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10008010 No.10008010 [Reply] [Original]

Just got back from a screening of the new It movie, and while it was terrible, it did evoke a sense of nostalgia for the book itself.

Any horror recommendations? I haven't really given genre fiction a go in years, but horror is one of the few things that I can stomach.

>> No.10008056


a volume of Poe
or Henry James
but wait until October

>> No.10008151

>while it was terrible, it did evoke a sense of nostalgia for the book itself.

I can already tell you're a pretentious faggot.

>> No.10008177

I'd rather you just shared your thoughts about the movie in more detail, OP.

>> No.10008180

Something Wicked This Way Comes.

>> No.10008190


>> No.10008226

Not that guy, but to be fair, the movie is really fucking bad.

>> No.10008243

It was pretty fucking good considering the MCs are kids. I don't understand what haters are expecting from a horror movie, it is as good as horror movies get.

>> No.10008253


How is it a bad movie? It's not a classic, but it was pretty good I thought.

>> No.10008260

Can someone post the gangbang?

>> No.10008264

I'll give the acting on the kids' part some credit, but the film itself doesn't hold a candle to the original in terms of being at-all scary. It spoonfeeds you gimmicky current-year jumpscares and leaves nothing to the imagination, which is what made the original scary in the first place.

>I don't understand what haters are expecting from a horror movie
To be more frightened than I am in hysterics
>It is as good as horror movies get.
Today, sure; in general, wrong.

>> No.10008282

I thought it was hilarious. They made a great comedy-horror in the vein of Evil Dead at times. Not sure if that was the intention tho. It wasn't scary/terrifying (neither was the book) at all just very entertaining.

>> No.10008318

H.P. Lovecraft, maybe some of his more obscure stuff

>> No.10008328

just because they are jumpscares doesnt mean they are inherently shit
i thought they did most of them in a very original way

>> No.10008420

It was way too predictable. I've never read the book or seen the original movie, but it was too obvious what was going to happen before it actually happened.

>> No.10008438

Dark gods by t.e.d. Klein

I liked the movie, give it an 8/10. Lit is just a no one can have fun zone.

>> No.10008475
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All of these (1/2)

>> No.10008477
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>> No.10008488

wow man ur such a gr8 critic!

>> No.10008513

Thanks. I don't really watch many movies so that's actually surprising.

>> No.10008739

>while it was terrible, it did evoke a sense of nostalgia for the book itself
I don't understand the use of the "while" conjuction here. It seems to suggest unrelatedness or even opposition?

>> No.10008746

>IT is supposed to be a horror movie
f-, see me after class

>> No.10008783

>it is as good as horror movies get.
Watch more movies

>> No.10008845

>intentionally watching genre garbage

>> No.10008868

Who's being pretentious now?

>> No.10008880

Yes, you can use "while" to mean "although".

>> No.10008890

Not just a single faggot is posting here you know.

>> No.10009142
File: 25 KB, 640x360, complete symphonies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like literary horror, Reggie Oliver's short stories are pretty good:

The Dreams of Cardinal Vittorini
The Complete Symphonies of Adolf Hitler
Masques of Satan
Mrs. Midnight & Other Stories
Flowers of the Sea
Holidays From Hell

>> No.10009270

Stick with me here on this one, its a "young adult fiction" called "Unwind"

It still makes me uneasy when I think of it all these years after I read it for a high school book report. It's about a future where you can be legally "unmade" but still sentient, and your body parts are used in other people. it really disturbed me. had literal sleep paralysis and night terrors from it, though I might have just been a pussy.

>> No.10009291

The 90s movie is fantastic

>> No.10009293
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>It was pretty fucking good considering the MCs are kids.

NO excuse considering Stranger Things just came out.

>> No.10009402

The first part when they're kids is good; the second part isn't that great.

>> No.10009447

So, how do you think It would have responded to someone just laughing at it and mocking it for being on the losing side, since the Dark Tower's timefuckery meant that the Crimson King was inevitably going to be defeated by the Gunslinger once the time loop they're caught in gets resolved?

>> No.10009525

No Bierce?

>> No.10009558

> new It film
> terrible

Nah, m8.

>> No.10009562

Rewatch it again and say that without cracking up.

>> No.10009566
File: 9 KB, 254x279, 1494344489577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> TFW RedLetterMedia said the new IT movie was just OK

>> No.10009615

James Herbert is pretty good but he was a really pervert.

>> No.10009618

I dunno dude Skarsgård's Pennywise mas much scarier than Curry's.

>> No.10009629

That's actually a good ya book. It has a good sequel too from what I've heard from a friend.

>> No.10009640

Look closer at >>10008475

>> No.10009818

I read the book for the first time during spring of this year, and I watched the 90s movie shortly afterward, and I watched the new movie this weekend.

My take with no nosalgia: the book is still great and stands the test of time, the original movie is dated garbage, and the new movie is pretty gud, much better than I expected.

>> No.10009859
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Try out Thomas Ligotti, OP.
Look for 'Teatro Grottesco.' It's a collection of short stories. He's a master of horror, imo.

>> No.10009887

There's been an oversaturation of "leaving to the imagination" in recent horror, having straight up kid gore right out of the gates was unexpected.

>> No.10009969
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Gee I've been hearing the movie is pretty great. Yeah so what if it isn't really scary, it's a clown going "ooga booga," how scary did you expect it to be?

I started reading the book in October because of the clown scare that was going on but put it down. Picked it back up because of wanting to see the movie and it wasn't until the chapter with the bird that I really got engaged. Other than that, I really hate King's dialogue, especially with his children, and I hate the internal monologues and the only thing it really has going for it is the story structure.

>> No.10011001

How did they handle the child orgy in the sewer at the end?

>> No.10011122

There's a super x-rated cut but you have to wait for the Blu-Ray. ;)

>> No.10011509

What people don't get about IT is that it isn't a horror story, it's a coming of age story with horror elements that just so happens to be full of gore

>> No.10011518

One of the kids is played by an actor from Stranger Things though

>> No.10011828

True horror is always laced with a ting of sadness. Always.

>> No.10011965

It wasn't terrible. The kid's acting wasn't the best but other than that it was fine.

>> No.10011971

Alright maybe im a pussy but imo it was pretty scary at some parts. And just because it has some jumpscares and isn't the scariest doesn't make it a bad movie.

>> No.10012049

>it's pretty fucking good considering
And that's where you lose all credibility. Be careful with your goalpost widener.

>> No.10012114

yeah no fuck it's based on a horror classic. it's predictable because it's based on an incredibly influential book/movie.

personally i thought the movie was pretty solid. it's not on the level of the all time greats like cronenberg or carpenter's work, but as far as recent blockbuster horror goes it's some good shit. pretty realistically portrayed kids too.

>> No.10012394


>> No.10012527

While not exactly horror, you might like Jacob Polley's poetry. It captures the childhood-related dread shown in It (but in a less flashy, more honest way). Jackself is his most acclaimed work (it is based on nursery rhymes and this kind of stuff), but The Havocs is were it is at.

I still have to read his novel, Talk of the Town, but it might be more up your alley.

>> No.10013939

He was using sarcasm you tone deaf shithead.

>> No.10014050

I love it every time there is a new King flop.
I just stare at pictures of his stupid face on google and laugh.

>> No.10015520
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>tfw I have major anxiety issues and I have to go see this movie with a friend tomorrow

fuck this is not good I'm afraid I'm gonna have a panic attack during like the first scene and embarrass myself, I already sealed my own fate by telling him I doubt it will scare me but the reality is it probably will

>> No.10015544

it's literally a shitty kids movie. stop being a faggot.

>> No.10015797
File: 5 KB, 200x177, 1478618471010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that gif real?

>> No.10015803

No, Pennywise is a fictional character created by Stephen King.

>> No.10015804

This one's a big hit though. Also I don't think he cares about the box office since he's already been paid.

>> No.10015859


Is this supposed to be scary?
It looks retarded lol

>> No.10015910

I highly recommend Swan Song and They Thirst by Robert R McCammon. First rate horror novels!

>> No.10015981

It is a real scene from the movie, yes

>> No.10016018


>> No.10016222

That's "pretty good" if you're not a pretentious hack fraud. If Mike says "it's the worst thing I've ever seen" then that means the movie is just OK.

>> No.10016227

Stephen King is a hack. Fuck him.

>> No.10017185

>highest grossing opening for any horror film ever
Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.10017324

He's crying all the ways to the bank, anon.

Highest grossing opening for a horror? Oh wait, no, Deadpool isn't a horror. I was about to ask if it was beating Deadpool, which would have been pretty fuckin' big words. Anyhow I'm not surprised that the movie is doing well. Based on a popular book, by a super-popular author, and it's a remake of something of a cult-classic movie made decades ago, in a culture that is very nostalgic. They would have to fuck up ROYALLY not to make money.

>> No.10017687

I've heard great things about The Terror by Dan Simmons. Care to share your thoughts on it? Clearly, if you own the book, you liked it to some degree, but I'm interested on what you think.

Also House on the Borderland and those Algernon Blackwood books are fucking great. I always thought if Terrance Malick was going to take a stab at making a horror movie, that would be a great piece for him to adapt.

>> No.10017704

I never watched or read IT, isn't IT basically some sort of shoggoth?

>> No.10017713

I think the closest Mythos comparison would be Nyarlathotep.

>> No.10017806

>it is as good as horror movies get.
>what is Eraserhead

>> No.10017813

Jumpscares aren't inherently bad. People who hate them generally dislike being actually scared and resort to pretentious semantic debates over "real horror".

>> No.10017820

He was being facetious you fucktard.

>> No.10018459


>> No.10018532

>expecting a movie about children beating up a demon clown to be high brow horror
>thinking the Tim Curry laugh-fest was "a good movie"

You've gone wrong a few times here OP. Personally, I thought the new movie was a lot of fun, the kids were good actors and were written decent lines, Pennywise had some genuinely interesting scare moments, and I left the theater pretty satisfied.

My only complaint is that there were loud niggers sitting next to me in the theater.

Borrasca by CK Walker is an interesting one. Pinnacle of the /x/ creepypasta story catalogue. Is book length.

Also, The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker is decent.

>> No.10018656

How's Robert E. Howard's Horror Stories? I've been meaning to pick up that copy for a while