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10009971 No.10009971 [Reply] [Original]

What are today's most important philosophical questions?

>> No.10009979


>> No.10009983

Plz dubs

>> No.10009991

Why is woman in OP's pic so badly dressed? That's one important question.

>> No.10009996
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What is human nature?

>> No.10009999

is your fridge running?

>> No.10010004

1. Can you derive normative statements from descriptive statements (is/ought problem)

2. Are normative statements even meaningful?

3. What formal system should serve as the foundation for all of modern mathematics: axiomatic set theory, category theory, homotopy type theory, or some other framework

4. How do we unify General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics?

>> No.10010007


>> No.10010027

shut up faggot

>> No.10010029

why does he wear the mask?

>> No.10010030

How did Neznaika pay for his questions?
What did the last evil bullet hide?
And for what reason had Alex Sailor laughed before Shishel-Myshel farted and left?
How did blind Ivan run after the sun?
How an angel perches itself upon a shoulder?
How did the last shirt tear and melt?
How and what did Bashlachov find and embrace?

>> No.10010036

who is the babe?

quads wins

>> No.10010040

Why live?

>> No.10010043
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>> No.10010051

>4. How do we unify General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics?
he asked for pholosophy not science..

>> No.10010063

they are one in the same

>> No.10010069


That show is so gay it tried to fuck me in my asshole.

The animation style alone makes it unwatchable, and they put in a joke every fucking line.

>> No.10010073

go back to /sci/ you fucking midge

>> No.10010078

>How do we unify General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics?
Congrats on your minor in physics ;^)

>> No.10010091

You slumber, a cu-cumber!

>> No.10010107
File: 25 KB, 300x420, Emma-Stone--Heads-to-a-meeting-at-a-hotel--01-300x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Emma Stone. I wish I could get to know her in real life and marry her.

>> No.10010115

same desu. this is now an emma stone thread.

>> No.10010119
File: 47 KB, 540x756, 57ae482998d4889d682d7b217be8f3f9--emily-stone-emma-watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10010135
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Yeah. Her pale white skin, her perfect white teeth, her cheerful smile, her raspy voice, her feminine yet quite boyish and smug attitude. Everything about her is perfect. I just want her.

>> No.10010148

Science is a description of nature. It's the rational approach to understanding the world.
Philosophy is trying to fathom life and figure out how to live. They are completely different from each other because they talk about completely different subjects.

>> No.10010158
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i couldnt agree more. too bad shes with that garfield lad. dont know what she sees in him

>> No.10010216

I like her voice too

and her butt is CUTE

>> No.10010232

It is rather safe to assume, just by reading the very first two sentences of your post, that you have a superficial, if any at all, understanding of either science or philosophy, and the interplay of both.

>Science is a description of nature.
You have successfully and unwittingly assumed a bunch of things you're clearly unaware of in asserting this. There's a good chance you couldn't argue your way out of a paper bag if you were pressed to define "Science". Corollary: what does it mean for something to be a scientific description? The notion of "nature" is perhaps most controversial of all as the notion hinges on whether or not naive realism, idealism, or phenomenalism, is the correct interpretation of reality. I'm not gonna touch on much else of what you wrote, but sprinkling your sentences with "rational" isn't helping--based on what you wrote you would have a hard time even defining the notion.

Go read some contemporary philosophy of science and metaphysics please. Why are we still rewarding ignorance on /lit/ is beyond me.

>> No.10010245
File: 384 KB, 500x430, tumblr_lkowcdrxb31qcvl17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PHIL double major reporting for duty.
You could not be more wrong.
Yes, many ranking philosophical proponents have directly or indirectly influenced the sciences and the scientific method; nonetheless science and Phil are not one in the same, or even remotely related.
(hard pill to swallow, I know; took me a little while)

>> No.10010283


>> No.10010323

>or even remotely related.

This is patently false. One need only look at the influence that particular philosophies of science (falsificationism and positivism particularly) have had on scientist's own conceptions of what they're doing and what constitutes proper scientific theorizing as well as the implicit philosophies (instrumentalism, realism) that all scientists adopt in the construction of physical models.

the impetus for that question comes directly out of attempts to resolve the measurement problem (a major philosophical problem in the philosophy of physics) and the dissension between the apparent non-locality exhibited in nature (a rare case of experimental metaphysics) and the formalism of special relativity

>> No.10010330

This is considerably less retarded than


>> No.10010338

Kek meant this

>> No.10010388
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Why is it that almost no one in our modern age follows a cogent set of life principles?

>> No.10010406

Don't remind me

>> No.10011396

They're not still together.

>> No.10011672

where is it?


>> No.10011681

we are generally not a questioning society anymore....hence the "post truth" debacle.

we demand to be breast fed

>> No.10011699

if payday falls on a sunday, should you get paid monday morning or friday?

>> No.10011759

to fap or not to fap

>> No.10011771

cirno was too smart for the mods

>> No.10011814

as the great jennifer lawrence once said, 'why is it that we're so afraid of women?'

>> No.10011821

Should plant life have rights?

>> No.10011834


To seriously answer this question: the 21st century is the Century of Identity. Do people have the right to have a cultural/national identity? That will be a big question going forward.

>> No.10011840

>anal autism
Back to /r/eddit
STEMspergery is normative nonsense that is totally irrelevant and is based upon cancer epistemolog.
>Go read some contemporary philosophy of science and metaphysics please
See? You read something and immediately presume it to be true.

>> No.10011847

>2. Are normative statements even meaningful?
Science is elusively normative statements.
>1. Can you derive normative statements from descriptive statements (is/ought problem)
You STEMspergs do this all the time, and base all your nonsense upon it.
>3. What formal system should serve as the foundation for all of modern mathematics: axiomatic set theory, category theory, homotopy type theory, or some other framework
Mathematics is an irrelevant systematic pile of horseshit.
>4. How do we unify General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics?
They're both invalid, so they should be tossed into the grinder and burned away rather than even acknowledged.

>> No.10011992

I like it.

The most important question imo is:
For what is the point of bettering yourself when reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight reading this negates immunities

>> No.10012073

Why does no one do the right thing?

>> No.10012392


>> No.10013077

To be or not to be the little girl?

>> No.10013093
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After ~2500 years,

It's still the fucking problem of universals.

>> No.10013096

There are no real philosophical questions

>> No.10013100

HOW does one do the right thing?

>> No.10013362

why is there something instead of nothing

>> No.10013479

You win the award for biggest psuedointellectual ever. Have fun with grand delusions of enlightenment!

>> No.10013483

How do you account for the phone you're posting from working on both of those theories?

>> No.10013489

I think the answer to this is more benign than anything. In an infinite series something will occur.

The better question is why can there be nothing? Is nothingness a construct we've made as an approximation for what we cannot perceive? Does the idea of nothingness entirely contradict the possibility of nothingness since even without a universe, all ideas exist separate of being? Is that second statement itself confidence in objective reality or a necessity for humans to be able to make sense of anything?

>> No.10013493

Follow up: the modern physics discipline examines that reality exists only as we observe it (the more we look, the more is real). Is this the same for though? Was communism 'real' before it was conceptualized?

>> No.10013507

Not being a sociopath is a good placr to start

>> No.10013513

A collection of experiences and feelings

>> No.10013517

If you need to ask, then don't. Your doubt actively negates the net happiness.

>> No.10013520

>stemfags confusing autism and technological advances again

say it aint so

>> No.10013541

Don't get me wrong, now that I know who it is I wouldn't say no, but the clothes don't do her much justice. Looks too unfeminine and lorry driver-ish.

>> No.10013616

please never post here ever again thank you

>> No.10013620

1) Do you think that the task of philosophy is not to offer conclusive answers but to ask better questions? Justify your answer.

2) If everything is relative, is this sentence relative as well?

3) If the aim of philosophy is to know ourselves and, as Kant says, one should not learn philosophy but to philosophize, why the teaching of this discipline is structured from what others thought, normally dead white males? To what extent do we learn to philosophize or do we know ourselves by memorizing what a Greek, Roman, French, German, or Anglo-Saxon did or did decades ago, centuries or millennia?

4) Do you agree with Wittgenstein that "Whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent"? Explain exactly what can not be spoken.

5) Most modern philosophers did not make a living working as high school or college professors. Descartes was advisor to queens; Spinoza, lens polisher; Locke, surgeon; Leibniz, diplomat; Berkeley, pattern of a slave plantation; Hume, librarian; Schopenhauer, rentier. Why, then, did professors of philosophy defend their departments and faculties as if they were the last trench of Western thought, since from the sixteenth century practically all philosophical innovations have come from outside those faculties and departments?

>> No.10013644

>anybody who criticizes muh STEMspergery is just le pseud!

>> No.10013649

I'm not on a phone you stupid phoneposter
I don't think you understand epistemology.

>> No.10013678

How does one go easy on the carrots?

>> No.10013695

no more philosophical questions
just sex

>> No.10013699

>dead white males
Are you white?

>> No.10013701


Weird, that sounds like two philosophical problems, then a math problem and a physics problem.

>> No.10013712

Today's most important philosophical question is:
What is the importance of most philosophical questions today?

>> No.10013790

Nope it's because the answers lack even more insight than the inspiration that went into them

>> No.10013792

Same as the greeks.

>> No.10013795

On second thought I was wrong. Saying that math is irrelevant is one of the most wildly ignorant statements ever. You're just retarded.

>> No.10013814

Nope, the fucking hurricane killed my power.

>> No.10013818

Are you implying that people once did?

>> No.10013827

Aren't "back in my day" fags just the worst?

>> No.10013929

>why the teaching of this discipline is structured from what others thought, normally dead white males? To what extent do we learn to philosophize or do we know ourselves by memorizing what a Greek, Roman, French, German, or Anglo-Saxon did or did decades ago, centuries or millennia?
>dur why should we learn from the brightest minds of the past, dey white boys

>> No.10013951

Nice try, I have a "reading this negates immunities" immunity

A spook
A meme
Nothing that means

>> No.10013983

How do you know sociopaths aren't doing the right thing?

>not what is the right thing

>> No.10013992

>when you can't think critically and answer questions truthfully and have to defensively strawman like a brainlet

>> No.10014007

Wtf *embarrassing

>> No.10014062

Why are Europeans so open to destruction of their own culture?

>> No.10014071


>> No.10014336

I was making fun of your question, not attempting to answer it. I don't think its intelligent enough to warrant an answer.

>> No.10014342

probably tylo be chillin

>> No.10014347

What are "real news" in comparison to "fake news" or generally speaking what is truth?

>> No.10014353

diogenes solved this problem long ago

>> No.10014360

Life doth not, life itself doth not live!

>> No.10014371

It's for more likely that the overwhelming majority that experiences guilt, empathy and emotional depth isn't the one that's fucked up, and that's ignoring that other animals also experience emotional complexity that is lacking in people with antipersonal disorder.

>> No.10014373

A war of all against all

>> No.10014381

Besides you can totally be a sociopath/psychopath and do the "right thing" with some cultural awareness and some friends/family to let you know if you're being too narcissistic.

>> No.10014391

I'm not the same guy as the person who posted the question.

>when you can't defend your viewpoints so you denounce threatening questions as not intelligent enough to answer

>> No.10014395

>How do you know sociopaths aren't doing the right thing?

The death of common sense.

>> No.10014403

>common sense
You should despise yourself if you unironically posted this. Common sense is a hack for people who can't rigorously and completely justify what they do. Kys

>> No.10014406


>> No.10014424

Whomst is the meaning of life?

>> No.10014500

You're not even that guy but being a snarky faggot anyway? What viewpoints have I stated that I need to defend? None? Oh. The question doesn't warrant an answer because its retarded. You study what the most intelligent people thought because its the only thing to relate to besides your own thought. You don't read black lesbians to learn philosophy. The entire question is retarded and made by some nitwit PC professor, its meant to conclude that you can also read black lesbians and get as much out of them if you want to "philosophize".

>> No.10014575

Good argument. So this is critical thinking...

>> No.10014580

>STEMspergs and systematizers
>'brightest minds'
Back to l*ddit

>> No.10014650

>one in the same
learn english

>> No.10014655

>If everything is relative, is this sentence relative as well?
I don't think that means what you think it means.

>> No.10014661

why is there something instead of nothing

>> No.10014887

Primitivism or acceleration?

>> No.10014898

w-whats the answer

>> No.10014904

to fap, if at all possible in public

>> No.10015564

fuuck off normal cunt, honestly the more you listen to the show the more boring it is.

>> No.10015624
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>> No.10015649

See >>10013489

>> No.10015913

Who let the dogs out?

>> No.10016256


>> No.10016453

The souls yearning for highest Good

>> No.10016459
File: 24 KB, 412x480, androgynous_01.jpg_480_480_0_64000_0_1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are traps gay?

>> No.10016467

That's the state of nature not human nature

>> No.10016478
File: 46 KB, 454x327, 86A60788-0811-41CF-ADAC-E7561308E837-23055-00001055291D521B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there any sort of meaningful distance or line between fantasy and reality?
I feel like this question's been lingering on the forefront of political controversy for a while, and is just one big event away from being a large, divisive issue. Now on 4chan the discussion is going to be pretty one sided, but I feel that we're going to see a lot more on this very soon.

>> No.10016486
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>> No.10016495

Is there a spiritual void in the US? To what degree does this void cause depression/anxiety/ADHD/etc?

>> No.10016554

because people don't like faggots

>> No.10016563

thats a girl

>> No.10016627

That's an old hag, which is no better than a man.

>> No.10017482

Is there something?

>> No.10017485

When he wakes up he has a surprise lol

>> No.10017490

>spiritual void
How can there be a void for sometimes which doesn't exist

>> No.10017509

What came before our universe?

>> No.10017543

>What came before our universe?
Before you ask what, ask if

>> No.10017569
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consciousness and mind-body relations in general

>> No.10017856
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Why'd she die :(

>> No.10017861

What doth life?

>> No.10018753

>dense is bad
brainlets btfo

>> No.10019999

it's possible to end capitalism?
can society exist without hierarchy?

>> No.10020024

Is humanity doomed to repeat the same patterns they always have repeated, or the fact that we are living in a radically different environment than the majority of our ancestors did will change those patterns? Are we inherently limited in our creativity? Is it possible for an organism/group to crate something more complex than at least one of its contributing members?

>> No.10020048

How can I have the most fun?