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10014045 No.10014045 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophically speaking, was he correct?


>> No.10014049

He's just trying to complete the circle of German idealism.

>> No.10014070

Why is he there?

>> No.10014078

He doesn't take this thinking to the end. He tries to bestow a divine importance on peace. If the universe is a predestined chamber of energy interacting with itself by a prescribed set of rules then what the fuck does peace even mean?

>> No.10014079

Cause he wanted to embrace the meaningless nature of this plain of existence

>> No.10014081

He's sending out mixed messages, simultaneously denying the primacy placed on personality while urging those very personalities to overcome their devotion to "icons." It's harsh scientific realism mixed with nihilism lite and a little bit of fuckery and depression to boot. Don't take it seriously.

>> No.10014085


>> No.10014104

*Kills an arab once*

>> No.10014107

He's on something for sure. Coke?

>> No.10014108

*Moves a boulder an infinite amount of times*

>> No.10014112

Jim Carrey seems like he's lashing out due to personal trauma.


>> No.10014122

He's taking the piss out of them and they're just playing right in to it.

>> No.10014178
File: 66 KB, 906x424, IMG_2127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all just hide behind The Mask, really, and the idea that any of us is some kind of "Bruce Almighty", if you will, is nothing more than a big joke. I met a man recently who claimed to know god, but let me tell you, he's a Liar, Liar! The ways modern thinkers are trying to provide evidence of their own existance are becoming Dumb and Dumber. If someone asked me if I was a half-baked existentialist I would have to say "Yes Man, without a doubt."

>> No.10014376

Is it far-fetched to believe that he's been exposed to /lit/?

>> No.10014470
File: 121 KB, 250x310, dfw no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amount of times

>> No.10014479

Sounds like my man Carrey did a few too many episodes of Rick and Morty.

>> No.10014481

I'm not talking about time in the sense of duration.

>> No.10014488

I've just had an idea for a comedy in which Sisyphus attempts to end his suffering through the use of a supertask, yet the attempts to develop a supertask itself becomes another metaphorical boulder

>> No.10014494

A smart man would be using his fame to create and subvert icons left and right instead of declaring them meaningless in an interview he wasn't fully prepared to rant in

>> No.10014497

This. He comes across badly.

>> No.10014505

He doesn't care about the event being about icons or subverting icons. He didn't even know that's what the event was for until she tells him.

>> No.10014517
File: 14 KB, 200x306, mailer_1955_200-897850bb67d60d97c17fa0cfb3fb12ad92a16c54-s300-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genuinely believing this

>> No.10014522

Believing what? If it's about him not knowing what the event was about even if he did know his issue was not with what the event was about.

>> No.10014566

Agreed. Sounded like he was rambling. His reasons for stating it was meaningless were all circular. I didn't hear him give one good reason. Just a lot of flowery poetic bullshit.

>> No.10014578


Would you say that his reasons for it being meaningless were, dare I say it, meaningless?

>> No.10014625

pewdiepie look like him.

>> No.10014866

Not sure if there is truth to this, but he didn't bring up icons. The hostess did.

>> No.10014924

Doesn't matter. He's talking about

>muh concept of infinity

He's sperging because you said infinite then said amount

>> No.10014950

this is what happens when you method act a role as terrence mckenna and start to wake the fuck up

>> No.10015635 [DELETED] 

Which books constitute the blackpill canon?

>> No.10015661

It seems as though he and Norm Macdonald have been talking with each other and their local edgy teenage philosophers. (If you like Norm Macdonald and don't want to like him anymore listen to this)


>> No.10015986

This is the edgiest, most melodramatic, man child shit I've ever seen

>> No.10016053

that's actually funny

>> No.10016753

What's wrong with this? It's just a mild secular asceticism.

>> No.10016793


>> No.10016809

Sounds like babby's first buddhism.

>> No.10016832

It's the hosts being retarded. All he said is he is not really interested in having sex anymore and they were jumping down his throat

>> No.10016838

I've seen people say that on Facebook. But it angers me. I'm a Buddhist and his ideas were so antithetical to Buddhism. Buddhism warns against nihilism as self destructive. And his ideas are foolish, anyone who thinks that way is. Obviously everything is real and happening because here he is to say that dumb shit. Someone should hand him Descartes and tell him to shut the fuck up

>> No.10016847

>Buddhism warns against nihilism as self destructive.
Isn't Buddhism by design "self-destructing"? Getting rid of the ego, because it causes suffering and all that?
At least that's how a newbie could interpret it, hence babby's first buddhism.

>> No.10016851

Buddhism isn't about getting rid of the ego, but desire. It's in the form of a lot of precepts by the Buddha that can be dismissed or followed entirely or in between. My personal belief is to not desire anything materialistic or for a bad reason. Buddhism wants to rid desire because once you get you want more or something else. It's endless suffering out of not having. Stoically I appreciate what I have. The ego is good though.

>> No.10016861


it's self destructing in the sense that non-attachment to certain things, starting at the stage of a stream-entrant, is a way to break free of samsara

>> No.10016863

You can be attached to things. But it teaches to not give permanent feelings to not permanent things. You can have and enjoy something but understand you could lose it

>> No.10016880

quickly fellow left geek girl consumers of hollywood culture, defend the culture industry from carrey!

>> No.10016887

>celeb rants textbook new age druggie dilettante shit.
>people actually take it serious

>> No.10016975

NOrm is cool and that video is proof

>> No.10018358


>> No.10018362


Please do this