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/lit/ - Literature

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10014069 No.10014069 [Reply] [Original]

What jobs can you do with a literature degree?

Or is a meme degree.

>> No.10014073

I have a six figure job lined up at the local literature factory when I graduate this year.

>> No.10014084


It's a meme degree and you fell for it.

What's even worse?
All those helpful intelligent professors who helped you along the way - they knew it the whole time. They knew they were sending you to failure. And they used you because you were just a statistic they can use to justify funding.

>> No.10014090

every professor I had explicitly discouraged me from doing literature because they said it's a waste of my talents/prospects given the shitty career outlook

maybe your teachers just didn't care about you cause you're a pseud

>> No.10014092

Currently teaching in Japan right now with English and Classics degrees. Feels good, anon.

>> No.10014095

>every professor I had explicitly discouraged me from doing literature because they said it's a waste of my talents/prospects given the shitty career outlook

and you did it anyways
congrats on being even stupider than i thought i guess, kek

>> No.10014106

>literature factory

>> No.10014116

i did a lit degree and I currently make 240k a year doing management consulting

>> No.10014138

Do you speak Japanese?

>> No.10014158

It's not useless if you do a postgraduate degree in publishing or information management. If you do the latter you can become a librarian.

>> No.10014159

How do you feel that you are missing out on your family's life and most likely won't be there when they die and regret it for the rest of your life?

>> No.10014167

if you're in an elite program and jewish then sky is the limit, if you're some frogboi pepefag in flyover country then i see walmart in your future

>> No.10014168

is advertising and publishing good jobs?

>> No.10014200

They'd both pay well, but personally I think advertising would be shit

>> No.10014201

Librarians are dying off, library techs make more. Both will become irrelevant within the next 25-50 years.

>> No.10014206

librarian jobs are mostly nepotistic anyways, family members of the top people always get first dibs, then affirmative action hires, then if there's any jobs left like janitor or part time shelf duster, they'll hire a frogboi if for some reason hiring an illegal immigrant isn't possible

>> No.10014209


>> No.10014226


Library techs are literally librarians' assistants who only need a diploma to do their job, so I doubt them making more than a librarian with a post grad degree would be very common

>> No.10014230

but it has "tech" in the name, so it must be a good job amirite?

>> No.10014245

As someone who has his MLIS and is currently trying to find a job, this is very true.

>> No.10014250


I legitimately did not mean to harm anyone by going into literature. I just wanted to be what I thought was free, and enjoy free thinking. I wish someone had just told me.

>> No.10014252

I stock shelves at a supermarket.
I'm trying to get out because they have a kid with Down syndrome doing nearly the same job as me. (they don't let him use the power jack though.). So I guess I have that going for me.

>> No.10014264

Lit grad here.

I don't recommend it, although I am employed and earning a decent salary.

Answer: journalism, law school, teaching, copywriting

However, if my experience is anything to go by be prepared for indifferent or distracted staff, far-left professors who lecture about whatever fag shit they like, and lengthy dull group sessions wherein one autist rants for 30 minutes about how some Graham Greene short story reminds him of his favorite episode of Parks and Recreation, while others play on their phones or sit glaze-eyed. I had to sit through lectures about how Kerouac was a homosexual, how he mistreated women by not having enough of them in On The Road, and a ton of leftwing propaganda.

BLUE PILL: Study for a Lit degree, and then focus on a career like law or journalism, gradually learning to give up your literary aspirations as your career and a family etc become more important to you

RED PILL: Don't attend college, sit in your bedroom for 3 - 4 years consuming literature all day every day while interacting with nobody but your mommy and only leaving the home to go for long pacy walks at night alone

>> No.10014272

Are you a white heterosexual male from a working class or lower middle class background? If so good luck getting a job in publishing.

Advertising is fine if you're a soulless cuck who enjoys office banter with a bunch of carefully groomed nu-Chads who just want to get drunk, fuck girls and travel to various international locations so they can post photos on their instagram

>> No.10014278

Hey you, this might be unrelated, but I'm interested in microbiology; is it a good degree to pursue? Thanks.

Post scriptum, y'all: i'm interested in algae specifically and phytoplankton.

>> No.10014284

>not understanding that if you know how to market yourself well, any degree is useful

are you guys retarded?

>> No.10014289

where do you think you are

>> No.10014290
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>> No.10014308

How do i learn to market myself well?

>> No.10014310

What about teaching Literature on Universitites?

>> No.10014329

Just adjust your resume to the specific job you're trying to apply for. If you're applying for a copywriting job or something obviously you shouldn't say you just studied the classics and learned about shakespeare. instead, you learned to write creatively and originally in a focused environment (or some shit, that was a bad example)

>> No.10014331

Anyone can work at McDonald's but that doesn't make a gender studies degree any better.

>> No.10014344

Never been particularly close to them and don't hold those values, anon. So still feeling good.

>> No.10014357

>leftwing propaganda

Why not voice your dissent with moderacy
quit ur bitchin

>> No.10014366

So? Sounds like you found a nice job despite your degree, not because of it

>> No.10014375


>> No.10014394

I have five friends, one of them is my ex-girlfriend, and all of them are struggling with thier literature degree. all they do is reading their lyrics or prose in front of people and get very little out of it. one can only survive because his parents pay all for him. my ex does minor jobs at theatre and other cultural locations and deals with all that pesuds that only exploit her "good will". one of the reasons i left her. the three left are jobbing as waiters or watching after diasbled or very old people to earn some money besides their worthless dedication to literature and art.

>> No.10014414


>> No.10014427

chimney sweeper

>> No.10014461
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Is the whole dilemma with humanities degrees a failure to apply oneself or a problem with the job market itself?

I'm looking at indeed.com right now, and there are about 200 openings for jobs that require an English degree.

That's not an amazing figure, sure, but it's a lot better than what some people make it out to be.

>> No.10014471

Oldfag here. I hold degrees in English and Philosophy. Here is what you must do, assuming literature is a passion of yours:
>Graduate with BA
>Apply for writing gigs across the country (don't limit by location, salary, etc. A foot in the door anywhere is a blessing)
>Start job
>Get laid off within a year because freelancing is cheaper
>Freelance for a year
>Get stiffed on multiple payments. Be too broke to afford lawyer
>Consider law school
>Pay $15,000 for law school preparatory class that doesn't teach you dick
>Pay $75,000 to sit for LSAT
>Pass LSAT because easy
>Pay $250,000 in application fees to apply to various law schools.
>Get accepted into Tier 1 or Tier 2 school
>Get $70 scholarship
>Go to law school, waste three years of life learning about how to define the word chicken in a contract or about who gets to keep a fox if guy 1 shot it but guy 2 chased it down
>Spend $425,000 on textbooks
>Spend $3 million on tuition
>Graduate in the top 20% of your class
>Get job at Big Law Firm. Work 225 hours per week reading records in a closet
>Make $185,000 for 8-12 years + bonuses
>Make partner at 35 or 40
>Realize that in that time you got married and had a family, but they've already left you
>Work 230 hours a week until you're 65
>Look back fondly on your days spent reveling in the mystery of life, humanity, art, and language.

This is the only route.

>> No.10014746

Holy Kek

>> No.10014778

is there anything less A E S T H E T I C than having a college degree?

>> No.10014782

I'm going to unleash my cat'o'nine tails upon ye

>> No.10014786
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>learning about how to define the word chicken in a contract

I'm fucking howling

>> No.10014793

>he doesn't know

>> No.10014799


>> No.10014802

All degrees are meme degrees.
My diploma says computer science but I've had less luck than literature majors with employment

>> No.10014813

>far-left professors
Hang yourself, amerifat.

>> No.10014837

Literal. Fucking. Hell. Like a Satan shitting down your through perpetually.

>algae specifically and phytoplankton
Oh, so non-human microbiology. Fuck me if I know.

>> No.10015177

get a degree in marketing