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10008778 No.10008778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you can find the right answers to these next few patterns, then you are not a degenerate mouth breather. If not have fun living on minimum wage.

>> No.10008780
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>> No.10008804
File: 217 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10008857
File: 242 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10008863

OP is simply assembly line pattern scrolling left
Answer is five

Going vertically you account the excess in the first two, display it in the bottom row
Answer is 3

Vertically again, square in bottom right is moving up, bottom row displays its previous positions, answer is six

>> No.10008881

3, anti-clockwise on flat squares leads to single line surviving

>> No.10008902

Thinking about it, six is also a possibility for this one. With three the shape is consistent but the placement isn't. Strange

>> No.10008908

Oh no, definitely three, I was on the right track but mistaking the commands. Middle directs where the left line should go, not how to rotate the whole formation

>> No.10008914

First one is 6.

>Game board always rotates left then flips.
>Circle always goes once left after game board moves.

>> No.10008917

It's 4, the middle one rotates 45 degrees counter-clockwise add adds/subtracts lines from the left figure and results in the right one

>> No.10008918

Wrong, you're overthinking it my man

>> No.10008922

Answer 6 again.

Top 2 rows superimpose and the pieces that dont overlap are left at the bottom.

>> No.10008923

These are all correct

>> No.10008927

Scored 120 on this yesterday. Actual IQ is 129 so i'd say this is rather accurate.

>> No.10008928

The white circle rolls clockwise along the grid, while the black square simply jumps between its 2 positions, top-right and bottom-left, occasionally covering up the circle under it

>> No.10008930

Actually it's 5.

>> No.10008932

That makes no God damn sense

>> No.10008937


>> No.10008942

I think it's 6.

>> No.10008944

the first one is six, i never noticed before, but if you look at them diagonally, starting with the top right, you have black box on all three, then the others all fall into place.

>> No.10008959
File: 248 KB, 1242x2208, iJpwcVn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, I'll show you what I mean

>> No.10008964

Never got any of these, maybe I'm just really dumb

>> No.10008966


>> No.10008972

So this is what aspergers looks like

>> No.10008991

yes, that's right

>> No.10008996
File: 11 KB, 211x246, 7c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i share a board with these autists

>> No.10009000


>> No.10009007

t. jealous brainlets

>> No.10009009
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1489697976757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit people who are clearly smarter than me

>> No.10009016
File: 156 KB, 362x259, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people still fall for this pseudoscience

>> No.10009018

Same answers here.

>> No.10009022

Got these.
Failed here.

>> No.10009027
File: 217 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought no one would reply. Here are some more.

>> No.10009030
File: 185 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10009037

You seem right to me. Congratulations

>> No.10009046


>> No.10009051

Three? Reverse from the center and then turn and flip the second half.
This I don't know.

>> No.10009055

Did you go to the mensa test yourself OP or were you in the IQ thread on /fit/ a while back.


>> No.10009058

The white circle goes around clockwise but it is cover by the black square. The black square flips back and forth from bottom left to bottom right corners. The answer is 5

>> No.10009060

I saw someone post this test on here the other day. I'm getting everyone to tell me the answers to the ones I couldn't get at first so I can do it again and pretend I have an IQ higher than 140.

>> No.10009065
File: 194 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one.

>> No.10009067

no its 5. and if the official answer is 6, then the official answer is wrong or incomplete. write them a letter explaining cantor style diagonals are the simplest explanation, therefore 5.

>> No.10009075

Could you expand on the second one? It doesn't seem to be right but I could be misinterpreting you.

>> No.10009076


>> No.10009077

not him, but equals annihilate each other vertically. fucking easy innit.

>> No.10009080

You can also do it horizontally, same result

>> No.10009081

Now that I have time to look at this one again it's super messed up. If you correspond the boxes with the numbers on a keyboards num pad, then 8 goes with 4 and 1, 9 goes with 5 and 2 and 7 goes with 6 and 3. After that I think this guy >>10009051 is close if not right.

>> No.10009084

i think 6 is correct as well. took me about 4 minutes though.

>> No.10009085

What score do I get if I don't give a shit about puzzles

>> No.10009090

I see. You have to flip the boxes over the black line every time as well as do your bit or else in the bottom example in the left column there would just be 3 white boxes on each side.

>> No.10009092

Why don't you find out?

>> No.10009094

it works without flipping. always compares 1 vertical with 2nd vertical (both present new and independent information). 3rd vertical is the result.

>> No.10009099

You're right. The sides don't matter really.

>> No.10009103

6. You flip the top one vertically then the lines that overlap in the flipped first and normal second boxes of each column disappear while the different lines stay.

>> No.10009104

This is now the only one that hasn't been solved. Who has the highest IQ on lit right now? Who will come up with the answer and how the pattern works?

>> No.10009126


How are you guys getting three? I see two.

Turn and flip side alternates per horizontal slide, otherwise it makes no sense

>> No.10009150

Wouldn't that conflict with the bottom middle triangle? In the middle slide the left side is normal and then the next slide down the left side stays the same.

>> No.10009168
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>> No.10009181

This doesn't work for the circle though damnit.

>> No.10009183

its 1