borges is the king of /lit/.

>> No.1000125

post really hard and fast and maybe it'll only take 1

>> No.1000126

I dissent. Thoreau would have never accepted the position of King.

>> No.1000127

>cyberpunk board
>cyber punk board
>cp board

I am okay with this?

>> No.1000128


I think this is an excellent idea.

>> No.1000129
File: 120 KB, 527x357, 1272571118469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He say you Brade Runner

>> No.1000132

Who is into cyberpunk????

What are you 13?

I'm sick of these damn nerds infesting /lit/ with their pathetic excuse for literature.

>> No.1000133


It would double as a trap

>> No.1000137

Oh for fuck's sake.

WELL ANYWAY, sup, /cyberpunk/?

>> No.1000138
File: 70 KB, 600x408, blade_runner_movie_image_harrison_ford__2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell em i'm eating

>> No.1000139


>> No.1000146
File: 40 KB, 350x568, ubik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of this get and its implications.

>> No.1000147
File: 35 KB, 625x417, jm234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when cyberpunk get

>> No.1000149

An anarchist as king, it's brilliant.

>> No.1000152

does anyone have that cyberpunk poem parody pic, the one about the shit

>> No.1000154

>Implying that cyberpunk is literature

>> No.1000157

Cybers are for greek boats men. This is now a bronzeage cyberpunk thread- agripunk go...the sky over Troy was grey, like the colour of a Hellene channelling a dead god.

>> No.1000158
File: 96 KB, 406x299, neuromanca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuromancer approves of this thread

>> No.1000161
File: 106 KB, 737x660, poem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?

>> No.1000162
File: 19 KB, 711x347, bladerunnerne0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've seen GETS you..people..wouldn't believe

>> No.1000165
File: 35 KB, 417x627, Mnemmonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychic Heroine-Addicted Dolphins.

>> No.1000167

ya thanx

>> No.1000168
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my captcha approves of this

>> No.1000169

Btw, one good film adaption doesn't justify an entire shit genre.

>> No.1000173


When we reach Page 15, all these posts will be lost like... tears in rain.

>> No.1000176
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>> No.1000178
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to die

>> No.1000179

u mad steampunk faggpt?

>> No.1000180

someone archive this shit

>> No.1000181

is there cyberpunk other than gibson? lol

The Diamond age was supposedly good

>> No.1000182

Everything is shit man.
Pick any Genre and I will guarantee you that 90% of whats been published in it is garbage.

>> No.1000187

Steampunk doesn't even have a decent film adaption lol. In fact, steampunk doesn't even really exist. No one has yet made a single significant steampunk work.

>> No.1000188

phillip k. motherfukin dick.

>> No.1000189

Could this be the one time I actually care about a get?!
No. No it couldn't.

>> No.1000191
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>> No.1000193
File: 23 KB, 264x261, 7978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck.....it happened......

>> No.1000194

But most genres at least have their jewels. Cyberpunk is essentially a genre created by nerds that longed to be hipsters but were too clouded by their left brained mathematical thinking to actually come up with decent shit.

>> No.1000196
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>> No.1000197

accoding to reliable internet resource Wikipedia the book Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon is a steampunk novel, literary mastery dense and steeped in allusion

>> No.1000199
File: 36 KB, 270x400, Steamboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steampunk doesn't even have a decent film adaption lol.

Howl's Moving Castle, herp derp

>In fact, steampunk doesn't even really exist.


>No one has yet made a single significant steampunk work.


>> No.1000200
File: 23 KB, 400x300, full_metal_alchemist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1000202
File: 19 KB, 264x319, artist_show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange days was actually pretty good. The original Ghost in the shell OVA was pretty good.

and of course, Blade Runner is a classic. One of my favourite films of all time

>> No.1000205

Not What I'd Call Significant

>> No.1000210

those are not films, they are anime its like what lady gaga is to wagner

>> No.1000211

Animu. Doesn't. Count. lmfao.

>> No.1000214


Not really.

>> No.1000215 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 468x427, TF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon now, wake up, stay alert, this is /lit/ not /b/. It shouldn't have been that easy for me.

>> No.1000217

Baroque cycle is good

>> No.1000222

are we archiving this? I already emailed moot about changing /lit/ to /cp/

>> No.1000223

i thought pkd was paranoid fiction

>> No.1000228


>This film was produced in Japan

>4chan hates Japan, right?



Go back to /co/ please.

>> No.1000234

Nobody has made a good steampunk film because it's not possible. Steampunk is fan service from head to toe.

At least cyberpunk had something to say, though it shot it's load in just one stroke.

>> No.1000235


Uh lol I dunno what your rambling about but baroqoue is that one shitt ygenre of music.

>> No.1000236

I may or may not have just thrown up in my mouth.

>> No.1000237

Lol I enjoyed FMA. No trolling there.

>> No.1000240

Cyberpunk is just like, so deep, man!

>> No.1000242
File: 180 KB, 135x111, coolness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lets do this shit

>> No.1000244

Yeah so did I (but the new is complete crap)

>> No.1000245


>> No.1000246

favorite cyberpunk authors:
1.phillip k. dick
2. william s. burroughs
3. Gilles Deleuze
4. William Gibson

>> No.1000247

the new fma, it sucks

>> No.1000249

You know what's going to happen? This board will get flooded with Gibson trolling and discussion about him will get banned from /lit/. It'll be Ayn Rand all over again.

>> No.1000250

>Changing /lit/ to cp

You do realize that everyone who comes here is going to be looking for child porn, right?

>> No.1000251

What the hell, it's a grandfather genre to cyberpunk

therefore win

>> No.1000252
File: 59 KB, 480x591, Johann_Sebastian_Bach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you heard my Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor? Yeah, it's pretty much the greatest piece of music you've ever heard on your entire life.

>> No.1000253

never heard of the first and last ones, sorry

>> No.1000254

>On a lit board talking books
>People bring up steampunk
>I claim there is no decent steampunk literature
>Everyone screams "ANIMU"
>You get butthurt that I'm disregarding it b/c "we're all supposed to be weeaboos in 4chan"

Really now?

>> No.1000259
File: 69 KB, 800x600, batou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the reasons why it's fucking awesome

>> No.1000261

Oh, how I wish the Jogo guy was the get T_T

>> No.1000262

I came here for Lewis Carroll's photography.

>> No.1000263

Gonna have to back up this fellow here.

Then again, internet argument, so you know.

>> No.1000268

Congratz for naming two of the most well known pieces of Baroque music and flaunting them as unknown.

>> No.1000273
File: 30 KB, 193x250, 1256523708430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flaunting them as unknown
Did you even read his post?

>> No.1000274

I can count every good cyberpunk novel on one finger.

>> No.1000275


Well this tripnigger obviously never heard them, or he wouldn't be ragging on my broski.

>> No.1000278
File: 50 KB, 312x503, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you cant be both

>> No.1000279
File: 7 KB, 182x251, 1277515604653s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zeek's a bizarre troll from a while back, let him be.

>> No.1000285

I will say that Baroque is one of the greatest genres in music history. Vivaldi's the shit & so are Rameau and Purcell.

>> No.1000290
File: 212 KB, 546x900, Blade_Runner__Tears_in_Rain_by_HalBaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can live with this

>> No.1000292
File: 17 KB, 300x300, don draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bizzare troll from a while back
>doesn't even appear on the post count list on green oval

>> No.1000295
File: 28 KB, 331x311, 1254694376619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean "Barosqui," right? Right?

>> No.1000297

have you read anything other than androids? most of pkd's work is not cyberpunk at all, just have a look at the man in the high castle, time out of joint, eye int he sky, the many who japed, etc

>> No.1000301

You didn't say there was no good Steampunk literature, you said there were no decent films, then you said there was not a single decent Steampunk work. And then you implied that to enjoy watching an anime makes one wapanese. If you disregarded it because you had some genuine complaints with some aspects of the film, or even if you pointed out that a book board isn't the place for discussing movies, that would be fine, but you defaulted to "JAPAN R BAD LOL WEEABOOS"

Also, you say "lol". And "lfmao". Try not to do that if you want to get taken seriously.

But I digress. In response to your claim that there is no decent Steampunk literature, I say, learn to Jules Verne.

And yes. Imad.

>> No.1000302

I can count every great cyberpunk novel on one fist.

>> No.1000303

>count list on green oval

Okay, I need some explanation here.

>> No.1000304

A Scanner Darkly is god-tier cyberpunk. Also William S Burroughs invented cyberpunk amirite?

>> No.1000306

trolling =/= number of posts

Quality over quantity bro.
Just spouting stupid nonsense like you do doesn't make you a troll it makes you a dumbass attention whore. Trolling is a subtle art.

>> No.1000307

the sky above the bay was pink like the colour of a soft machine tuned to the anal mucousa of tamil boys flying in on ultralights ejaculating as they were hung, laotian boys frigging themselves to the lyrics of neo-anarchist agendas, pirate norwegian lads the colour of transopiate sunsets in melbourne hypothesising new theses of religious transcendence across the bellies of junk sick modulated hypnagogic highs induced by white subsaharan political misceginators and the trilling beat of Slovenian philosophers hugging the dusty balls of sweaty mongol overlords while chewing khat.

>> No.1000308
File: 80 KB, 688x547, AintLogical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, since not all of his work was cyberpunk, it must follow that none of his work can possibly be cyberpunk?

>> No.1000310

FUCK YOU>>1000000

>> No.1000318
File: 25 KB, 607x578, serious1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha: Archived of
a sign from above

>> No.1000320

ITT - nerds who wouldn't know good lit if it bit them on their collective ass

>> No.1000322

no i just dont think his writing fits the cyberpunk genre as much as general science fiction.
a scanner darkly is not cuberpunk at all, its just fiction, god tier literature at that

>> No.1000327

what about A scanner darkly is not cyberpunk? what standards are you using? Does not compute.

>> No.1000328

Im sorry Im a little confused.
What definition of cyberpunk are we operating under?

>> No.1000331

Rather, I said there "isn't even a decent film adaption": film implying live action. But when I mentioned the steam punk "works", I was obviously referring to a literary work as we are in /lit/.

As for your final accusation, in order to not sound like a neck-beard starbucks sipping /lit/ hipster, I occasionally use colloquialisms like "lol" or "lmfao". We're on the internet and on a 4chan board so I'd definitely argue that it's acceptable.

>> No.1000333
File: 31 KB, 336x414, cuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1000335

Dante's Inferno is my favorite cyberpunk.

>> No.1000336
File: 154 KB, 330x327, 1279670997546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't bother myself with what is and is not cyberpunk because I'm less concerned with categorization that I am with reading good literature.

Just a thought.

>> No.1000337

>Implying there can be a god tier for a genre that's pure shit to begin with

>> No.1000344

cuberpunk = high tech + low life

a scanner darkly is not a book about technology it is a book about DRUGS, as someone put it pkd is literature for drug nerds

>> No.1000345

>implying that he has read any cyberpunk

>> No.1000348

>At least cyberpunk had something to say, though it shot it's load in just one stroke.

Yeeeep, that sounds about right.

>> No.1000349

ugh. it features technology so heavily it is not even funny. the scramble suit? also, drugs are technology, sweety. especially Death. that isn't even around yet..although i theorized it was a addictive synthesis of opiates and DXM...nevertheless..

>> No.1000357
File: 58 KB, 519x391, Done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Rather, I said there "isn't even a decent film adaption": film implying live action.

Last I checked, "film" meant "film", not "live-action film".

>But when I mentioned the steam punk "works", I was obviously referring to a literary work as we are in /lit/.

Or you know, you can completely ignore the part of my last post that cited Jules Verne as good Steampunk literature, that's fine too.

>> No.1000360

technology is not the focus of the book, addiction and paranoia is

>> No.1000363

Actually, I completely looked over it. But I didn't even think to address it considering Jules Verne wrote no steampunk literature.

>> No.1000367

Just want to point out that cyberpunk has been essentially dead since like 1989 or 1990 and that anything published after that is either a parody, a conscious imitation, or simply an intellectual heir of cyberpunk as such. Similarly, nothing published before roughly 1980 or 1981 (when Gibson's early stories were published in Omni) is actually cyberpunk - more of an ancestor or influence.

Also, read Bruce Sterling + Wm Gibson + John Shirley + Pat Cadigan errday

>> No.1000368

the paranoia is highly derived from the presence of technology, technology and surveillance society are major features in the book. the drugs are the low life part, of course.

>> No.1000371

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> Archiving posts, please hang on for a few seconds......reminder for developer, remove this status message...
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>> No.1000373

The sky over the mid part of my life was dark, like being lost in a forest persued ever onwards by beasts.

>> No.1000375

i agree with that statement, however the same can be said of brave new world and 1984 (minus the drugs), however noone is claiming that garbage to be cyberpunk

>> No.1000381

well, i don't think BNW has enough of the ''low life'' aspect.

>> No.1000385

This is probably the longest thread in /lit/ history.

>> No.1000388

Just want to point out that if you claim that Phillip K Dick is fucking cyberpunk you literally know nothing about science fiction and need to get the fuck out, thanks

captcha: William beatnik

>> No.1000386 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 640x480, IMG_0604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw william s. burroughs Nova Express is the first steampunk novel

>> No.1000391

nope. threads about postmodernism or marxism are always longer.

>> No.1000393

What we need is more Zizek threads because he's both a postmodernist and a "marxist".

>> No.1000395
File: 82 KB, 845x353, artist_paper2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it even HAVE a low life aspect? That indian colony does not count


>> No.1000396

you best be trolling, hightech lowlife was painfully obvious in BNW. the two main characters were binary opposites, john savage wtf

>> No.1000397
File: 151 KB, 640x480, IMG_0604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfy when William S. Burroughs Nova Express is the first Cyberpunk novel and noone seems to notice

>> No.1000399

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea?
Journey to the Centre of the Earth?
From the Earth to the Moon?

All Juels Verne.

And there's also The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells.

And the literature written in modern times. Airborn (Kenneth Oppel) is a good example.

>> No.1000401

it's lowlife, not savage life. there is a difference

>> No.1000403

Lets continue to argue about arbitrary classifications of literature. Im sure we will all gain great wisdom and insight from this conversation.

>> No.1000404

Please see >>1000307

Also, I wish to decapitate you for my Feminist Womb Queen Overlords, prepare your anus, the binoculars of the people will do nothing for your Tibet.

>> No.1000407

See >>1000336

>> No.1000411

i'm into whatever you're into, baby

>> No.1000412

The sky over Ljubljiana was black, white, and red like the colour of Neue Slowenische Kunst tuned to a dead socialist modernist aesthetic. Zizek watched the lights of Paris and Harvard glittering in the distance like so many dead Bosnian children resurrected by hard voiced BBC journalists and made to dance like the puppets of failed liberal democracy.

>> No.1000415

zizek is also cyberpunk. or am i thinking of badrillard?

>> No.1000436
File: 2 KB, 144x432, Laibach_vertical.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1000446
File: 71 KB, 720x480, PDVD_035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One bump before going to sleep.

Do me a favour and e-mail mootles, /lit/ could really benefit from having a special event like this. It's stuff like this that makes 4chan a fun and unpredictable place to be

>> No.1000465

the thing is, moot doesn't give a fuck about /lit/ because no one actually posts here

captcha: the louvers

>> No.1000467

>Stupid "gets" are unpredictable

Rest assured, good anon, these will always be around.

>> No.1000488

The sky over /lit/ was #FFFFEE like a board tuned to a dead chan.

>> No.1000503


gg tripfag

cyberpunk this shit up

>> No.1000617


>> No.1000644

The sky over the Gibson was grey, like the colour of a newfag tuned to a dead meme.

>> No.1000650

What do you mean? I got the garbage file

>> No.1000656

William Gibson so badly wishes to fuck the girl with kaleidoscope eyes, ""Lighten up. You want to buy some good free base?" She pulled up a chair and quickly sat before either of them could stop her. She was barely inside my fixed field of vision, a thin girl with mirrored glasses, her dark hair cut in a rough shag. She wore black leather, open over a T-shirt slashed diagonally with stripes of red and black. "Eight thou a gram weight.""

>> No.1000680

Taylor and I don't get along. Funny how you usually don't, if the guy's psychosexual profile is too much like your own.

>> No.1000685

Heaven was built after a dead Frenchman returned with a twelve-centimeter ring of magnetically coded steel locked in his cold hand, black parody of the lucky kid who wins the free ride on the merry-go-round. We may never find out where or how he got it, but that ring was the Rosetta stone for cancer. So now it's cargo cult time for the human race. We can pick things up out there that we might not stumble across in research in a thousand years. Charmian says we're like those poor suckers on thier island, who spend all thier time building landing strips to make the big silver birds come back. Charmian says that contact with "superior" civilizations is something you don't wish on your worst enemy.

>> No.1001257

wut the fuck

>> No.1001265


>> No.1001382

Johnny Mnemonic: What the fuck is going on? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? You know, all my life, I've been careful to stay in my own corner. Looking out for Number One... no complications. Now, suddenly, I'm responsible for the *entire fucking world*, and everybody and his mother is trying to kill me, IF... IF... my head doesn't blow up first.
Jane: Maybe it's not just about you any more.
Johnny Mnemonic: Listen. You listen to me. You see that city over there? THAT'S where I'm supposed to be. Not down here with the dogs, and the garbage, and the fucking last month's newspapers blowing *back* and *forth*. I've had it with them, I've had it with you, I've had it with ALL THIS - *I want ROOM SERVICE*! I want the club sandwich, I want the cold Mexican beer, I want a $10,000-a-night hooker! I want my shirts laundered... like they do... at the Imperial Hotel... in Tokyo.

>> No.1001393


I need to get online! I NEEED! A compuuUter!

>> No.1001400
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One film where Keanu was suited perfectly to act as lead

Just look at that face. One cold corporate motherfucker

>> No.1001404

Constantine and Johnny Mnemonic are basically the exact same film, only one has cyberspace and the other has Hell.

>> No.1001407

Johnny Mnemonic was better than The Matrix.

>> No.1001412
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why not have both?

>> No.1001415
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>mfw /lit/ is cyberpunk

>> No.1001426
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>mfw /lit/ is quoting Johnny Mnemonic the MOVIE.

We need to talk, /cyberpunk/.

>> No.1001437
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>implying ghost in the shell is even cyberpunk
I never got that, it certainly had CYBER, but part of the appeal was it had no PUNK. Still pretty goo film series

>> No.1001444


Well let's start by examining what makes cyberpunk "cyberpunk."

Frequent themes in the genre include:

- Transhumanism
- Cybercriminals
- Overpowered corporations
- Gritty or crime-ridden society
- Disaffected hero or anti-hero

Like: Neuromancer. Meets all of the above.
Ghost in the Shell hits all the points but the anti-hero. Ghost in the Shell is a cyberpunk story told from the perspective of the government employee rather than the rogue or the hacker. IIRC, Do Androids Dream...? was also about a government employee..

>> No.1001453
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Goodmorning /cp/ I have a question: Is cyberpunk a different genre for fiction, because our real lives have come to resemble it too closely?

>> No.1001456

meant to make a new thread...i'll just go and do that now

>> No.1001458


I think the point of cyberpunk is that it's a genre of science fiction that isn't too far a throw from our current situation. It's still a "what if?" scenario, of course, so it's still sci-fi.

>> No.1001499


>> No.1001503
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But was it really? I recall reading a book on science fiction by a university prof one time, and what he basically said was that Cyberpunk was a tiny movement that grew by claiming just about every science fiction work ever made fit into the genre. Even blade runner, when you think about it has very little to do with the urban criminal atmosphere of Gibson-style cyberpunk.

But what the hell, I like GITS, I like Blade Runner. They’re /cyberpunk/ enough for me

Eh. If anything technology has advanced past the cyberpunk level, but our society isn't exactly as corrupt as what is portrayed

>> No.1001513

>technology has advanced past the cyberpunk level
>no flying cars
>no Matrix

>> No.1001515
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Congrats this board is OFFICIALLY dead.

>> No.1001528
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yeah, you have me there. I'm thinking of all the 80's domestic technology they have, but indeed you are correct

>> No.1001531

I thought cyberpunk was basically a world where we've overpopulated, overpoluted and over-advanced ourselves to the point where psychologically we can barely adapt to the sights and sounds around us or even form a moral paradigm that isn't so antiquated it can't apply or so open and liberal that we can't see dangers ahead of us.

Cyberpunk is basically really depressing reactionary sci-fi.

>> No.1001574

this man has a point. Probably the reason why it was so popular

>> No.1002002


>> No.1002016

Cyberpunk is to literature as nickleback is to quality music

>> No.1002025

keep bein' middlebrow alla time and thinkin it makes you mature, my friend

>> No.1002026

Both are the best.

>> No.1002029

cyberpunk is a genre, nickleback is a group

try again

>> No.1002099
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>Cyberpunk get

>> No.1002165


Just out of curiosity...

>> No.1002636

Except the entire genre was constructed by advertisers and publishers, not authors. I can't recall one "cyberpunk" author that actually acknowledged the genre. Most of them hated it when people called their work cyberpunk. They almost all considered themselves to be science fiction authors, and some didn't even accept that.

Kind of like how when the Grunge genre of music came around, none of the bands in it considered themselves or their music to be Grunge. They all just considered themselves to be musicians.

>> No.1002644 [DELETED] 

so....what's the appeal for this stuff? guns when you got lasers is retarded.

>> No.1002650


lazers that can actually hurt people take a lot of energy

>> No.1002664
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>> No.1003001
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Lain must be around eighty five, and you can tell from his eyes that he's raped and murdered.

Lain gives me the fucking creeps, especially the way he set up his quasi-autonomous unit in a thirteen year old girl in order to achieve gnosis.

>> No.1003026

You will never fly a microlight, screaming through the Tomsk night, with a primitive Deck and ICE strapped to the S/SGT Specialist behind you in order to take down a Soviet data complex, only to be wiped out by lasers, and eventually fly a high-jacked assault helicopter to Finland, being shredded at 10m off the ground by an archaic anti-aircraft gun, before being slowly reconstructed as a persona in a French mental hospital by an Artificial Intelligence that just wants to fuck its brother.


>> No.1003062

>an Artificial Intelligence that just wants to fuck its brother.

>> No.1003125
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Can't believe I'm the first to mention this...

Also steampunk does not deserve to be mentioned in the same thread as cyberpunk.

>> No.1003146

Wait, wait, wait. Did you just seriously claim that Bruce Sterling wouldn't call himself "cyberpunk"? I mean, yes, most of the legitimate cyberpunk authors would make the point that they were writing cyberpunk, but it was clearly a distinct, real, separate movement within science fiction. But it was a very small, very short movement.

>> No.1004213
