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File: 73 KB, 529x816, morality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9995948 No.9995948 [Reply] [Original]

if you could force every western person to read one book, what would it be?

>> No.9995956

Mein Kampf

>> No.9995960

The one I recently finished desu.

>> No.9995961

My diary, desu

>> No.9996118

Plato's Symposium.

>> No.9996131

You mean white people? I know it's a meme but I'd have to go with Culture of Critique because it's Wake Up Call the book. Though I've actually recently been rereading the OPs pic, Genealogy, and that's a very good choice as well. Nietzsche was ahead of others of his time in his understanding of the jewish question and lays the truth about it out amazingly in that book.

>> No.9996142

Milk and Honey, just to have a good laugh at the reactions on /lit/.

>> No.9998104

unironically, the quran.
This would probably help to take decisions about islam and islamists country (whatever these decisions are) if the public opinion understood a bit all of this.

>> No.9998109

The bible, or at least the NT

>> No.9998119

Society of the Spectacle

>> No.9998125


>> No.9998136
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Based Stefan Molyneux's new based book, the final defense mechanism against the collapse of western civilization as we know it!

What book could possibly be more important? The white man is dying out, and it's time we armed ourselves with the tools to prevent that fate. Praise Kek, bros.

>> No.9998236

islam isnt a problem. overall the majority of migrants into europe are christian africans

>> No.9998250

Zettle's Traum.
I don't know what it's about, I haven't read it but I know it's long as fuck and it would be interesting to see how the vast majority of people would respond to having to read something so long and presumably full of stuff. What the commonly remembered themes were, how people process it and so on.

>> No.9998278
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>> No.9998285


>> No.9998372

You monster

I get anxiety just looking at that book

>> No.9998490

But why this? Serious question, I'm feel like reading.

>> No.9998565
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>> No.9998570

>the jewish question
Why do you refer to it like this? Doesn't the book contain the jewish answer?

>> No.9998575
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>> No.9998596

It deals with the Jewish question

>> No.9998607
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>> No.9998617

The Qur'an

>> No.9998654

Because he's a delusional nazi and is alluding to the final solution

what is this hackneyed nazi faux intellectualist trend where one interprets everything as in agreeance with their spook'd worldview

>> No.9998730


>> No.9998735

please let this be ironic

>the thinker on the cover

>> No.9998763
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>> No.9998787

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.9998909

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

>> No.9999129

Moly is so embarrassing, even for /pol/.

>> No.9999131

>overall the majority of migrants into europe are christian africans


>> No.9999137

Please let this be a joke. It is such a trash book, especially if you have any interest in Buddhism or Brahmanism.

>> No.9999140

The Beyond Mind Papers: Transpersonal and Metatranspersonal Theory

>> No.9999149

It's a timeless question.

How can you call anyone else delusional when you're the one referring to others using the name of a group that hasn't existed in over 70 years? Are you stupid or something?

>> No.9999205

Yeah, Nietzsche also calls "to expel the anti-Semitic screamers from the country” because they are opposed to [assimilating the Jews according to their wishes.]" in Beyond Good and Evil. Nietzsche had a contempt for the state, so it should be noted that he would have been very anti-fascist.

>> No.9999257

You're an idiot for making such a biased proclamation. Nietzsche didn't live long enough to see the extent of the destruction jews caused in Germany leading up to the Weimar period, not to mention the post-1917 genocide jewish bosheviks led in Russia. Fascism was purely a response to jewish actions.

>> No.9999264

What is the question?
What's the deal with joos?

>> No.9999272


An ebook so they could all get hold of it im a timely manner
Either that or a book with rather large print

>> No.9999284

The question is what do we do with these people who think they have a right to live in our countries and destroy them while whining and creating international drama fests every time anyone even talks negatively about their presence. It's a human virus whites can't get rid of, that has deeply brainwashed people assumedly like yourself who are under the incorrect impression that they're just like you because they tell you they are.

>> No.9999339

Actually I don't assume anyone is just like me. Not Jews or other whites.

>> No.9999459

I was the one who was assuming. I know you think you are a unique individual.

>> No.9999466

Really makes me drink.

>> No.9999474

a big poetry anthology
out loud
probably Norton's

>> No.9999545

Special, no, unique, yes. Noone has been raised quite like me, or had the same progression of thoughts combined with life events. I'd say the same of any person of any race, too, though I do admit people CAN be brainwashed to some extent.

>> No.9999559
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I haven't read it but I assume the title might be relevant.

>> No.9999748

Plato: The Complete Works

Also good picks.

>> No.9999753

Catcher in the Rye just to hear the sea of groans

>> No.9999786

Your personal sense of your own uniqueness stems from a uniquely European sense of individualism, meaning you're less unique than you think you are since you are likely unable to truly appreciate where that uniqueness came from. That was my point.

>> No.9999809
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The Upanishads, regardless of your religious persuasion.

>> No.9999833

>being X is dependant on whether you understand why you have your conceptualisation of X.
Silly argument.

>> No.9999835


holy shit im going to bed

>> No.9999838
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Mein Neger

>> No.9999899

Bed bugs... Easy on the anons.

>> No.9999967

>having the entire world read Parmenides

>> No.10000060

Anti-tech revolution: why and how, by Dr. Theodore Kaczynski

>> No.10000066

I'm not a prescriptivist and think you know what I mean.

>> No.10000074

Nietszche was not an antisemite.

Its strange to do the ressentimente thing towards a group of people that don't even actually have mastery over you.

i don't know what sort of life you have to lead where, even if you subscribe to the jewconspiracy, it actually could conceivably affect your life in any serious manner. like, who cares?

>> No.10000196

The Bible

>> No.10000215
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If by that you mean his answer to the JQ is that the Jews are the master-race and we should mix with them then yes, he's vastly ahead of the curve even today.

He also right identified the real question, The Antisemite Question.

>> No.10000229

>so it should be noted that he would have been very anti-fascist.
I think that's an over-simplification. On the whole because of the rampant nationalism and anti-Semitism he wouldn't like it, but I do think there are some currents of fascism he would have had strong sympathies for. Particularly ones like the Italian Futurists.

>> No.10000232

>Nietzsche didn't live long enough to see the extent of the destruction jews caused in Germany leading up to the Weimar period
And? Even Nietzsche knew that Kr*uts are shit.

>> No.10000236


>> No.10000319
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>uniquely European sense of individualism

>> No.10000603

>You mean white people?
No, he means western people. Did you not read?

>> No.10000614

What is the path that brought you to this conclusion? Have you suddenly realized that you are a half-man completely devoid of qualities, so that national pride immediatly became literally the only tool you've got to respect yourself?

Serious question desu

>> No.10000628
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>suicidally depressive, nihilistic,

oh hmm, yes definitely would "mix"

>> No.10000666

>if you could force every western person to read one book, what would it be?

Most definitely the bible. There would be no more Christianity. At least the West would finally be able to think freely.

>> No.10000690


>satanic post with false implications
>triple sixes

sounds about right.

>> No.10000693

>implying you can be less than 100% unique
Again Nietzsche was miles ahead when he said something along the lines of this idea, that two things can ever be the same and/or equal, is a lie taught by mathematics, I believe it was in Beyond Good and Evil.

>> No.10000698
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yes, what the west needs now is more "freedumbs" and democracy too

>> No.10000707

One day, there will be a poster writing about European history on /lit/ who isn't an American who got all of his historical knowledge from edgy youtube videos

This day is not today

>> No.10000708

>Peace symbol
>No more racism
>Open borders for everyone
>Stop the hate

So basically the continuation of Christian values?

>> No.10000735

get your head out of yer ass, anon.

>> No.10000748


yes the people holding those signs represent Christianity. What the West needs is more enlightened humanism and freedumbs.

>> No.10000749
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> this much fedora tipping
vade retro, satan

>> No.10000754

The Bible
t. atheist

>> No.10000772

Only the noblest of men experience the profoundest excesses of misery and happiness.

>> No.10000808

t. Christopher Hitchens

>> No.10000921

Meditations by Aurelius

>> No.10001986

Western people = white people.

>> No.10001999
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>Culture of Critique

>> No.10002001

I came here to post this.

>> No.10002021

Race is the fundamental thing that determines who we are, and European individualism is the reason why Europeans have been responsible for 97% of all innovation. But this individualism has become a hindrance since many automatically think this unique trait of ours is one that is possessed by non-whites when it's not.

>> No.10002024
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Not sure much people will understand it though

>> No.10002064

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.10002096

>All Europeans are white.

>> No.10002107

Are you European? If so, you know you're using a jewish d&c talking point, right?

>> No.10002109
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>responsible for 97% of all innovation
I recognize that fake news talking point.

Are you the guy who literally does nothing but spam the same image macros and out-of-context quotations, hoping to redpill people on one of 4chan's slowest boards?

Why? Why do you spend your free time shouting into the void? You could actually be reading but you spend so much time here spamming the same stuff over and over.

I don't understand. Why do people do this?

>> No.10002123

Sorry to burst your bubble, but isn't it about the time our youtube philosoper got an actual grip on logic and philosophy?



>> No.10002142

Are you disputing the statement?

>> No.10002201

>oy vey, i'll just claim that hes wrong then monologue for a paragraph using reddit spacing without providing any counter points and hope someone believes me. that'll persuade the dumb goyim

>> No.10002572

>paragraphs are reddit spacing

All the natives of Europe would have generally adopted that same worldview, that they were the only white ones, surrounded by enemies who weren't truly white. They would have likely though themselves superior to those tribes around them too. But now you group all Europeans as a single entity betraying the tradition of your ancestors (which you would no doubt otherwise claim to cherish), in part thanks to their racemixing. Pure hilarity and hypocrisy

>muh only Europeans are individualistic
>97% of all innovation
[citation needed]

>> No.10002577
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>not twilight of the idols

>> No.10002600

>racemixing is nationmixing

>> No.10002731


>> No.10002752

i have unironically never met a christian that has actually read the bible

>> No.10002779
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>> No.10004126


>> No.10004131

>imagine being this much of a brainlet
is this how browsing /pol/ feels?

>> No.10004484

the road

>> No.10004510
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>> No.10004542
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>> No.10004581

the ego and its own desu

>> No.10004685
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>not the Mahabharata

>> No.10004740

Not an argument, try again.

>> No.10004753

for one you used the wrong word, fascism is an economic policy. for two the german cultural movement was in part a reaction to jewish influence but also a reaction to post ww1 defeatism and also a rising liberal individualist sentiment in europe, and also as a reaction to the cultural influences of free press. the jewish part was only one aspect of it and it probably would have still happened to some extent even without a JQ in germany.

>> No.10004768

The communist manifesto

>> No.10004781

Races don't really exist in a rigorous scientific sense, it's just based on what arbitrary level you choose to start dividing and grouping populations, like Continental or global tbqh

>> No.10004787


>> No.10004805


>> No.10004814

people can just migrate over water just as viably as over land right

>> No.10004815

Good pick, but I'd rather go with Benatar.

>> No.10004816

just like pretty much every biological classification

>> No.10004826

For the peoples of most isolated landmasses, yes, because they sort of have to. But, I think I see your point, though elaborate further

No. Taxonomy is the same, but you won't find autists crying about how they're part of the superior phylum or whatnot. But, there are far more biological classifications than taxonomy and they are often not created in the fashion I described.

>> No.10004831

isolation of landmass is kind of a spectrum desu
when it comes to eurasia the difference between eastern europeans and western arabs or central asians and east asians is still pretty apparant even considering the lack of actual boundaries. i know what you mean but no biological classifications are perfect, they work enough to be useful within scientific thought though.

>> No.10004833

autists would cry about that desu

>> No.10004839

Basing classifications on differences in superficial attributes, extreme and apparent though they may be if you zoom out to an arbitrary degree, is bad science

Races aren't used in scientific thought though, only populations are

>> No.10004840

see what you're not getting is that just because the definition isn't clear doesn't mean something doesn't exist

>> No.10004844

they arent and even if they are it wouldnt matter, as long as they differ in some attributes they are considered to be different
also mountains and deserts and oceans and infertile land all prevent the mixing of people

>> No.10004848

Because the definition isn't clear, you can adjust your preferences arbitrarily until you get the desired result
>oh look, only anglos like me are white
>wait, now northern Europeans like me are really white
>feels great to be white, my European brethren
>hey, you can be white too, my slightly Asian Russian friends
And if can mean anything, it means nothing specifically, making it useless.

>they aren't
[citation needed]
Yes, they can be different. Any two people are different in some way. But are they different in a useful sense? Protip: not really

>> No.10004863

>useful sense
those are opinions, useful to what? to who? why even say that?
just use cranial volume measurements if you want to, its not perfect but it works in most cases
i get the feeling you are saying these things just because they are "politically correct" and not because you actually think they are rationally correct. thats bigotry bud

>> No.10004880
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Unironically this.

>> No.10004899

not really, you can group people into specific genetic groups and call it whatever you want, there aren't really preferences involved. the idea that it's useless is pretty retarded, particularly in a medical sense. Different groups are prone to different diseases, thus looking at someone's race can help you determine a particular cause. It's also pretty useful in an evolutionary sense, different races are better adapted to live in different environments. White people would be shit at surviving in egypt, australian aborigines are adapted to seeing further and so on

>> No.10005031
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>White people would be shit at surviving in egypt
You know white people were the elite in Egypt and used to live throughout the middle east, right? Even Indians speak an Indo-European language to this day. They came down from somewhere up north, likely between Ukraine and Turkey (supposedly--the actual origns aren't clear), and brought civilization to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Iran, and, evidence shows, even as far as China. It's a common mistake for people to believe those currently living anywhere have always lived there, and the Arabs now living in the middle east did not live there before, but came up from the Saudi peninsula and spread out over a long period of time that continues to this day.

>> No.10005058

im as conpiracy theorist /pol/tard as anyone here but that theory doesnt have much evidence to it. its likely that they were more similar to mediterraneans but i doubt they were 90 or 100% european. you probably believe in the oera linde book too

>> No.10005092

What I said is documented mainstream history. Nothing controversial at all. I've done a lot of research on the subject.

>> No.10005106

ok, i'll hear you out, desu i havent seen that much beyond those sketchy infographics and the fact that some sculputure's irises were made of blue lapis lazuli, also the genetic tests on corpses you posted.

mind giving me the quick rundown? sources?

>> No.10005121

do you actually believe they were white skinned? the levantians definitely weren't white skinned, they probably looked like middle easterners do now. that wasn't the original point of my post regardless, obviously over time if white people lived in egypt we would adapt due to natural selection however currently we're not well suited to the desert. We'd fair about as well as the irish people living here in Australia

>> No.10005124
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>I've done a lot of research on the subject
>posts a screenshot of a popsci article instead of a collection of scientific papers

>> No.10005125

it's bullshit, no reputable historian believes that the levantians had white skin

>> No.10005135

Well, everything should be stuff you can easily find information on (Indo-European migrations, Aryan conquerings of India and Iran, nations that again to this day speak Indo-European languages, genetic tests showing higher castes share European genetics, and all this going as far east to China) -- that is all well-documented. There is less concrete information about Indo-European tribes (or any other group specifically) creating those early civilizations, but I think it's pretty obvious who did knowing Indo-Europeans were living throughout the ME and that semitic tribes were essentially unknown because they apparently hadn't left the Arabian peninsula until they swarmed, took over, and destroyed those civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and into today. You see the same patterns and there is all kinds of evidence that more or less confirms it, as with that pic I attached of ancient Egyptians being closely related to present day Europeans and having nothing in common genetically with present day Egyptians (who merely spread to north Africa as they did in Mesopotamia and obliterated it because they're retarded and can't maintain something like that). This stuff is complex but that's pretty much it in a nutshell, and that's not even touching the "conspiracy" realm stuff about pre-flood civilizations that there is a lot more information about than most realize.

>> No.10005137

Useful to anthropologists
Citation on cranial volume measurements being a rough proxy for race
I have no interest in being PC, though since 4chan tends to be right of center it might appear such. My statements are based on actual utility to real scientists

Since humans have many genes with many permutations of those genes, it's not really as easy as "specific genetic groups"
Yes, different populations may have different prevalences of certain genes and phenotypic traits, so?

>> No.10005139
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>> No.10005143

The genetic studies of Egyptian mummies have shown the elites had red hair and are related to over half of white Britons today, so why wouldn't they? Celtic most likely, and the celts were everywhere back then.

>> No.10005145

>Yes, different populations may have different prevalences of certain genes and phenotypic traits, so?
it is meaningless to me, i just get over seeing people using the continuum fallacy to say that race doesn't exist

>> No.10005149

Also, I think you may have missed the part about Indo-European tribes coming down into the middle east from the north.

>> No.10005158

you are changing your claim. you said that the definable differences did exist but werent "relevant" or "useful" ones, now you are saying that there arent any differences that can be used to scientifically create classifications. any consistent difference no matter how seemingly trivial is used to define race

>> No.10005166

yeah mummies from like 400 BC when it's likely that Scandinavian traders came to egypt and possibly spread their genes to the native population. They didn't magically become white because some traders fucked the shit out of the pharaohs
yes they are called people of the levant. they looked like the middle eastern jews looked like according to anthropologists

>> No.10005169

> they looked like the middle eastern jews look** like according to anthropologists

>> No.10005172

The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan
It talk about rational thinking

>> No.10005173

Tutankhamun lived in 1300s BC and Scandinavians aren't Celts. Not sure what you're talking about and think you should read up a bit before jumping in.

>> No.10005182

Given the intrapopulation diversity that is huge in races, particularly the "black" race, there are no consistent differences, especially genetic ones, that don't rely on the setting of an arbitrary marker (like you must be *this* dark to be black)

>> No.10005185

no one knows what tutankhaman looked like, everyone has accepted that we'll never know. you're obviously extremely biased, it's like i'm debating a fucking WE WUZ KANGZ cunt

>> No.10005190

>differences within "races"
compare those differences and the things that are the same within to other "races" and see
>skin colour is an arbitrary marker
what makes you think that? its a good a marker as any since it requires a long period of time to adapt to a particular climate and also is reliably spread and inhereted (child is halfway between the two parents)

>> No.10005194

Who's talking about looks? I'm talking about genetics, which determine looks and is the only thing that matters here, R1B specifically. Go be an idiot elsewhere, you clearly do not belong in this discussion.

>> No.10005203

But there is more genetic difference inside the "black" race then there is between the "black" and "white" races

It's arbitrary because where you put your cutoff to belong to a particular population is arbitrary
>it's a good as marker as any
That's because they're all shit

>> No.10005206

Infinite Jest

>> No.10005211
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#weareallhuman #racedoesntexist
>R1B specifically
ok, first of all, no one takes that test seriously, it's been discredited. and if you're not talking about looks then fuck you for wasting my time. All i fucking said was that white people obviously wouldn't survive well in egypt due to the harsh climate and i get this fucking WE WUZer arguing with me about how the ancient egyptians were fucking white which they obviously weren't. Now you're saying you're not talking about looks??? go jerk yourself off to your fucking aryan atlantis bullshit

>> No.10005220

You are clearly a stupid person. And you're black, aren't you? Little out of place here, spook. Egyptian civilization was created by European people and it collapsed slowly as those European people dwindled in number and were overtaken by semites from the east, though the elite remained European as has been shown by genetic data. If you think blacks or arabs, who can't even keep their shit countries Europeans created for them together today, built these civilizations, you are delusional. The main thing whites should understand from this, though, is how important it is to not let your civilization be overrun with africans and arabs, which is happening again now, because they destroy these things that only white people can build.

>> No.10005232

plenty of ancient civilisations were created by arabs, some of them contain indo-european symbols and therefore some european cultural/genetic influence but you cant possibly say that all of them creators or denizens were especially in egypt that is literally only viably accessible through fucking ARABIA.

like i said, i have a full understanding of the JQ, of the importance of genetic mental ability, im no progressivist useful idiot but your theory only has sketchy evidence supporting it at best. you use circular logic in your arguments that exaggerates the ability and lacking ability of races. semites were mostly slaves in egypt not citizens, you cant cross the med in large numbers without highly functional ships, you cant cross the sahara in large numbers without breeding camels for centuries and getting lucky.

>> No.10005242

>genetics is the only thing that matters
are you actually retarded? the concept of race has existed long before the advent of any study of genetics. it IS a concept connected to appearance and taxonomy, not dna. when people call you white or black they are talking about your appearance and assumed ancestry

>> No.10005272

You just need to accept that you aren't very informed on this subject, and now I'm having to repeat stuff I already said: that Europeans lived throughout the middle east, that Indo-European tribes are speculated to even have originated in Anatolia (Turkey), and that semites hadn't even left the Arabian peninsula by the time everything in Egypt was already built, that was likely built thousands of years before semites had even left their squatting space in Yemen. If you're a race realist you should already know that semites have never built anything, and certainly weren't capable of maintaining these kinds of advanced societies. They never have. They can't do it now. So what in the world makes you think they did thousands of years ago? They are the destroyers of these things, and the people you find in a place like Egypt are literally the leftover invaders who destroyed it, which is why they have 0% in common genetically from the elite that was there up until what was left from Egypt made its way to Greece and on and on up to today.

>> No.10005280

DNA supplies the most accurate determination of race. I also didn't in any way imply that the concept of race didn't exist before the the advent of genomics so I don't know what your point is.

>> No.10005299

DNA testing supplies the most accurate determination of genetic composition and ancestry. The concept of race exists completely divorced from lab results

>> No.10005314

its for cultural reasons that they dont build and create, their average IQ is about 90 if i recall which isnt that bad. if christian europeans could build the world then arabs could just about mange some thing similar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman_Empire#Architecture . your idea that they cant possibly build a civilisation is simply wrong imo

that isnt true and at this point you are just restating your point

>> No.10005332

>that isnt true
Most of the discourse on race pertains to matters such as shared ancestry, culture, taxonomical classification (looks) and other; social sciences academics, racists, white nationalists, black nationalists and the common folk aren't referring at all to genes when they talk about race. The fact that a DNA analysis can pinpoint with certain accuracy the populations that compose some individual's ancestry doesn't at all deprecate or supersede the socially constructed idea of race.

>> No.10005336

I will slightly amend that statement to say that, because many middle easterners contain significant Indo-European admixture from the various civilizations that existed in the region, and especially the Turks who were the foundation of the Ottoman empire, there is an elite crust that is competent -- but only due to this European admixture. And because Turkey is only quasi arab due to their history with Greece and that European admixture, meh, it's kind of pulling hairs. The same dynamic exists in India and Iran: the elites have significant European admixture and this is why part of the Indian population is fairly competent while the rest still bathes in their own feces.

>> No.10005339

>if you could force every western person to read one book, what would it be?

The Lotus Sutra

>> No.10005344

*splitting* hairs.

>> No.10005371

yeah i think i can agree with that one mostly however i still think you are wrong on the absolutist mentality. it helps for sure but i dont think its necessary in every circumstance

>> No.10005394

>Fascism was purely a response to jewish actions.

You realize how self-destructive it is of you to defend an ideology that usually kills retards first, right?

>> No.10005417

What kind of logic is this? Jewish bolsheviks killed the most intelligent people first; that's far more cruel and evil than killing retarded people first.

>> No.10006770

He was calling you retarded, champ.

>> No.10007150

I have two copies in df. editions but just vant seem to find the motivation. (help)