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File: 9 KB, 225x225, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10006980 No.10006980 [Reply] [Original]

I need something logical to put an end to my nihilism... I don't care if it's religious as long as it's logical and positive.

>> No.10007000

boy have i got the guy for you

>> No.10007022

trips, better check it out

>> No.10007025
File: 1.08 MB, 1444x1452, 9951774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In nihilism one must pick their purpose.


>> No.10007028

Change your behavior to the better.

>> No.10007042
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>> No.10007044


>> No.10007052
File: 61 KB, 640x607, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also realise on this realm EVERYTHING is faded to decadence and destruction, and true hapiness in its plenitude can only be attainable in the next one

>> No.10007054

You can eat your neighbor if you really want to. We know morality. Even if it would be a social construct, see it to its fullest, most honest and truthful fruition. If it is good, what will come out of it? If it is not truly good, will it even remain?

>> No.10007083

But the purpose is meaningless :P

>> No.10007102

You may not eat my neighbor. I will come to their defense or revenge them. Ridding the world of the capitalist's motivation will cure a great many things we see as evil

How whiny. It's a metaphorical monster to slay. Stand up to it.

>> No.10007104

its always the same old shit with you people. can't you find something better?

>> No.10007125
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The only way to stand up to this monster is to prove it doesn't exist. That's kind of hard when the thing is currently ripping you into pieces.

>> No.10007142
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The metaphorical beast that is "meaninglessness" is slayed with finding purpose. Busying oneself with enjoyable things to do while alive. Do watch that video above, anon. Do take in some Nietzsche

>> No.10007148

>You may not eat my neighbor.
I can't be arsed, sure, but eh?
>I will come to their defense or revenge them.
Don't be childish. Revenge won't stop the past.
>Ridding the world of the capitalist's motivation
What is this?
>will cure a great many things we see as evil
The collective sees two evils. One, the agreed upon evil - what the media says is evil (Trump, capitalism, Russians, Assad, etc...). The second evil is in relation to 'how things should be like'.

>> No.10007175

>What is this?
Under capitalism you have to get up and go to work or you will die. There are people with weapons who will shoot your or put you in a cell if you try to eek around the rules. But that's just for your class. The more money you make the more perks you get, the more look down on those "below" you on this ladder. Higher up the ladder there are people looking down on you and looking up in grudging admiration of those above them. Getting to the top means only wanting to build a level higher for yourself. You get there only for being the most sociopathic person in the world. Capitalism is corruption itself.
Shutting it down seem impossible, but if we don't it will ravage the planet till we all die.

>> No.10007182

Blame democracy. There are only two rules known to man, oligarchy - the rule of the owner class, and kingdom, the rule of hereditary 'father'.

>> No.10007200

>Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist because he said nihilism was bad
what? no, that's stupid
>be chronic smoker
>recognize smoking is bad for you
>you still keep smoking
>but you told other people not to smoke because it's bad for them so you're not really a smoker

>> No.10007211

Blame Darwin. Survival of the fittest means that people are willing subjugate others in order to ensure their own survival. Of course, they can't let their base of support falter so we get a bit too.

>> No.10007219
File: 2.53 MB, 3872x2576, Bookchin - The Ecology of Freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democracy is incompatible with capitalism. It corrupts EVERYTHING.

>> No.10007228
File: 142 KB, 500x727, capitalists-capitalism-is-the-best-system-because-it-works-by-23490346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no. That blame goes to Spencer.

>> No.10007235
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>> No.10007240

>Democracy is incompatible with capitalism. It corrupts EVERYTHING.

fuck democracy

>> No.10007248


came here to post this and wow.

youre an idiot.

>> No.10007376

Would Kant be a good start?

>> No.10007651
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Why would Kant be a good start?



>> No.10007657

Why not just start following optimistic-nihilism? It'll let you reap the benefits of calling yourself a nihilist while still being happy.

>> No.10007663

no youre

>> No.10007708
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time to become a knight of faith

>> No.10007892

My problem with this standard sort of argument is what seems to be the glaring ressentiment. I consider myself sympathetic both to left and conservative critiques of whatever you want to call the current ruling socio-political ideology in the West; but the problem that I have with the left, which I see much less of in the conservatives, is this sense of entitlement, e.g. "you have to get up and go to work or you will die." Fucking boo-hoo. Not trying to be one of those types who revels in the fact that "life isn't fair" and you need to "pull yourself up from your bootstraps." Those types like to proclaim the doom and gloom of the "harsh reality" as an expedient in their own polemics and to absolve themselves of any responsibility. However, I think its healthy to maintain a good dose of fatalism, of humility, of "I don't really deserve anything - good or bad - in any ultimate sense so better to be thankful for what I do have." Not in a "there eyes were watching god" sense but more a "lets not be an ass" sense. In a sense it's being an adult and adults are dying out in the West. If we're going to tackle issues with wealth distribution, social cohesion, and environmental catastrophe I think we need to turn down the ego, stop reifying and essentializing, and invoke that good-old hermeneutic principle of charity.

It strikes me as odd that someone so into nietzche would be so deep into this ideological game.

>> No.10008105

Shit image. Darwin was wrong and has been irrelevant for decades.

>> No.10008152

There's resentment for a good reason.
In an anarchist world you get up and go to work because you want to. Seriously. In the near future we have automation taking up a whole lot of job, but now imagine a world where there's no bankers, insurance agents, lawyers, judges, politicians, cops, salesmen, marketing. Only real honest work, and so many people out of work would result, in the anarchist world, of plenty of freedom for all. Not so under capitalism. Everyone is in danger with automation happening.
OF COURSE the working class is entitled to it's REAL share. The wealthy do absolutely zero.
>I think its healthy to maintain a good dose of fatalism, of humility, of "I don't really deserve anything..."
How about the abolition of private property? The Stirnerist reality of things?

In the moneyless world wealth becomes us. What we do for one another and our world.

>> No.10009485

Who are you constantly trying to make /lit/ into /pol/?

>> No.10009489

>as long as it's logical

>> No.10009625

>I will come to their defense or revenge them

lol no you won't you fat Dyke

>> No.10009644

If by "nihilism" you mean to stop believing in transcendental values of any kind, then Nietzsche was a nihilist.
If by nihilism you mean the edgy "lul life is meaningless let's do drugs and fuck each other in every hole" teen, then no.

>> No.10009651

The former logically leads to the latter though
At least until you realize suicide is the end game of hedonism

>> No.10009653

No, it doesn't necessarily. If you're happy the way things are and you suddenly discover nihilism, you would be an idiot to change.

>> No.10009656

>suicide is endgame of a philosophy who sees pleasure and happiness as the goal of life.
mmm...it's almost as if you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.10009660

>If you're happy the way things are and you suddenly discover your wife is cheating on you then you'd be an idiot to change

>> No.10009662

It sees pleasure versus pain as the point of life, if life is more suffering than pleasure (as every critical thinking person realizes) then suicide is expedient

>> No.10009666

"Grendel, grendel, we make the world by whispers, second by second, are you blind to that?"

>> No.10009671

Yes, if you're Leopold Bloom.
No, seriously, the thing is different. Your wife is a person. You can interact with people. You can talk with your wife, you can divorce. Life is not something you can argue with. Life is not something that can "disappoint" you or "cheat on" you. Life is not something that you can talk to to clear your problem. You can kill yourself, if you think it's the right thing, who cares.
What I want to say is that to be sad and to say "life sucks" is (most of the time) a choice, not something that you do because you have to.

>> No.10009682

What about Darwin's thinking are you implying is wrong?

>> No.10009688

Do you not think it possible for automation to liberate us?

>> No.10009691

Get out of here with your pop-sci garbage.

>> No.10009741
File: 74 KB, 273x410, language games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you still care about being logical you have not yet really embraced nihilism. you're going to have to go deeper into the pit of nothing before you can really turn yourself around. You still have gods to destroy.

>> No.10009791

You're saying absolutely nothing. Please refrain from posting unless you have an intelligent thing to say

>> No.10009805

Everything you do is pointless, so you might as well do good.

>> No.10009820


>> No.10009827

I love how these threads attract low functioning hoopelheads cautiously offering their folk wisdom and platitudes in hopes of reaffirming their life priorities only for me to rip them apart like paper

>> No.10009828

>If by "nihilism" you mean to stop believing in transcendental values of any kind, then Nietzsche was a nihilist.
that's why nihilism is. Unfortunately it does lead to the second thing you said many times, but Nihilism is what you described in the greentext

>> No.10009843

Nietzsche. Yes.

>> No.10009900


The fuck are you even trying to say.
Its incredibly ironic name dropping Nietzsche has become like a religion to secular cuckolds. Nietzsche is dead

>> No.10009910

Nietzsche is non nihilistic

>> No.10009923

Yeah so is my Granny. What's your point?
OP asked for a logical alternative to nihilism, there is nothing logical in Nietzche's alternative

>> No.10010092
File: 25 KB, 232x352, tips religiously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10010101

Fuck off, Comte

>> No.10010272

none secketer

>> No.10011357


>> No.10011362

this. Would love to see an actual butters pic.

>> No.10011484

Nihilism is for the weak, and evil minded. Human progress is on the verge of great leaps, most of us could not even imagine. Ending the curse of aging, colonizing other solar systems. We are in the baby stages of humanity, we are practically cave men in the evolutionary track. Man is destined to create, just as God created man. Heaven on Earth will be a reality and death will be a problem of the past. Jesus told us we are all infinitely valuable, just as infinite as the universe. When mankind acts on this message we achieve heaven on Earth. When man goes against this message we have hell on Earth. Thanks to our ancestor's progress we live in comfort, much better than fighting off nature and banging rocks together for fire. We will achieve greatness and our infinite value will allow us to become infinite beings. If we all believe the lies told by Satan (life is pointless) we will never reach our destiny. Within our lifetime my friends, we will stop the curse of aging. With that gone, our progress will leap forward like never before. To believe life is pointless is to be a caveman forever banging rocks together, in fear of a black panther or snake will come take our life at any time.

>> No.10011508
File: 55 KB, 641x482, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you like milk

>> No.10011519


>> No.10011526
File: 39 KB, 576x361, butterfly strap on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.10011776

post gif

>> No.10011844

This is a worksafe board.

>> No.10011849

worksafe as in neet.

>> No.10011858 [SPOILER] 
File: 182 KB, 866x635, 1505181822178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in that case

>> No.10012092

logical positivism

>> No.10012155
File: 151 KB, 341x314, 1500305158394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking dense can you be, Nietzsche explained that we could overcome nihilism by pursuing art and self-discovery and thats what this pic is saying.

The whole point of the famous abyss quote of him is exactly that. The abyss exists but you can be strong enough to not be absorbed by it.

>> No.10012295

No. The ruling class would just slowly begin to lose reasons to placate the underclass. We will be murdered. There's no real need for 7 billion mouths to feed when you no longer require their bodies to grow your wealth.

>> No.10012334

What a fucking pipe dream. If none of that shit was put in place, there would be mass amounts of crime and no sense of morality.

>> No.10012684
File: 50 KB, 400x648, https___usercontent2.hubstatic.com_379939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

logical or not pic related started my way out of nihilism

>> No.10012696


>> No.10013732

I chuckled.

>> No.10013783
File: 27 KB, 400x400, Case Closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't need much
Just realize you are too stupid to know things for granted, if you think nihilism is the truth and that you're smarter than everyone then you're a cunt, it's not. You're ignorant on the potential truth holds, you're a pussy who has no drive in life so you go and shelter yourself behind the most retarded ideology in existence.

Fuck reading, fuck philosophy, man up and figure it out yourself.

>> No.10015276

nihilism is the logical thing ever

>> No.10016576

muh logic security blanket

>> No.10017230

>The former logically leads to the latter though
>I'm right by default so everybody who disagrees with me is obviously wrong
You would do good to actually read Nietzsche. Me think you would like it

>> No.10017232

This is why /pol/ shouldn't be allowed to crosspost

>> No.10017386
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>le read Nietzsche
Not an argument brainlet

>> No.10017395

You didn't make an argument...
You made a claim and I referred you to one who objects to it.
Jesus I swear /pol/ is a mental illness

>> No.10017401

Still waiting for that argument buddy

>> No.10017408

>my opinion is correct because i said so
>you should read this author that disagrees
>le nod an argument xDDDD
why would you expect a well reasoned argument against a blanket statement?

>> No.10017411

Well then read Nietzsche...

>> No.10017422

Because at least I presented actual propositional content. An actual sentence that presents a view that something is the case which can be disagreed with.
Simply name dropping an author without even the slightest reference to how he disagrees is literally in the most unironic sense of the phrase not an argument

>> No.10017428

you're right he should have just said 'no it doesn't' instead of actually pointing you in the direction of something that would challenge your beliefs

>> No.10017432

read art of the argument

>> No.10017434

No I think he should have said nothing at all.
I read Nietzsche already, I wasn't impressed

>> No.10017440


>> No.10017447

The person who wrote >>10007200 and >>10009651 did not read or at least understand Nietzsche.
>he should have said nothing at all
I actually agree. You seem neither capable nor willing to discuss your viewpoint which you simply asserted to be true and now scream at everybody who disagrees. Also read Nietzsche.

>> No.10017463

Saying Nietzsche is not disagreeing, its a refuge of a personality cult

>> No.10017469

>Not an argument brainlet
Yeah you just seemed curious to discuss Nietzsches viewpoints and not just rant at disagreers. Why not say "I haven't read Nietzsche what arguments against my claim does he give?"?

>> No.10017470

Meaninglessness is itself a meaning. Learn your own perspective better and you'll get out of your depression.

>> No.10017481

>Meaninglessness is itself a meaning
No it's not. That's like saying atheism is a religion. Meaninglessness literally means no meaning. How would that be a meaning?

>> No.10017486

Except I have read Nietzsche and you could have tested me on my knowledge and understanding of him if you actual referenced any of his thoughts or ideas. Instead again you're refusing to even accept the very notion someone could have read your dear Guru and still disagree with him

>> No.10017489

It's an interpretation with an expression that is dependent on the interpreter. They are both value judgments. The world is not meaningful nor meaningless, it is yourself, which means it can be either or anything in between depending on you.

>> No.10017503
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>The world is not meaningful nor meaningless, it is yourself

>> No.10017507

t. hasn't read Nietzsche or thought about the idea of perspectives for any significant length of time

>> No.10017511

I have, I decided to create the meaning that its horseshit

>> No.10017524

You're free to prescribe yourself to an outlook that everything is meaningless. It is your decision though, and the point of the thread was on how to overcome it or find another perspective to overcome it with, which is what I explained.

>> No.10017562

Since Nietzsche never claimed everybody would overcome Nihilism ironically that doesn't falsify it.
For those who embrace life and create meaning it is objectively not without meaning. That's why he said man is something that needs to be overcome.

>> No.10017570

All this argument rests on accepting the notion that we choose what to believe, that our conception of reality is not a product of a rational interpretation of the reality presented to us. That interpretatuon is the domain of meaning.
If as you and Nietzsche imply that all interpretations are equally valid then there is indeed no actual meaning, there is no possible meaning that could be applied.
Its like trying to read a scrawl of pseudo-hieroglyphics. Sure you could just make up your own story and pretend you're reading it from the inscriptions but that does not make your reading at all meaningful only a flimsy illusion of it

>> No.10017578

>it is objectively
Only if you accept the notion that they are actually "creating meaning" which I do not see as anywhere approaching "objective" to observe

>> No.10017589

You misunderstand because you're so mad you only seek points to disagree with and don't even consider what others write.
For those who created meaning it is objectively with meaning for if they created meaning there is a meaning.
Not that the meaning they created is objective for anybody else.
That's why the meaning of man is the Übermensch.

>> No.10017598

>Not that the meaning they created is objective for anybody else.

That's literally the exact opposite of what objective means you stupid nigger

>> No.10017609

It exists objectively FOR THEM. You can't stop reading in the middle of the sentence.
A gives something meaning
B doesn't
The meaning does not exist objectively for B
But the meaning exists for A. B can objectively confirm that the meaning exists for A

>> No.10017617

Neither Nietzsche nor myself imply that all interpretations are equal.

>> No.10017625

> my subjective meaning is objective but only to my subjectivity and has no objective content but its still objective

So this.. this is the power of Nietzsche...

>> No.10017628

As I said you don't even try to understand what people write.

>> No.10017644

My dude you are trying to argue using words in the literal opposite meaning they imply. If you want to be understood I would start with getting your head about fundamental syllogistic logic

>> No.10018353
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>All these replies and not one mention of Heidegger

>> No.10018523

>my nihilism

Nihilism doesn't belong to you, it is an event in which all of the highest values devalue themselves. There is no escape, you can only embrace it and transform yourself.