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/lit/ - Literature

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10009863 No.10009863 [Reply] [Original]

>Write a girl a love sonnet
>Get laughed at
>She posts quotes from it 2 years later on her Instagram selfie pictures

And they wonder where all the good men go...

>> No.10009874

>showing a girl poetry

>> No.10009876
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>> No.10009884

Fucking this >>10009874 , what's wrong with you, you queer?

>> No.10009886

also it's a great starting point for an autofictional novel

>> No.10009893

your word craftsmanship is good but you are ugly.

>> No.10010020

Stop being ironic edgesters

>> No.10010026

Post it OP.

>> No.10010065

Nothing good can come of showing a woman that level of direct emotional vulnerability. Fact.

>> No.10010080

Go tell your mother you love her

>> No.10010117
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That's harsh, man. But think about it for a second. Sonnets, as an expression of love, have not really been in vogue since the 18th Century. Sure. People still write sonnets. People still write letters. People still write discordant Beat poetry to their loves.

But try Tindr. Or just ask a girl to grab a coffee with you and then talk to her.

Your act, your sonnet, was the tactics of a dying patriarchy. Her reaction was modern. Not cool to post it and shame you.

Also, you got rejected by a woman and you're still checking her Instagram two years later. Move on.

>> No.10010128

nice blog post reddit

>> No.10010136

Dying patriarchy? Shut the fuck up you disgusting geneless whore. Feminism is the consolation for those who can't, who would rather serve the cock of the state, then support their family. Fuck you.

>> No.10010190
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>pin a woman down and punch her in the back of the head
>her testimony includes admiration of the fact that you never put yourself in a position where you can lose

>> No.10010210

My boy Floyd knows whats up.

Poetry scored me a hot woman once but it was clear from the poetry it would be superficial and transitory, a testament to her beauty while her nonexistent character could be "free". She was 6'1" and gorgeous but kind of a ho; i am 5'7". The weirdest part was when she rolled over on top of me and her knees were past my shoulders.

>> No.10010221
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>then support

>> No.10010223
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>> No.10010227

Mothers don't count, you ass.

>> No.10010260

I unironically fear this is going to happen to me.

>be me
>early 2014
>22 years old
>an attractive girl at my part-time job texts me asking to go out
>never had a girlfriend before
>go see a movie two nights in a row
>she rests her head on my shoulder
>sit awkwardly for the entire movie unmoving
>end up making out after she asked to see my room and crawled under the duvet and told me to join her
>two weeks later
>she texts me that she isn't wearing underwear at work for a joke
>end up meeting her and walking her home at around midnight
>get erect in her bed
>she asks if I have a condom
>go get it but panic at being seen nude and tell her I "need light" to put it on
>run to her bathroom
>freak out in the bright lights and lose my erection while trying to stuff on the condom
>manage to get it half-on but it's dangling and I'm limp
>join her again
>sweating like hell
>can't get erect again
>she kisses my neck but I just flinch and lie there jerking off at 100mph trying to get hard
>she keeps whispering "stop" and tries to pull my hand away
>I get half-erect and mount her
>try poking my semi-erect penis into various places around her crotch but miss her vagina every time
>she tries guiding me in but I lose the erection
>kiss again
>she turns over and says she's tired
>eventually she gets up and takes her phone into the bathroom for 20 minutes
>my side of the bed is absolutely drenched in sweat
>get dressed and tell her I'll leave at like 4am
>walk around for a few hours then go home
>text her a bunch of lame excuses to talk over the next week but she responds with brief answers
>write her a 1-page long handwritten letter wishing her the best for the future and communicating what a clutz I am
>post it through her letterbox at around 11pm and walk home
>pass her on the way and she's obviously been out partying
>pretend not to see her and simply glide past like a fucking sperglord cold-war era spy LARPer
>somehow she reacts well to the letter and texts me two weeks later to meet up but I've lost interest
>texts me like 3 or 4 times over the course of the year trying to meet up but I keep posting terse and rather cold replies
>eventually changed phones so not sure what's happening to her now

I'm fucking CONVINCED she's going to post that fucking thing on twitter or something one day with my goddamn name attached.

>> No.10010290

Ah the consolation of correcting a grammar mistake on a Lebanese croquet forum

>> No.10010301

What a fucking weird post, but honestly sounds like something that would happen. From her perspective, she probably doesn't really give a shit.

>> No.10010325

Holy shit anon, thanks for giving me some perspective on my life.

>> No.10010331

>she rolled over on top of me and her knees were past my shoulders

>> No.10010340

All women are mothers

>> No.10010346



>> No.10010394

Wow, I thought things were going rough for me.

>> No.10010452

lol the "literature is still relevant" meme. I only go on this board in the same manner that one might ironically attend a renaissance fair. I mean, poems are cool and all, and some people know a lot about this dated shit, but we communicate with memes, tweets, texts, and dick pics now. Why the fuck would anyone write a poem or paint their muse nude when there's Snapchat? Film "replaced" theatre; the internet and texting "replaced" letters and literature.

>> No.10010460

No the internet replaced paper, you can text literally whatever the fuck you want Mr Communication Police

>> No.10010472


>> No.10010474

Then text a bitch a sonnet and see your dick gets wet

>> No.10010484

I basically did though, it worked

>> No.10010507


>> No.10010515

Well I've a genius level IQ and am very well read so that helps. Might not work for you

>> No.10010534

underrate'd post'

>> No.10010545

I wrote a poem (free verse) for a girl once, and she loved it. She told me I reminded her of her first boyfriend (I was older than her, but always felt younger), and asked me to show her more. So I started showing her some of my poems, and she would always like them and discuss them with me, and say all kinds of stuff to me.

I didn't kiss her or anything though.

>> No.10010598

living the manlet dream. I've only managed to attract a girl who was taller than me once, but she was a 6/10 at best

>> No.10010599

My girl liked it, but then again she already liked me.

>> No.10010611

You're just an awful shit.

>> No.10010627
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Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Show me your butthole
Your poo in full view

>> No.10010642

>I'm fucking CONVINCED she's going to post that fucking thing on twitter or something one day with my goddamn name attached.

You're being paranoid.

>> No.10010663


>> No.10010693

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.10010730

How do you manage to mess up that badly with women? She was literally handing herself to you, even after you fucked things up as much as possible, and you still managed to fuck things up. You managed to find a kind woman who was willing to give you many chances and you still sperged out and treated her poorly. I feel bad for her, not you.

>> No.10010736

i'm guessing here, but does this mean OP is a giant faggot?

>> No.10010754

OP is always a faggot to be honest.
And no, he isn't. He achieved more than 90% of us will ever achieve: he is remembered. At least his works are remembered.

>> No.10010838


Is there any point in existing if you aren't this attractive?
Everyone here is on this absurd quest for meaning to validate their stupid lives. This guy is validated by his being itself.

>> No.10010871

>Behold the cunt whose sway I doth not leave!
>Loose it from thy slovenly wet breeches;
>Into the grove of thy groin I will reave
>To plunder thy dank womanly riches.
>Thy virginity art as a fortress;
>Mine thunderous cock art a batt'ring ram;
>Thy hymen shall be shattered to dust,
>Freeing a river as a busted dam!
>No control have thou o'er thy hung'ring flesh;
>Mine cock art the sate that thy flesh needeth;
>Through thy discerning desires thou shalt thresh
>The runts from those whom shalt thy thirst quencheth!
>'Tis thou alone I desireth to swive;
>I'll give unto thou mine inches, all five!

Read aloud and dedicated that to a girl in my creative writing class. Now I'm not allowed to read in class because doing so "triggers her."

>> No.10010876

pretty pretty pretttttyyyyy good

>> No.10010932

I just can't understand not being able to get hard. I would've gotten erect at
>she rests her head on my shoulder
and my fear of her noticing my erection wouldn't be enough to make me lose it.

>> No.10011030

My torso was so short and her legs so long that even bent in cowgirl position her knees were like up by my ears or past them. Crazy. Never tried doggy.

>> No.10011045

Thats why you burn it and supress every urge to share it. Women think they like romance but in effect it intimidates them. The reason? Its very rare that the levels of desire are equal on both ends? Its sad that if you have a instagram post in the gym or send her a snapchat of you doing some average shit is more likely to get her attention that some real emotion put down on paper.

>> No.10011050

I think you might be a bit shorter than 5'7 my man

>> No.10011058

No it's just that he fucked a bear. Bear fucker!

>> No.10011067

Damn I look like the ugly version of this guy for real

>> No.10011095
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>>pretend not to see her and simply glide past like a fucking sperglord cold-war era spy LARPer
fucking L M A O
good shit

>> No.10011104


Rules of dating:

1. Be attractive.
2. Don't be unattractive.

>> No.10011113

>And they wonder where all the good men go...
Good women won't have such issues. I wonder why.

>> No.10011120

>what is money

>> No.10011123

Some number that attracts women.

>> No.10011148

How can you even lose an erection with a naked woman in the same room?

>> No.10011167

>"I have been used to consider poetry as "the food of love" said Darcy.
>"Of a fine, stout, healthy love it may. Everything nourishes what is strong already. But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination, I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away.”

>> No.10011170

Breathing patterns.

>> No.10011175

Retard you think someone ever got his dick wet with literature? You really think Dante ever fucked some bitch because he wrote a poem?

Nigga you stupid, literature was never relevant.

>> No.10011181

>2. Don't

>> No.10011185

>all five
You got me, I didn't get it was a parody until the end.

>> No.10011190

i guess that would work w literature students but certainly nobody else u fucked up

>> No.10011218

Wow, I thought I had anxiety problems. Sounds like you need to take some meds. Not saying that to be insulting either. I think you should see a doctor or something to help with that.

>> No.10011226

Latent homosexuality

>> No.10011228

Why is being remembered preferable to not being remembered? How is that a life enriching achievement?

>> No.10011231

But what is attractive?

>> No.10011245


You complete turboautismal virgin.

>> No.10011253

>logic in sex
I'm starting to understand why you faggots can't even get it up.

>> No.10011260

Haven't seen a wiser post on women in quite a bit.

>> No.10011279

Faggot autist btfo

>> No.10011285

Right wing opinions