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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 102 KB, 576x768, 1505013769715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10007357 No.10007357 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read her new book yet?

What would I be getting into if I bought it for shits n' giggles?

Is it really a comedy goldmine?

>inb4 real literature only

>> No.10007369
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>> No.10007370
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It seems to be the same old crap finger pointing narrative they've been going on about.


>> No.10007397

Kek does anyone have the other one?

>> No.10007398
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>> No.10007411

>Is it really a comedy goldmine?
No. Just a tremendous waste of time.

>> No.10007412


>your enemy is the one who made him a refugee

Desire for a higher standard of living?

>> No.10007435

The people responsible for the masses of immigration: Obama, Clinton, Bush, MIC, big oil billionaires, Saudi Arabia, etc. desire a higher standard of living, but not for the immigrants.
They're fleeing war zones and famine.

>> No.10007440


It's amazing how Hillary manages to make herself seem even less charismatic.

>Gee, I wonder if I should have actually called Trump out for his creepy bullshit at the debates
>Nah, I'll just let him walk all over me
>Why did so many people like the fact that Bernie was promoting liberal ideas that my base has wanted for decades?
>I lost the election because of sexists

>> No.10007458

>your enemy is the one who made him a refugee
A combination of economic, climatic, and political trends and forces that no single person has control over?

>> No.10007463


Did this actually ever happen or is this like the Bosnia sniper fire thing?

>> No.10007468

>Jimmy Dore
You're okay, Ms. Farfalla.

This is brilliant and if it isn't actually in What Happened, it should be.

>> No.10007477


One would think that those with enough money to pay the human smugglers would have enough money to buy food. One would think that if they were so worried about the humanitarian situation, they would be sending their women and children, and not young men (i.e. the least vulnerable members of their society). I don't know if you're aware of this, but most of the "refugees" aren't actually from war zones.

>> No.10007479


Ah, capitalism. We can wash our hands of the whole thing as just "natural forces", but blame state interference if anyone complains.
No fool. This is your freemarket running loose

Is it real? It reads so ridiculously bad.

>> No.10007491

>her new book

I'd be more than tempted to read it for some cheap laugh, if she wrote it. As it containing material by three different ghostwritter you can be sure there is no private stuff in it, just stuff she was willing to reveal in interviews.

>> No.10007549

Fuck me

>> No.10007552

What is this actually from?

>> No.10007562
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Actually, I just found it.

>> No.10007571
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Should have put his face on the cover

>> No.10007577
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Somebody send these to Alex Jones.

>> No.10007584

Stop posting, nobody cares about your input.

>> No.10007594
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You especially. Just stop.

>> No.10007608

The title "What Happened" is indicative of why Hillary lost.

It still has the sense of I was 'supposed' to win and something unbelievable happened beyond anyone's control.

The Democrats need to start thinking not "What Happened" but "What We Did Wrong" if they want to get back on track

>> No.10007671
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>To be published on September 12, 2017, it is her seventh book with her publisher, Simon & Schuster.

>> No.10007701

Fuck that book cover. A discarded I'm With Her sign should be on the floor, not the flag of the United States. America was not depending on Hillary Clinton to win. Democracy followed its process and a leader elected, despite unprecedented media and establishment collusion attempting to steer the result.

Fuck I am sick of the Clintons and professional Democrats in general. HRC is politically deceased - her and her acolytes are poison in the veins of the party.

Precisely my Caucasoid.

>> No.10007713

I want to believe that all of this actually happened

>> No.10007721

>calling people fools on the internet site 4chan

>> No.10007725
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fucking kek

>> No.10007740

Just a friendly reminder.

...Where's that meme about pretending to be dumb and attracting the dumb... s4s changed it up to the nice

>> No.10007748
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Huh. I'd uninronically read that book in one sitting. What a story, Mark.

>> No.10007774

My enemies are both.

>> No.10007819
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top tier

>> No.10007821

Sand people made themselves refugees because they are incapable of not chimping out with sectarian violence.

>> No.10007836
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I doubt he was addressing Amerrinazis, Mr Paul.

Stanch defender of Obama's war record. Oprah could just hug you.

>> No.10007915

Hahahaha wow, it was bad enough writing that I thought it was real until the cattle rustlers, now I'm just cracking up.

Where is this from?

>> No.10007919

>did this actually happen
>is this real

Yeah guys, Hillary literally executed someone onstage during a campaign rally.

>> No.10007922

How can you be this much of a brainlet on purpose?

>> No.10007927

It could have been a water gun and then that's why she lost voters.

>> No.10007930
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I actually think this is the one.

/lit/ should get together and finish this book.

>> No.10007938

I smiled

>> No.10008013
File: 102 KB, 550x832, attachment-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read the whole thing.

>> No.10008034

>a short story collection of Hillary's misguided and strange attempts to get voters around the country
I'd read it

>> No.10008063

I've seen many a tripfag in my days. But you are by far the most anoying and stupid. At best you are just pretending to be retarded which is old as fuck. Die.

>> No.10008080

Where, questioning the parody book? –> >>10008013

>> No.10008096

>Fuck that book cover
>Fuck I am sick of the Clintons and professional Democrats in general.
The book is highly critical of them. Maybe you should read it. You can still keep your graphic design-based politics.

>> No.10008123

>fuck HRC and Dems
>"b-b-but the book agrees with you!"

I am aware of the books contents. Just because the book is honest and factual does not mean it isn't a cash in on the Trump resistance phenomenon. Ie, written by professional Democrats. You are dumb.

>> No.10008150

Does anyone remember the Nietzsche tripfag from like four years ago? That was me.

>> No.10008162

What name did you post under?

>> No.10008171

>It was at this moment I spotted a young man in a DSA beanie... I watched him mouth the words "only boys get to be Ghostbusters"
Lost it.

>> No.10008172

f.nietzsche@unibas.ch or something to that effect

>> No.10008608

I'm actually almost tempted to write this, but I'm held back by the thought that I'd probably be sued for libel and defamation.

>> No.10008612

Holy fucking kek. What is this from?

>> No.10008672
File: 204 KB, 1152x768, refuge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see plenty of women and children here. Seen plenty of them in person, too. Do you have any sources for your claims?

>> No.10008684

You could always use a fictional character.

>> No.10009282

I wonder how many takes this promotional material took.

>> No.10009289

disregarding the contents, I find this cover typography quite aesthetic

>> No.10009292

i know right, i don't even share the anti-refugee sentiments of the far-right but looks how staged that picture looks
depends which country they're from

>> No.10009295

"What Happened" by Hillary Rodham Clinton

>> No.10009310

Jews in our government

>> No.10009480

It's clearly satire so that's not really on the table.

If /lit/ is writing another book, I'll definitely start on a short piece after work.

>> No.10009482
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This is amazing.

>> No.10009511
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holy shit

>> No.10009519

holy fuck

>> No.10009757

>Yeah guys, Hillary literally executed someone onstage during a campaign rally.

It tells a lot about american politics that one wouldn't be surprised if she actually did that.

>> No.10009790
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>> No.10009804

She makes me sick.

>> No.10009812

Good thing I can filter you.

>> No.10009829

I love how she pretends she didn't have full mass media support.

>> No.10009867
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>I see plenty of women and children here. Seen plenty of them in person, too.
I like anecdotal evidence and propaganda pictures!!

I can only fathom you're a pedophile and thus you mainly meet children if not I suggest going to any southern med country and see em coming.

Just google the border jumpings at spain it was 100% males,in fact the gender imbalance in europe is going to surpass that of China and in some countries it already does with all the concecuences of that.

>> No.10009913

they need to replenish their baby factories

>> No.10009927
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>> No.10009974

>that fucking pic

we need a new reich

>> No.10010022

Is this... Is this her trying to be ... interesting or is this her syphilis showing through?

>> No.10010025

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.10010215
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Post more please I'm dying

>> No.10010240

This one could legitimately be real

>> No.10011505

That one is real

>> No.10011763
File: 433 KB, 360x408, 1450462297254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

>> No.10012097

>What happened
"The Democratic Party stifled a populist candidate in order to run a known criminal who openly mocked the plight of working class white Americans in an election that revolved explicitly around the Rust Belt, which is populated by working class white Americans, against the first populist candidate to be run by the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan."

There, where's my million dollars?

>> No.10012120

You were so close then you bought into the mainstream media narrative anyway. No prize for you.

>> No.10012132

This. Amnesty International has been outright abandoning refugee camps because none of the people they could find were actual refugees.

There's such a thing as legitimate aid-seekers and then there are rent-seekers. People who are just there for the money and to bring over their families and start crowding you out.

People who deny that this is happening are blind. The Swedes are already losing control of entire sectors of their fucking country, assimilation is a dead failure because you cannot assimilate the youth when they OUTNUMBER your youth. They don't feel the need to assimilate--why would they? All of the people telling them to are toothless ancient leftists, they know they can just wait until those people die and then they'll de-facto run the country.

In many parts of Europe this is already the case. Most people haven't run the cold, hard numbers on this, they entertain this idiotic idea that these people are going to come around at some point and become stupid secular humanists like them. Why would they? What have you shown them about your liberal, humanist culture besides that you're weak and let them beat you up and rape your women and do whatever they want?

They hold you, and everyone like you, in total contempt. Second generation immigrants in Germany and the UK are MORE extreme religiously and politically than their parents. They're not assimilating. They're taking over, and when they do, guess what the first thing they're going to do is?

Irony: The far-right isn't going to pay a single euro of this toll. They're all going to be howling with laughter as faggots and Jews are thrown off of buildings to splatter their little lefty bones on the pavement, then they're going to retreat back into their cabins in the woods adn their farms or whatever rural shitholes they live in and start loading their guns while you make excuses for the people doing exactly what those same far-right people would do if they were in charge.

>> No.10012148

>Amnesty International has been outright abandoning refugee camps because none of the people they could find were actual refugees.

[citation needed]

>> No.10012157

Bernie wouldn't have beaten Trump in the general either so it doesn't matter, really.

>> No.10012173
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>Bernie wouldn't have won

>> No.10012231

American liberals are globalist corporatists and aren't going to vote for a socialist in high enough numbers. His youth movement wouldn't have been enough.

>> No.10012237

lol shut up nerd

>> No.10012243

>itt: americans think their facebook is a book

>> No.10012310

>Amnesty International has been outright abandoning refugee camps because none of the people they could find were actual refugees.
This sounds like it could maybe be true but we're still going to need a source.

>> No.10012353

And then they're all going to be slaughtered by your mongrel hordes. Or no, you can surely defend your home and life from an army with a shotgun, and recover to a decent future in a world where people are brutally murdered every day in front of you, where you're ruled by people who essentially hate you. I'm sure you're excited for this apocalypse.

>> No.10012365

actually, you might interpret that cover as such:
>hillary supporters wave chintzy plastic american flags when it's her turn©
>as soon as they don't get their way, the supporters discard their little flags
probably a rorschach test, desu senpai

>> No.10012414

if her personality was this much fun she would have won the election

>> No.10012551

Where's the ebook download?

>> No.10012609

if it comes out on audiobook i'll listen to it when i fall asleep

>> No.10012724

Anyone know why the US edition on Amazon is 512 pages while the UK one is 494? UK is also called untitled personal essays???

>> No.10012730

Honestly, it should be considered one of the Greek Classics.

>> No.10013385


>> No.10013389

note that this is a real excerpt

>> No.10013407


>> No.10013460

the moderate left needs to die

>> No.10013655

Why don't you fuck off.

>> No.10013667
File: 26 KB, 447x585, 1504889597467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't read it but you want to know if it's real. Turn off your trip, you stupid faggot, you're embarrassing yourself.