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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 429 KB, 1600x960, clichea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10004477 No.10004477 [Reply] [Original]


What are the best and worst worldbuilding maps you've ever seen in an SF/F book?

Which setting has the best/most original/least cringy fictional place-names?

>/SFFG/ Recommendations:


NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Canned harder than Can-D:

>> No.10004487

>be kelmomas
>be the worst character 4 books running
>have the most unbearable PoVs
>end the world, get everyone killed

Really fitting, when you think about it.

>> No.10004503


which Bakker book has the most/most graphic gay sex? Does it just gradually increase with each book chronologically, or does it spike in specific books?

>> No.10004508

It spikes

TTT has probably the most of it in the original trilogy, then either TGO or TUC in the second one.

>> No.10004522

You just need to change the flavour text on the dead breads next time. Unless the mods ban generals on /lit/.

>> No.10004565

Where is the fuckup? Everything in the OP seems normal.

>> No.10004568

Probably the flavour text

>> No.10004578


it just says "/sffg/" I left out "Science Fiction and Fantasy General" of the title

>> No.10004591

Ya didn't fug up anything except for forgetting to change my Can-D autism reference to something else.

Most general titles are frequently changed for the laughs, it's only the first part that matters because that's what people use to filter out or filter in threads.

>> No.10004605

>my Can-D autism reference

lel, I didn't know what that was so I thought I better not mess with it

>> No.10004778

Is it wrong that I see nothing wrong with Clichea? Breaking tropes for the sake of it gets on my nerves.

>> No.10004792

>"And you doubtless wish to be taken to our leader?"
I love this meme. Even Zelazny loves it.

>> No.10004838

>Raised a little knife, no bigger than a cat’s tongue.
As though to touch the Nail of Heaven.
A Wathi Doll, stolen from a dead Sansori witch …
Someone had spoken its name.

Ohhhhh sheeeeeeeeit

>> No.10004866

Perdido Street Station has good setting & races

>> No.10004897

Are Andrezj Sapkowski's Witcher books worth a read? I haven't played the games but people always wax lyrical about the story in them, so I figured I might give the books a look in.

>> No.10004916

Video game stories are held to lower standards.

Mostly because video game stories tend to be of lower quality and the fact that gameplay integration with the story tends to elevates the perceived quality.

Play the games, leave the books.
Unless you have literally nothing else to read.

>> No.10004918

Serious question here. You guys whine all the time about originality in fantasy and make fun of GRRM's planetos for having silly names. But what is more important, having names that make sense but are not original or having unique names that are just random syllabes that don't mean anything? If a forest is gloomy, why call it 'Irryrakh Forest' and not simply 'Gloomy Forest'? It would make sense for the local population to just call a place what it looks like. If you look at the real world there are several places with redundant names like "blue sea", "high hills", "green fields" and so on, that you guys would scorn if you saw them in a fantasy map.

>> No.10004933

Random syllable names are retarded too, nobody disagrees. Who are you arguing with?

>> No.10004937

Probably that word just means "Gloomy" in another language. There are a lot of English place names like that, being Norse or Celtic or Roman or whatever. So it depends if you want to make things sound realistic, or evoke certain imagery, or if you just want to be clear

>> No.10005201
File: 142 KB, 720x729, Westeros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.10005214

what's the best bronze age-style fantasy
think glorantha

>> No.10005215

As shitty as the books are and GRRM is himself, his world is actually okay.

>> No.10005225


why didnt the wights just take a boat to the deepwood

>> No.10005227
File: 1.32 MB, 2089x2464, 1503426056093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this chart recent? I ask because some of the additions are a little strange, and I'm wondering if people still use it or if it's been replaced. I really wouldn't consider The War of the Worlds or Roadside Picnic as post-apocalyptic. Sure, things get pretty dire in The War of the Worlds, and Roadside Picnic has the whole "sci-fi wasteland" but the world doesn't really end in either.

>> No.10005233

I don't think that anybody anywhere likes made up names that don't mean anything.

>> No.10005234

Nobody uses the charts

>> No.10005324

Names needn't be original or make sense but giving the reader a chance at pronunciation is advisable. Don't use Klingon phonology for the sake of differentiating yourself from other authors.

>> No.10005380

Not the main series, but the short story collections are pretty good. Honestly Spakowski fucked up by trying to write it as a fantasy epic, the charm of it was Geralt encountering magic shit, solving problems and having relationship issues.

>> No.10005385


Anon here. I made that chart in 10 minutes for a thread several months ago.

Use it or use it not, t's not of the essence. If you're interested in post-apoc and think there are better books to enter the subject, be my guest and make your own.

Nobody really uses the charts anyway.

>> No.10005413

Which book should I lose my Gene Wolfe virginity with /sffg/? Shadow of the torturer?

>> No.10005418

What are the most used and least deconstructed fantasy tropes?

>> No.10005458
File: 699 KB, 1000x4000, Suggestion Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's that time again

>> No.10005461


>> No.10005462


Truly a shitty suggestion chart with regards to introductory works to post-apocalyptic.

>> No.10005467

Are there any Fantasy books set in a period similar to the Age of muskets or rifles ? preferably low magic but im more interested if anyone has given the period the same treatment that the medieval age gets

>> No.10005481

<3 aww I love you too anon.

I just posted what I read and would suggest from those categories. Those are all the books I read and would suggest from post apocalyptic. Unless you want me to put Stephanie Meyer and others?

>> No.10005487

Thousand names series
Powder Mage trilogy

>> No.10005489

I personally dont give a fuck.

There are PLENTY very real names that will sound like complete gibberish to us and vice versa for whichever culture we're so foreign to. Besides that, its fucking fiction.

>> No.10005507
File: 123 KB, 640x640, Autism Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are autistic anon. Just ignore them. If I was to write a fantasy novel and only use place names from my country they would probably call it stupid. Even though those names were around for decades.
That is how Americlaps behave. If it isn't a Klapistani name they lose their shit. They are all self centered trash.

>> No.10005512

>needlessly creating extra shit that doesn't show up in your books
World building was a mistake

>> No.10005513


>> No.10005531

Which fantasy authors have gotten away with writing hardcore pedophilia that's described over several pages? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10005546

So why can't Severian tell the difference between ships that sail in the sea and in space, also was the mermaid bullshitting him at the end of Claw?

>> No.10005548

To be fair I could do the same and they'd be right.
t. Ausfag [spoiler/]

>> No.10005553

Add some zealots already, faggot

>> No.10005623

Anyone have a recommendation for a series with a protag who's mentally not up for the task?

Like eventually developing psychosis like symptoms from the stress.

I've read that WoT has a protag who turns "insane" but I feel he's more of an overpowered kind of edgy shitbag.
And what I'm looking for is somebody who just crumbles under the pressure.

>> No.10005625

just watch Evangelion

>> No.10005647

Evangelion was really nice.
The protag was the kind of shitbag I asked about.

>> No.10005656

What are some sffg categorized as tools of the patriarchy?

My contribution: Larry Niven. It is subtle, but it is enough to throw the most radical feminists in a fit of rage.

>> No.10005673


Thanks. Ill get the Powder mage trilogy it seems good

>> No.10005699

It's better to start with Fifth Head of Cerberus. Shadow of the Torturer is far better, but you have to read the entire Book of the New Sun to experience a complete work, so I'd recommend reading Fifth Head first and seeing if you like Wolfe's style before you commit yourself.

>> No.10005704

PKD and Watts do the best psychoses
>The Three Stigmata of Eldritch Palmer
The Lathe of Heaven also has a Shinji tier character cracking mentally but it's not as good as the others. PKD's characters have better mental fortitude than Shinji but PKD bullies them all Evangelion style and with similar psychosis.

Search Evangelion in the /lit/ archives for the most recent thread with lots of my other recs but beware that these three are the best.

Other suggestions but not as close:
You can also try Flowers for Algernon but it's not very Eva.

>> No.10005733

Thanks, that will keep me busy for a while.

>> No.10005762

Black Jewels Trilogy

>> No.10005776

Thomas Covenant (in the first trilogy) does eventually step up to the plate but for about 95% of the series he's a complete wreck.

>> No.10005785

I had some books lined up at the start of that chart, but when I finished I forgot what I had selected for zealots. If anything Bakker probably suffices for zealot. (Although that is more his followers than the protag himself. The zealot tag was suppose to be protags who were 100% dogma crazy. an anime example of what I was going for would be the fat nazi guy from alucard )

>> No.10005889

Hell, there are lots of places essentially called "hill hill" (one in a celtic language, the second in english)

>> No.10005898

Here's an example:

>> No.10005910

Discworld is that. In every fucking book

>> No.10005911
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>Hometowns river name literally means river river in the local Anglo-Saxon tribes language

>> No.10005933


>> No.10005963
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, 1478151042861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he wanted military. Tight pussy isn't that militant.

>> No.10006001


Im not bothered desu. I just wanted to know about fantasy that wasn't in some pseudo-medieval world

>> No.10006012

The Lies of Locke Lamora were great! Should i read the second book?

>> No.10006087

You could always update the chart, y'know.

>> No.10006097

So is this a troll chart or what? Why doesn't make someone make a real /sffg/ chart instead of this meme piece of shit.

>> No.10006099

Enjoy the start of warrior prophet going over the edge

>> No.10006138

Yeah. Third one's a step down though.

>> No.10006187

All charts are troll charts in /sffg/

>> No.10006277

I haven't read fantasy in forever and want to start reading again. I want a comfy fantasy with taverns and shit, what should I read?

When I was younger I remember liking Ranger's Apprentice and Feist, I want something in that direction but maybe a bit more mature.

>> No.10006311

sounds like you want Wolfe, Bakker, and Watts

>> No.10006338

> I want a comfy fantasy with taverns and shit, what should I read?
The Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.10006366
File: 269 KB, 531x301, Europe_Westeros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed it was just depicting the mediterranean

>> No.10006555

>tfw after managing to write every day for a week I slipped and fucked up because I couldn't think of how to describe the feeling that "this alleyway is looking kind of non-euclidean

>> No.10006559

>comfy read with taverns

>> No.10006560

>every day for a month

>> No.10006585

How do I come up with engaging plots? Are there creativity exercises or techniques?

>> No.10006628
File: 1.88 MB, 1545x1181, Qmtdcb0kERzlir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these books the big of LOTR ripoffs people say they are?

>> No.10006635

depends on your issue. If your characters motivations for doing anything seem unconvincing, hammer down who they are and what they want. If the plot is too linear, throw in complications. If your plot is predictable, plan out some unexpected twists and figure out how to disguise every little hint as something else.

If you're just not able to make a plot, just sit down and write it like a greentext, building on your own developments

>> No.10006643

What should I make my next famtasy novel be about to maximize (you)'s?

>> No.10006645

Those two look absolutely nothing a like.

>> No.10006715

Teenage girl from farm is secretly royalty, a wizard, and the chosen won destined to overthrow the evil empire regime that overthrew her secret father.

>> No.10006733

and a man so when she grows in her power she transforms herself

>> No.10006759

I'm jonesing for some fantasy (not YA) with no/low magic

I tried reading some Forgotten Realms and all the magic and spells made me groan out loud

Please hit me up with recommendations or post those giant images

And make 'deadnaming' an unforgivable blasphemy in the setting

>> No.10006849

I read The Heart Of What Was Lost and am halfway through The Witchwpod Crown. I skipped Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn because I heard it was slow and that TLKOOA was better. Is the first trilogy as cliched as the references to past events make it sound?
kitchen boy runs away with a rebellious princess and comic relief sidekick to defeat the great evil. He slays a dragon, overthrows the land's tyrannical ruler, marries the girl, and is crowned king in the end

I find it funny to pretend that the previous series doesn't exist and the stereotypical fantasy adventure is just backstory.

>> No.10006877

As always, I recommend the dandelion dynasty. at its core its a story about scientific progress and military tactics in an asian setting, though it does have some very small fantasy elements.

>> No.10006920

Well, except that Essos is nothing like Africa geographically.

>> No.10006950


Op here I actually like grrms setting more than his prose or characters desu. He skillfully compiles so many influences and inspirations that it is greater than the sum of it's parts. I was just shitposting in the op, his map is a little bland but nowhere near the worst

>> No.10007066

>grace of shit series

>> No.10007078

Opinion discarded. Find your own crappy book

>> No.10007087

I'm not the person you recommended the series to. I'm someone who was memed into reading it a few years ago. Take your cliched shit and shove it up yohr ass.

>> No.10007227


GRI but with Lolis too

>> No.10007311
File: 25 KB, 321x285, 1429062948007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me hear those shitty novel ideas so I can stea-, uh, I mean help you with them. I'll even post an appropriate reaction image to your idea.

>> No.10007348
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x720, Author Burglar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 3 memes for that so far.

>> No.10007356
File: 1.65 MB, 2000x1500, 1491284622284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I have some free time. Give me ideas for macro memes.

>> No.10007362

You miss the part where rebellious princess fucks some random merchant, then ends up being the one to kill the big bad, without actually doing any hard work or growing as a character . But otherwise you nailed it.

>> No.10007382

but I'm more like a friendly plumber or repairman, friend, helping young aspiring authors with their supple, nubile ideas.

>> No.10007461
File: 797 KB, 1000x562, Stop picking my brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe!like a surgeon?

>> No.10007678
File: 53 KB, 563x644, Sunland map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Names change everything

>> No.10007769

>the isolated, peaceful oriental country has far superior martial arts compared to the warring empire

>> No.10007794

Thanks for recommending Hardwired, it really is close to that Neuromancer style.

>> No.10007983
File: 93 KB, 1019x833, Greece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfe did this for his Latro series, and it really aids the atmosphere.

>> No.10008003

I've come to the conclusion that PKD is probably the best science fiction writer.

>> No.10008049
File: 37 KB, 400x592, 1501088137030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks for 40 pages of the basics on game theory and chinese rooms, real interesting


>> No.10008074

>There are encounters that change nothing. Urth turns her aged face to the sun and he beams upon her snows; they scintillate and coruscate until each little point of ice hanging from the swelling sides of the towers seems the Claw of the Conciliator, the most precious of gems.

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.10008093
File: 2.27 MB, 3045x4793, ss-uk-jacket-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one

>> No.10008102

unironically better

>> No.10008111

To make it perfect the map would need some mountains that go at right angles, a river that goes uphill, and "Strategic Chokepoint Valley"

>> No.10008116
File: 115 KB, 327x333, 1498037743542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But do I like the PKD Palmer Eldritch book more than Simmons' Hyperion Cantos? That's the question. They're kinda tied for first at the moment because I really liked characters like Eldritch with Mayerson being okay and I really loved the Keats, Silenius and the Shrike but I hated Raul Endymion as much as Leo Bulero and the Cantos went downhill with the fanfiction tier Endymion books.

>> No.10008119

Shit right? I hate when authors put the name of their book, in their book.

>> No.10008202

do you guys have an recommendation on scifi that doesn't center around humans?

>> No.10008227

c j cherryh

>> No.10008275


Most "American" place-names are a grab-bag of European names seasoned with crazy af indian names (Chattahoochee. Chattanooga, Tallahassee, etc.).

I can't think of a fantasy novel that uses stereotypically "American" names desu

>> No.10008279

How does an autist like Vin survive the streets?

>> No.10008355


I think there's a pic floating around that compares it to greece (westeros) and turkey (essos) but blown way up

>> No.10008356

By giving up the pussie when someone says plz.

>> No.10008374

It's missing The Eternal Adam by Jules Verne in the precursors.

>> No.10008401
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1484160155398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too dumb to appreciate Gene Wolfe

>> No.10008495

The OP charts have actually gotten better from a few months ago. Nice.

>> No.10008693

The Traitor Baru Cormorant might interest you: main character becomes an accountant and tries to rise through the ranks in the empire that invaded and occupies her home island.

>> No.10008700

The warring empire doesn't need to rely on martial arts, maybe? Which book are you talking about?

>> No.10008725

Every single one of Cherryh '"alien" races is basically the Joneses from next door, they just have more hair or darker skin. It's quite laughable actually. Aliens don't get much more humanoid than in her novels.

>> No.10008753

well what's your recommendation, mr alien expert

>> No.10008968

>Dolphins (Delphi)
lmao, what a masterpiece
plz no mad jk

>> No.10009263

It's the same charts....

>> No.10009266

>her home island.
So those cover art our vodka squat bro were showing us of the book was a female? And not an effeminate male?

>> No.10009283

Indeed, mc is a young woman.

>> No.10009572

>granny weatherwax is mentally not up to any task

>> No.10009592
File: 21 KB, 350x382, heros_journey4_8462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem is coming up with the initial overarching story. Is it really just a matter of using established tropes?

>> No.10009607

the hero's journey is a meme by fantasy fans to make boring plots sound like they have "literary" elements. tell whatever story you want

>> No.10009825

Nope, go with the flow.

>> No.10010159


That pic pretty much describes my first and only acid trip desu senpai

>> No.10010184

Little reminder, massive collections of fantasy and science fiction novels here:



>> No.10010198

didn't someone say these are just text files and aids on the eye to read

>> No.10010225


Iirc most are and somebody said you can convert them to PDFs. I've converted a lot of epubs to PDF because no e-reader, which isn't hard, also some pdfs I download are already txts that have been converted. It makes a difference somehow though scans are still better

>> No.10010471


>> No.10010804
File: 1.34 MB, 1256x2025, 1504991509293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that most science fiction and fantasy cover art is so god awful?

>> No.10010897

Any sffg about diplomacy between different species? Maybe the lack of diplomacy too, but in which relationship exists and is not exclusively war. Bonus points if you actually liked the book.

>> No.10011128
File: 1.52 MB, 3027x2294, IMG_0415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'd think they'd learn something by now but it only gets worse.

I absolutely loathe real people on covers 99% of the time. In fact the only time I think it's work was for the Powder Mage trilogy

>> No.10011142

The title is generic as hell and the cover looks like someone's used stock images for it

>> No.10011144

it looks like a selfpublished book
but it's peter v brett so it's not too far from that

>> No.10011209

>Story has good world building
>It's written by an autist who can't write
>Story has great characters
>Worldbuilding is terrible or handwaved

Why is having both so rare?

>> No.10011252


Seriously, this makes me want to buy only hard cover copies just so I can take the dust jacket off and not look at this god awful art.

>> No.10011275

who writes the best normie fantasy?

>> No.10011298


>> No.10011397

lol GRRM
>Why is having both so rare?
Because nobody can have nice things.

>> No.10011770

Would a human 20 times bigger than other humans be significantly smarter?

>> No.10011823

Not necessarily. It's like why rhinos aren't twenty times smarter than chimps. Or why condors aren't twenty times smarter than condors.

>> No.10011838

What falls under the second? Couldn't give much of a shit about worldbuilding most of the time, like I care about what the setting is but not so much for the small details.

>> No.10011867

The bigger the brain the higher the intelligence so yes

>> No.10011872

Is there any "redpilled" sf/f

Any books that would resonate with a /pol/ user I guess. Or maybe just some novels with a more right wing leaning moral? More traditionalism maybe?

>> No.10011881

Rhinos don't have rhino sized chimp brains, they have rhino brains

>> No.10011890

Arts of Dark and Light by Vox Day.

>> No.10011909

Not that guy, but even when a work is well-written and has an interesting cast, sometimes I'm a bit disappointed if the world isn't elaborated on more. I don't think works should have info dumps or anything, but things like consistency in the magic help involve me as a reader in understanding what characters are capable of in stories, it stops me from asking questions about why characters can't just magic out of situations and it feels good when I can puzzle things out off the information.

I don't want the history of nations that aren't relevant but I want enough of their culture to understand why characters from one acts a certain way. I don't need the full portfolio of a god but I need context on who people are praying for. You know?

>> No.10011912

A more literal example is that people who
suffer from gigantism aren't all geniuses. It's not the size of the brain, but the wrinkles of the brain that relate to cognitive ability, according to some neuroscientists.

>> No.10011917

Yeah but taller people on average are smarter. And then gigantism is an outlier cause theyre deformed

>> No.10011976

Armor - John Steakley
Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein
The Forever War - Joe Haldeman

>> No.10012091

They're oddly all trash

>> No.10012130


>> No.10012249


>> No.10012399

Unironically Gene Wolfe, he's the most tradition-oriented writer in all of science-fiction/fantasy.

>> No.10012603


Absolute brain size is not a good indicator of intelligence. Brain-to-body mass ratio is also garbage. "Encephalization quotient" (actual brain mass of species vs predicted brain mass of a comparable sized species) is much more accurate but still falters when measuring avian species.

Also different areas of the brain have vastly different purposes, a solitary carnivore might have great spatial intelligence for its brain size when compared to social herbivore with the same size brain

>> No.10012664

In the midst of a comfy 10-hour power outage lads, 920,000 people without power in the state, phoneposting at 59% and counting. I thought the hurricane was a meme ffs. If i don't make it, I just want you all to know that NK Jizzimeme is shit thank you all

>> No.10012785

>that is what a Brain Prince looks like
It looks like Et fucked that baby thing that followed godzilla around in those old Japanese movies. That is not what I imagined.

>> No.10012803

Stone Sky was a goddamn letdown

>> No.10012804

people bitch about minimalist covers but this is why they should always be used, far less chance of anything going wrong

I'd be embarrassed to take that book outside

>> No.10012918

Bakker 1

>> No.10012923
File: 334 KB, 1280x720, 15051603077280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So those cover art our vodka squat bro were showing
I'm here once again.

>> No.10012925
File: 401 KB, 1280x720, 15052029944731[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker 2

>> No.10012929
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Bakker 3

>> No.10012931
File: 376 KB, 1280x720, 15052029944783[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker 4

>> No.10013012

Does Soulcatcher appear in any Black Company books after the fifth? Don't really want to read on if not.

>> No.10013153


fucking waifufag

>> No.10013192
File: 217 KB, 403x497, Catcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help it.

Answer the question.

>> No.10013273
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1494866652933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palmer Eldritch is my one and only waifu desu.

>> No.10013441

It's not really a bad map. Feels like it was put together by someone who doesn't understand why certain tropes are the way they are. They also don't seem to understand naming conventions of locations and landmarks; you can take the name of just about anything, translate it into English, and get a painfully literal output.

It's not even really an obscure thing; there's a mountain range near Yellowstone named 'The Grand Tetons' which is just 'large breasts' in French.

>> No.10013490

>Perdido Street Station has good setting & races

Well, at least you didn't claim it has good story.

>> No.10013617

>shadow is shit, gene is a hack, killed the only good character his story had, not even going to read the later ones because of how shit the first book turned after she died

>> No.10013634
File: 665 KB, 1695x2560, rule-34-halting-state-book-2_7266516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4channer (probably a reddite) uses meme to write a book
>introducing normies to my memes

>> No.10013637

>there is a book called wombbreaker
l-lewd >///>

>> No.10013645

she can literally influence people' s minds and make them complacent

>> No.10013651

>author unironically names a city Darujhistan

>> No.10013679
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>> No.10013689
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oh boy here we go

>> No.10013694

Sex with a woman is like a fine instrument...

>> No.10013702

>If book 3 ever comes out. Rothfuss admitted in a blog recently he isnt working on it. He is working on his kickstarters and TV shows. He just had a blog about secret meetings with Wizards of the Coast. So now he is working on roleplaying games.

This is too funny.

>> No.10013706

the most annoying thing I've found any time I've visited there isn't the shit taste, but that every second post is some literal who author shilling their 99c amazon """"""""""novel""""""""""

>> No.10013719

Life is like a lute missing a string.

>> No.10013723

I'm going to meet Patrick Rothfuss at SLC Comic-Con in 10 days. What should I have him write when he signs my book?

>> No.10013725

are you mormon?

>> No.10013742

"To a goy that bought my books, Patrick."

>> No.10013751

I was raised mormon, and was a true believer until I was 17. They don't teach a lot of the ugly church history and I decided to dig it up myself. Once I realized how batshit crazy the religion was I bailed out. They have the art of cult brainwashing perfected.

>> No.10013757


>> No.10013807

Despite that mormons are genuinely the nicest, happiest people you will ever meet. It's just a shame that they are so willing to pay 10% of their annual income in tithing just so that they can be told how to think.

>> No.10013850

Are you angry that you didn't grow up in a more aesthetic religion like Catholicism? I mean, compare Gene Wolfe and Brandon Sanderson

>> No.10013870

Is baru cormorant a feminist book?
Is it any good?

>> No.10013893

The author put up a blog post about how the story is an allegory for white imperialism destroying indigenous queerness, so take that as you will.

>> No.10013899

It's weird how the fantasy reddit is so trash when printSF is patrish.

>> No.10013928

Definitely. When I visited the National Cathedral in D.C. with my high school I was utterly stricken by the entire beauty of the building and had the opportunity to speak to some Catholics my age. Coincidentally this was the same trip that opened my eyes to the possibility that maybe Mormonism wasn't "the one true religion."
Sure I wish I had been raised in a more casual, Catholic setting, but my life as a LDS child was pretty legit for the most part. Boy scout program is amazing, church activities were fun. We went camping all the time, did summer camps, earned badges and learned cool stuff. If it wasn't for the sexual-guilt shaming during puberty, helicopter parents, and countless hours wasted in church, it would have been the best childhood ever.
I'll stop blogging now though and switch back to the thread topic. One of my favorite books as a teenager was Ender's Game and Speaker for The Dead. When I looked into Orson Scott Card's biography I was surprised to learn he was LDS as well. He became my inspiration to become a writer. His imagination and storytelling blew my mind as a kid.

>> No.10013949
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>white imperialism destroying indigenous queerness

>> No.10013954

it's a genuinely good book

>> No.10014020

Kvothe ruins the series entirely. He is just a textbook mary sue.
>b-but the book explores the struggles of being an inherently talented person
>bad stuff happens to him in the book so it's okay!
That's not how I like my protagonists. It takes away a lot from the story for me when characters are just good at things inexplicably. Just my personal opinion.

>> No.10014027


>> No.10014047
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Finished about %25 of this.

Story is going fine but I sometimes find the descriptions of the scenes quite ostentatious. Seriously I m not the one who'd brag about his vocabulary but I felt like dude was writing with an open thesaurus next to his pen.

>> No.10014051

>He is just a textbook mary sue.
He is not remotely similar to patrick rothfuss. Mary Sue does not mean hyper-competent, it means an escapist self-insert of the author. There's nothing wrong with a character being brilliant if he encounters fittingly difficult obstacles.
It's fine not to like it, but goddamn, stop calling it mary sue and pretend that this is an inherently bad thing that you're justified to dismiss because of it.

>> No.10014065

Can someone tell Sanderson to stop writing his books like he's writing a college thesis?

>> No.10014080

I know how you feel, I'm currently half way through it. If I didn't have my kindle defining every obscure word in his sentences I would have stopped by now.
I feel like a brainlet trying to keep track of the shit ton of new characters he brings in during Durijhistan. Not to mention a lot of the political dynamics between the Malzhan and the other countries feels difficult to decipher. If there's more kickass scenes like the 5th's assault on the Moon though I will definitely stick to reading it.

>> No.10014094

>that bittersweet feel when you finish a series that you really enjoyed

>> No.10014109

>post trilogy depression

>> No.10014119
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Why would you do this?
I'm curious, what have you read of Cherryh's?
Unironically, The Pride of Chanur.

>> No.10014126

>that bitterbitter feel when you realize that series you really enjoy is never going to end

>> No.10014189
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>> No.10014224

Yeah I'm about to have a meeting with him, I'll set him straight for you pham

>> No.10014335

Is that Leasha the whore Paper?

>> No.10014356

No loli rape?

>> No.10014370

I'm black and never had a Russian friend. Will you be my friend?

>> No.10014388

>in Soviet Russia R's are P's
>it's actually Pussia and not Russia

>> No.10014398

> I'm black

>> No.10014491

But I promise I won't cuck you. You can teach me to squat and I can teach you how to dress in something other than Adidas.

>> No.10014531
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Any sff novel with spooky sexy skeletons?
Other than the new wonder woman books, and Anita Blake.

>> No.10014752

Any fantasy novels with gay traps?

>> No.10014757

your diary desu

>> No.10014779

my diary is not genre fiction, desu

>> No.10014788
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made me laugh a lot

>> No.10014860
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When I was a kid fantasy covers seemed to make sense regardless of how shitty the book was, what happened?

>> No.10014870

>If there's more kickass scenes like the 5th's assault on the Moon though I will definitely stick to reading it.
Yes. There are.

>> No.10014875

>oh lord these wizards are ridiculous
>let's base our magic system off them
Damn it Gygax, you missed the point, didn't you?

>> No.10014878

I wish

>> No.10014956

Random question
Is it possible to skip over the bronze age and go straight to iron smelting from stone?

>> No.10014984
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He did... I think.

>> No.10014985

Anything is possible in a multiverse

>> No.10014986

During Jomon period in Japan bronze and iron were introduced from mainland simultaneously.

>> No.10015001

How much would a tussian domesticated fox kinda experiment cost? I want to create massively brained crows and then make them shitpost on 4chan and maybe do some fiverr jobs to make back profits.
Also, would this be ethical? Sci fi geeks should know

>> No.10015012

still gets me off

>> No.10015021

I was thinking more data entry, not sure how much sex stuff crows could really do. Maybe some bloodborne fans would like that but not much else

>> No.10015022
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>[Spoiler]Even though she locks me in a chastity cage and binds and gags me and invites her Chad bf to pound my ass every night, I will still be here, long after he is gone, making her laugh while I lick Chad's cum out of her snatch[/spoiler]

Is Kvothe literally moot

>> No.10015032

>When you fuck up your shitpost so bad you have to retire from the thread in shame

>> No.10015037
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Fantasy books with long, overly detailed descriptions of makeup and make up application?

>> No.10015048

>All this effort to look slightly prettier, men honestly do not give that much of a fuck as long as you're not fat or deformed
Maybe they really do do it for themselves and not men.

>> No.10015070

You are only ever as good as your exterior. Makeup is at its core a display of empathy and altruism, don't be so cynical

>> No.10015098
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>tfw you will never share dreams with a pupper

>> No.10015103
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>he wouldn't rather share dreams with a lion/cheetah

>> No.10015205

What is some post sincerity science fiction or fantasy. Maybe something like million dollar extreme but with elves

>> No.10015206
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Outside of Gene Wolfe, Daniel Keyes, Robert Silverberg and Ursula Le Guin, who I'm familiar with, what are some good science fiction books that use first person POV in a good/interesting way, whether non-linear, unreliable, etc.

>> No.10015212

The New York Times.
Start writing and you can get in on the ground floor, become the Tolkein of neo-comedic ab-political post-literate synth-tasy.

>> No.10015222


>> No.10015223

Do you think that'd have an audience? If I just binged mde and wrote a fantasy book while under tetris effect.

>> No.10015239
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In light of the It film remake, what are your favorite "horror fantasy" novels?

>> No.10015240


>> No.10015242


>> No.10015244

Why would I intentionally scare myself forcing daddy to console me? Stupid post

>> No.10015260

Revenge of the Lawn Weenies

>> No.10015271

Who knows? I'm not sure how it would translate to the written word, visuals are really important. You could nail the rambling delirium pretty well, and descriptions MIGHT be possible too.
But fundamentally, isn't the point that it's REAL? That all of the absurdism is actually not absurd at all and is actually happening right now with total sincerity? Writing a fantasy book kinda takes away from it.
On the other hand, extremely thinly veiled fantasy allegories mixing modern socio-political economics with a ridiculous fantasy setting could be interesting.

It all comes down to one thing: Can you nail the tone?

>> No.10015286

Tin can be smelted in an open campfire. Copper smelting requires a lower temperature than iron, but generally requires the construction of a specialized furnace, though could conceivably have been discovered by accident from building large fires. I suppose the discovery of alloying copper to produce bronze didn't have to occur before someone trying to increase the temperature of a copper smelter produced iron. Native iron from meteorites occurs in nature so an ancient metallurgist would have known about it before trying to smelt ore.

If your story occurs on another world where it's easy to build a very hot fire -- higher oxygen content in the air, for instance -- you could make it not even possible but probable that ironworking was discovered much sooner than in our own past.

>> No.10015287

>But fundamentally, isn't the point that it's REAL? That all of the absurdism is actually not absurd at all and is actually happening right now with total sincerity? Writing a fantasy book kinda takes away from it.
Dunno if I could nail the tone. Will have to try first

>> No.10015301

The Primitive Technology guy smelts iron nodules with his spinny stick forced air mud furnace.

>> No.10015307


>> No.10015320

The Sumerians built a civilisation out of mud, pretty good eh?

>> No.10015329

Right, but he already knew he needed to build a high-temperature furnace and how to do it. It's just a fact that copper alloys were known and used for thousands of years before iron smelting. Did it have to be that way? Probably not, no.

>> No.10015359
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mde is literally only popular because losers see sam hyde as the ultimate edgelord who wouldn't let their goddamn mom tell them to take out the goddamn trash in front of their goddamn friends

Its hero worship plane and simple, the content they create is objectively without merit, hence why the show was cancelled.

So no, your book would be terrible and no one would read it unless you ghostwrote it for Sam and he told everyone that gays wouldn't like them to read it or something

>> No.10015377

sam hyde is a left leaning satirist making fun of the right and left extremes, not edgy

>> No.10015438

It's good and /u/

>> No.10016233

What books you guys waiting on?

>> No.10016244

None, unless you count my to read pile.

>> No.10016248


>> No.10016249

So you have every book you ever wanted to read at your fingertips?

>> No.10016260

The next Bakker

>> No.10016274

>sam hyde is a left leaning satirist

>> No.10016276

Ive literally got about 40 books sitting next to my bed, thats easily a years worth of material. Plus nothing interesting is coming out soon.

>> No.10016339

>Women wearing makeup
>empathy and altruism

>> No.10016399
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>Woman wearing makeup
Too lazy to get your male to female transexual surgery, huh?

>> No.10016413

is the whole "vomiting words on a page" thing a good idea? I'm making a lot of progress but my prose is suffering

>> No.10016445
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Not only are you deranged for trying to pressure me into such a degenerate endeavor, but your greentext shows your lack of reading comprehension.
>that fucking image

>> No.10016457
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It's time for you to go back to tumblr with the rest of you transexuals.

>> No.10016520
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what is this shit that I'm reading and why is it so much fun? I haven't been this enthralled by a fantasy book in ages but then again I don't read much fantasy.

>> No.10016527

Stick with it anon.

>> No.10016540

>I'm black
lol newsflash eastern euros dont like us very much, and western euros only pretend to

>> No.10016546

>tfw ywn be anon's russian friend

>> No.10016556

You have inspired me. I just wanted you to know this.

>> No.10016560

The real history or Robert E. Howards Hyboria.

>> No.10016566

I want to watch Martin Silenus write a fanfiction of the Shrike putting on makeup culminating in the actual Shrike impaling him

>> No.10016568

What makes for a good fantasy novel cover?

>> No.10016572

Next Simmons WW2 novel.

>> No.10016575

The publishers chooses that for you, otherwise study your market and see what they're drawn to.

Usually its some pleb shit with a brooding guy or hot girl on the cover

>> No.10016592

>What should I have him write when he signs my book?
>"To Anon: Sunset found her squatting in the grass — Patrick Rothfuss"

If he's actually cool, he will do it. If he doesn't do it, he is a turd

>> No.10016619

>'Slagg,' said the Countess, 'go away! I would like to see the boy when he is six. Find a wet nurse from the Outer Dwellings. Make him green dresses from the velvet curtains. Take this gold ring of mine. Fix a chain to it. Let him wear it around his wry little neck. Call him Titus. Go away and leave the door six inches open.'
yeah it's bretty good

>> No.10016688


>> No.10016698
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I think I will pass on that desu senpai

>> No.10016704
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what would constitute a "straight" trap?

>> No.10016713

>white imperialism destroying indigenous queerness
I'd swear that if I didn't know firsthand that leftshits were absolute retards this would be a parody written by a right-wing author.

>> No.10016731

Hello scifi guys
So I just started reading some scifi books for the first time in my life...mostly because i watched some movies like inception, and really enjoyed the feel of it...and wanted to experience something similar, but with literature... I don't have much time to read with work and all...but just recently finished reading my first two books of choice... hyperion and a canticle for leibowitz.... enjoyed both of them very much... I got a question for all of u... I just recently started seeing this thread on lit...is there anywhere on the web where all the charts and guides are backed up?

>> No.10016742
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Speaking of maps, I finally did it, the perfect Westeros to Britain equivalents map.

The only problem I have is Wales. I made Cornwall/Devon Dorne because it looks nicer (and because "Dornish" sounds like Cornish) but everything about Dorne's history (plus many aspects of its geography) are so Wales it hurts. I just couldn't find anywhere else to slot the Vale.

>> No.10016755


And the Indians built a civilization out of poo

>> No.10016761

The sticky

>> No.10016762

Third was my favorite. It's good if you want a break from the "Some baddie has us in our clutches and gives us ultimateums" repeats that Lynch does in 1 and 2

>> No.10016770

First trilogy was only unique for it's world building, and even then it didn't differ much from the status quo. Witchwood Crown is a substantial improvement

>> No.10016772

Happy to hear it

>> No.10016785

Robin Hobb, but you have to read two of her trilogies before you understand who

>> No.10016789

he is

>> No.10016804


>> No.10016813

>I don't understand something but I'm still comfortable shitting on it
I bet you think pepe is a hate symbol too

>> No.10016818


>> No.10016822


Samaw'al Huayadi, alias Samuel Hyde alias al Akbadhi is a Radical Islamist Terrorist, we all know this. Only pathetic western liberal muslim apologies try to meme him into some kind of alt-right nazi

>> No.10016825

Sam Hyde is a faggot

>> No.10016835

well he has had sex with one of my transgender friends, so yes

>> No.10016973
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super obscure books you read when you were a kid?
i remember pic related was fucking great back in middle school.
>tfw youll never check books out of the fantasy section of your school library again

>> No.10017156

I read the entirety of my schools library

>> No.10017237

How do I stop excel from turning an (R) into a ®. Preferably without having to change settings.

>> No.10017241
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>> No.10017253

I said preferably without changing any settings. Can't I write something to indicate that this specific block is a literal string? Also sorry for the off-topic post. It was a genuine accident, I meant to write it in another thread where it would still be off topic

>> No.10017298

Type an apostrophe as the first character in the cell.

>> No.10017306


>> No.10017380

You know those fantasy series' that take place either in the far future of our world or a post-apocalypse version of our world that somehow turned it into a fantasy setting? Well I'm gonna do THE OPPOSITE!

>> No.10017387

A fantasy world that's far in our world's past and was forgotten over the ages? I'm sorry Anon, but Tolkien already did that.

>> No.10017460

My gran loves those things, bizarrely.

>> No.10017461

I think I will have to make a wordart macro for delusional writers who only have ideas.

>> No.10017535

New Thread; now with full subject.

>> No.10017661

Uh, I'm pretty sure that "world had magic but turned into modern setting and magic is lost/forgotten" has been done even more than the opposite. Good luck breaking new ground.

>> No.10017723 [DELETED] 
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Which one first?
>I know starting with Crown Tower isn't technically right, but it is chronologically right order and it's written so that you can do so.

I'm new to nonfiction book reading; I've read all of Tolkien.