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/lit/ - Literature

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10004788 No.10004788 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into reading?
How do I stop getting bored when it's more fun to browse the internet?
What books should I read if I haven't read a book finish in 24 years?
How do you enjoy books if you have no imagination?

>> No.10004824
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Stop being a child, you nigger, and grow up

>> No.10005646

How? No book has ever sucked me in nor has any other hobby in the world. I've never find myself truly enjoying something.

>> No.10005653

jesus fucking christ, kid

>> No.10005659

Watch your language sir!

>> No.10005662

What is your personal philosophy you follow?

>> No.10005665


>> No.10005681
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First and foremost, reading isn't for everyone. You are a retard, a pleb, and not fit for high-brow content consumption.

Stick to your anime and video games, I'm dead serious - You'll be better off for it.

>> No.10005747

I can't watch anime or play video game without being distracted.

>> No.10005759

Read some of the few books that dont completely suck ass

Also, maybe start with some lighter reading. Here are 3 pretty quick & quite excellent books that are heavily interconnected, and sortof teach you a "whole" (even though they arent written by the same authors, or even in the same centuries):

- How To Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie)
- The Prince (Machiavelli)
- Rules for Radicals (Alinsky)

read those 3. seriously.
and keep in mind, Alinsky is kinda full of shit. but hes right on point about what that book is about

>> No.10005760

I read the first one and got bored about 2/3 the way through and switched to the audiobook. Most of the stuff he says is bullshit and it's just to let people take advantage of your niceness. "Let other people think they created the idea when you created it", that's stupid.

>> No.10005770

no dude, its not about being nice. its about making people do what you want them to do. its scheming, but the book doesnt phrase it that way

the prince ties into it, but its just astonishingly honest about it. "make sure you kill even the babies when you overthrow someone", that type of shit. and "rules for radicals" is written by this semi-commie asshole, but he basically just presents how you make someone with more power than you bend to your will. all 3 books are sortof about this subject, and they are all really short. like roughly 100 pages each, on average.

but if that subject doesnt interest you at all, here is one of my favorite books of all time:

How An Economy Grows and Why it Crashes (Peter Schiff)

its a cunt-easy read that teaches you something very complicated by making it sound really simple. that book, you can probably finish it all in a few hours, and its really really fucking good. its written by one of the few people who 100% predicted the 2008 financial crisis

>> No.10005775

Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School

This is the only book I've read finished in the past 24 years.
I can't read fiction because it's way too hard to imagine how the people look and keeping track of events. Books should illustrations once in a while so people can remember.

>> No.10005778


>> No.10005781

How An Economy Grows and Why it Crashes (Peter Schiff)
How An Economy Grows and Why it Crashes (Peter Schiff)
How An Economy Grows and Why it Crashes (Peter Schiff)

fucking tons of illustrations. read that one, seriously. top 3 books ive ever read. and its not fiction. i never read fiction. fiction is for faggots

>> No.10005783

Why was reading mandatory in schools then?

Pictures display poorly on my kobo

>> No.10005787

lol k be a worthless illiterate retard then. kys

>> No.10005792

>complains that books dont have illustrations
>then doesnt want to read book because of illustrations

oh my cunt, neck yourself you absolute imbecile moron

>> No.10005796

Educate yourself.
You will find yourself more and more bored by most aspects of the internet. Yeah, I know how I sound, but it's true.

>> No.10005808

Would using a podoroma timer work?
30 minutes of internet means I have to read for 10 minutes?
Eventually once I enjoy it enough, I can read for 30 minutes and then take a 10 minute berak.

>> No.10006470

once read about someone who did math with gummy bears. after every page of mastery he would eat a gummy bear to reward himself.

>> No.10007583

Honestly it sounds like you need to get up and go for a walk outside. Just get in a habit of going for a walk every day. You can listen to audio books, podcasts, or music. You listen to sounds of nature or traffic and your sorry neighbors, depending upon where you live. You just need to get away from a screen and work on extending your concentration time.

>> No.10009029

Gen Z, everybody. This is what happens when you let iPhones and tablets parent your children.

>> No.10009035

Wrong, I'm the desktop computer generation.

>> No.10009036

Here's some little tips, OP.

Find a book you're interested in. Don't bullshit me, there's something out there for you, whether it's Stephen King because you liked that Kubrick movie or whether it's YA fiction because you and your mates were hyped on Facebook for wow so deep Hunger Games, very political. Whatever the fuck, just pick up something easily accessible.

Force yourself to read 5 pages a day. It's not much (and it's more than the average person reads anyway). You'll gradually reach points in the book that interest you and you'll eventually push yourself to read more.

If you're that addicted to the internet, shut off all your devices and unplug your router or whatever. Remove all distractions and go somewhere quiet, like a room in your house you don't use frequently, or go to a library. Read there. Without distractions you're more likely to read for longer periods of time.

After you've read that book, read another. You'll find another book by the same author, or a book that inspired the book you just read, or maybe something new altogether. Rinse and repeat.

You'll eventually graduate from baby-core literature like Hunger Games, Stephen King, Harry Potter, etc, and the more you visit active online communities looking for good recommendations, the more interesting stuff you'll read (See; /lit/ starter kit - it's baby-core that everyone's read except you, but it's a good starting point and allows you to venture out into your own interesting territory afterwards without feeling put-off).

You can fuck off back to /tv/ though if you're just here to shitpost. Summer's over, go back to fucking school, you dunce.

>> No.10009095

I'm using the Pomodoro timer
25 minutes of internet usage means I have to force myself to read for 5 minutes.
I'm reading Animal Farm now.

>> No.10009346

That seems like it might be a useful tool, keep going with it, anon.

Animal Farm is a nice start. If you like that, I'm sure you're already aware of 1984 and Brave New World (that's Aldous Huxley but the book is often paired with 1984).

If you want a few more short, accessible reads worth your time (reading at a good pace, they could be finished in a day or two, but if your pace is slow, it's fine if it takes a week), try:
John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men
Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, A View from the Bridge (all three of them are great)

Short stories from writers like HP Lovecraft tend to hook a lot of new readers too. Re-Animator, Rats in the Walls, In The Mountains of Madness, the list goes on. If you want to start collection books physically (or if you download them digitally), try and pick up the Necronomicon collection. It's a nice start with a lot of great short stories. Always thought The Cats of Ulthar was unsettling and it's like only 5 pages long.

>> No.10009774

My problem with books is that they have too many pages
Who wants to read 1000 pages of font size 8 if you end up getting lost or bored 100 pages in?

>> No.10009787

Is there anything you can do without being distracted? What do you do in your free time?

>> No.10009809

You can't appreciate reading by forcing yourself to read. If you spend your day browsing the internet, try to read the wikipedia pages of authors, literary movements and philosophers, maybe you'll get interested. If you don't, and you can't even focus on how a charachter looks (not that it's really important, most of the time), then maybe reading isn't for you. And I'm not saying this as an elitarist oligarchic faggot, I'm just saying that a hobby shouldn't be something you force yourself to be interested in, but something you naturally become interested in at some point in your life

>> No.10009815

Dude I used a pc when I was four, perharps your problem is that you aren't really interested in books

>> No.10009824

You sound dumb, but I'll take as an assumption that you're not. What is that makes you want to read however?

>> No.10009831
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Welp. That's a bookstore. You could go to one, browse until you find a book that interests you, then buy it. Or just sit in the store and read it like a scrub.

When you get bored, move on to the next book. Don't finish shit you don't like.

>> No.10009836

Read more

>> No.10009888

Need a socially acceptable hobby for social situations

>> No.10009964

There's no recovery from being this brain-damaged.

>> No.10009970

>socially acceptable hobby

>> No.10009981

You read non-fiction instead of cutesy fluffy storybooks about made-up non-sense. It's more captivating when it's real.

>> No.10010016

Yup, this is what constant stimulation in today's technological landscape does to you, all the simple sugars and high fructose corn syrup injected in to our modern diets exasperates the problem as well as the stimulate adhd meds like adderall

>> No.10010123
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Start reading every day, like half an hour, 10 minutes, a page or 1 sentence, just pick the amount you know you can manage and increase it every week by a little bit.
You seem to lack self control so get rid of your Internet and your phone. You'll be sitting at home and be bored, there will be nothing better to do than reading books. If you don't want to live without a cell phone just turn it off and throw it in another room.
If you have trouble understanding what you're reading or just forget everything right after you've read then just take a bit of time after you've finished reading to recall what happened and tell yourself what you've just read.

But I must agree with other anons, there is no point in forcing yourself to read if you can't stand it. There is no benefit in forcing yourself to do what you hate.

>> No.10010369

To go against the grain, I absolutely think that someone can "get into" reading.

Obviously, a big part is finding something to read that you enjoy. But another aspect, I think, is trying to make reading a habit -- something that you just get the urge to do. In order to do that, you have to spend large amounts of time engaged with the reading process. (The "reading process" is reading itself and things directly associated with reading: looking up words in a dictionary; momentarily putting a book down to predict future events or to have strong reactions to what you've read; looking up references made to things that have already happened or looking up cultural references; etc. Writing down your thoughts about a book is reasonably close to the reading process; engaging in social media related to literature is probably not in the reading process.)

A Pomodoro timer might be good to ease yourself in, but I'd argue that you should put neither an upper nor lower limit on how long you read. Instead, once every hour, read for however long you feel like reading. The important thing is to get used to reading and the reading process. Once you're accustomed to making a book the temporary focus of your life, you'll naturally feel like doing it, even when there are more immediately gratifying things like the internet, cinema, etc.

>> No.10010847

I like to read in a pitch black room with no sound.

>> No.10011418

Do you have ADD?

>> No.10011504

Typical millennial. Too many videogames, not enough discipline. I blame the parents. Still at least he's here trying to improve himself, so maybe all is not lost.

>> No.10011566
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>Reading is for the elite, the upper crust. Pseuds and dilettantes need not apply.

Quit your gatekeeping faggot, reading is for everyone. If you want fewer people stuck to their iPhones, encourage the activity of reading instead.

>> No.10011690

Fell asleep while reading animal farm, I already know the ending but I had a dream of an alternative ending.

The remaining animals left the farm and befriended a wolf and brought it to the farm to get revenge. The wolf couldn't tell the difference between the pigs and the humans and ended up becoming another guard for the pigs.

>> No.10012814

Are Goosebumps good to start with? I loved the CYOA books.

>> No.10013088

Read shorter books like the ones I recommended then, anon. They're barely over 100 pages. Nobody said you needed to start with War & Peace.

>> No.10013908

Like what?
Give me your top 200 short books
I'm reading rezero now

>> No.10014973

I wouldn't recommend it. Reading something like goosebumps is no better than washing anime or playing video games. If you want a short easy book at least read something like The Great Gatsby or Catcher in the Rye. I know these are both meme books but I think they're a decent introduction to literature.

>> No.10015166

>How do I get into reading?
After reading this thread, bottom line is: Don't

>> No.10015997

But before you ride a bicycle, you ride a tricycle or use starting wheels.
Before you drive manual, you learn automatic
Before you Learn how to snorkel before you scuba
Before you Learn how to swim before you snorkel
Before you Learn how to use a smart phone, use a desktop

baby steps, progressive?

>> No.10016007

>nice lamp
>a little bit of alcohol, but not enough to make you forget small details
>ambient lighting

>> No.10016117

go read someplace where you dont have access to a computer

>> No.10016157

I agree, but I think the books I recommended are good even for someone who's just getting into reading. Of course, if OP still thinks they're too much then starting with something like goosebumps is still better than nothing.

>> No.10016173

>you nigger
>Stop being a child
>grow up

>> No.10016182

This, if you still wanna read but are a brainlet stick to LN since they are autistically written in short sentences without any prose to dumbcucks like you digest easily

>> No.10017532

The Greeks.

>> No.10017613


Everybody pretty much nailed it with some great advice. The one thing that I'd add is to start off reading books with sex and violence / books you've seen the movie adaptation.

Read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. If you like it, then read Thompson's Hell's Angels book, or The Great Gatsby. Read American Psycho, and don't worry too much if you have to skip around.

>> No.10017616

Just begin with audiobooks. Take a walk outside while listening to the book of your choice.

That's how I started anyway. Now I have a whole collection of books.